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Building refurbishment from one source: a forward‐looking cooperation model. Owners of private and smaller commercial building often feel out of their depth when it comes to technical and organisational aspects of comprehensive energy refurbishment. This article examines barriers for energy‐related upgrades and proposes a cooperation model for SMEs and building trade company as a countermeasure. “Building refurbishment from one source” aims to cover all aspects of energy‐related upgrades of residential buildings and lead to wider acceptance of energy‐related upgrades of existing buildings. The article summarises the findings from surveys and interviews and feedback from respondents. The study focuses on owner‐occupied residential build‐ings. The findings can be used to assist other cooperation schemes. Free cooperation between friendly companies and project‐related partnerships proved successful. From a client perspective the preferred option is a solution where one of the partner companies acts as main contractor. This “small” cooperation solution was well received by clients and many building trade companies and should be emphasised more strongly in the context of energy‐related building upgrades. Specimen contracts would encourage the establishment and aid continuity of such cooperation schemes.  相似文献   

Structural concept and detailing of a 3‐litre‐terraced houses on the occasion of modernization measures. Between 2001 and 2008, extensive refurbishment measures including partial renovation, complete modernisation, demolition works and subsequent new building development are scheduled for the residential area of Mannheim‐Gartenstadt. A total of 10 two‐storey residential houses built in the 1930s and the 1950s (comprising about 230 flats) are going to be refurbished. The flats are in a poor condition, not meeting nowadays standards regarding construction and technical installations. By conducting these structural measures, the GBG Mannheim housing society also follows the aim of improving the residential quarter’s attractiveness. Three buildings, including 68 flats, were to be modernised by the end of 2003. So far, refurbishment measures merely complied with the statutory requirements stipulated in the German regulations on energy conservation (EnEV), but future retrofitting measures for a terrace with 6 dwelling houses are to achieve a level of energy which will exceed these requirements by far. The energy performance of these buildings is to be substantially improved, with the aim of turning them into ’3‐litre houses’. Though this concept has been successfully implemented in new residential buildings, it is still a challenge for construction in existing buildings. Low‐energy buildings with an annual primary energy demand for heating of less than 34 kWh/m2a (inclusive of auxiliary energy) are referred to as ’3‐litre houses’. This corresponds to the primary energy content of 3 litres of heating oil.  相似文献   

Study on the efficiency of thermal refurbishment of residential buildings in Vienna. In the framework of the Kyoto Protocol Austria has committed to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions until 2008/2012 by 13% on the base of 1990. Therefore the Federal Government as well as the provincial governments have implemented programs for the protection of climate including several measures to reduce the emission of hazardous greenhouse gases mainly CO2. Regarding the enormous potential reduction activities were mainly focused on residential buildings. The refurbishment of the building envelope reduces the heating costs as well as the carbon dioxide emissions and improves the indoor climate. Several investigations were taken to check the utility of thermal refurbishment under structural and physical conditions. Plenty of data available in the line of several expertises of existing residential buildings were analysed and completed by additional investigations. The economic efficiency of thermal insulations is pointed out as well as the period of repayment or the influence of the thickness of insulation on the heating energy demand or possible CO2‐reductions.  相似文献   

《Energy and Buildings》2001,33(3):213-217
This EC ALTENER programme project sought to develop an integrated package of teaching materials on solar energy and energy efficiency in office buildings. The ultimate audience is a multi-disciplinary one, including architects, building services engineers, building economists and building energy managers. The project focused on mid-career education and the primary audience targeted by the project consists of the organisers and instructors of mid-career courses for these four professions in the 15 EU member states. The paper describes the process undertaken by the four collaborating organisations, and the resulting educational material. The package includes eight technical modules, with four exemplar case studies, one of which covers the refurbishment of an existing building, and a training software program. Finally, the package also includes four instructor’s modules, one for each of the four target audiences.  相似文献   

Energy performance assessment based on DIN V 18599 vs. building simulation – a project report. The new German Energy Conservation Ordinance (EnEV 2007), which came into force on 1st October 2007, stipulates a new approach to energy performance assessment for non‐domestic buildings. In the past the calculations based on DIN 4701‐10 for office buildings and heated halls, for example, were relatively simple. DIN V 18599, in contrast, now specifies a rather time‐consuming procedure. In parallel, since the 1970s the approach to energy performance assessment increasingly developed from “passive” calculations to an “active” and key component of the design and formation process for a project, and this is indeed how it should be if the aim is to create an energy‐optimised building design. Based on a specific project the suitability for practical application and the benefit for the client of the calculation procedure according to DIN V 18599 were compared with a thermal building simulation. The resulting implementation issues are discussed in this paper. The Energy Conservation Ordinance 2007 no doubt represents a further milestone with far‐reaching consequences for the planning process and for building design and raises new issues that will have to be addressed in future.  相似文献   

The existing buildings stock in European countries accounts for over 40% of final energy consumption in the European Union (EU) member states, of which residential use represents 63% of total energy consumption in the buildings sector. Consequently, an increase of building energy performance can constitute an important instrument in the efforts to alleviate the EU energy import dependency and comply with the Kyoto Protocol to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. This is also in accordance to the European Directive on the energy performance of buildings (EPBD), which has come to effect on 4 January 2006. The energy performance assessment for existing dwellings (EPA-ED) is a new methodology supported by software, developed in the framework of a European project that focuses on energy related issues for existing residential buildings, in line with the EPBD. This paper presents an overview of the method and software that can be used to perform building energy audits and assess buildings in a uniform way, perform demand and savings calculations, provide owners with specific advice for measures to improve energy performance, issue an energy performance certificate for existing buildings, and include some representative results from the pilot studies performed in several European countries. Also the sister-method EPA-NR, on non-residential buildings, currently under construction, is introduced.  相似文献   

According to the Chinese State Council's “Building Energy Efficiency Management Ordinance”, a large-scale investigation of energy efficiency (EE) in buildings in contemporary China has been carried out in 22 provincial capitals and major cities in China. The aim of this project is to provide reliable information for drawing up the “Decision on reinforcing building energy efficiency” by the Ministry of Construction of China. The surveyed organizations include government departments, research institutions, property developers, design institutions, construction companies, construction consultancy services companies, facility management departments, financial institutions and those which relate to the business of building energy efficiency. In addition, representatives of the media and residents were also involved. A detailed analysis of the results of the investigation concerning aspects of the current situation and trends in building energy consumption, energy efficiency strategy and the implementation of energy efficiency measures has been conducted. The investigation supplies essential information to formulate the market entrance policy for new buildings and the refurbishment policy for existing buildings to encourage the development of energy efficient technology.  相似文献   

Technology of large‐sized heat‐insulating elements for energetic redevelopment of facades. Sustainable reduction of heating energy – required for our buildings – can be reached by additional insulation of existing old building facades. Sometimes homeowners interest about the heat‐insulating redevelopment of their building facades seemed to be quite small, because of longer construction times and restrictions by scaffolding, noise and pollution often concerned with conventional technologies. New impulses for the realization of additional redevelopment measures can be given by innovative, timesaving and less disturbing redevelopment technologies – like the following described. So the federal ministry for economy and technology and 4 industry partners promoted the research project “Energetic redevelopment of facades with industrial prefabrication technologies” [1], [2] at the University of Bochum (Institute of constructional civil engineering). In the context of this research project all essentials of the technology of large‐sized heat‐insulating elements for sustainable heating energy saving redevelopment of facades were developped. This technology is based on large‐sized heat‐insulating elements (height of about 2,80 m and length up to 8 m) considering aspects of structural analysis, physics relating to construction and assembling elements. For the application of the large‐sized elements at building facades two fixing systems were created and tested – one based on dot‐shaped fixings, the other on bar‐shaped fixings. To ensure the prefabrication of those large‐sized redevelopment elements and their exact assembling the development of a contactless surveying and marking out system was necessary – separately realized at the University of Bochum (area of geodetics). Large size and system‐specific implementation details of the redevelopment elements mentioned above caused the development of suitable tools for assembling and transporting elements.  相似文献   

基于新国标的教学楼及电子设备雷击风险评估   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
我国从2008年11月起实施GB/T 21714.2-2008建筑物防雷设计规范,它适用于建筑物和服务设施的雷击风险评估。基于新国标对某教学楼进行雷击风险评估,为新国标的应用和普及提供参考。首先对教学楼进行数据采集和分区,按照评估流程和方法对其进行雷击风险评估。将所得雷击风险值与风险容许值进行比较,得出评估结果。最后对教学楼及其内部的电子设备提出防雷建议。教学楼直接雷击的风险值和间接雷击的风险值都小于风险容许值,现有的防护措施基本能满足教学楼的防雷需要。  相似文献   

The operational phase of a building project has increasingly gained importance with their energy performance becoming valuable and determining their operational excellence. In most heritage building projects (HBPs), the operational energy use aspects areless considered, and a systematic way of analyzing their energy performance following project delivery is often lacking. The aim of this study is to evaluate the operational performance of refurbishment and reuse of UK listed church projects. The objective is to assess the operational energyuse with a view to optimizing their sustainable performance. The methodology includes eight selected case study buildings refurbished and converted for multipurpose use. The case study approach provided qualitative insights into how the study contributes to a more structured requirements for energy management in HBPs with specific attention to energy-efficient building operations. The findings show the need to focus on fundamental areas of operational management (i.e.by developing and implementing more focused policy on operational energy performance of heritage buildings) to minimize the energy required to operate them. The challenges of implementing changes in operational energy performance improvement of heritage buildings are addressed in the form of recommendations that could lead to real results. The study concludes that leveraging these areas requires commitment from all heritage building stakeholders because they all have substantial roles in harmonizing the requirement for the project's sustainability and not just the building operators. Meanwhile, baseline project planning, periodic updating, monitoring, and managing the energy use pattern are suggested as measures that could greatly facilitate better energy performance to optimizing their sustainable reuse compared with the traditional approach of trying to improve their thermal performance.  相似文献   

Fire safety of large roofs for buildings — commentary on the new version of DIN 18234 Compliance with the requirements of DIN 18234 can significantly improve the fire safety of large roofs without classifiable fire resistance. A fire inside the building is thus prevented from spreading to the roof, or spreading to the roof is delayed to such an extent that the fire brigade, provided it was notified immediately and arrives in good time, has a realistic chance of finding the fire contained within a smaller area, so that it can be dealt with successfully. Inclusion of DIN 18234 as a roof construction standard in the German model guidelines for industrial buildings (MIndBauRL) was a first, but important step for the acceptance of this standard as part of the building regulation framework. It is hoped that the opportunities offered by the standard can now also be taken up in future revisions of guidelines for other special‐purpose buildings.  相似文献   

In several housing development projects in Norway the requirements related to the mandatory connection to district heating plants have shown to be a barrier for building low-energy residential buildings. The developers have considered the costs related to both low-energy measures and a space heating system that can utilize district heat to be too high to give the project acceptable profitability. In these projects the developers wanted to use a cheaper electric space heating system. Based on models representative for the range of the Norwegian district heating plants, calculations show that the CO2 emissions related to heating in residential buildings with an energy standard in accordance with the new building regulations and that are connected to the district heating grid, are lower than for similar buildings with a low-energy standard and with heating based on electricity. However, in a long term perspective the differences are marginal when considering the national annual CO2 emissions. Similarly, increased peak power demand due to electricity-based heating may also be regarded as marginal when compared to the present maximum peak power capacity in Norway.  相似文献   

北京既有建筑节能改造对策研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
既有建筑节能改造是建筑节能工程的一个重要组成部分。北京市既有建筑的节能改造工作时间紧迫、任务繁重。为此,对北京既有建筑节能改造面临的困难和问题,对既有建筑节能改造的对策和途径进行了深入的分析和探讨。  相似文献   

《Energy and Buildings》2006,38(6):618-626
A large potential for energy savings exists in the Danish residential building stock due to the fact that 75% of the buildings were constructed before 1979 when the first important demands for energy performance of building were introduced. It is also a fact that many buildings in Denmark face comprehensive renovations in the coming years and in connection with this renovation process energy-saving measures can be implemented relatively inexpensive and cost effective. This opportunity should be used to insure the buildings in the future as far as energy consumption is concerned. This paper gives a short account of the technical energy-saving possibilities that are present in existing dwellings and presents a financial methodology used for assessing energy-saving measures. In order to estimate the total savings potential detailed calculations have been performed in a case with two typical buildings representing the residential building stock and based on these calculations an assessment of the energy-saving potential is performed. A profitable savings potential of energy used for space heating of about 80% is identified over 45 years (until 2050) within the residential building stock if the energy performances are upgraded when buildings are renovated.  相似文献   

Existing building stock is responsible for a significant share of energy consumption in cities, consequent emissions, and effects on climate change. Energy refurbishment of buildings can have an essential contribution to sustainable strategies of cities in Europe. District-Scale Refurbishment (D-SR) has many benefits compared to single building refurbishment, but some barriers have delayed the realisation of district-scale projects. This article aims to explain the importance of district-scale approaches for energy-efficient refurbishment and presents the findings related to the need for a new-type of role needed to accelerate district-level energy-efficient refurbishment projects, defined as an “activator”. Threefold methodology was applied to conduct this study including (1) a literature review to analyse issues that enable or hinder district-scale energy refurbishment of existing buildings, (2) twenty-five semi-structured interviews were carried out of pioneering representatives of architectural engineering and construction (AEC) in Finland and the questionnaire was designed to encompass Osterwalder's business canvas approach. Thematic findings were identified based on the qualitative results of the interviews.The results of this study demonstrate that while district-scale refurbishment is seen beneficial in many aspects, it requires new roles, and an activator is needed to initiate and possibly lead the process. At the same time, the role of the municipality emerged as extremely important as an enabler by supporting flexible town-planning, open information, strong support for citizens' participation processes and by providing incentives for starting the process. The optimum profile of an activator is very demanding, requiring skills in process understanding, networking, and collaboration, in addition to expertise in energy solutions and technologies. This role could be taken by, e.g. contractors, project managers or engineering companies. The major challenge remains concerning who would pay for the role of an ‘activator’ during the initial stages of D-SR. This could be solved e.g. through a national incentive or the activator could be hired by the municipality. The value proposition should be for the end-users and could be based on (a) saving or increasing the value of a residential flat, (b) improving the living environment and increasing the attractiveness of the district, (c) improving well-being, or (d) easiness of refurbishment process.  相似文献   

Das DATAMINE‐Projekt wurde angesichts des Bedarfs nach konkreten Daten über den tatsächlichen energetischen Zustand des europäischen Gebäudebestands und die bestehenden Potentiale zur Energieeinsparung und CO2‐Emissionsminderung ins Leben gerufen. Diese Daten sollen längerfristig helfen, das politische Instrumentenbündel (ordnungsrechtliche, steuerliche, Förder‐Maßnahmen, Informationsvermittlung) so zu gestalten, dass es wirkungsvoll und kosteneffizient ist. Entsprechend dem DATAMINE‐Konzept basieren die Informationen auf Energieausweisen, die gemäß EU‐Gebäuderichtlinie ausgestellt werden, sobald ein Gebäude gebaut, verkauft oder vermietet wird. Im Rahmen des DATAMINE‐Projekts wurden in zwölf Ländern Feldversuche mit größeren Gebäudedaten‐Sammlungen durchgeführt, jeder mit unterschiedlichen Analysezielen. Dabei nutzte jedes Land die gleiche Datenstruktur für die Sammlung seiner Energieausweis‐Daten, die im Vorfeld gemeinsam entwickelt worden war. Diese lässt sich auf die verschiedenen Zertifizierungssysteme anwenden, die die europäischen Länder auf Grund der Unterschiede in Informationsbedürfnissen, Gebäudearten und Klima entwickelt haben. Rund 19.000 Datensätze wurden im gemeinsamen DATAMINE‐Format gesammelt. In einem Ländervergleich konnten verschiedene Energieeffizienz‐Indikatoren gegenübergestellt werden. Das Ergebnis der Analysen ergibt einen genaueren Einblick in den aktuellen Stand der energetischen Modernisierung spezifischer Gebäudegruppen in den beteiligten Ländern. Schließlich wurden Schlussfolgerungen in Bezug auf die Entwicklung von Monitoringsystemen in jedem Land und auf EU‐Ebene gezogen. European attempt at energy performance monitoring based on data collections and certification schemes. The launch of the DATAMINE project has been driven by the need for concrete data on the actual energy performance of the European building stock as well as the potential energy savings and CO2 reductions. In the longer term data can help develop tailored, cost‐efficient complementary measures to energy performance legislation, such as soft loans and tax incentives. DATAMINE aims to construct a knowledge base using the information on the energy performance certificates issued when buildings are constructed, sold or rented. In the framework of DATAMINE test projects were carried out on large samples of buildings in 12 countries, each with individual monitoring targets. In each country the same data structure was used for data collection which had been developed at the forefront. Full allowance is made for the Europe‐wide differences in certification schemes, since each country has a scheme tailored to its specific needs, building stock and climate. Around 19,000 datasets have been collected in the common DATAMINE format. Cross‐country analysis of the collected data was performed comparing different energy performance indicators. The result of the evaluation activities gives a clearer insight into the current state of refurbishment of specific building subsets in each country. Finally conclusions were drawn regarding the development of monitoring systems in each country and on EU level.  相似文献   

C. Hoffmann  K. Voss 《Bauphysik》2005,27(6):346-358
Passive cooling of existing office buildings – proposal of a typology Passive cooling techniques use natural heat sinks (e. g. night air, ground) to dissipate excess heat while using storage effects in the building structure to modulate heat gains. Since most of the available heat sinks have a limited capacity a very low cooling load is a precondition. To assure a successful refurbishment of an office building with passive cooling techniques the question has to be discussed how suitable the buildings preconditions are. The paper discusses the building‐related and the non building‐related factors and establishes a typology. This typology allows identifying and classifying buildings according to their suitability for passive cooling. A “decision matrix” finally combines building‐related and non building‐related parameters and shows the buildings potential for passive cooling at an early stage of planning.  相似文献   

《Energy and Buildings》2005,37(11):1158-1174
The 2000 W society, achievable through cuts in resource consumption and per capita CO2 emissions, is closely related to the goals of sustainable development. This study identifies the specific targets that need to be met both globally and by Switzerland to realize the vision. As a major energy consumer, the buildings sector will have to make a substantial contribution to meeting these targets. The report starts by examining the energy-saving potential of individual residential buildings through different combinations of building standard and building services system. Various building concepts already available today offer considerable potential and, as individual solutions, often achieve the targets of the 2000 W society. Yet, as the impact of such individual solutions on the building stock is dampened by a range of factors (e.g. long refurbishment cycles, low energy prices, scepticism of investors towards new technology), the effective gains fall far short of the theoretical potential. As the considered implementation scenarios and building stock projections show, the average buildings-sector targets required for the 2000 W society are nonetheless attainable. However, in order to tap the potential in the residential buildings sector, there is an urgent need for immediate action at various levels (e.g. through financial incentive systems, consumer information campaigns).  相似文献   

《Energy and Buildings》2002,34(2):113-119
The TOBUS (a decision-making tool for selecting office building upgrading solutions) methodology and software have been developed as a result of a 2-year European research project, involving eight European institutions, in the frame of the JOULE III programme of the European Commission (EC), Directorate General XII. A structured diagnosis scheme enables architects and engineers to simultaneously handle the entire complex process of office building refurbishment or retrofit with respect to deterioration, functional obsolescence of building services, energy consumption and indoor environmental quality. The software tool can then be used to define the most appropriate and cost-effective actions, to elaborate consistent refurbishment scenarios and calculate a reasonable investment budget in the early stages of a refurbishment project. This paper provides an overview of the work performed in TOBUS and an overview of the methodology and final deliverables of the project.  相似文献   

校安工程建筑抗震鉴定与结构加固   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡敏 《山西建筑》2011,37(8):28-30
首先指出中小学校舍安全工程是一项重大的民生工程,通过总结多层砌体结构校舍抗震性能鉴定的依据,提出了建筑结构加固措施,并借助工程案例加以阐述,以确保中小学校舍安全。  相似文献   

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