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Five cases of acute intestinal ischaemia due to occlusion of the superior mesenteric artery, all with a delay in diagnosis, are reported here. These cases illustrate the continuing difficulties, in clinical practice, in recognizing mesenteric ischaemia before intestinal infarction has occurred, despite the clinical awareness of this condition.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The purpose was to determine tumor neovascularisation via colour-coded Doppler (duplex) sonography and the "power mode", both visually and quantitatively, by means of videodensitometry. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 6 VX2 tumours of 4 to 11 mm size were implanted in 4 rabbits at various sites. The colour-coded duplex sonography and the new sonographic power technique were tested before and after having injected a new contrast medium (SH U 616A). RESULTS: If no contrast medium was injected, tumour neovascularisation was identified in only 50% of the cases. Injection of contrast medium increased signal intensity three to fourfold with all examined tumors. Combined use of the sonographic method by the power technique with injection of contrast medium is outstandingly suitable for tumor vessel imaging even of small tumors, as these initial results seem to show. CONCLUSION: If these results are corroborated by further studies, contrast-medium supported sonographic technique may possibly become established as an alternative method to other imaging procedures.  相似文献   

The mechanisms underlying the loss of consciousness following the SAH can be only hypothesized at present time. The more convincing hypothesis appears to be the role of a cerebral circulatory insufficiency. Such an hypothesis stems from the following chain of events: 1) immediate increase of the intracranial pressure; 2) simultaneous constriction of the arteries of the poligone of Willis (early vasospasm); 3) decrease of the cerebral perfusion pressure; 4) cerebral ischemia. Different cerebral regions can be affected by the ischemia according to the prevalent location of the SAH, as for instance brain stem or telencephalon; consequently, different pathophysiological modalities can be responsible for the consciousness impairment. The entity of the SAH and of the consequent events responsible for the cerebral ischemia, influence the severity and reversibility of the loss of consciousness.  相似文献   

Ten years ago' endothelium derived relaxing factor' was identified as nitric oxide (NO.). This highly significant discovery revealed the importance of NO. in normal physiology and pathophysiology. Research over the past decade into the potential therapeutic use of inhaled NO. in the management of ARDS is reviewed. In critical care, inhaled NO. seems to produce selective pulmonary vasodilation and this is already beginning to have an impact on the management of lung injuries including ARDS. The effect of NO. in multi-system failure is not yet established. Formal evaluation in the form of clinical trials has yet to be undertaken, and further study of all the potential side effects and toxicity are required for conclusive evidence of the value of inhaled NO. in the treatment of ARDS.  相似文献   

A case of neonatal compartment syndrome of the forearm is reported. The cause was thought to be compression during delivery. It not only caused muscle contractures but also affected bone growth. Conservative treatment was given. At the age of 6 years, the muscle contracture had recovered and there was full hand function, but there was growth arrest of the distal radial epiphysis and the affected forearm was shorter than the other.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Vasomotor changes occur in the arm after hemiplegic stroke. Previous studies have provided conflicting results, with most showing an increase in skin temperature of the hemiplegic arm. However, a number of patients complain of distressing coldness of the hemiplegic arm. METHODS: Eleven patients with symptomatic coldness and 10 patients with hemiplegia but no coldness were recruited. The severity of the symptom of coldness was compared by questionnaire with other common symptoms after stroke. A thermographic camera was used to record the finger skin temperature response to cold stress. Blood flow to both hands was also measured simultaneously by means of two plethysmographs. In all patients there were no symptoms in the unaffected arm, and this was used as a control. RESULTS: The symptom of coldness rated highly compared with other symptoms. In the symptomatic group the finger temperature on the hemiplegic side was lower at rest (median difference at rest, 0.65 degrees C; P < .0001) and at all times after cold stress. In the asymptomatic group the fingers on the hemiplegic side were colder at rest and after initial cooling (median temperature difference, 0.2 degrees C) but at no other time. Hand blood flow on the hemiplegic side was also decreased in the symptomatic group by 35%. This was not seen in the asymptomatic group. CONCLUSIONS: Coldness of the hand may be a severe and distressing symptom in some patients after hemiplegia. Symptomatic patients have lower finger skin temperatures at rest and after standard cold stress. These symptomatic patients also had reduced blood flow to the hemiplegic hand.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The primary purpose of this project was to study the anatomical characteristics of intracerebral haematoma (ICH) in order to determine features that may negate the need for angiography in some patients. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study was prospective and designed to investigate the underlying cause of non-traumatic ICH in 100 cases assessed by conventional angiography. Patients were excluded if there was a history of trauma or known pre-existing brain abnormality. All patients were examined with CT and angiography within 4 days of the ictus. RESULTS: Ruptured aneurysms or arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) were diagnosed on the initial angiogram in 49% of cases: 27 AVMs and 22 aneurysms. One case of superior sagittal sinus thrombosis was also detected. Vascular abnormalities were found most frequently in the under-40 age group and in cases in which subarachnoid haemorrhage, intraventricular haemorrhage or extracerebral haematoma accompanied the ICH. The temporal lobe was the most frequent anatomical location (37%). When a temporal lobe haematoma extended into the Sylvian fissure from the inferior pole of the temporal lobe or when it was associated with subarachnoid haemorrhage, structural abnormalities were found in over 90% of cases. CONCLUSIONS: There are groups of patients with ICH in whom the CT features are highly suggestive of AVM or aneurysm rupture. If the initial angiography is negative in these cases, careful follow up by repeat angiography and/or MR imaging is essential. However, potentially treatable abnormalities cannot be excluded with certainty by the distribution of the haematoma on CT alone, even if there is a history of pre-existing hypertension.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate different arm supports by comparing the activity of shoulder and arm muscles during various work tasks, with and without the lower arm supported. Twelve female subjects, aged between 23 and 37 years, were asked to perform three types of tasks: typing, simulated assembly work (in two different positions), and pipetting. The supports used were: fixed arm support (FIX), horizontal movable arm support (HOR), and spring-loaded arm support (SLA). During the experiments, the electromyograms (EMG) of four muscles were simultaneously recorded: m. deltoideus anterior and lateralis, m. trapezius pars descendens and m. extensor carpi radialis brevis. Normalization was made against maximum isometric contraction. The mean values of the normalized EMG levels showed a reduced EMG level of the shoulder muscles when using arm supports in all the tasks, and for all muscles but the wrist extensor, compared to the EMG levels without arm supports. The horizontal movable support was more effective in reducing the EMG levels of the shoulder muscles than other arm supports, in tasks at table height. Thus, it is possible to reduce muscle activity of the shoulder region by using arm supports. Further research is needed to make biomechanical calculations to compare the EMG level of these muscles using suspension and the effects of inclination of work task.  相似文献   

One hundred and sixty seven operating theatre personnel familiar with the practice of venous cannulation were asked to rank (in increasing order from one to five, corresponding to least to most painful) their opinion of the pain which they considered might accompany venous cannulation of each of five vein sites on the upper limb (dorsum of arm, dorsum of hand, cephalic, ventrum of arm and cubital fossa) which may be selected for this purpose. The skin sensitivity of each of the test sites of each volunteer was then assessed with a test device comprising a Tuohy needle and clamp, which together weighed 75.02 g. Following random application of the device to each of the test sites, the volunteer was asked to rank (in increasing order from one to five, corresponding to least to most painful) the actual pain felt. Analysis of pain expectations showed that there was no significant consensus view as to which site would be most tender. Following application of the test device the tenderness of the five sites was ranked (i) according to frequencies; dorsum of arm < dorsum of hand < cephalic < ventrum of arm < cubital fossa and, (ii) following statistical analysis: dorsum of arm = dorsum of hand = cephalic < ventrum of arm < cubital fossa. There was no correlation between expected and actual skin sensitivities. Knowledge of the different skin sensitivities of the upper limb may be useful when selecting a vein for venepuncture or the insertion of an indwelling venous catheter.  相似文献   

HISTORY AND CLINICAL FINDINGS: A 29-year-old man reported two episodes, 3 months apart, of dysarthria, each lasting for several hours. It was associated with hypaesthesia over the cheeks. Neurological examination several hours later was unremarkable. On direct questioning the patient reported that he had been taking marihuana and cocaine immediately before each episode. There was also a history of regular abuse of various drugs over several years by this socially well integrated young man. INVESTIGATIONS: Cranial computed tomography, cranial magnetic resonance imaging and cerebral scintigraphy indicated multiple cortical and subcortical ischaemic lesions of different sizes and ages. ECG, long-term ECG monitoring, transoesophageal echocardiography and upper abdominal sonography were normal. Cerebrospinal fluid revealed a slightly abnormal blood-brain barrier (5.3 g/l protein, albumin ratio of 7.3). Auto-antibody titres and coagulation and serological tests for neurotropic bacteria and viruses were normal. Urinary drug screening was positive for cannabinoids. DIAGNOSIS, TREATMENT AND COURSE: We assume that the patient had transitory cocaine-induced ischaemic attacks (TIA) and clinically silent cerebrovascular accidents (CVA). He was discharged without specific treatment after being informed of the severe neurological sequelae of his drug abuse. CONCLUSIONS: The rising abuse of "designer drugs" is of increasing diagnostic significance in TIA-like symptoms and CVAs in young adults, which may be of haemorrhagic or ischaemic aetiology. Thromboembolic, vasospastic or vasculitic factors play a pathogenetic role. Early performance of appropriate blood and urine tests is of great diagnostic importance.  相似文献   

Currently laparoscopic surgery is limited by several factors. One of them is the precise handling of optics. Up to now, in our hospital 52 laparoscopic operations have been done with a voice-controlled robot arm to handle the optics in gallbladder, stomach, large bowel and hernia operations. The visual field is determined by the surgeon. In all cases handling of the robot arm was precise and the voice response exact and without technical problems. Twenty-nine operations were done by one operator as "solo surgeries". In 20 further cases there was one assistant. A robot arm can be used successfully without problems by any laparoscopic surgeon in any operating theater.  相似文献   

Visuomanual co-ordination requires the merging of ocular and arm information in a common frame of reference. Here we consider behavioural evidence in humans for the use of a viewer-centred frame in the specification of end point positions of reaching. We then review anatomical and neurophysiological data in the non-human primate that indicate a prominent role of the parietal cortex in the process of multisensory fusion that leads to egocentric representations of space. Finally, we discuss the functional anatomy of the human parietal cortex in visuomanual co-ordination as revealed by neuroimaging.  相似文献   

Besides cytopenia related to treatment, several hematological disorders such as anemia, abnormal platelet activity, thrombosis, presence of anticardiolipin or anti-neutrophil antibodies, cyclic neutropenia, and myelodysplasia, have been reported in patients with Crohn's disease (CD). The case we report here is the first one documenting the association of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) with CD.  相似文献   

Ten below-elbow joint arterial bypass grafts performed in nine patients for chronic upper extremity ischaemia are reviewed. The cause of the ischaemia was thromboangiitis obliterans in four patients, iatrogenic trauma in four and unknown aetiology in one. Graft revision was required in two patients with thromboangiitis obliterans who underwent axillary-brachial bypass. Eight grafts, including one reoperation, have remained patent from 1 to 10 years (mean 54.3 months). Graft failure after 5 months did not occur, at which time the primary patency rate was 80%. In general, the long-term patency rates of autogenous vein bypass graft to the forearm were satisfactory. Aggressive arterial reconstruction is especially indicated in significant chronic upper extremity ischaemia resulting from iatrogenic trauma, as chances of success are excellent. Clinical and technical problems of in situ vein bypass in the upper extremity are discussed.  相似文献   

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