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In the ultrastructural comparison of normal, unimmunized spleens with immunized spleens at key intervals after antigenic stimulation with keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH), we noted cellular and cytological features which reflect the cellular kinetics of the primary immune response, particularly with respect to plasma cell production. Although lymphoblasts and mature plasma cells are present in the white and red pulp, respectively, intermediate stages of the plasma cell line are rarely found in normal spleen. Following antigenic challenge, we found a marked increase in lymphoblasts in the white pulp, most of them containing short segments of rough endoplasmic reticulum suggesting initial differentiation toward plasma cells. Following an apparent migration of cells from the white to the red pulp, we found plasma cells in various stages of maturation in the red pulp cords and sinuses. The ultrastructural features of these cells reflect the differentiation of lymphoblasts into mature plasma cells. Both immature and mature plasma cells usually possess dilated cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum, suggesting that they are capable of producing and storing a secretory product, presumably antibody. We also noted a large number of immature macrophages and monocytes in immunized spleens. These cellular events and their cytological characteristics are compared to those described in other vertebrate classes.  相似文献   

The neonatal period marks an important time in mammalian immunologic development, yet it is often ignored in studies of lymphocyte development. We identified a cell population with the phenotype heat stable Ag (HSA)low lin- CD43low that contained B cell progenitors at a high frequency in the neonatal bone marrow and spleen. Although cells with a similar phenotype can be identified in the bone marrow and spleen of adult animals, these populations showed a greatly reduced frequency of B cell progenitors. B lineage cells were detected after 7 days in culture at a frequency of 1:15 when HSAlow lin- CD43low cells from neonatal bone marrow were cultured on stromal cells and IL-7 under limiting dilution conditions. Under similar conditions, the equivalent population in adult bone marrow had a frequency of B cell progenitors that was less than 1:2000. The expression of terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase in freshly sorted neonatal HSAlow lin- CD43low cells suggested that cells committed to the lymphocyte lineage were present in this population. These data suggested that the HSAlow lin- CD43low population of cells represents a pool of B lineage precursors that may be responsible for filling the immune compartment early in neonatal life.  相似文献   

The maternal transfer of pneumococcal polysaccharides to foetus, as well as the antibody formation and metabolic response were studied in mice exposed to pneumococcal polysaccharides during pregnancy. Type 19 and type 57 pneumococcal polysaccharides display cross-placental transfer to foetus. These polysaccharides also transfer through mother's milk to neonates. Maternal immunization of type 19 polysaccharide during pregnancy induced higher antibody formation in the offspring than the group from non-immunized mothers. Young mice, which received a second dose of polysaccharide at 2 weeks of age, showed a higher antibody response than those which did not receive polysacharide. Treatment of mothers with anti-lymphocyte serum, following by administration of polysaccharide, significantly increased the neonatal immune response to the polysaccharide. Treatment of the mother with a high dose of type 19 or type 57 polysaccharide did not cause significant changes in neonatal growth and organ weights. The offspring from mothers treated with high doses of these polysaccharides did not exhibit abnormalities in chemical contents of their tissues.  相似文献   

When cultured in vitro with either mitogen or parasite antigens, spleen cells from mice infected with Schistosoma mansoni produce significantly higher levels of IL-4 than splenocytes from control animals. Previous studies suggested that this increase in IL-4 production occurs because of a selective expansion of T helper type 2 (Th2) cells in infected mice. However, these experiments employed unfractionated spleen populations rather than purified T lymphocytes. Here we demonstrate that T-depleted spleen cells from infected animals synthesize high levels of interleukin-4 (IL-4), but no IL-5 when stimulated with parasite antigen in vitro. Nevertheless, when purified by sorting, T cells and non-B, non-T (NBNT) populations produced similar amounts of IL-4 in response to parasite antigen. The IL-4 producing NBNT cells were found to belong to an Fc epsilon receptor (Fc epsilon R)-positive population which after sort purification produced high levels of IL-4 (between 1000 and 2000 U of per 5 x 10(3) cells). FACS analysis revealed that these Fc epsilon R+ cells make up 0.53% of splenic NBNT cells in control animals while in 8-9-week-infected animals they increase to 3.8% of that population. In contrast, in mice with 8-week unisexual worm infections these cells comprise only 1.71% of NBNT cells, indicating that eggs are a major stimulus of the response. The expansion of Fc epsilon R+ cells and their production of IL-4 could be an important factor regulating the selection and induction of different CD4+ subsets in schistosome-infected hosts.  相似文献   

Engagement of alpha-beta T cell receptors (TCRs) induces many events in the T cells bearing them. The proteins that transduce these signals to the inside of cells are the TCR-associated CD3 polypeptides and zeta-zeta or zeta-eta dimers. Previous experiments using knockout (KO) mice that lacked zeta (zeta KO) showed that zeta is required for good surface expression of TCRs on almost all T cells and for normal T cell development. Surprisingly, however, in zeta KO mice, a subset of T cells in the gut of both zeta KO and normal mice bore nearly normal levels of TCR on its surface. This was because zeta was replaced by the Fc epsilon RI gamma (FcR gamma). These cells were relatively nonreactive to stimuli via their TCRs. In addition, a previous report showed that zeta replacement by the FcR gamma chain also might occur on T cells in mice bearing tumors long term. Again, these T cells were nonreactive. To understand the consequences of zeta substitution by FcR gamma for T cell development and function in vivo, we produced zeta KO mice expressing FcR gamma in all of their T cells (FcR gamma TG zeta KO mice). In these mice, TCR expression on immature thymocytes was only slightly reduced compared with controls, and thymocyte selection occurred normally and gave rise to functional, mature T cells. Therefore, the nonreactivity of the FcR gamma + lymphocytes in the gut or in tumor-bearing mice must be caused by some other phenomenon. Unexpectedly, the TCR levels of mature T cells in FcR gamma TG zeta KO mice were lower than those of controls. This was particularly true for the CD4+ T cells. We conclude that FcR gamma can replace the functions of zeta in T cell development in vivo but that TCR/CD3 complexes associated with FcR gamma rather than zeta are less well expressed on cells. Also, these results revealed a difference in the regulation of expression of the TCR/CD3 complex on CD4+ and CD8+ T cells.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Portopulmonary hypertension, defined as mean pulmonary artery pressure >25 mmHg in the presence of a normal pulmonary capillary wedge pressure and portal hypertension, is a known complication of end-stage liver disease that has been associated with high morbidity and mortality at the time of liver transplantation. We have recently reported the successful treatment of portopulmonary hypertension with chronic intravenous epoprostenol and now report the first patient with severe portopulmonary hypertension successfully treated with epoprostenol who subsequently underwent successful liver transplantation. METHODS: A patient with severe portopulmonary hypertension was treated with intravenous epoprostenol, 23 ng/kg/min, for a 4-month period, after which the portopulmonary hypertension resolved and the patient underwent successful liver transplantation. RESULTS: The patient was discharged, continues to do well, and at 3 months is off epoprostenol with near normal pulmonary artery pressures. CONCLUSIONS: Chronic epoprostenol, in conjunction with a multidisciplinary, well-planned perioperative evaluation and treatment plan, may be the answer to a heretofore untreatable disease.  相似文献   

We have employed isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy to characterize the binding of soluble fragments of IgE (IgE-Fc and Fc epsilon 3-4) to a soluble fragment of the high-affinity receptor Fc epsilon RI alpha-chain (sFc epsilon RI alpha). The thermodynamic parameters for the interaction of IgE-Fc and Fc epsilon 3-4 with sFc epsilon RI alpha, determined using ITC, confirm the earlier conclusion that the C epsilon 2 domain is not involved in the interaction and that the stoichiometry of both complexes is 1:1. For both IgE-Fc and Fc epsilon 3-4, the value of Delta H degrees is -36.9 +/- 4.6 kcal mol-1 at 37.3 degreesC and Delta Cp degrees is -820 +/- 120 cal mol-1 K-1. The temperature at which DeltaS degrees is zero is 284 +/- 1 K, indicating that the entropy contribution to the thermodynamics of association is unfavorable at physiological temperature. Of particular interest is the large value of Delta Cp degrees. The large surface area of IgE and Fc epsilon RI alpha that is implicated in complex formation from previous mutagenesis studies on the two proteins may account in part for the magnitude of Delta Cp degrees. Additional contributions may arise from hydration within the binding site and changes in tertiary structure of the individual components of the complex. However, the CD spectra of IgE, IgE-Fc, and Fc epsilon 3-4 complexes with sFc epsilon RI alpha are merely the sum of the spectra of their individual components, indicating that the secondary structure of the immunoglobulin domain folds are preserved on complex formation. Thus, any change in tertiary structure must be limited to the relative disposition of the immunoglobulin domains C epsilon 3 and C epsilon 4 in IgE and the two immunoglobulin-like domains in the alpha-chain of Fc epsilon RI.  相似文献   

The heterologous adoptive cutaneous anaphylaxis system was used to determine the kinetics of appearance of IgE-producing cells in various lymphoid tissues of mice following intratracheal (i.t.), intraperitoneal (i.p.), or subcutaneous (s.c.) immunization with tetanus toxoid and Bordetella pertussis organisms. Immunization, i.t. and i.p., produced similar patterns of response with the bronchial lymph nodes quantitatively exceeding the responses in other lymphoid tissues. In both cases the splenic lymphocyte response was second only to the bronchial and both appeared to parallel the serum PCA antibody. It is suggested that both responses represent draining lymph node responses since the bronchial lymph node drains both sites of immunization. After s.c. immunization a primary response of low order was found in the draining popliteal lymph node but not elsewhere. Although a dissociation was seen between responses obtained in various lymphoid tissues following s.c. and i.p. or i.t. immunization, no real evidence for a local mucosal response, such as has been reported for IgA, was obtained. These results lend experimental support to the observations that intratracheal and intraperitoneal immunization routes are most effective in production of IgE antibodies.  相似文献   

Allogeneic and autologous marrow transplants are routinely used to correct a wide variety of diseases. In addition, autologous marrow transplants potentially provide opportune means of delivering genes in transfected, engrafting stem cells. However, relatively little is known about the mechanisms of engraftment in transplant recipients, especially in the nonablated setting and with regard to cells not of hemopoietic origin. In particular, this includes stromal cells and progenitors of the osteoblastic lineage. We have demonstrated for the first time that a whole bone marrow transplant contains cells that engraft and become competent osteoblasts capable of producing bone matrix. This was done at the individual cell level in situ, with significant numbers of donor cells being detected by fluorescence in situ hybridization in whole femoral sections. Engrafted cells were functionally active as osteoblasts producing bone before being encapsulated within the bone lacunae and terminally differentiating into osteocytes. Transplanted cells were also detected as flattened bone lining cells on the periosteal bone surface.  相似文献   

An injection of Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS) increased the activity of histidine decarboxylase (HDC) in bone marrow (BM) cells of C3H/HeN mice much more than in C3H/HeJ mice, which are resistant to various effects of LPS. In WBB6/F1 (W/Wv) mice, which are genetically deficient in mast cells, HDC activity increased more than in C3H/HeN mice. Cultured BM cells of W/Wv mice spontaneously synthesized histamine in a HDC-dependent way. LPS caused a slight increase in HDC-associated histamine synthesis by these cells. Treatment of the BM cells with murine recombinant granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (mrGM-CSF) increased the histamine synthesis. In addition, treatment with mrGM-CSF made the cells respond to LPS by a dose-dependent increase in HDC activity and histamine synthesis. Most dish-adherent BM cells that had been treated with both mrGM-CSF and LPS for 48 h were stained for nonspecific esterase and not for chloroacetate esterase, and had twice as much HDC activity as the nonadherent cells had. Immunocytochemical analysis of the BM cells of W/Wv mice treated with both mrGM-CSF and LPS showed that HDC was in the cytoplasm of cells having Mac-1, a macrophage-differentiation antigen. These results suggest that cells of the macrophage lineage in the BM of mice synthesize histamine.  相似文献   

The methyl cellulose modification of the CFUe technique has been applied to 14 day fetal liver and adult bone marrow and spleen from CBA/CA mice. Optimized doses of fetal calf serum, alpha-thioglycerol, erythropoietin and cell suspensions have been obtained from dose response curves in order to standardize the technique. The slopes of the erythropoietin and cell dose response curves indicate a greater sensitivity by fetal liver to the hormone than bone marrow or spleen. The proportion of cells in the DNA synthesis phase of the cell cycle, as measured by the CFUe technique, has been estimated by administering hydroxyurea. Two hours after the drug was injected, 89% of fetal liver cells, 71% of bone marrow cells and 81% of spleen cells were found to be in the S-phase.  相似文献   

Unlike TCR-alpha beta cells, TCR-gamma delta cells express a distinct member of the zeta family, the gamma-chain of Fc epsilon RI (Fc epsilon RI gamma) within the TCR complex. To study the role of the Fc epsilon RI gamma-chain in TCR-gamma delta cells, a TCR-gamma delta transgenic mouse (G8) has been crossed with CD3 zeta-chain-deficient mice (G8.zeta-/-). Thy-1+ spleen and lymph node cells of these animals expressed low levels of CD3/TCR. These results suggested that the zeta-chain is required for effective TCR transport to the cell surface. In contrast, intraepithelial TCR-gamma delta cells of G8.zeta-/- mice expressed high levels of TCR. Immunoprecipitation with anti-CD3 showed that Fc epsilon RI gamma-chains were associated with the TCR complex in T cells isolated from zeta-deficient mice. Although the Fc epsilon RI gamma-expressing T cells proliferated in response to stimulation by TCR-specific Abs including anti-CD3 epsilon, anti-pan gamma delta, and anti-V gamma 2 mAb, the G8.zeta-/- T cells did not respond to the G8-specific Ag (T10b), anti-Thy-1 mAb, or Con A. The unresponsiveness to the Ag was not due to the reduced TCR expression, because intraepithelial TCR-gamma delta cells from the zeta-deficient mice did not respond to Ag. The inability of the G8.zeta-/- T cells to respond to Ag could not be overcome by providing an anti-CD28 costimulatory signal or by adding exogenous rIL-2. Taken together, our data suggest that the Fc epsilon RI gamma-chain associates with the TCR-gamma delta complex in the absence of the zeta-chain, but it is not able to substitute for the zeta-chain for effective transport of TCR to the cell surface or functional responses to Ag.  相似文献   

The expression of cytokeratins (CK), involucrin, vimentin, CD34, and alpha-smooth-muscle actin was studied in fetal and adult hair follicles. The first stage of the developing hair follicle is characterized by palisaded, elongated epithelial cells budding from the epidermal basal layer. These cells express CK5/6, CK14, CK17, CK19, and vimentin. During the following weeks of gestation, different structures in the developing hair follicle can be identified and characterized. The matrical cells display only CK19. The keratinocytes of the outer root sheath express CK5/6, CK14, CK17, CK19, and involucrin; those of the inner root sheath, CK4, CK18, and involucrin; those of the isthmus, the same profile as the ORS. In the infundibulum, the basal-layer keratinocytes express CK5/6, CK14, CK17, and CK19, whereas in the suprabasal layers CK1, CK4, CK10, CK14, and CK17 are seen. The adult hair follicle in anagen fails to express CK19 in the matrical cells and isthmus and both CK17 and CK19 in the infundibulum. These profiles of intermediate filaments and other markers appear to be potentially useful in categorizing neoplasms with apparent follicular differentiation.  相似文献   

Ricin A-chain is delivered into macrophages via receptor-mediated endocytosis. We have found that following uptake via the mannose receptor, ricin A-chain is rapidly cleaved by endosomal proteases. Inhibition of endosomal proteases such as cathepsin D and B leads to the accumulation of toxin inside the cell. Inhibition of cathepsin D reduces ricin A-chain cytotoxicity, while blocking cathepsin B enhances cytotoxicity. Similar results were obtained using fibroblasts transfected with the mannose receptor. Our data strongly suggest that the activation or membrane translocation of ricin A-chain is dependent upon the action of specific proteases.  相似文献   

Human cell therapy applications in tissue engineering, such as the ex vivo production of hematopoietic cells for transplantation, have recently entered the clinic. Although considerable effort has been focused on the development of biological processes to generate therapeutic cells, little has been published on the design and manufacture of devices for implementation of these processes in a robust and reproducible fashion at a clinical scale. In this study, the effect of tissue culture surface chemistry and texture was assessed in human bone marrow (BM) mononuclear cell (MNC) and CD34-enriched cell cultures. Growth and differentiation was assessed by total, progenitor (CFU-GM), stromal (CFU-F), and primitive (LTC-IC) cell output. Tissue culture treated (TCT) plastic significantly increased MNC culture output as compared with non-TCT plastic, whereas CD34-enriched cell cultures gave lower output (than MNC cultures) that was unaffected by TCT plastic. Interestingly, the level of MNC culture output was significantly different on four commercial TCT surfaces, with the best performing surface giving output that was 1.6- to 2.8-fold greater than the worst one. The surface giving the highest output was the best at supporting development of a distinct morphological feature in the adherent layer (i.e. cobblestone area) indicative of primitive cells, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was used to characterize this surface. For custom injection molding of culture devices, the use of three different resins resulted in MNC culture output that was equivalent to commercial cultureware controls, whereas CD34-enriched cell cultures were highly sensitive to resins containing additives. When the texture of molded parts was roughened by sandblasting of the tool, MNC culture output was significantly reduced and higher spikes of IL-6 and G-CSF production were observed, presumably due to macrophage activation. In conclusion, the manufacture of BM MNC culture devices for clinical applications was optimized by consideration of plastic resin, surface treatment, and texture of the culture substratum. Although CD34-enriched cells were insensitive to surface treatment, they were considerably more sensitive to biocompatibility issues related to resin selection. The development of robust systems for BM MNC expansion will enable clinical trials designed to test the safety and efficacy of cells produced in this novel tissue engineering application.  相似文献   

This review highlights recent progress in our understanding of the beneficial effects of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in cardiovascular disease (CVD). The fact that HRT is increasingly advocated has raised concern about possible adverse effects weighed against the potential benefits of HRT regimens. Both favourable and unfavourable effects of oestrogens and HRT regimens on CVD risk factors are increasingly recognized. Consequently, the picture on cardiovascular effects of oestrogen and HRT has become more complicated, and research in this field has extended to novel areas.  相似文献   

We used P1-enhanced 32P-postlabeling to investigate DNA adduct formation in the bone marrow of B6C3F1 mice treated intraperitoneally with benzene (BZ). No adducts were detected in the bone marrow of controls or mice treated with various doses of BZ once a day. After twice-daily treatment with BZ, 440 mg/kg, for 1 to 7 days, one major and two minor DNA adducts were detected. The relative adduct levels ranged from 0.06-1.46 x 10(-7). In vitro treatment of bone marrow from B6C3F1 mice with various doses of hydroquinone (HQ) for 24 h also produced three DNA adducts. These adducts were the same as those formed after in vivo treatment of bone marrow with BZ. Co-chromatography experiments indicated that the principal DNA adduct detected in the bone marrow of B6C3F1 mice was the same as that detected in HL-60 cells treated with HQ. This finding suggests that HQ may be the principal metabolite of BZ leading to DNA adduct formation in vivo. DNA adduct 2 corresponds to the DNA adduct formed in HL-60 cells treated with 1,2,4-benzenetriol. DNA adduct 3 remains unidentified. After a 7-day treatment with BZ, 440 mg/kg twice a day, the number of cells per femur decreased from 1.6 x 10(7) to 0.85 x 10(7), indicating myelotoxicity. In contrast, administration of BZ once a day produced only a small decrease in bone marrow cellularity. These studies demonstrate that metabolic activation of BZ leads to the formation of DNA adducts in the bone marrow. Further investigation is required to determine the role of DNA adducts and other forms of DNA damage in the myelotoxic effects of exposure to BZ.  相似文献   

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