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简要地介绍了线性二次型高斯(linear quardratic gauss,LQG)控制的基本原理,即利用卡尔曼滤波器估计未知状态变量,实现多变量系统的最优状态反馈控制.基于荷兰Twente大学控制工程系研发的机电一体化设计软件20-sim,编制了卡尔曼滤波器和最优状态反馈模块.在实例模型中,首先利用20-sim建立了控制系统图标化模型.在此基础上,应用了最优状态反馈控制和卡尔曼滤波器模块,构成了完整的LOG控制系统.仿真结果理想的显示了控制效果.由此可见,基于20-sim建模与仿真方法直观简便,为控制系统的建模与仿真提供了新的思路.  相似文献   

《控制理论与应用》创刊已经整整20年了.20年弹指一挥问,它从无到有,由弱到强,走过了一条艰辛的不平凡的创业之路.我们作为学报的几位老编委,抚今追昔,无不感慨万千.  相似文献   

利用20-sim软件的功能,可以对非线性电路进行直接面向方程的仿真分析,也可以在现有非线性电路的基础上,转换成相应的键合图模型,利用键合图理论进行仿真分析.为了对这两种仿真分析方法进行对比分析,选取杜芬方程作为研究对象,提出了运算放大器的键合图模型,分别用图形化的方法与键合图方法进行了仿真,并对两种方法进行了结论性的比较.  相似文献   

简要地介绍了李雅普诺夫稳定意义上模型参考自适应控制(MRAC)的基本原理,给出了设计MRAC控制系统的基本步骤。基于荷兰Twente大学控制工程系研发的机电一体化设计软件20-sim,以Twente大学先进控制演示仪为研究对象,在20-sim下建立了系统的图标化数学模型,编制了模型参考自适应和Lyapunov求解模块。在此基础上,构成了完整的MRAC控制系统。仿真结果显示基于20-sim建模与仿真方法直观简便,所设计的模块可移植性强,为控制系统的建模与仿真提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

M. Ceraolo  G. Lutzemberger 《Software》2019,49(7):1114-1130
Simulation of multi-engineering systems typically requires many issues to be solved, which are to be addressed by developing appropriate modeling and simulation programming techniques. In the last years, the authors have participated in several studies in which they analyzed in detail electrified railway systems and simulated them using Modelica language. After a few years of study, despite the huge complexity of these systems, it has appeared evident that Modelica language is very well suited and able to effectively solve the typical issues they present. While specific railway system simulations have already been discussed in specific papers, whose focus was on application and actual results, in this paper, the authors show how to use Modelica language to solve specific modeling issues through suitable programming techniques. Moreover, the issues to be solved and the conceived techniques may be interpreted in a general way and to be applied also in different engineering domains. Finally, this paper briefly recalls the principal results obtained in previous specific papers, in which these techniques were fully implemented.  相似文献   

A method has been recently presented to predict the net primary production (NPP) of Mediterranean forests by integrating conventional and remote-sensing data. This method was based on the use of two models, C-Fix and BIOME-BGC, whose outputs are combined with estimates of stem volume and tree age to predict the NPP of the examined ecosystems. This article investigates the possibility of deriving these two forest attributes from airborne high-resolution lidar data. The research was carried out in the San Rossore pine forest, a test site in Central Italy where several investigations have been conducted. First, estimates of stand stem volume and tree age were obtained from lidar data by application of a simplified method based on existing literature and a few ground measurements. The accuracy of these stand attributes was assessed by comparison with the independent ground data derived from a recent forest inventory. Next, the stem volume and tree age estimates were used to drive the NPP modelling strategy, whose outputs were evaluated against the inventory measurements of current annual increment (CAI). The simplified lidar data processing method produces stand stem volume and tree age estimates having moderate accuracy, which are useful to feed the modelling strategy and predict CAI at a stand level. This method's success raises the possibility of integrating ecosystem modelling techniques and lidar data for the simulation of net forest carbon fluxes.  相似文献   

胶粒的布朗运动是研究胶体其他性质的基础,由于胶粒很小,无法凭肉眼或用一般显微镜进行观察;文章介绍用VB6.0编程模拟胶粒的布朗运动以及单个胶粒的运动轨迹,使学生对胶粒的布朗运动有一个形象、直观的认识。  相似文献   

使用Flash MX 2004开发了离心泵性能实验仿真课件,课件采用了面向对象技术的编程方式。本文介绍用Flash制作课件的设计思想和主要制作过程,对制作中的一些关键技术有较为详细的阐述。数学模型拟和程度高,课件较好地再现了实际情况,几乎现实中可操作的变量都可以进行仿真操作,能自动记录数据和处理数据。课件具有很好的交互性和可操作性,界面友好,画面美观。  相似文献   

VB实现对MATLAB程序的调用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
充分利用 MATL AB强大的运算及显示功能和 VB开发界面友好的特点 ,将二者有机结合 ,可以开发出复杂的、界面友好的人机交互处理软件。重点介绍了应用 VB和 MATL AB进行混合编程的几种技术 ,熟练掌握这些技术 ,将使编程工作变得轻松自如  相似文献   

In this article we focus on the implementation of a Lattice Monte Carlo simulation for a generic pair potential within a reconfigurable computing platform. The approach presented was used to simulate a specific soft matter system.We found the performed simulations to be in excellent accordance with previous theoretical and simulation studies. By taking advantage of the shortened processing time, we were also able to find new micro- and macroscopic properties of this system. Furthermore we analyzed analytically the effects of the spatial discretization introduced by the Lattice Monte Carlo algorithm.  相似文献   

Microscft Word软件在文字处理方面功能最强,而MATLAB的数值计算功能最优,本文为了充分发挥Microsoft Word和MATLAB的优点,提出了两者的结合,为学者在撰写科技报告、论文、专著等时提供了很大方便。介绍了基于MATLAB的文字处理工具——Notebcek,阐述了在Notehcok基础上,通过M-bcok文档实现在Microsoft Word中使用和操作MATLAB。通过Microscft Word2000中使用MATLAB6.1这个例子,体现出这结合的优越性。  相似文献   

文章介绍了MATLAB软件中Notebook的作用、安装过程,同时探讨了它的典型使用并总结了Notebook在使用中的一些技巧,非常具有实际意义,具有很好的推广价值.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a tool for the simulation of fluid models of high-speed telecommunication networks. The aim of such a simulator is to evaluate measures which cannot be obtained through standard tools in reasonable time or through analytical approaches. We follow an event-driven approach in which events are associated with rate changes in fluid flows. We show that under some loose restrictions on the sources, this suffices to efficiently simulate the evolution in time of fairly complex models. Some examples illustrate the utilization of this approach and the gain that can be observed over standard simulation tools.  相似文献   

本文结合具体实例,详细阐述了在MATLAB/xPC技术框架下,针对研华公司的接口设备ADAM5000成功开发了驱动程序模块,并将该模块和MATLAB/xPC技术成功应用于一个完整的计算机实时控制系统。  相似文献   

Abstract— In this paper, two models to evaluate the temporal behavior of liquid‐crystal displays are described: a model assuming a linear display behavior and a model that incorporates non‐linear effects. For the linear temporal model, it can be predicted that the response time starts to contribute to motion blur when it is longer than one‐sixth of the hold time and becomes dominant when it is longer than eight times the hold time. The non‐linear model can be used to visualize the appearance of effects that cannot be determined via linear system theory. Also, some means to reduce display artifacts are described and its impact is illustrated. Although the main focus in this article is on the temporal behavior of liquid‐crystal displays, the spatial properties defined by the pixel structure can be simulated as well. A formula for the spatio‐temporal display behavior is given, which can be evaluated numerically to simulate the perceived image for arbitrary image‐sequence input material.  相似文献   

Macedonia  M. 《Computer》2000,33(4):110-112
“The Sims” is a synthetic doll's house embodied in a computer game. Besides topping sales charts and generating endless discussions among computer gamers, The Sims has received attention from various prestigious publications. Far more than a doll's house, The Sims evokes comparisons to a Greek myth in which you can play the deity, manipulating the lives of unaware humans. The trouble with this model-and what makes the game so intriguing - is that, just like mortals in Greek mythology, your “Sims” (simulated people) often frustrate your plans with their own autonomy. Moreover, the game demonstrates how game development can influence computer science. The Sims achieves its success through both advanced computing technology and an understanding of its users. It brings players into the game through a combination of great technology, a believable simulation environment, a superb user interface and a fun game design, which combine to make a computer game of everyday life that is more compelling than the reality it models  相似文献   

In order to study the dynamics of protein and nucleic acid conformations, a molecular folding-unfolding system (FUS written in Lisp) has been developed. Secondary structure features of protein and nucleic acids are graphically represented by cubes in a modified 'Blocks World' paradigm. Modeling of protein and nucleic acid unfolding (denaturation) and folding of their three-dimensional structure is possible by the use of high level 'block' operators which allow displacement of these structural features in space. Due to the flexible nature of this program, FUS is a useful tool for the rapid evaluation of user-defined rules governing conformational changes. The use of FUS to unfold three common proteins (prealbumin, flavodoxin and triose phosphate isomerase) and a tRNA is presented.  相似文献   


The major reason for using a simulator, instead of a real test-bed, is to enable repeatable evaluation of large-scale cloud systems. CloudSim, the most widely used simulator, enables users to implement resource provisioning, and management policies. However, CloudSim does not provide support for: (i) interactive online services; (ii) platform heterogeneities; (iii) virtual machine migration modelling; and (iv) other essential models to abstract a real datacenter. This paper describes modifications needed in the classical CloudSim to support realistic experimentations that closely match experimental outcomes in a real system. We extend, and partially re-factor CloudSim to “PerficientCloudSim” in order to provide support for large-scale computation over heterogeneous resources. In the classical CloudSim, we add several classes for workload performance variations due to: (a) CPU heterogeneities; (b) resource contention; and (c) service migration. Through plausible assumptions, our empirical evaluation, using real workload traces from Google and Microsoft Azure clusters, demonstrates that “PerficientCloudSim” can reasonably simulate large-scale heterogeneous datacenters in respect of resource allocation and migration policies, resource contention, and platform heterogeneities. We discuss statistical methods to measure the accuracy of the simulated outcomes.


A technique is presented for using a learning automaton as a model to simulate and analyse learning behaviour in rats, and the usefulness of this model is illustrated. This automaton was proposed as a learning machine by Tsetlin (1961) and refined by Aso and Kimura (1976). Some learning properties of such an automaton are first examined and it is shown that the automaton can be used to simulate a variety of learning behaviour, composed of several kinds of action, by the proper selection of parameters. Secondly, a mathematical model of the learning experiment carried out in our laboratory with rats is formulated as an interactive system between a learning automaton and its environment. Finally, the effectiveness of the mathematical model is discussed and proved through the simulation and analysis of learning behaviour with multiple actions in a specific rat.  相似文献   

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