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3MW集中式热电肥联产沼气工程设计与建设 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
山东民和牧业股份有限公司利用所属23家养殖场的鸡粪和污水作为沼气发酵原料,投资建设大型畜禽养殖场集中式沼气发电工程.原料经水解除砂工艺将鸡粪中的砂砾除去,保证发酵效率;采用中温(38 ℃)发酵工艺,产沼气30 000 m3/d;采用高效率低运行成本的生物脱硫工艺,将沼气中的H2S含量降至200×10-6以下;经净化的沼气在双膜干式贮气柜中贮存,供给热电联产的发电机组使用.发电量60 000 kWh/d,机组余热用于冬季发酵系统自身增温;发酵后的沼液用作周围葡萄、苹果及玉米地的有机肥料.项目实现了温室气体减排84882tCO2当量.文章介绍了该沼气发电工程的工艺特点和技术要点,为同类型沼气发电工程设计和建设提供参考. 相似文献
大型沼气工程运行分析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
以北京德青源沼气工程和山东民和沼气工程为实例介绍采用CSTR工艺对鸡粪进行厌氧发酵,其pH为6.88~8.49、氨氮为5 000 mg/L、VFA 80 mmol/l,运行稳定良好;采用新型生物脱硫技术对沼气进行脱硫净化,H2S去除率能够达到97%以上,为大型沼气工程的调试与运行提供参考. 相似文献
猪粪长期以来作简单的有机肥使用,不仅污染环境,而且还存在着大量生物质能源浪费、肥效流失严重等问题。萧山市龙翔公司年产1.2万头供港猪养殖场,由于整个生产线采用集约化饲养和高架漏网结构,大量粪水集中,加之用水冲栏,污水量大,给周围环境造成严重的污染,仅1991年由于污染造成大量鱼死亡,直接经济损失达5万余元。为了从根本上解决猪粪污水污染问题,于1993年建造了500m~3猪粪污水沼气发电工程,发电能力75kW。经过三年来的运行使用,该工程各项技术指标均达到设计要求,获得了较好的经济、社会、环境、能源综合效益,为禽畜养殖场污水处理提供了示范。 相似文献
笔者参与了某大型工业沼气停止产气的现场分析诊断,查明其原因系发酵受阻,菌种毒衰邙;采用快速 富集培育高温新菌种的技术处理方案,40天后启动正常恢复供气。 相似文献
Izabela Koniuszewska Ewa Korzeniewska Monika Harnisz Małgorzata Czatzkowska 《国际能源研究杂志》2020,44(8):6240-6258
Anaerobic digestion (AD) is an organic matter conversion technology which offers a wide range of options for production of biogas from organic biomass, providing an excellent opportunity to convert abundant bioresources into safe, eco-friendly, renewable energy. Important factors in the process of AD are the biodiversity of microorganisms, chemical load of oxygen demand, and content of water and total solids. A challenge for the future is to find technologies that will maximally enhance biogas production and to find pathways for biogas to supersede well-established technologies and practices in the contemporary heavily fossil fuel-based energy system. Current studies on technologies of biogas production indicate a number of possibilities of using appropriate biological and physicochemical additives, like added enzymes or fruit pomace, as well as immobilizing microorganisms on biofilters. Anaerobic biorefinery is an emerging concept that generates not only bioenergy but also high-value biochemical products from the same feedstock. This study is a review of articles describing the intensification of biogas production by using various technologies. 相似文献
A techno-economic assessment is made of wood-based production of ethanol, where the by-products are used for internal energy needs as well as for generation of electricity, district heat and pelletised fuel in different proportions for external use. Resulting ethanol production costs do not differ much between the options but a process where electricity generation is maximised by use of the solid residues as fuel for a combined cycle is found to give 20% more reduction of green-house gas emissions per liter of ethanol produced than the other options. Maximising electricity generation at the expense of district heat generation also allows more freedom when suitable sites for ethanol plants are looked for. Use of gasified biofuel for a combined cycle power plant is a demonstrated technology, however, the low ash and alkali content of the hydrolysis residue may allow direct combustion in the gas turbine topping cycle. This would reduce the necessary investment considerably. The potential advantages of using a combined cycle for maximising the electric power output from an energy combinate, producing ethanol and electricity from biomass, justifies further exploration of the possibilities for using hydrolysis residue directly as gas turbine fuel. 相似文献
广东省沼气资源潜力与养殖场沼气工程效益分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
文章介绍了广东省养殖场的沼气工艺流程,并利用广东省2017年统计年鉴的数据,评估计算了生猪、奶牛、肉牛、羊和鸡的粪尿量及其潜在的沼气资源量.评估结果表明:2016年广东省沼气资源量为24.37亿m3,若按沼气中含有50%的甲烷气体计,则折合甲烷12.19亿m3,约占广东省同年天然气消费量的7.3%.文章以广州市花都区大... 相似文献
《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2022,47(32):14432-14452
We introduced a novel combined process of CO2 methanation (METH) and catalytic decomposition of methane (CDM) for simultaneous production of hydrogen (H2) and carbon nanotubes (CNTs) from biogas. In this process, biogas is catalytically upgraded into CH4-rich gas in METH reactor using Ni/CeO2 catalyst, and the obtained CH4-rich gas is subsequently decomposed into H2 and CNTs in CDM reactor over CoMo/MgO catalyst. Among the three different process scenarios proposed, the combined process with a steam condenser equipped between METH and CDM reactors could greatly improve a CNTs productivity. The CNTs production yield increased by more than 2.5-fold, maximizing at 9.08 gCNTs/gCat with a CNTs purity of 90%. The deposited carbon product was characterized as multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) with a surface area of 136.0 m2/g, comparable with commercial CNTs of 199.8 m2/g. The remarkable IG/ID ratio of 2.18 confirms a superior portion of graphitic carbon in the synthesized CNTs upon the commercial CNTs with IG/ID = 0.74. Notably, the CH4 conversion reached 94.5%, while the CO2 conversion achieved 100%, resulting in the H2 yield and H2 purity higher than 90%. This combined process demonstrates a promising route for production of high quality CNTs and high purity H2 with complete CO2 conversion using biogas as abundant renewable energy resources. In addition, the test of raw biogas showed no deactivation of catalyst, justifying the implementation of the developed process for real biogas without purification. 相似文献
添加酒糟、草木灰对猪粪厌氧发酵的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以猪粪为发酵原料,研究在25℃条件下分别添加不同量的酒糟、草木灰对厌氧发酵产沼气的影响,分析了厌氧发酵过程中产气速率、累积产气量、pH值、氨态氮质量浓度及甲烷含量的变化。结果表明,在猪粪中添加草木灰1 g,累积产气量大且甲烷含量高;添加酒糟5 g,累积产气量大且甲烷含量高。添加1,3,5 g草木灰,pH值呈现降低—升高—稳定的趋势,氨态氮呈现升高—降低—稳定的趋势;添加1,3,5 g酒糟后,发酵过程中的pH值和氨态氮变化规律相似,均呈现升高—降低—升高—稳定的趋势。因此,合理的酒糟、草木灰添加量是提高猪粪厌氧发酵产气量及甲烷含量的前提。 相似文献