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In einem gemeinsamen Forschungsvorhaben der Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart und des Fraunhofer‐Instituts für Bauphysik wurden die akustischen Eigenschaften von mit Dämmstoffen gefüllten Lochziegeln systematisch untersucht. Hierbei zeigte sich, dass sich die gefüllten Steine in ihrem Verhalten nicht wesentlich von ungefüllten Ziegeln unterscheiden. Der wichtigste Unterschied besteht in einer größeren inneren Dämpfung und als Folge davon einer gegenüber gleichartigen ungefüllten Ziegeln um etwa 1 bis 2 dB erhöhten Schalldämmung. Auf Grundlage der Untersuchungsergebnisse wurde ein modifiziertes Verfahren zur Verlustfaktor‐Korrektur der Schalldämmung von Hochlochziegel‐Mauerwerk entwickelt, das für gefüllte und ungefüllte Steine gleichermaßen anwendbar ist. Loss factor correction for hollow bricks filled with insulation material. The acoustic properties of hollow bricks filled with insulation material were systematically investigated in a joint research project by the University of Applied Sciences in Stuttgart and the Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics. The findings showed that the acoustic performance of filled bricks differs only slightly from that of non‐filled bricks. The main difference is greater inner damping and a resulting increase in sound insulation of about 1 to 2 dB compared to non‐filled bricks of the same type. Based on the results of the investigation a modified procedure for the loss factor correction of the sound insulation of vertically perforated hollow brick masonry was developed, which applies equally to filled as well as non‐filled bricks.  相似文献   

随着我国建筑行业的迅速发展,墙体材料的不断革新,烧结保温空心砌块已越来越多地被广泛用于建筑工程中,由于它质量轻、隔声、隔音、节能保温、施工方便,烧结保温空心砌块的应用有着良好的发展前景.针对烧结保温空心砌块的一系列特点,提出施工技术要点及解决实际应用中出现的一些通病,具有一定的参考价值和实际意义.  相似文献   

丁胜 《建筑技术》2000,31(5):309-311
多孔砖具有保温性能好、节能降耗、隔声性能优、组砌灵活、活、施工工效高、造价低等诸多优点。但在施工中仍需注意多孔砖的质量、砌筑手法、砌体强度、砂浆饱满度、灰缝宽度等问题,才能有效提高多孔砖砌体的施工质量。  相似文献   

Sound Transmission Loss of Vacuum Insulation Panels – Measurement and Modeling. The sound transmission loss of a variety of vacuum insulation panels (VIP) has been measured in the laboratory. Core materials of the VIP include silica, polyurethane, micro fleece, and glass fibers. Mass law behavior and minima due to bending‐wave coincidence and thickness resonance have been observed. Destroying the vacuum may reduce the sound insulation drastically. Since in practical applications the VIP need protection, the predominant interest lies in the transmission loss of multi‐layered assemblies, e.g. VIP sandwiched between aluminium plates. Calculations performed by the software LAYERS show that with additional “decoupling” layers (air, rubber) the coincidence dip can be avoided or shifted to higher frequencies, where it is less critical. Preliminary experimental realizations indicate the important role of a proper gluing of the layers. According to further LAYERS calculations, attachment of VIP to massive walls and protection by a plaster layer does not change the transmission loss of the wall appreciably, except for the VIP with the soft polyurethane core material.  相似文献   

刘秋生 《建筑技术》2009,40(5):405-408
目前人们对隔声效果的要求越来越高,隔声楼面施工工法具有施工工艺简单、安装方便、施工工期短、综合成本低的特点。深圳某住宅采用该工法,运用PE膜、隔声垫、挤塑板等材料,按照规定的工艺流程和操作要点施工后。完全符合国家现行住宅一级隔声标准的要求。  相似文献   

Uwe Pernette 《Bauphysik》2005,27(1):52-68
Introduction of a Δλ‐correction on thermal conductivity and quantification of the ΔUr correction for inverted roofs with closed coverings as green roofs, paving and concrete slabs. Part 1: Starting point, measurements and analytical model of extruded polystyrene (XPS) boards. Within the European harmonisation of standards the evaluation of the thermal insulation for inverted roofs in EN ISO 6946 will be changed to get a uniform calculation basis in European countries. Annex D4.3 of EN ISO 6946 defines a ΔUr‐correction procedure to consider the additional heat loss due to the water flow off between the thermal insulation and the waterproofing layer, the drainage factor f is not specified yet. Field studies show that accumulation of humidity in the XPS insulation board occurres due to condensation of water vapour by diffusion during the heating period and depending on design and climate conditions, such conducting to a successive increase of the thermal conductivity of the insulation. This increase is not quantified by a Δλ‐correction until now. Based on a model analysis a valuation of the required correction factor is deducted. For a uniform evaluation of the thermal insulation during design life the introduzction Δλ‐correction and adjustments on Ur‐correction in EN ISO 6946 annex D.4.3 are necessary.  相似文献   

蒸压轻质砂加气混凝土砌块(AAC)墙体砌筑技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蒸压轻质砂加气混凝土砌块(AAC)是目前国内大力推广应用的一种新型墙体材料,它较普通墙体材料具有容重轻、节能保温、防火、隔声、抗渗、抗震性能好,以及方便砌筑和减少面层抹灰等施工特点.笔者针对此种砌块干燥收缩值大,易于造成墙体饰面面层裂缝等,提出了"预干缩、后上墙,留张缝、后嵌平"施工工艺,有效地抑制了轻质填充墙与混凝土结构构件交接接缝处裂缝质量通病的产生,并成功的应用到青岛国际帆船中心工程中,取得了良好的技术经济效果.  相似文献   

卢华 《山西建筑》2014,(17):112-113
基于节能标准要求的提高,EPS钢丝网架板现浇混凝土外墙外保温技术被广泛应用于当今的工业与民用建筑之中,根据混凝土外墙外保温的施工难点,提出相应的解决措施,并阐述了保温板安装、细部加强、模板安装、混凝土浇筑等施工工艺,以供参考。  相似文献   

Markus Sahl 《Bauphysik》2006,28(1):45-54
Airborne sound insulation and flanking sound insulation of façade constructions (Curtain wallings) in the test stand – findings for acoustic consulting in practice. Based on serial and single measurements for the determination of the weighted sound reduction index and of the normalized flanking sound insulation in horizontal and in vertical transmission direction of façades effects of the measurement procedure and of constructive façade details onto the measurement result are shown. For the performance of measurements of the weighted sound reduction index of façade constructions the possibility of the utilization of German standards DIN ENISO140‐3 in a test stand for wall constructions or of the in field procedure of DIN ENISO140‐5 in a test stand for the determination of the flanking sound insulation of façades is possible. Because the two measurement procedures lead to measurement results with systematically differences for the same façade construction, next to the formal aspect of the communicability of the two measurement procedures the mounting situation of façade elements in the test stand is taken into account. The influence of constructive details of the façade construction and their detailed effect on the determined weighted sound reduction index and/or the determined normalized flanking level difference is supposed to be shown due to carried out measurements of different façades. To that size, kind and order of the glazing, carrying out of façade molliums and façade transoms as well as construction of the façade connecting element as a single‐element for the determination of the normalized flanking sound insulation of a façade construction are taken into account.  相似文献   

装配式住宅的建设过程涉及到生产、设计、施工、管理等各环节,笔者认为装配式住宅评定应该选取能够体现工业化程度和质量控制的项目,包括预制化程度、住宅设计、构件部品、施工安装、住宅质量控制等内容.本文针对以上评定项目中的预制装配率、模数协调、构件部品整体化程度、施工组织及隔声性能等关键内容进行分析,为装配式住宅评定体系的建立提供思路与参考.  相似文献   

李兴波 《山西建筑》2011,37(33):148-149
针对高寒地区隧道内冻融、冻胀现象严重,容易使衬砌混凝土产生开裂、酥松、剥落、挂冰等危害,通过对隧道保温层与衬砌的紧密性粘结及安装施工技术进行研究,采用结构保温技术,成功的解决了高原高寒隧道的冻害问题。  相似文献   

钟铁柱 《门窗》2012,(2):17-21
本文通过数据比较的方式,重点介绍了不同玻璃配置条件下建筑外窗的隔声性能,进一步讨论了外窗的框扇材料、框扇间缝隙、安装方法等方面对隔声性能的影响,并针对隔声设计中应注意的问题,对建筑外窗隔声方案的选择提出了建议。  相似文献   

张茹尚 《山西建筑》2003,29(1):111-112
石膏复合墙板是一种新型墙体材料,就此阐述了其安装方法、注意事项和装饰工艺,同时指出该复合墙板具有施工方便、自重轻、防水、防蛀、隔音、抗震等优越性能,是理想的中高档墙面装饰材料。  相似文献   

绿色建筑评价中楼板撞击声隔声指标探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
绿色建筑评价中对楼板撞击声隔声的要求引用《民用建筑隔声设计规范》,单值评价量有实验室测量的计权规范化撞击声压级Ln,w和现场测量的计权标准化撞击声压级L'nT,w。对撞击声隔声评价指标Ln,w、L'n,w、L'nT,w进行理论分析,并结合现场测量和实验室测量对分析结果进行验证。结果表明:当建筑楼板的撞击声隔声性能较差时,侧向传声对测量结果影响较小,现场测量指标L'n,w与实验室测量指标Ln,w相差不大;L'nT与L'n在接收室体积V=31m3时相等,当接收室体积V>31m3时,L'nT会小于L'n,因此L'nT,w会低于L'n,w和实验室测量值Ln,w,接收室体积越大偏差越大,按照当前住宅户型的发展趋势,客厅体积一般在60~130m3,采用L'nT,w进行撞击声隔声评价会导致其数值低于实验室测量指标Ln,w,约为3~6dB;采用现场测量指标L'nT,w进行撞击声隔声评价会受到接收房间体积的影响,因此建议在现场绿色建筑楼板撞击声隔声性能评价时同时参考L'n,w的测量结果。  相似文献   

赵军山 《山西建筑》2011,37(31):115-116
针对建筑工程电气施工中基础施工配合、墙体砌筑中的配合、地面及屋面施工中的配合、混凝土浇筑、滑模施工、装修施工中的配合等作了归纳,并给出了电气安装应遵循的几项原则,以保证电气安装质量。  相似文献   

《Building and Environment》2004,39(11):1327-1332
The design of a building should cover necessary investigations to provide comfort conditions, in terms of physical properties such as light, sound and heat. The acoustical comfort conditions in an architectural space significantly depend on the sound insulation performance of the building envelope. The first step in providing a building envelope which will be sufficient in terms of sound insulation, is to select the wall materials having required sound transmission loss values. The aim of this paper is to present a graphic method to determine the required minimum sound reduction index (Rtr) of building envelope components, depending on road traffic noise, room function and transparency ratio of the facade.  相似文献   

噪声危害越来越受到各国政府和人们的关注,尤其是低频部分。声子晶体在弹性波范围内可以产生带隙的特点足可以应用到建筑隔声领域,从而使隔声性能提高且可人为控制其禁带范围。引入声子晶体理论到建筑隔声领域的研究,必将会对建筑隔声控制技术带来全新的设计思路和对传统经验公式及测试手段的严峻挑战。主要论叙了噪声的危害、传统建筑隔声的现状与不足、声子晶体的基本概念和特征、能提高低频隔声量的分析及应用前景。  相似文献   

Flanking transmission of timber elements in the building shell with concrete construction parts. The following article describes the test of the flanking transmission of timber elements in the building shell with concrete construction parts for high rise buildings and the effects of different construction methods, like multi‐storey elements, separation boards and the influence of installation layers. The version with the junction of the elements on a level with the ceiling elements and the design of an installation layer cause an substantial improvement of the normalized sound pressure level difference.  相似文献   

对于隔声要求高的建筑,可以考虑双层墙结构。双层墙结构的隔声量可应用统计能量分析(SEA)进行预测,但具体设计往往是隔声的反演过程,即已知隔声要求来确定双层隔声构造和材料。本文作者应用人工免疫算法建立反演模型,对双层墙结构的各层墙的面密度、厚度、弹性模量和空腔的厚度等参量进行预测,然后,以这些参数决定双层墙隔声结构的材料及构造形式。  相似文献   

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