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The batch photodegradation reactor was used to investigate the influence of the common coexisting substances in wastewater,such as H +,anions(HCO3-,C1-and NO3-)and organic compounds(methanol and bisphenol A),on the photodegradation behaviors of EE2 in the UV/H2O2 process.The results indicated that the addition of coexisting substances can influence the photodegradation behaviors of EE2 and it also follows the first-order kinetics.The acidic(pH 2-4)and alkaline(pH 10-12)medium benefit the photodegradation of EE2,but the photodegradation rale constant of EE2 keeps almost constant in the pH value of 4-10.The addition of anions,such as HCO3-,Cl-and NO3-,can inhibit the photodegradation of EE2,and the rate constant has a negative linear relationship with the concentration of the anions.However,the reduction degrees vary with the anions kinds,and the inhibition effect of the three anions is in the order of HCO3-> NO3-> C1-.Addition of 5 mg/L methanol and bisphenol A can reduce the photodegradation rate constant of EE2by 84.31% and 72%,respectively.By comparison,the retardant effect of methanol is much more evident.In the studied concentrations range,the photodegradation rate constant of EE2 is the unary quadratic function of the organic compounds concentrations.  相似文献   

雌酮 (E1)、17-β雌二醇 (E2)和17-α乙炔基雌二醇 (EE2)模拟水中微量类固醇雌激素复合污染体系,采用UV(/H2O2/TiO2)工艺进行同时降解,降解过程均符合一级反应动力学,但3种物质呈现不同的降解效果,E1在混合基质中可优势降解,E2和EE2降解效果难分优劣。单纯UV工艺中,E1的降解效果良好,E2和EE2的去除率不高,投加H2O2和TiO2可提高3种目标物的降解效果和降解速率,E2和EE2的提高幅度较大。以UV/H2O2系统为典型工艺,考察了底物初始浓度、pH值和阴阳离子等因素对混合污染体系中E1、E2和EE2降解的影响,多种环境因素均未改变E1在混合基质体系中高效去除的优势。底物初始浓度的增加会降低去除效果,减缓降解速率;pH值降低有利于降解效果和速率的提高;阳离子对去除效果及降解速率的影响不大;水中常见阴离子会抑制E1的降解速率,抑制强弱顺序为HCO3->SO42->CO32->NO3-,对E2和EE2的影响不明显。  相似文献   

为了解决石灰法处理甲醛废水产污量多、管道易结垢及出水色度高等问题,采用锰砂/H2O2/O3催化氧化体系对某药业公司高浓度甲醛废水进行中试研究,考查影响催化效果的反应条件。结果表明:在臭氧量为100 g/h、pH=5、反应时间为2 h、双氧水投加量为0.30%、反应温度为40℃、锰砂投加量为容器体积的60%条件下,处理效果达到最佳,甲醛去除率可达87.3%,化学需氧量去除率可达60.0%,色度去除率可达95.0%。该体系利用锰砂和双氧水联合催化臭氧氧化处理甲醛废水,降低有机污染物的含量,具有氧化效率高、操作简便、无二次污染等优点,以期为高浓度甲醛废水处理提供参考。  相似文献   

采用线性扫描伏安法和恒电流电解技术探讨了分隔式电解槽中以自制的石墨/聚四乙烯气体扩散电极(GDE)合成低碱比H2O2溶液的方法,着重考察了pH值、催化剂(2-乙基蒽醌)载量、电流密度及电解液温度等对H2O2电合成效率的影响.结果表明:当温度低于35℃时,在分隔式电解槽中以pH=12的2.5%Na2SO4溶液为阴极液、2-乙基蒽醌载量为1 mg/cm2的GDE为阴极,控制电流密度为750 A/m2条件下,经8 h电解可以制得低碱比(0.23)的H2O2溶液,其中H2O2浓度达0.45 mol/L.18 d的连续电解试验初步表明该体系具有较高的电流效率(约83%)和良好的稳定性,从而为电Fenton和光电Fenton法在废水处理领域的实用应用奠定了良好的基础.  相似文献   

采用叶绿素荧光动力学技术,研究了H2O2胁迫对菱角叶片光合作用的影响.通过对48 h内菱角叶片最大光化学量子产量(F v/F m)、表观光合电子传递速率(ETR)、光合有效辐射强度(PAR)以及光化学淬灭系数(qP)和非光化学淬灭系数(NPQ)等参数的研究,结果表明,H2O2的胁迫抑制了菱角的光合作用,并且抑制的程度与H2O2的浓度及胁迫时间有关.随着H2O2浓度的增加,F v/F m总体呈下降趋势,F m、qP下降,F0上升,表明植物光系统Ⅱ反应中心被破坏,且浓度越高,破坏作用越明显.经高浓度H2O2(≥6 mg/L)处理的菱角叶片24 h内即出现死亡.低浓度H2O2(≤4 mg/L)处理的叶片则在48 h后出现死亡.部分数据异常变化则与H2O2在水体中的分解特性有关.  相似文献   

For the appearance of the additive perturbation of controller gain when the controller parameter has minute adjustment at the initial running stage of system,to avoid the adverse effects,this paper investigates the mixed H_2/H_∞ state feedback attitude control problem of microsatellite based on extended LMI method.Firstly,the microsatellite attitude control system is established and transformed into corresponding state space form.Then,without the equivalence restriction of the two Lyapunov variables of H_2 and H∞performance,this paper introduces additional variables to design the mixed H_2/H_∞ control method based on LMI which can also reduce the conservatives.Finally,numerical simulations are analyzed to show that the proposed method can make the satellite stable within 20 s whether there is additive perturbation of the controller gain or not.The comparative analysis of the simulation results between extended LMI method and traditional LMI method also demonstrates the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed method in this paper.  相似文献   

Based upon the theory of the nonlinear quadric two-person nonzero-sum differential game,the fact that the time-limited mixed H2/H∞ control problem can be turned into the problem of solving the state feedback Nash balance point is mentioned. Upon this,a theorem about the solution of the state feedback control is given,the Lyapunov stabilization of the nonlinear system under this control is proved,too. At the same time,this solution is used to design the nonlinear H2/H∞ guidance law of the relative motion between the missile and the target in three-dimensional(3D) space. By solving two coupled Hamilton-Jacobi partial differential inequalities(HJPDI),a control with more robust stabilities and more robust performances is obtained. With different H∞ performance indexes,the correlative weighting factors of the control are analytically designed. At last,simulations under different robust performance indexes and under different initial conditions and under the cases of intercepting different maneuvering targets are carried out. All results indicate that the designed law is valid.  相似文献   

为提高磷灰石型电解质(LSO)的电导率,以氧化镧(La2O3)、氧化锌(ZnO)和氧化钐(Sm2O3)为主要原料通过尿素-硝酸盐燃烧法在600 ℃的温度下合成了掺杂钐和锌的La9.33SmxSi5ZnO(25+1.5x)固体电解质粉末。采用X射线衍射、扫描电子显微镜、变温介电测量系统对样品进行物质结构、表面形貌、电导率的表征。研究了不同温度和不同掺杂浓度下La9.33SmxSi5ZnO(25+1.5x)的电导率。结果表明,Sm和Zn成功掺杂进入LSO的晶格中,样品具有典型的P63/m磷灰石结构且纯度高,LSO的形貌未改变。当Sm掺杂浓度为0.6,Zn掺杂浓度为1时,在温度为650 ℃下La9.33SmxSi5ZnO(25+1.5x)的电导率达到1.50×10-3 S/cm;确定了最佳烧结温度为1 400 ℃。La9.33SmxSi5ZnO(25+1.5x)的电导率在同一温度下随着掺杂量的增加先提高后降低,掺杂样品的晶胞参数相比于未掺杂样品的晶胞参数增大,活化能随着掺杂量的增大先降低后升高。此外La9.33SmxSi5ZnO(25+1.5x)的电导率在同一掺杂量下,随着温度的升高而提高。  相似文献   

利用间歇式反应器(sequencing batch reactor,SBR),以乙醇作为外加碳源,考察不同化学需氧量(chemical oxygen demand,COD)与氮的质量浓度的比值对全程和短程反硝化脱氮过程中N:0产量的影响.全程反硝化过程中,调节p(COD)/p(N)为1.56、2.83、4.56、6.01和10.0,短程反硝化中调节p(COD)/p(N)为1.51、2.45、3.33、4.13和9.7.结果表明,全程和短程反硝化的最佳p(COD)/p(N)分别为6.01和4.13,硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐完全被还原,反硝化过程中几乎没有N2O产生,1g混合液悬浮固体(mixed liquor suspended solids,MLSS)每天还原的硝态氮和亚硝态氮分别可达0.077和0.089g.在碳源充足的条件下,反硝化速率不再随着有机物的增加而增加.在低p(COD)/p(N)时,短程反硝化过程中N2O产量远大于全程反硝化过程,最高可达0.607mg/L.在碳源不足时,亚硝酸盐对氧化亚氮还原酶(N2O reductase,N2OR)的抑制作用和p(COD)/p(N)不足是影响系统N2O产量增加的主要原因.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONThere are many disadvantages in the presentaluminumelectrolysis with carbon anode ,such assevere energy consumption,carbon wasting,envi-ronmental pollution and so on.Inert electrode sys-tem can overcome these disadvantages[1 3]. Re-cently ,the researches of the inert anode materialshave mainly been concentrated on alloys[4]and cer-met materials[5 ,6]. NiFe2O4based cermets , whichpossess not only high electrical conductivity ofmetal but also good corrosion resistance of cera…  相似文献   

The synthesis of Friedel’s salt(FS: 3Ca O·A12O3·Ca Cl2·10H2O) by the reaction of calcium chloride with sodium aluminate was investigated. Factors affecting the preparation of Friedel’s salt, such as reaction temperature, initial concentration, titration speed, aging time and molar Ca/Al ratio were studied in detail. XRD, SEM images and particle size distribution show that the reaction temperature, aging time and molar Ca/Al ratio have significant effect on the composition, crystal morphology, and average particle size of the obtained samples. In addition, the initial Ca Cl2 concentration and Na Al O2 titration speed do not significantly influence the morphology and particle size distribution of Friedel’s salt. With the optimization of the operating conditions, the crystals can grow up to a average size of about 28 um, showing flat hexagonal(or pseudohexagonal) crystal morphology. Moreover, two potential mechanisms of Friedel’s salt formation including adsorption mechanism and anion-exchange mechanism were discussed. In the adsorption mechanism, Friedel’s salt forms due to the adsorption of the bulk Cl- ions present in the solution into the interlayers of the principal layers, [Ca2Al(OH-)6·2H2O]+, in order to balance the charge. In the anion-exchange mechanism, the free-chloride ions bind with the AFm(a family of hydrated compounds found in cement) hydrates to form Friedel’s salt by anion-exchange with the ions present in the interlayers of the principal layer, [Ca2Al(OH-)6· 2H2O]+-OH-.  相似文献   

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