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研究了几种乳化剂对香肠制品的保油效果。结果表明:几种乳化剂均能在一定程度上提高香肠的保油率。同时使用效果更加显著。即具有协同作用。最后得出单硬脂酸甘油酯,脂肪酸蔗糖酯,改性大豆磷脂的最佳配比为2:5:20。按次配比添加0.8%复合乳化剂于香肠中。保油率可达88.396。同时感官品质也较好。  相似文献   

超高压处理对法兰克福香肠理化及感官品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
为探讨超高压处理对法兰克福香肠理化及感官品质的影响,采用200MPa(5、10min),400MPa(5、10min)和600MPa(5、10min)对真空包装法兰克福香肠进行二次杀菌处理.连续监测样品冷藏过程中pH值、挥发性盐基氮(TVB-N)、脂肪氧化(TBA-RS)、质构、色泽和感官品质的变化.结果表明:超高压处理可以减缓法兰克福香肠保藏过程中pH值的降低,挥发性盐基氮的生成,但会增加脂肪氧化程度;另外会提高亮度,降低红度;降低硬度,增加内聚力;延缓感官品质的下降.  相似文献   

为减少磷酸盐在肉类加工中的使用,降低乳化肉糜制品中磷酸盐的含量,开发高效的无磷保水剂正逐步成为肉品行业的研究热点.本研究在添加0.2%(w/w)碳酸氢钠的基础上,将柠檬酸钠分别以0.1%、0.15%、0.2%、0.25%和0.3%(w/w)的添加量与碳酸氢钠进行复配,利用其替代传统的磷酸盐,探究其对乳化肉糜制品(以法兰...  相似文献   

复合乳化剂对香肠制品的保油效果研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究结果表明,几种乳化剂均能在一定程度上提高香肠的保油率,且同时使用效果更加显著.最后得出单硬脂酸甘油酯∶脂肪酸蔗糖酯∶改性大豆磷脂的最佳配比为2∶5∶20.按此配比添加0.8%复合乳化剂于香肠中,保油率可达88.3%,同时感观品质也较好.  相似文献   

研究蓝莓发酵汁(fermented blueberry juice,FBJ)对法兰克福香肠脂肪和蛋白氧化的抑制能力以及对其感官品质的影响。将不同质量分数的FBJ加入法兰克福香肠中,研究其对香肠贮藏过程中硫代巴比妥酸反应产物含量和羰基含量的影响,以及对香肠色泽、pH值、质构和感官评分的影响。结果表明:添加质量分数2%、4%、6%的FBJ均能够有效抑制法兰克福香肠在加工和贮藏期间脂肪和蛋白的氧化,并且在贮藏后期效果优于添加质量分数0.05%异抗坏血酸钠的香肠(P<0.05);添加FBJ的法兰克福香肠红度值、黄度值均显著高于对照组(P<0.05),但是硬度显著低于对照组(P<0.05),弹性没有显著差异(P>0.05);此外,电子鼻和感官实验中,各FBJ组与对照组的风味能明显区分开,其感官评价结果也显著优于对照组,尤其是添加质量分数4% FBJ的法兰克福香肠综合评分最高。本研究结果证明FBJ是较好的抗氧化剂,可以有效抑制法兰克福香肠加工和贮藏过程中的脂肪和蛋白质氧化,同时能够改善法兰克福香肠的感官品质。  相似文献   

开发一种蛋白质-多糖共价复合类乳化剂,以期改善低温乳化香肠的食用品质。选取大豆浓缩蛋白、瓜尔豆胶、黄原胶和乳清蛋白4种常用食品添加成分作为复配研究对象,通过对制备的复配乳化体质构特性的评价,筛选出具备良好乳化效果的复配组合并应用于低温乳化香肠生产。在此基础上,进一步评价比较所开发的复配乳化剂和市售乳化剂在加工品质上的差异。结果表明:4种复配物质中乳清蛋白的添加对复配乳化体硬度值的影响最大,黄原胶的添加对硬度值影响最小;复配乳化剂的添加对低温乳化香肠的弹性、硬度、黏聚性和咀嚼度均有显著改善,正交优化试验筛选出的3组较优复配比例所制作的香肠质构特性总体上均比添加市售组制作的好,其中又以大豆浓缩蛋白∶瓜尔豆胶∶黄原胶∶乳清蛋白质量比为1∶1∶0.25∶0.33的复配比例组制作的香肠蒸煮损失率和总压出汁率最好,分别为9.72%和0.89%。复配乳化剂的添加有效改善了低温乳化香肠的食用品质,在提升肉制品组织稳定性方面具有重要的应用价值。  相似文献   

将1 g/100 mL氧化绿原酸添加到以猪血浆蛋白水解物作为乳化剂所制备的水包油型乳状液中,以此获得高稳定性的植物油预乳状液。然后将该预乳状液以15%、30%、45%和60%的比例替代猪脂肪加入到法兰克福香肠中,探讨替代脂肪比例对香肠品质特性的影响。测定香肠的蒸煮损失、质构、色度以及水分迁移规律,同时测定肉糜的乳化稳定性和流变特性。结果表明,随着预乳状液替代比例的增加,香肠的蒸煮损失显著降低(P<0.05),硬度、咀嚼性、L*值和b*值显著增加(P<0.05),而弹性、黏结性、感官评价无显著变化(P>0.05)。低场核磁研究结果发现,预乳状液替代比例的增加能够显著缩短香肠的弛豫时间(P<0.05),说明其能增强蛋白质网络对水分子的束缚能力。与此同时,随着预乳状液替代比例的增加,肉糜的乳化稳定性显著增加(P<0.05)。另外,肉糜的流变学测定结果表明,随着预乳状液替代比例的增加能够显著提高肉糜在加热终点的储能模量(G’)和损失模量(G′′),而且显著降低了相位角正切值(tanδ)(P<0.05)。在法兰克福香肠的制作中猪脂肪能够被预乳状液部分替代,而且对香肠的感官无显著影响,尤其以45%的替代量为最佳。  相似文献   

为获得一种具有优良性能和健康功效的新型乳化类肉制品,本研究评价了不同分子量(3.2~676 kDa)和不同脱乙酰度(70%~90%)的壳聚糖对法兰克福香肠品质特性的影响。结果表明,分子量670 kDa、脱乙酰度90%的壳聚糖具有最好的增稠能力,在HMHD添加量为1.0%时可显著提高香肠的a*值、硬度、内聚力和pH值,同时可以降低蒸煮损失率(P<0.05)。因此,分子量670 k Da、脱乙酰度90%的壳聚糖可以更好地改善香肠的品质。本研究可为获得具有优良性能和健康功效的新型功能性肉制品提供理论支持。  相似文献   

研究了添加胡萝卜、燕麦及用葵花籽油替代部分猪背膘对低脂乳化肠(脂肪添加量7%)质构特性、持水特性、色泽及感官品质的影响。单因素实验结果表明,添加胡萝卜10%、燕麦1%及葵花籽油替代动物脂肪50%可较好的改善低脂乳化肠的品质,乳化肠硬度、咀嚼性及弹性与对照组C(脂肪添加量20%)相比差异不显著(p>0.05),持水特性及色泽也得到明显改善(p<0.05),产品的感官评分与对照组C相比更令人满意。在单因素实验的基础上采用两因素(胡萝卜添加量、植物油替代率)三水平设计,进一步优化配方,结果表明,添加胡萝卜12.5%、燕麦1%及用葵花籽油替代猪背膘45%为最优配方,按照此配方生产出的低脂乳化肠恢复到对照组C的质构特性,产品的弹性及感官品质甚至优于对照组C。  相似文献   

<正>随着人们对于肉肠、不含肉香肠和混合肠等产品的需求,研究新的加工工艺和新的产品配方来满足人们对于此类产品的需求是非常必要的。添加植物膳食纤维、非肉类蛋白等不仅会提高产品的口感特性等,而且对人们健康也是非常有益的。荷兰科学家对番茄残渣添加在肉质品中的应用进行了研究,内容主要集中在采用不同添加水平的脱色番茄残渣对法兰克福香肠、牛肉火腿和不含肉香肠等的颜色、感官和质构等品质的影响。通过质构仪和色差计测定产品的  相似文献   

This study evaluates the physicochemical and sensory properties of healthier frankfurters with 25% added walnut (WF) versus low-fat frankfurters (6% pork fat) (LF) and traditional frankfurters (18% pork fat) (NF). Results reveal that cooking losses were unaffected (p ? 0.05) by the formulation of frankfurters. The addition of walnut led to higher (p < 0.05) redness and yellowness values, while colour parameters did not differ significantly between LF and NF sausages. Frankfurters with added walnut (WF) presented higher (p < 0.05) hardness and chewiness values than LF and NF frankfurters. Differences in composition were also accompanied by changes in the microstructure of the gel/emulsions. Frankfurters with added walnut presented a flavour significantly different from meat and scored lower (p < 0.05) on texture preferences. However, all frankfurters scored the same for overall acceptability.  相似文献   

This work investigates the fundamental properties of emulsifiers that may contribute to the fat-associated sensory attributes of emulsions. Model oil-in-water emulsions were prepared with 0, 12, 24, 36 and 48% oil and emulsified with seven different emulsifiers; two proteins; sodium caseinate and whey protein, and five different sucrose esters. Emulsions were rated for perceived ‘fat content’, ‘creaminess’ and ‘thickness’ on nine-point category scales. Instrumental measurements of particle size, viscosity, thin film drainage, surface dilational modulus and interfacial tension were made. The sensory results indicate significant main and interactive effects of fat level and emulsifier type. At higher fat levels, emulsions prepared with sodium caseinate and whey protein emulsifiers had higher viscosities and higher sensory scores than those prepared with the sucrose esters. Results indicate that emulsifier type has a significant effect on the sensory properties of oil-in-water emulsions, and relationships between instrumental and sensory measures suggest that this may be due to the interfacial properties of emulsifiers at the oil–water interface. © 1998 SCI.  相似文献   

Lipid and protein structural characteristics of frankfurter formulated with olive oil-in-water emulsion stabilized with soy protein isolate (SPI) as pork backfat replacer were investigated using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). Proximate composition and textural properties were also evaluated. Different frankfurters were reformulated: F/PF with pork backfat, F/SPI with oil-in-water emulsion stabilized with SPI and F/SPI + SC + MTG with emulsion stabilized with a combination of SPI, sodium caseinate (SC) and microbial transglutaminase (MTG). Replacement of pork backfat with these emulsions produced an increase (P < 0.05) of hardness, springiness, cohesiveness and chewiness but a reduction (P < 0.05) of adhesiveness. F/SPI and F/SPI + SC + MTG frankfurters showed the lowest (P < 0.05) half-bandwidth in the 2922 cm−1 band, which could be related to lipid chains were more ordered than in F/PF. Modifications in the amide I band profile revealed a higher concentration of aggregated intermolecular β-sheets in F/SPI + SC + MTG samples. Lipid and protein structural characteristics could be associated with specific textural properties of healthier frankfurters.  相似文献   

《Meat science》2013,93(4):659-666
The sensory and physiochemical properties of frankfurters with varying fat and salt levels were investigated. Twenty frankfurter formulations were produced with varying concentrations of fat (10%, 15%, 20%, 25% w/w) and salt (1%, 1.5%, 2%, 2.5%, 3% w/w). Frankfurters were assessed instrumentally for colour, moisture, fat, cooking loss and texture profile analysis. Consumers (n = 25) evaluated each product in duplicate for colour, coarseness, tenderness, juiciness, salt taste, meat flavour, off-flavour and overall acceptability using a hedonic scale. Salt levels below 1.5% were shown to have a negative effect on consumer acceptability, with 2.5% salt concentration being the most accepted (P < 0.001) by consumers. However, frankfurters containing the lower fat levels 10% and 15% fat with higher salt levels (2.5–3%) were significantly the most acceptable variants to consumers. Samples containing less fat and salt were found to be tougher, less juicy and had greater cooking losses. Thus salt perception is very important for consumer acceptability, but fat levels can be potentially reduced without significantly affecting overall acceptability.  相似文献   

The sensory and physiochemical properties of frankfurters with varying fat and salt levels were investigated. Twenty frankfurter formulations were produced with varying concentrations of fat (10%, 15%, 20%, 25% w/w) and salt (1%, 1.5%, 2%, 2.5%, 3% w/w). Frankfurters were assessed instrumentally for colour, moisture, fat, cooking loss and texture profile analysis. Consumers (n=25) evaluated each product in duplicate for colour, coarseness, tenderness, juiciness, salt taste, meat flavour, off-flavour and overall acceptability using a hedonic scale. Salt levels below 1.5% were shown to have a negative effect on consumer acceptability, with 2.5% salt concentration being the most accepted (P<0.001) by consumers. However, frankfurters containing the lower fat levels 10% and 15% fat with higher salt levels (2.5-3%) were significantly the most acceptable variants to consumers. Samples containing less fat and salt were found to be tougher, less juicy and had greater cooking losses. Thus salt perception is very important for consumer acceptability, but fat levels can be potentially reduced without significantly affecting overall acceptability.  相似文献   

This paper reports the effect of an edible seaweed, Sea Spaghetti (Himanthalia elongata), on the physicochemical (emulsion stability, cooking loss, colour, texture, residual nitrite and microstructure) and sensory characteristics of reduced- and low-fat, low-salt (NaCl) frankfurters prepared with konjac gel as a fat substitute. The effects on emulsion stability of substituting konjac gel for pork backfat were conditioned by the proportion of the substitution. Incorporation of a combination of Sea Spaghetti/konjac gel (accompanied by reduction in salt) increased (P < 0.05) cooking loss and reduced (P < 0.05) emulsion stability in the gel/emulsion systems. Incorporation of Sea Spaghetti/konjac gel produced a decrease (P < 0.05) of lightness (L∗) and redness (a∗) values and an increase (P < 0.05) of yellowness (b∗) as compared to the other samples. The effect of adding seaweed on the texture parameters of low-salt frankfurters varied depending on the proportion of konjac gel used in the formulation. Morphological differences in frankfurter microstructure were observed as fat content was reduced and konjac gel increased. Incorporation of a combination of Sea Spaghetti/konjac gel caused the formation of a more heterogeneous structure, in which the seaweed was integrated in the meat protein matrix.  相似文献   

Low‐fat ground pork patties (<10% total fat) made with carrageenan added at either 0.25, 0.50 or 0.75% final concentration were processed and the compositional and sensory characteristics compared with control patties which contained 20% fat. The moisture content of raw and cooked low‐fat patties was significantly (P < 0.05) higher than control patties because of greater amounts of water added during formulation. Cooking yield, fat and moisture retention also improved significantly (P < 0.05) in low‐fat patties that had carrageenan incorporated when compared to a control product. The dimensions of the low‐fat patties were maintained better than those of the control product during cooking. The sensory attributes of low‐fat patties with 0.5% carrageenan were similar to those of the high‐fat control. The lipid profile revealed as much as a 47.7 or 44.1% decrease in total lipids and cholesterol content respectively, compared with the controls. The calorie content was reduced by 31.1% in low‐fat cooked patties compared with the controls. The texture profile of low‐fat patties that had been made with 0.5% carrageenan were similar to control patties with only a slight increase in hardness and gumminess in the low‐fat product. The low‐fat ground pork patties made in the present study remained stable without any appreciable loss of physico‐chemical, microbiological and organoleptic quality during refrigerated storage (4 ± 1 °C) for 21 and 35 days in aerobic and vacuum packaging respectively.  相似文献   

The potential of using poultry protein isolate (PPI) as a food ingredient to substitute either soy protein isolate (SPI) or meat protein in turkey bologna was investigated. PPI was prepared from mechanically separated turkey meat using pH-shift technology and the prepared PPI was added to turkey bologna at 2 different concentrations (1.5% and 2% dry weight basis). Product characteristics were compared with those prepared with the addition of 2% SPI, 11% meat protein (control-1), or 13% meat protein (control-2). All the 5 treatments were subjected to sensory analysis to evaluate aroma, appearance, color, flavor, saltiness, juiciness, firmness, and overall acceptability of the turkey bologna samples using 9-point hedonic scales. A turkey bologna control sample with 11% meat protein appeared to be softer compared to other treatments as revealed by texture profile analysis while purge loss during storage in a retail display case was significantly (P < 0.05) higher compared to other treatments. Lightness (L*) value of the products decreased during 4 wk of retail storage. A turkey bologna control sample with 13% meat protein appeared to be darker and more reddish compared to other treatments. Replacing meat protein with protein isolates caused increase in yellowish color of turkey bologna. Sensory analysis concluded that 1.5% PPI and 2% PPI could be used as substitute of SPI or lean meat and the treatments could be improved by increasing saltiness and decreasing firmness. PRACTICAL APPLICATION: The study revealed that with slight modifications in saltiness, turkey bologna can be prepared with the addition of poultry protein isolates as an acceptable substitute for soy protein isolate or meat protein. This will help to avoid usage of nonmeat ingredients (as SPI substitute) and to reduce the cost of production (as meat protein substitute) of low-fat turkey bologna.  相似文献   

Effects of carrageenan (0.3, 0.5, or 0.7%) and carrageenan (0.3, 0.5, or 0.7%) with a pectin gel (20%) on some quality characteristics of low-fat beef frankfurters were evaluated in comparison to a high-fat control (HFC) and a low-fat control (LFC). While low-fat frankfurters had <3.0% fat, 73-76% moisture, 13-14% protein, HFC had 17% fat, 59% moisture, and 14% protein. A reduction of 50-59% in cholesterol was determined in low fat beef frankfurters as compared to HFC (P<0.05). Better process yield and emulsion stability, and less purge were observed with increasing carrageenan concentration. Treatment groups showed higher water holding capacity (WHC) than LFC, and lower WHC than HFC (P<0.05). With increasing carrageenan concentration, WHC increased and penetrometer value decreased in low-fat frankfurters.  相似文献   

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