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We examined the effect of expression of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) on the tumor growth of astrocytoma in vivo. When rat astrocytoma C6 cells were injected subcutaneously in athymic mice, the cells produced tumors that grew rapidly. The tumor growth of C6 cells transfected with GFAP cDNA was significantly reduced compared to that of control NeoC6 cells transfected only with the neomycin resistant gene. After implantation of C6 cells transfected with mutated GFAP cDNA at the phosphorylation sites, the tumor growth was suppressed similar to that of the wild GFAP transfectants. To determine whether the cell growth suppression by GFAP is specific for astroglial cells, we assessed the effect of GFAP on the cell growth of an L cell of fibroblast origin in vitro. By GFAP cDNA transfection, L cells showed morphological changes, but the cell growth was not reduced. These results suggest that GFAP is a critical regulator of the tumor growth of astrocytoma.  相似文献   

We previously reported a novel human cDNA, designated B120, containing a CAG repeat length polymorphism and many repeat units, loosely identified as YXQQP which is found in several human RNA binding proteins. In the present study, the B120 gene was mapped to human chromosome 1p35-36.1 by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Several human disorders, including that of Schnyder crystalline corneal dystrophy, have been mapped to this region by genetic linkage. Schnyder crystalline corneal dystrophy is thought to be a primary abnormality of corneal lipid metabolism, resulting in opacification secondary to lipid accumulation. In order to examine the function of B120, we introduced B120 cDNA with an expression vector into various cell lines including Cos1, C3H/10T1/2 and NIH/3T3 cells. These transfected cells exhibited small cytoplasmic spherical bodies. The cytoplasmic bodies appeared to be fat droplets on electron microscopy and histochemical staining. These findings suggested that B120 gene expression is associated with lipid metabolism, and that overexpression of B120 may result in lipid deposition in various cells, including those of fibroblastic cell lines. Since the cornea is composed of fibroblastic cells, overfunction of B120 could be related to the pathogenesis of Schnyder crystalline corneal dystrophy.  相似文献   

The effects of the varicella-zoster virus (VZV) OKA vaccine strain in producing morphologic and antigenic changes in dissociated cultures of human fetal brain was investigated. Cultures containing 80% glial acidic fibrillary protein (GFAP), GFAP+ (positive) astrocytes and 20% GFAP- (negative) fibroblastic-like cells were infected with cell-free VZV OKA at a multiplicity of infection of 0.1 plaque-forming units per cell. Cytopathic effects and significant viral antigen labeling with antibodies against VZV gpl and immediate-early (IE) protein 62 were first detected 6 to 7 days postinfection. Several observations indicated that astrocyte GFAP expression was altered and diminished as a result of VZV infection itself, thereby raising doubts about the utility of combining cell markers and viral antigenic labeling in assessing the susceptibility of neural cell types to viral infection. The down-regulation of GFAP expression by VZV appears to be mediated by early rather than late events in the viral replication cycle and may not be the result of virally induced global shut-off of host cell protein synthesis. Similar observations were made using VZV Ellen, a multipassaged, nonvaccine strain. These observations have potential in vivo implications related to histologic analysis of VZV-infected tissues and disease pathogenesis.  相似文献   

The complex nervous networks found throughout the mammalian gut--the enteric nervous system--are histologically, ultrastructurally, and, to some extent, functionally--similar to the central nervous system. The glial cells of the small enteric ganglia are generally classified as Schwann or satellite cells, since they are found in the peripheral nervous system, possess nuclei which ultrastructurally resemble those of Schwann cells and are derived from the neural crest. However, it has been argued that these cells resemble astrocytes of the central nervous system with respect to gross and fine structure, and their relationship with the enteric neurones and their processes. In immunohistochemical studies of these cells, both in frozen sections of gut wall and in tissue culture preparations of the enteric plexuses, we found evidence that the enteric glial cells are rich in glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), a protein associated with the 100 A glial intermediate filaments, and hitherto believed to be specific to astrocytes of the central nervous system only.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: A favorable risk-benefit ratio for warfarin compared with aspirin has been reported for the prevention of major vascular events in symptomatic >/=50% intracranial stenoses. Transcranial color-coded duplex sonography (TCCS) criteria providing an accurate detection of >/=50% and <50% stenoses of the anterior, middle, and posterior cerebral arteries and basilar and vertebral arteries were evaluated retrospectively with angiography used as the standard of reference. METHODS: Prospectively collected TCCS, extracranial color-coded duplex sonography, and intra-arterial digital subtraction angiography data of 310 patients were reviewed. The patients had angiography for confirmation of symptomatic extracranial >/=70% carotid stenoses, symptomatic stenoses (peak systolic velocity higher than the corresponding mean value +2 SDs of 104 normal subjects), and occlusions of the middle cerebral or basilar artery previously assessed by ultrasound. The sonographer was not aware of angiographic findings. RESULTS: TCCS would have detected all 31 of >/=50% intracranial stenoses with 1 false-positive and 35 of 38 <50% stenoses with 3 false-positives. One of 69 stenoses (1%) and 280 of 2741 normal arteries (10%) were missed because of inadequate insonation windows. The corresponding peak systolic velocity cutoffs for >/=50%/<50% stenoses were >/=155/>/=120 cm/s (anterior cerebral artery), >/=220/>/=155 cm/s (middle cerebral artery), >/=145/>/=100 cm/s (posterior cerebral artery), >/=140/>/=100 cm/s (basilar artery), and >/=120/>/=90 cm/s (vertebral artery). CONCLUSIONS: TCCS may reliably assess >/=50% and <50% basal cerebral artery narrowing and prove useful for noninvasive management of patients with symptomatic intracranial stenoses.  相似文献   

The present study describes the distribution of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and vimentin-immunopositive structures in the brain of the domestic chicken (Gallus domesticus) from hatching to maturity. The telencephalon is penetrated by a vimentin-immunopositive radial fibre system, representing a modified form of radial glia, in day-old chicks. Numerous fibres of this system persist until adulthood, mainly in the lobus parolfactorius, lamina medullaris dorsalis and lamina frontalis superior. GFAP immunoreactivity also appears in the course of development in these fibres. The distribution of GFAP-immunopositive astrocytes in the post-hatch telencephalon is like that found in adult chicken, except for the ectostriatum, in which an adult-like GFAP-immunostaining only develops during week three. This delay may be associated with a relatively slow maturation of this visual centre. In the diencephalon and in the mesencephalic tegmentum of day-old chicks GFAP-immunopositive astrocytes are confined to the border zone of several nuclei. In these areas as well as in the pons most GFAP positive astrocytes only appear gradually during the first two post-hatch weeks, although radial fibres occur only sparsely at hatch. Summarizing these results, a gradual replacement of radial fibres by astrocytes, typical of mammals, cannot be found in chicken. In the nucleus laminaris we observed a characteristic palisade of non-ependymal glia, reactive to GFAP but not to vimentin, which almost completely disappears by adulthood. We suggest that this glial system is instrumental in the development of the dendritic organisation of this nucleus. The optic tectum displays a dense array of GFAP-immunopositive radial glia at hatching, similar in this to the situation found in reptiles. However, in the tectum of reptiles this radial glia persists for the lifetime, whereas in the chick it disappears from the superficial tectal layers. This phenomenon may reflect the fact that there is no replacement of tectal cells or regeneration of retinotectal pathways in the chicken. In the early stage, the large cerebral tracts were found to contain dense accumulations of GFAP-positive cells, with peculiarly long outgrowths accompanying nerve fibres. No vimentin-immunopositivity was found in these glial elements; however vimentin was present in the glia situated at the optic chiasm, the anterior commissure and at other decussations. These structures, as well as the raphe, displayed the most intense vimentin-immunopositivity in the post-hatch chicken. This characteristic glial population may represent glial elements that have been reported to regulate fibre-crossing at the midline.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the reactive gliosis following a simple stab wound lesion to a brain area in which a characteristic astroglial architecture exists, i.e., the Bergmann-glia in the molecular layer of cerebellum. While in mammalian brain the Bergmann-glia contains glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), in the avian Bergmann-glia, the cytoskeletal protein is vimentin, which is characteristic for immature astroglia in mammals. The operations were performed on chickens and rats under deep anaesthesia, using a sterile disposable needle. After a 1-week survival period, the animals were overdosed with ether and perfused transcardially with 4% buffered paraformaldehyde. Free-floating sections cut with a vibration microtome were processed for immunohistochemistry against GFAP and vimentin. GFAP immunopositivity of Bergmann-glia appeared in chicken and increased in rat in the lesioned area but the lesion was not surrounded by typical astrocytes and no demarcation was formed in the molecular layer, in contrast to the usual appearance of reactive gliosis, which was observed in the granular layer and in the white matter in both species. Vimentin immunopositivity of the Bergmann-glia also increased around the lesion in both species. The results suggest that a highly developed glial architecture fails to re-arrange into a demarcating scar, which offers an interesting model system to study the importance of glial demarcation. The observations also support that the resident glia is the main component of the glial reaction, and prove the capability of avian Bergmann-glia to express GFAP.  相似文献   

The distribution of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) in the central nervous system (CNS) lesions of tuberous sclerosis (TS) was examined using antiserum against GFAP and the peroxidase antiperoxidase method of Sternberger. In cortical tubers there were islands of gemistocytic astrocytes staining intensely for GFAP and occasional giant cells having some cytoplasmic staining. The majority of the cortical giant cells had no GFAP. The islands were separated by areas devoid of astrocytes with perikaryal staining. A faintly staining fibrous network was found between these islands. The majority of cells in the subependymal nodules stained. The retinal phakoma stained but not as intensely as the subependymal nodules. There was no staining whatsoever in the giant cell subependymal tumors. Absence of GFAP staining in the subependymal giant cell tumors makes their classification as astrocytomas less certain.  相似文献   

Degradation and utilization of protein by Prevotella ruminicola B1(4), a proteolytic bacterium that is prominent in the rumen, was examined. In preliminary experiments, proteinaceous N sources produced faster growth rates than did NH4Cl, based on changes in optical density over time. However, ammonium chloride produced a greater maximum cell density than did proteinaceous N sources. Of the proteinaceous N sources, an enzymatic hydrolysate of soybean protein with a relative peptide size of 3 AA residues produced a greater growth rate and maximum cell density compared with the other proteinaceous N sources. Further experiments revealed that P. ruminicola B1(4) grew faster and to a greater final dry weight with soybean protein than with casein. Degradation of both proteins was low as was indicated by the slow disappearance of soluble protein, low concentrations of free AA and peptides, and the decrease in ammonia concentrations over time. Patterns of degradation did differ between the two proteins, however. Accumulation of peptides and free AA from soybean protein peaked 2 h earlier than those from casein, and concentrations of free AA and peptides from soybean protein were lower on average than those from casein. Prevotella ruminicola B1(4) preferentially utilized Asp, Ile, Leu, Lys, and Arg from soybean protein compared with casein. The relative size of peptides that accumulated from both proteins, as determined by the ratio of ninhydrin reaction after HCl hydrolysis to ninhydrin reaction before HCl hydrolysis, suggested that part of the proteolytic activity of P. ruminicola B1(4) is a dipeptidase. Our findings suggest that P. ruminicola may have a greater impact on peptide degradation than on protein degradation in the rumen.  相似文献   

The mustached bat, Pteronotus p. parnellii, has a finely tuned cochlea that rings at its resonant frequency in response to an acoustic tone pip. The decay time (DT) and frequency of these damped oscillations can be measured from the cochlear microphonic potential (CM) to study changes in cochlear mechanics. In this report, we describe phasic changes that occur in synchrony with communication sound vocalizations of the bat. Three animals with chronically implanted electrodes were studied. During the experiments, 1-2 ms tone pips were emitted from a speaker every 200 ms. This triggered a computer analysis of the resulting CM to determine the DT and cochlear resonance frequency (CRF) of the ringing. The time relative to vocalizations was determined by monitoring the output of a microphone placed near a bat's mouth. Similar results were obtained from all three bats tested. In a representative case, the average DT was 2.33 +/- 0.25 ms while the bat was quiet, but it decreased by 46% to 1.26 +/- 0.75 during vocalizations, which indicates a greater damping of the cochlear partition. Sometimes, DT started decreasing immediately before the bat vocalized. After the end of a vocalization, the return to baseline values varied from rapid (milliseconds) to gradual (1-2 seconds). The CRF also changed from baseline values during vocalization, although the amount and direction of change were not predictable. When gentamicin was administered to block the action of medial olivocochlear (MOC) efferents, DT reduction was still evident during vocalization but less pronounced. We conclude that phasic changes in damping occur in synchrony with vocalization, and that the MOC system plays a role in causing suppression. Since suppression can begin prior to vocalization, this may be a synkinetic effect, mediated by neural outflow to the ear in synchrony with neural outflow to the middle ear muscles and the muscles used for vocalization.  相似文献   

The present paper is the first comprehensive study on the astroglia of a teleost fish that is based on the immunohistochemical staining of GFAP (glial fibrillary acidic protein, an immunohistochemical marker of astroglia). The ray-finned fishes (Actinopterygii) and their largest group, the Teleostei, represent a separate pathway of vertebrate evolution. Their brain has a very complex macroscopic structure; several parts either have no equivalents in tetrapods or have a very different shape, e.g., the telencephalon. The results show that the teleost brain has a varied and highly specialized astroglial architecture. The primary system is made up of radial glia, which are of ependymal origin and cover the pial surface with endfeet. The tendency is, however, that the more caudal a brain area is, the less regular is the radial arrangement. A typical radial glia dominates some parts of the diencephalon (median eminence, lobus inferior and habenula) and the telencephalon. In the rest of the diencephalon and in the mesencephalon, the course of the glial fibers is modified by brain tracts. The most specialized areas of the teleost brain, the optic tectum and the cerebellum, display elaborate variations of the original radial system, which is adapted to their layered organization. In the cerebellum, an equivalent of the Bergmannglia can be found, although its fiber arrangement shows meaningful differences from that of mammals or birds. In the lower brain stem radial glia are confined to fibers separating the brain tracts and forming the midline raphe. A dense ependymoglial plexus covers the inner surface of the tectum and the bottom of the rhombencephalic ventricle, intruding into the vagal and facial lobes. The structure and the position of the rhombencephalic plexus suggest that it corresponds to a circumventricular organ that entirely occupies the bottom of the ventricle. Perivascular glia show an unusual form as they consist of long fibers running along the blood vessels. In the large brain tracts long glial fibers run parallel with the course of the neural fibers. At least in the diencephalon, these glial fibers seem to be modified radial fibers. Real astrocytes (i.e., stellate-shaped cells) can be found only in the brain stem and even there only rarely. The glial specialization in the various areas of the teleost brain seems to be more elaborate than that found either in amphibia or in reptiles.  相似文献   

Toluene and other neurotoxicants can cause both increases and decreases in the concentration of GFAP in the brain. While increased GFAP concentration is widely regarded as evidence for reactive gliosis, toxicant-induced decreases in GFAP have received less attention. In order to identify conditions under which inhalation exposure to toluene results in decreased GFAP concentration, rats were subjected to repeated inhalation of toluene for up to 7 days. Adult male F344 rats received inhalation exposure to air or to 1000 ppm toluene, 6 hr/day, for 3 or 7 days. This toluene exposure replicated the previously-observed decreases in GFAP in the thalamus. Serum Corticosterone was significantly elevated in the same rats that exhibited decreases in brain GFAP concentration. These results show that decreases in brain GFAP might be a consequence of disruption of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and/or hormonal homeostasis. Changes in GFAP and in Cort were not accompanied by a change in body weight. More research is needed to firmly establish cause and effect between increased serum glucocorticoid levels and GFAP decreases following toluene inhalation and to determine whether these decreases indicate toxicity or adaptive changes.  相似文献   

This study investigated the morphological changes and glial fibrillary acidic protein immunoreactivity (GFAP-IR) in the anteroventral cochlear nucleus (AVCN) of acoustically-deprived gerbils during postnatal development. The mongolian gerbil, Meriones unguiculatus, had been acoustically deprived on the right side or left side by a surgical ligation of the external auditory canal at postnatal day 12-14. No discernible microcysts were located in the ipsilateral AVCN at one, three, six and nine months after monaural ligation. Also, no discernible microcysts were located in the contralateral AVCN at one and three months after monaural ligation. Numerous microcysts were located in the contralateral AVCN at six months after monaural ligation and were slightly reduced in number at nine months after monaural ligation. Some of the microcysts closely apposed to and connected with the blood vessels through a leakage route or channel. A foamy region was found in the superficial granule cell cap of the AVCN. The foamy region became evident in the ipsilateral AVCN at three months after monaural ligation. However, the foamy region became evident in the contralateral AVCN at three and nine months after monaural ligation. Vacuoles were mainly found in the neuronal cells at the junction of the superficial and deep layers in the AVCN. These vacuoles were found in the contralateral AVCN at one, three, six, and nine months after monaural ligation. However, vacuoles were found in the ipsilateral AVCN only at three months after monaural ligation. Morphological changes of the myelin sheath were found to be more severe in the contralateral AVCN than in the ipsilateral. GFAP-IR was located in the superficial layer of the contralateral AVCN at three and nine months after monaural ligation. However, GFAP-IR was found in the superficial and deep layers of the ipsilateral AVCN at three and nine months after monaural ligation. GFAP-IR was also found in the superficial layers of the ipsilateral AVCN at six months after monoaural ligation. Microcysts are presumably derived from the detachment of the myelin sheath from the retracted axons, protrusion of the myelin sheath, and disruption of the myelin sheath. The major conclusions were that (1) microcysts were greatly reduced following acoustical ligation during postnatal development, and (2) blood vessels and GFAP-immunoreactive astrocytes may be involved in the depletion of microcysts for maintaining the homeostasis of the microenvironment in the cochlear nuclei.  相似文献   

We have examined the regeneration of corticospinal tract fibers and expression of various extracellular matrix (ECM) molecules and intermediate filaments [vimentin and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP)] after dorsal hemisection of the spinal cord of adult GFAP-null and wild-type littermate control mice. The expression of these molecules was also examined in the uninjured spinal cord. There was no increase in axon sprouting or long distance regeneration in GFAP-/- mice compared to the wild type. In the uninjured spinal cord (i) GFAP was expressed in the wild type but not the mutant mice, while vimentin was expressed in astrocytes in the white matter of both types of mice; (ii) laminin and fibronectin immunoreactivity was localized to blood vessels and meninges; (iii) tenascin and chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan (CSPG) labeling was detected in astrocytes and the nodes of Ranvier in the white matter; and (iv) in addition, CSPG labeling which was generally less intense in the gray matter of mutant mice. Ten days after hemisection there was a large increase in vimentin+ cells at the lesion site in both groups of mice. These include astrocytes as well as meningeal cells that migrate into the wound. The center of these lesions was filled by laminin+/fibronectin+ cells. Discrete strands of tenascin-like immunoreactivity were seen in the core of the lesion and lining its walls. Marked increases in CSPG labeling was observed in the CNS parenchyma on either side of the lesion. These results indicate that the absence of GFAP in reactive astrocytes does not alter axonal sprouting or regeneration. In addition, except for CSPG, the expression of various ECM molecules appears unaltered in GFAP-/- mice.  相似文献   

Natural killer (NK) cells are well recognized as cytolytic effector cells of the innate immune system. In the past several years, the structure and function of NK cell receptors for the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules and other ligands have been the subject of extensive studies. These studies. These studies have focused largely on the mechanisms of target cell recognition for lysis. Another aspect of NK cell function that seems to be underappreciated is their role in immune regulation. Since NK cells produce a number of immunologically relevant cytokines, it has been suggested that these cells may modulate the development of the adaptive immune response. But, is it the only mechanism by which NK cells interact with cells involved in the induction of antigen-specific responses? This article reviews some older and more recent studies and attempts to place NK cells in the context of potent immune regulators of T cell responses.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the effectiveness of an intensive care unit (ICU), the case-mix has to be considered. This was a cohort study. By using Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation scores (APACHE II score), we evaluated the case-mix and mortality rate of 282 patients who were treated in our postoperative ICU. The overall mortality rate was 10.6 per cent. Higher Acute physiology scores and emergency surgery in the presence of chronic health status were related to higher mortality, but age was not. However, the original APACHE II model could not precisely predict the mortality of Thai patients. We used stepwise logistic regression to determine the predictors of death and found the prediction model to be -7.24 + 0.37 (APACHE II score) + 1.46 (postemergency surgery). The actual mortality for patients with APACHE II score > 15 in our ICU was higher than that predicted by the original APACHE II model. The causes of this difference might be difference in methodology, characteristics of ICU and the quality of care.  相似文献   

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