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AB无机纤维真空保温板薄抹灰外墙外保温系统具有良好的保温和防火性能,粘接牢固,固定可靠,耐久性好;与常规聚苯板外墙外保温系统施工原理一致,可操作性强,施工更方便。通过对AB无机纤维真空保温板薄抹灰外墙外保温系统施工技术进行研究,其良好的节能效率可产生可观的社会效益和经济效益,可在建筑外墙施工中进行推广。 相似文献
本文详细介绍了用热流计现场检测建筑物外围护结构的保温性能 ,其内容包括 :适用范围、定义、原理、仪器设备、检测方法 ,检测报告及精度等七部分。本文可供各省市建筑节能检测中心及有关科技人员参考 相似文献
STP真空绝热板龙骨外墙内保温系统具有单位质量轻、施工工序简单、作业安全性高等特点,是目前综合优势较多的一种外墙内保温系统.介绍了该保温系统的构造原理、工艺流程与质量控制方法,以期为相关工程带来实际应用方面的经验参考与借鉴. 相似文献
外墙保温是一项重要的建筑节能技术,结合具体工程实际,阐述了外墙外保温系统构造、应用的材料、施工条件、施工技术等问题。据工程反馈,应用效果良好。 相似文献
文章介绍了外墙保温防火现状和防火隔离带用适宜保温材料,并进行了性能比较,重点阐述了防水型蒸压轻质加气混凝土板(FLC板)用于防火隔离带的优势和安装方式。 相似文献
采取有效的防火构造措施是解决建筑外墙外保温系统防火安全性问题的有效途径。本文介绍了外保温系统防火构造全尺寸模型的火试验方法,以窗口火试验和墙角火试验为基础,对外保温系统的火焰传播性和整体抗火能力进行了验证。 相似文献
介绍了断热铝合金型材的结构和类型,介绍了隔热铝合窗的优良性能,提出了提高断热铝合金窗节能效果的方法。 相似文献
文章分析了发泡水泥板的材料性能特性,结合应用案例,分析了发泡水泥板外保温典型工程质量问题发生的相关原因,从设计、施工、管理等方面着手提出控制质量问题的措施,供工程应用参考。 相似文献
总结了钢筋混凝土墙的延性模型和非线性性能预测的研究结果。采用承载力设计方法,进行地震荷载下的钢筋混凝土墙设计。回顾了带有多层界面基于韧性的无弹性多层有限单元。提出了模拟非线性滞回性能的分析结构工程模型。对钢筋混凝土墙滞回性能的所有基本特征,包括强度退化、刚度退化、粘结滑移效应、非弹性剪切变形机制和约束效果,明确地进行了分析和试验模拟。 相似文献
对脱硫建筑石膏的基本物理化学性能进行了分析,并与天然建筑石膏性能进行了对比.结果表明:脱硫建筑石膏可以取代天然建筑石膏作为胶凝材料,制备石膏基保温浆料产品. 相似文献
秸秆是重要的生物质能源,通过对其进行微生物发酵,探究添加不同量发酵秸秆的硅溶胶-苯丙乳液型建筑节能涂料的保温性能。研究表明,该涂料在改善当前秸秆利用现状的同时能明显提高传统保温涂料的保温性能,为设计开发新型外墙保温涂料提供理论参考,为生物质能源的利用方法的选择和发展方向提供借鉴。 相似文献
Long term effects due to shrinkage may lead to deformations in steel-concrete composite members that are to be taken into account in the verification of the in-service condition. Simultaneously, tangential and normal stresses develop at the connection between concrete and steel and they can result in uplift effects, especially in end regions. In this paper, an analytical model is presented and closed-form solutions are derived in order to quantify deflections of composite members with partial interaction, as well as stresses and relative displacements at the connection. It is shown that deflections and tangential stresses/slips can be properly obtained if equal curvatures between the components of the composite member are assumed. Nevertheless, such a hypothesis must be abandoned in order to reproduce uplift effects at the interface and a new model is presented to derive the distribution of normal stresses. 相似文献
针对未打穿覆盖层的泉水井抽水引起下卧承压地下水渗流问题建立了数学模型,应用Laplace-Hankel变换及其逆变换求解得到定水头边界条件下承压层水头降的解析解。通过算例分析了承压含水层水头降发展和分布规律以及影响因素,结果表明:阻越流系数对承压含水层的水头降速率和幅度均有明显的影响,阻越流系数越小,承压水头下降的速率和幅度值都越小,且水头降越快达到最大值和稳定流状态;靠近承压含水层顶面水头降最大,随着深度增加而减小,距井越近水头降沿厚度分布越不均匀;承压含水层各向异性对抽水引起的水头降影响较大,K r/K v越小承压水头下降的速率和幅度均越大;承压含水层的宽度和厚度均对水头降有很大影响,宽度越大,水头降越明显,而厚度越大,水头降越小。 相似文献
建筑外门窗的保温隔热性能是衡量门窗节能效果的重要指标,考虑将冬季门窗实际使用过程中由缝隙渗透的冷空气耗热量纳入保温效果的评价指标中,得出评价建筑外门窗实际保温效果的综合传热系数理论计算公式。并通过设计实验对天津地区已应用的四步节能窗综合传热系数进行测定,理论计算值与实测值之间误差小于5%,验证了实验方法的正确性。提高建筑外门窗保温效果应从降低传热系数和提高气密性能两方面综合考虑,结论为四步节能窗的选择具有重要的指导意义。 相似文献
随着我国建筑总量的增加,建筑能耗急剧上升,已成为我国的能耗黑洞,随之建筑节能逐渐被广大公民重视.目前建筑节能有很多措施,外墙保温就是其中一项.采用建筑热环境模拟工具DeST对同一大型公共建筑的冷热负行模拟计算,分析了在不同建筑气候分区下外墙的保温层厚度对空调负荷的影响,分析其有无节能效果,可为不同气候分区的大型公共建筑外墙隔热保温提供参考依据. 相似文献
以某连续梁桥的施工监控数据为例,介绍了灰色GM模型预测的基本方法,采用MATAB程序建立了GM(1,1)和GM(2,1)模型,分别对箱梁各施工阶段标高进行预测.将预测值与实测值对比分析可知:采用GM(1,1)模型和GM(2,1)模型得到的预测结果均能很好的拟合实测值,预测精度高,利用GM模型对桥梁施工过程中的标高进行预测是可行的;对两种模型建立过程中的生成系数进行了分析,发现生成系数的取值对GM(1,1)模型预测精度影响较大,在实际工程中若采用GM(1,1)模型,建议首先通过试算确定合理生成系数的取值. 相似文献
外墙外保温是目前国内外大力推广、技术成熟的外墙保温措施.通过对<墙体节能建筑构造>图集中的5种外墙外保温系统的构造、传热系数及热惰性指标计算进行对比分析,结果显示在不同条件下优先选用胶粉聚苯颗粒保温浆料和喷涂硬质聚氨酯泡沫塑料进行外墙外保温,为设计人员及用户选用提供参考意见. 相似文献
在墙体外侧做一保温层,不但保护了主体结构,延长了建筑物寿命,避免墙体裂缝,增加房屋使用面积,同时大大降低了能耗。但在高层建筑外墙外保温上粘贴面砖饰面,则采用的不多,嘉美风尚中心首次采用插接式大模内置现浇外保温体技术粘贴面砖则为高层建筑外墙外保温施工提供了一个可以借鉴的案例。 相似文献
This paper deals with the experimental investigation and the mathematical modelling of crystal growth in porous materials and resulting mechanical stress due to the crystallization pressure. Crystallization of potassium nitrate and of sodium sulphate was induced in two bricks by cooling down at constant rate. The measured temperatures describe indirectly the crystallization and the dissolution rates. Thus, the time-dependent amount of crystallized salt can be estimated by means of an energy balance in the reaction sample (impregnated with salt solution) and in the reference sample (impregnated with water). Therefore, the supersaturation ratio of the solution is also obtained at each point of time. The sample strain is measured continuously during crystallization. The results show that the mechanical stress due to the salt crystallization depends on both salt and pore structure. A mathematical model for the mechanical stress due to crystallization pressure was developed based on crystal growth kinetics considering the influence of pores with different size (called pore classes). The model considers that nucleation and crystal growth take place in large and small pores simultaneously and calculates the distribution of salt crystals in pores of different size and the resulting load surface of the crystals under stress. The estimation of two model parameters is necessary for the proposed computation model. It is assumed that the mechanical stress is caused by the crystallization pressure that crystals exert on the pore wall when growing in a supersaturated solution. Thus, the crystallization pressure is calculated as a function of the solution supersaturation. Finally, the average mechanical stress is obtained by means of a uniform section force in a defined volume. The results show that the material strain owing to the crystallization of KNO3 and Na2SO4 can be approximately estimated in the selected bricks by means of this new model. An improvement of the model is necessary for a better prediction of the mechanical stress, e.g., at drying conditions or for the simulation of the re-allocation of salt crystals from pores under stress into stress-free pores. In this work, the required properties of the salt solution are calculated using a thermodynamic model according to Steiger [Steiger M, Kiekbusch J, Nicolai A. An improved model incorporating Pitzer’s equations for calculation of thermodynamic properties of pore solutions implemented into an efficient program code. Constr Build Mater 2007, accepted for publication], which is based on the Pitzer model [Pitzer KS. Ion interaction approach: theory and data correlation. In: Pitzer KS, editor, Activity coefficients in electrolyte solutions. Boca Raton: CRC Press; 1991. p. 75 [chapter 3]]. 相似文献
Cracking of the cover concrete due to steel corrosion is considered by many researchers to indicate the end-of-service life of corrosion-affected reinforced concrete (RC) structures. Numerous models have been developed to predict the time from corrosion initiation to cracking of the cover concrete. In the previous models, concrete with corroding steel bars was assumed to behave like a thick-walled cylinder under uniform internal pressure. Recent research publications have however, shown that steel corrosion is often concentrated on the surface of the steel that faces the direction of ingress of corrosion agents. This paper presents a model that relates the level of partial surface steel corrosion with the transverse and vertical strains measured on the exterior faces of corrosion-affected RC beams. The model assumes that the remaining section of the steel after corrosion is elliptical shaped. Finally, the model is calibrated with experimental data in the literature and it is shown that assuming uniform steel corrosion underestimates the internal pressure applied by the expansive corrosion products. 相似文献