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目的随着企业信息系统建设的深入,对信息系统界面设计和用户体验质量评估提出了新的要求。本研究将层次分析法(AHP)引入信息系统用户体验评价体系中,构建信息系统用户体验评价模型。方法针对信息系统的自身特点,通过文献检索分析和专家法,首先构建信息系统用户体验评价体系。然后信息系统产品5年以上经验用户及有5年以上计算机软件用户体验的研究专家共8人在现场对信息系统的用户体验过程进行指标评分,计算与分析信息系统用户体验评价各层次指标权值。结果信息系统用户体验评价一级评价指标及其权重值为:感官性体验(0.27)、有用性体验(0.27)、可用性体验(0.25)、情感性体验(0.21);其次,信息系统用户体验评价各二级评价指标及其权重值为:感官性体验的各个指标中,色彩搭配(0.19)、界面布局(0.32)、字体字号(0.15)、总体吸引力(0.34);有用性体验的各个指标中,功能完备性(0.40)、需求契合性(0.60);可用性体验的各个指标中,可学习性(0.21)、效率性(0.32)、可记忆性(0.17)、出错性(0.30);情感性体验的各个指标中,友好性(0.27)、惊喜感(0.11)、可控性(0.28)、安全感(0.34)。结论本研究结果为开展信息系统用户体验评价提供了科学的模型指导。  相似文献   

提出了一个通过管网水力计算在管网中实现自控阀合理布置的方法。将自控阀的局部水头损失引入管网水力计算当中,计算自控阀在每个管段不同开启度条件下对管网压力变化的影响程度,提出管网影响度的概念。并以实例管网进行验证,得出了自控阀在管网中合理布置的一般原则。研究证明,该方法具有实用、简便、易于操作等特点,非常有利于在供水企业中的应用。  相似文献   

付自由  兰建义  王放 《包装工程》2021,42(1):230-236
目的 解决现有的包装产品不符合绿色理念,缺乏统一的规定和评价方法问题.方法 建立绿色包装评价体系,在FAHP(模糊层次分析法)的基础上,根据每层指标的特点来确定权重,其中5个一级指标采用层次分析法,13个二级指标考虑到主客观性,采用了专家权重系数和熵权法相结合的方法,最后结合包装产品绿色满意度调查问卷进行包装绿色度模糊综合评价,得出一个包装绿色度评价值.结果 以义乌市某包装厂为实例进行验证,发放了500份调查问卷,回收432份.经过运算,得出一个直观的绿色度评价值为80.714,评价等级达到优.结论 文中评价指标的建立科学合理,所用方法数据易获取,计算过程简便,结果准确直观,有一定的理论和现实意义.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the customer satisfaction of power users using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. The objective is to safeguard the interests of electricity consumers and to increase the profitability of the energy distributer. Compared with previous work based on customer questionnaires describing the level of satisfaction, and where the solution is judged to be random due to the low significance of the studied sample, this paper develops a novel strategy. It is based on a global and transparent process regarding the reliability and economic criteria associated with alternatives, highlighting technical and organisational measures taken by the enterprise. The importance of reliability and economic criteria to the alternatives is processed using reliability indices analysis and cost benefit analysis methods. To analyse the customer's reactions to the decisions taken by the system's manager, and to validate the obtained results using the AHP method, we introduce economic criteria often used in the case of an uncertain future. The obtained results indicate the advantage of investment to improve customer satisfaction and enterprise profitability. It is also shown that reliability criteria are significant in the performance of a business and are an important asset for the justification of new projects.  相似文献   

Reliability target definition is a crucial aspect of any reliability analysis. In literature, there are two types of analysis. The first one, called ‘bottom‐up’, goes back to the system's target using data of units through a fault tree analysis. Reliability data of components could be only partially available, particularly in the case of innovative systems. In the second type of analysis, called ‘top‐down’, starting from similar systems, the target of each unit is defined, by applying allocation techniques. Also, in this case, reliability data of similar systems might not be available, and the choice of the most appropriate technique could be tricky. The purpose of the present research is to combine the advantages of both usual approaches. The newly developed approach is based on the integrated factors method, whose values are adjusted trough a multicriteria method, the analytic hierarchy process, depending on the importance of each factor and each unit. The innovation of the proposed model consists in its dynamism, as most of the literature methods use constant weights for the factors involved in reliability allocation. No method takes into account the assignment of a different level of significance (weight) to different units of the system, simultaneously with the considered factors. The developed approach has been applied on an aerospace prototype system. The results show the goodness of the new method and its ability to overcome the problems noted in literature. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

赵福厚 《工业工程》2010,13(4):91-95
运用系统演化理论中状态变量的确定方法和AHP法对FDI产业系统进行分析,以便找出其中的主导子系统。利用此方法对天津市FDI产业系统77个子系统进行实证分析,找出对整个FDI产业系统状态变量影响较大的主导子系统产业为4个,它们的综合指数均超过了2个单位。  相似文献   

This paper proposes the joint use of the AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) and the ICB (IPMA Competence Baseline), as a tool for the decision-making process of selecting the most suitable managers for projects. A hierarchical structure, comprising the IPMA’s ICB 3.0 contextual, behavioural and technical competence elements, is constructed for the selection of project managers. It also describes the AHP implementation, illustrating the whole process with an example using all the 46 ICB competence elements as model criteria. This tool can be of high interest to decision-makers because it allows comparing the candidates for managing a project using a systematic and rigorous process with a rich set of proven criteria.  相似文献   

考虑网络服务水平对农产品供应链网络分销渠道模式选择的影响,提出了直销网店和代理网店两种供应链网络分销渠道,及分别构建了直销网店模式和代理网店销模式的博弈模型,得到了农业生产企业收益最大化角度下网络分销渠道模式选择策略,并对比分析了供应链收益最大化角度下网络分销渠道模式选择策略。研究发现, 当线上销售价格与线下销售价格的比值低于一定值时,无论网店的网络服务成本有多低,农业生产企业都不会开展线上销售业务; 当直销网店的网络服务成本系数适中时,农业生产企业收益最大化角度下分销渠道模式选择策略将不利于供应链整体效率的提升;网络分销渠道市场占潜在市场规模百分比能正向影响对直销网店模式的选择。  相似文献   


When understanding how members of the armed forces make decisions in war current military doctrine centers on the military decision-making process (MDMP) – a linear process of identifying, evaluating and choosing the best course of action, while wider theoretical contributions focus on recognition prime models (RPD) of decision-making. In this article, we argue that the SAFE-T model of critical incident decision-making can elucidate the process of decision-making during military operations. The SAFE-T model states that effective decision-making follows a sequential process of situation assessment (SA), plan formulation (F) and plan execution (E) phases, and team learning (T). The central innovation of the SAFE-T model; however, is that it highlights the different ways in which decision-making can de-rail from this optimal strategy, resulting in decision inertia. This article discusses the implications of employing the SAFE-T model as a framework to study military decision-making both in the lab and in the field.  相似文献   

This paper provides a multicriteria performance measurement model to measure a manufacturing firm's performance in terms of areas of success, which can be defined as critical areas in generating revenues and controlling costs in the operations of a manufacturing firm. In developing the performance measurement model, the Analytic Network Process (ANP) approach is used. The ANP approach, which is the general form of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) methodology, is recommended when independence among different elements of a system assumption is violated. In a manufacturing system, the system's attributes are interrelated. Furthermore, the relative importance of these attributes with respect to each other and their contribution to the overall performance are affected by the competitive strategies applied by the manufacturing firms. The performance evaluation model developed here incorporates the competitive strategies and interdependence between the system attributes in its hierarchical structure and achieves a more realistic and accurate representation of the firm's long-term performance.  相似文献   

结合过程能力指数的概念,运用统计容差法构建出供应链流程作业时间模型,该模型包括企业内各流程作业时间的宽容值、时间范围和宽容区间.若模型所计算交付时间不符合顾客的要求,则需要计算出各主要流程时间的准确率,并通过与标准的比较来评估影响交付时间的关键流程.  相似文献   

针对由入侵检测及入侵防御子系统所构成的网络空间供应链安全体系,研究供应链上下游企业共同投资安全体系构建的合作协调机制。考虑入侵防御子系统和入侵检测子系统的投资存在成本互补效应,分析了供应链福利最大化情况下的入侵防御子系统和入侵检测子系统的最优安全努力水准,并探讨了离散决策情形下安全体系构建的投资决策机制,以及供应商与零售商共同负责入侵检测与入侵防御子系统的投资决策机制。在此基础上,设计了供应链安全体系构建投资的奖惩协调机制,实现了上下游对不同子系统投资的协调与合作。  相似文献   

分析了建筑室内给水排水管道噪声产生与传播的原因,探讨了控制建筑室内给排水管道噪声的相应措施。从设计和施工两方面出发,论述了给排水管道的布置、给排水管材的选用及给水泵房的减振隔声等内容  相似文献   

选取办公建筑内的一个计算单元为分析对象,建立了办公建筑的冷却塔供冷温度计算模型,分析了室内冷却塔供冷工况下冷源侧供冷温度的影响因素,提出了办公建筑冷却塔供冷系统运行的适宜运行工况。  相似文献   

城市供热管网由于其管网特性与动力设备以及热用户的阻力不相等,引起了整个管网系统的水力失调,为了使管网系统达到水力平衡,本文将利用流体网络模拟软件对供热系统进行模拟计算,对管网系统进行控制调节以达到理想的运行状态。  相似文献   

This article presents a case for practical application of the GAMM method, which has been developed and published by the authors. The GAMM method supports decision making in the overall maintenance management, through the visualization and graphical analysis of data. In addition, it allows for the identification of anomalous behavior in the equipment analyzed, whether derived from its own operations, maintenance activities, improper use of equipment or even as a result of design errors in the equipment itself. As a basis for analysis, the GAMM method uses a nonparametric estimator of the reliability function using all historical data or, alternatively, part of the history, allowing it to perform an analysis even with limited available data. In the case study presented, the GAMM method has been used to analyze two existing equipment parts in a sewage treatment plant located in Chile. The equipment analyzed were two progressive cavity pumps (BCP) which are part of the industrial process in the treatment plant. Both pumps are the same make and model and subjected to the same maintenance program, but one had a higher failure rate compared to its counterpart. The application of the GAMM method has identified deficiencies in each of the pumps being studied, thus improving decision‐making and problem‐solving process related to the maintenance of the pumps. RCM methodology was used to draft a new maintenance plan. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a multi‐criteria decision‐making approach for the selection of a sustainable product‐package design, accounting for the different actors within a food supply chain. The study extends the focus of sustainable packaging design to the collective of all supply chain actors. Decision criteria are identified via a literature review, and current product‐package alternatives are collected via interviews. With the inputs of these criteria and the alternative designs, a multi‐criteria decision‐making problem is formulated and solved using Best Worst Method (BWM). BWM finds the weights of the criteria. Using these weights, the ranking of the alternatives is found. The implementation of the analysis took place for three selected products of the Kraft Heinz Company. Data on the preferences of the supply chain members of these selected products were collected, and the optimal package designs were selected. It is shown through sensitivity analysis that modifying the weights that decision makers assign to the preferences of the supply chain members and the importance of the dimensions of sustainability have an effect on the selection of the optimal design.  相似文献   

Urbanization is a potential factor in economic development, which is a main route to social development. As the scale of urbanization expands, the quality of the urban water environment may deteriorate, which can have a negative impact on sustainable urbanization. Therefore, a comprehensive understanding of the functions of the urban water environment is necessary, including its security, resources, ecology, landscape, culture, and economy. Furthermore, a deep analysis is required of the theoretical basis of the urban water environment, which is associated with geographical location, landscape ecology, and a low-carbon economy. In this paper, we expound the main principles for constructing a system for the urban water environment (including sustainable development, ecological priority, and regional differences), and suggest the content of an urban water environmental system. Such a system contains a natural water environment, an economic water environment, and a social water environment. The natural water environment is the base, an effective economic water environment is the focus, and a healthy social water environment is the essence of such a system. The construction of an urban water environment should rely on a comprehensive security system, complete scientific theory, and advanced technology.  相似文献   

为了顺利完成地铁区间四线大断面爆破开挖,减小爆破作业对城市环境的影响,利用TBM导洞扩挖形成既有临空面,采用水压爆破施工技术,通过质点振速的理论计算与现场起爆试验结果,优化了爆破参数和起爆网路,进而降低了质点爆破振速,完成了区间大断面开挖,减小了爆破对周边环境的影响。结果表明:相比于常规爆破技术,本工程的水压爆破方案每循环节省了炸药39.91 kg,每循环进尺提高了0.35 m,大块率降低了53%,质点爆破振速下降了0.13 cm/s,粉尘浓度下降了36.6 mg/m3,经济与环境效益显著。  相似文献   

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