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各位领导、各位常务理事及专家、各位委员代表、各位嘉宾女士们、先生们:大家好!中国房地产及住宅研究会住宅设施委员会2007年年会暨换届大会,今天隆重召开了。我们很容幸地再次请到了  相似文献   

各位领导、各位专家、各位代表、各位嘉宾,同志们、朋友们:大家好!首先,我代表中国房地产及住宅研究会住宅设施委员会,衷心感谢各位专家、各级领导对委员会的关怀,  相似文献   

尊敬的周部长、尊敬的各位领导、各位理事、各位代表、同志们,大家好!在全球内外、掌声雷动热烈庆祝2008北京奥运会胜利闭幕的日子里,在举国上下、欢呼雀跃欢庆神舟七号再次航天的时刻,我们在座的各位领导、专家从祖国的四面八方汇集到首都北京,来参加中国房地产及住宅研究会住宅设施委员会2008年年会。借此机会,请允许我代表江西省房地产行业协会对此次会议的召开表示热烈祝贺!  相似文献   

各位领导、各位同志、各位代表:上午好!我代表中国房地产及住宅研究会向住宅设施专业委员会2007年年会暨换届大会的胜利召开表示热烈  相似文献   

各位领导、专家、各位代表、嘉宾、同志们、朋友们:大家好!中国房地产及住宅研究会住宅设施委员会2008年年会今天在这里召开。首先,我很荣幸再次请到我们的周干峙副部长参加会议并指导工作。多年来,周部长对委员会的工作给予了很大的支持和肯定,多次来参加我们这个活动,让我们受益匪浅,在此我代表委员会表示衷心的感谢!同时我也代表委员会欢迎来自全国各地的各位理事、代表到会。  相似文献   

各位理事、各位代表: 第四届中国房地产及住宅研究会厨房卫生间委员会年会今年在北京召开。首先,我很荣幸再次请到周部长来参加会议并指导工作,多年来,厨卫委的工作一直得到周部长的支持和肯定,在此我代表委员会表示衷心感谢。这次会议总会——中国房地产及住宅研  相似文献   

各位代表、各位理事、各位来宾: 大家好! 中国房地产及住宅研究会住宅设施委员会2004年年会今天在这里胜利召开.这次会议很高兴邀请到建设部和部分省、市、自治区建设厅的领导和专家以及全国各地的各位理事、企业代表参加这次大会,请允许我代表住宅设施委员会向到会的各位领导、专家、嘉宾和代表表示热烈的欢迎!特别是我们尊敬的周干峙部长,中国房地产研究会副会长张元端,副秘书长吴惠琴等领导长期以来一直关心、支持我们的工作表示衷心的感谢!  相似文献   

各位代表: 大家好! 我们委员会的年会,今天圆满地闭幕了.在此,我代表中国房地产及住宅研究会住宅设施委员会向有关单位和各位对我们这次年会的关怀和支持,表示衷心感谢.  相似文献   

各位来宾,女士们,先生们: 在这秋高气爽的时节,能有机会和这么多朋友见面交流、沟通我十分高兴.首先,我代表大会主办方对"首届中国房地产及住宅设施集成技术创新大会"的胜利召开表示热烈祝贺;对出席本次大会的老领导、老专家表示崇高的敬意;向参加本次大会的各位代表表示热烈的欢迎.下面我仅就住宅设施产业谈一点自己的粗浅看法.  相似文献   

各位代表: 下午好,两天的会议已顺利完成了各项议程,即将闭幕.在此,我代表大会的主办单位向各位到会代表再次表示衷心感谢,特别是周部长亲临会议指导工作,院士、大师和全国著名高等院校的院长亲临大会做技术报告表示感谢.  相似文献   

This paper examines trends in house prices and affordability in Melbourne. Using previously unpublished, detailed data from the Victorian Valuer General's Office, we plot price movements by suburbs, and locate these changes in the context of broader economic and policy developments. We show that during the 1990s approximately one-third of Melbourne's suburbs experienced real price increases of up to 87 per cent, while another third experienced real falls of up to 29 per cent. Those suburbs whose residents experienced the fastest growth in after tax incomes also enjoyed the fastest growth in house prices. The price increases were concentrated in the inner city, while price falls occurred in the outer suburbs. We offer an explanation for these trends, and extrapolate from them to offer some thoughts on likely price and affordability developments in the coming decade. We conclude with a discussion of the policy implications.  相似文献   

This paper provides a perspective on the contemporary debate over the production of social housing. Its main focus is on the issue that geographic patterns of service levels may be related to the type of supply program in place. The paper describes the social housing programs in Ontario, Canada over the post‐war period. Two main approaches have been taken: public housing, an essentially centralized program; and locally sponsored, third sector housing provided through non‐profit corporations and co‐operatives. The programs operated in different time periods and the analysis suggests they do have distinctive geographic distributions. The distribution of public housing shows strong correlations with need as defined by the incidence of poor housing conditions and mother‐led families. Provision under the localized program is also strongly correlated with the incidence of mother‐led families; however, the most consistent associations are with measures of socio‐economic status. These results may be partly understood in terms of the changing concept of housing need over the temporal span of the study. Program influences may be that the centralized nature of the public housing program enabled the direction of allocations to high need areas; whereas under the localized program the distribution is more closely related to the social differentiation of leadership roles in service provision under a third sector delivery model. As this approach becomes more prevalent it may be important to examine its potential impacts on service provision.  相似文献   

Some recent work in housing research seems to downplay the role of politics in forming the content of housing policy. Building on the “power resources” and “state autonomy” approaches developed in welfare state research, this article outlines an explanatory framework including ideological and constituent factors most important to policy choice, as well as such institutional factors which may hamper or help policy choice. Using the Swedish debate over the 1984 housing tax proposal, it is shown that parties on each side of the capital‐labour divide recommend policy alternatives which are (a) in line with their ideological preferences, and (b) conducive to satisfying the perceived demands of the parties’ main constituencies. It is concluded that while economic factors may initiate policy action, ideological, political, and institutional factors are decisive for the content of such action.  相似文献   

It seems that many Belgian cities are doing well. Their population is increasing, numerous urban projects are under way, and masses of construction sites testify to effective realisations. And the inner cities are swamped with tourists and visitors attracted by the historical monuments and leisure activities. Is the 21st century indeed becoming the era of the city, as a White Book on urban policies predicts? Or is some modification of that prediction necessary? It would seem so, since the population growth is due to people coming from abroad (family reunification or formation; asylum-seekers), while at the same time the natives—as they have done since the 1960s—keep on leaving the city. So sub- and de-urbanisation has not stopped. There are even indications that it is accelerating again. In this contribution we consider why sub- and de-urbanisation, why sprawl is so obstinate, so persistent. We look at the structures behind the Belgian sprawl, seeing them as the consequence of a longstanding dialectical process of political choices and actions, cultural convictions and economic possibilities that reinforced each other in daily practice over and over again in the dominant direction.  相似文献   

In recent years considerable attention has been paid to the activity of investors in private rental housing. Underpinning this interest has been the perceived effects of changes during the 1980s to the tax treatment of investment in private rental housing. Of particular interest has been whether or not landlords should be able to ‘negatively gear’, or deduct from their taxable income the interest losses they incur on the rental properties. According to real estate lobby groups, the federal government's decision in July 1985 to ‘quarantine’ negative gearing in residential investments decimated the supply of private rental housing, and this in turn was said to be the prime reason for escalating rents and tightening vacancy rates in some capital cities. The campaign by the real estate lobby groups received considerable media coverage and eventually led to one of the few policy backdowns by the current federal government. In August 1987, and in an otherwise very tight budget, negative gearing was fully reintroduced.  相似文献   

This paper undertakes a critique of mainstream approaches to housing finance within the context of an individualist social theory which is critical of policy constructivism. Policy constructivism is seen as the fallacy whereby those institutions which are created by human actions can be readily re-created by deliberative action. Following Malpass et al. (1993) it discusses two approaches—the applied economic and policy—to housing finance. Whilst being able to suggest some of the differences and the strengths of these two approaches this paper suggests that they share similar theoretical and methodological flaws. The motivations and relationships between individuals and institutions are idealised and thus the models developed within these two approaches fail to appreciate the complexity of the housing process within an extended social order. The paper concludes by suggesting four areas in which housing research is deficient and that these deficiencies may be attended to through an alternative or additional approach placing individual action at its centre.  相似文献   

It is clear that in the 1990s the literature on the housing related aspects of the household and household economics has grown and diversified. Progress is being made in the development of theory, conceptualisation and micro‐studies. This paper is set in the foregoing context and it adds ideas and new dimensions to the value of work done by children and those who contribute to human capital formation in the home, especially women. Various themes and arguments indicate directions for new research agendas, for the changing forms of the use of housing for self‐education and labour market activities, and for new ideas in housing welfare.  相似文献   

张波 《城乡建设》2012,(4):6-12
三月的北京,草木萌动,春意渐浓。数千名全国人大代表、政协委员肩负着亿万人民的重托相聚在这里,共商科学发展大计。2012年是实施十二五规划承上启下的关键一年,今年的两会格外引人关注。两会期间,记者就创新社会管理,加强住房保障采访了湖南省委书记周强、江西省委书记苏荣、福建省委书记孙春兰、天津市市长黄兴国、合肥市委书记吴存荣——  相似文献   

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