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High-temperature lasing in a microring laser with an active region based on InAs/InGaAs quantum dots
N. V. Kryzhanovskaya A. E. Zhukov A. M. Nadtochy I. A. Slovinsky M. V. Maximov M. M. Kulagina A. V. Savelev E. M. Arakcheeva Yu. M. Zadiranov S. I. Troshkov A. A. Lipovskii 《Semiconductors》2012,46(8):1040-1043
Lasing at a wavelength of >1.3 ??m has been achieved at temperatures of up to 380 K in a ring microlaser (diameter of 6 ??m) with an active region based on InAs/InGaAs quantum dots. 相似文献
S. A. Blokhin O. A. Usov A. V. Nashchekin E. M. Arakcheeva E. M. Tanklevskaya S. G. Konnikov A. E. Zhukov M. V. Maksimov N. N. Ledentsov V. M. Ustinov 《Semiconductors》2006,40(7):812-817
A two-dimensional semiconductor photonic crystal with a hexagonal lattice of submicrometer holes is produced by etching the GaAs/AlGaAs planar structure containing the InAs/InGaAs quantum dots in the waveguide layer. By analyzing the reflectance spectra at variable angles of incidence and polarizations of light, the photonic band structure is determined. The Fano resonance peaks revealed in the reflectance spectra at the TM (TE) polarization along the Γ-K (Γ-M) symmetry direction are due to the resonance interaction of optically active photonic bands with the incident light. The band structure of the radiation leakage modes is investigated by studying the angular dependence of the photoluminescence intensity. A threefold increase in the photoluminescence intensity revealed at the resonance frequency of the photonic crystal is attributed to the Purcell effect. 相似文献
M. M. Sobolev I. M. Gadzhiev I. O. Bakshaev V. N. Nevedomskii M. S. Buyalo Yu. M. Zadiranov E. L. Portnoi 《Semiconductors》2011,45(8):1064-1069
Electroluminescence and absorption spectra of a ten-layer InAs/GaAs quantum dot (QD) superlattice built in a two-section laser
with sections of equal length is experimentally studied at room temperature. The thickness of the GaAs spacer layer between
InAs QD layers, determined by transmission electron microscopy, is ∼6 nm. In contrast to tunnel-coupled QDs, QD superlattices
amplify the optical polarization intensity and waveguide absorption of the TM mode in comparison with the TE mode. It is found
that variations in the multimodal periodic spectrum of differential absorption of the QD superlattice structure are strongly
linearly dependent on the applied electric field. Differential absorption spectra exhibit the Wannier-Stark effect in the
InAs/GaAs QD superlattice, in which, in the presence of an external electric field, coupling of wave functions of miniband
electron states is suppressed and a series of discrete levels called the Wannier-Stark ladder states are formed. 相似文献
M. M. Sobolev G. E. Cirlin Yu. B. Samsonenko N. K. Polyakov A. A. Tonkikh Yu. G. Musikhin 《Semiconductors》2005,39(1):119-123
Deep-level transient spectroscopy is used to study the emission of holes from the states of a vertically coupled system of InAs quantum dots in p-n InAs/GaAs heterostructures. This emission was considered in relation to the thickness of a GaAs interlayer between two layers of InAs quantum dots and to the reversebias voltage Ur. It is established that hole localization at one of the quantum dots is observed for a quantum-dot molecule composed of two vertically coupled self-organized quantum dots in an InAS/GaAs heterostructure that has a 20-Å-thick or 40-Å-thick GaAs interlayer between two layers of InAs quantum dots. For a thickness of the GaAs interlayer equal to 100 Å, it is found that the two layers of quantum dots are incompletely coupled, which results in a redistribution of the hole localization between the upper and lower quantum dots as the voltage Ur applied to the structure is varied. The studied structures with vertically coupled quantum dots were grown by molecular-beam epitaxy using self-organization effects. 相似文献
Liu H.Y. Badcock T.J. Jin C.Y. Nabavi E. Groom K.M. Hopkinson M. Mowbray D.J. 《Electronics letters》2007,43(12):670-672
An InGaAs strain-reducing capping layer with a stepped composition is shown to significantly reduce the temperature sensitivity of the lasing wavelength in a 1.3 mum InAs/GaAs quantum-dot laser. With this technique, the sensitivity is reduced from 0.48 nm/K for a laser with standard capping layer to 0.11 nm/K for the new design over the temperature range 20-130degC 相似文献
Xu D. Osaka J. Umeda Y. Suemitsu T. Yamane Y. Ishii Y. 《Electron Device Letters, IEEE》1999,20(3):109-112
We show that the channel thickness of modulation-doped field-effect transistors (MODFETs) based on an InAlAs/InGaAs heterojunction can be reduced from 15 to 8 nm without any degradation of the main DC and RF figures of merits. Furthermore, short-channel effects, which are pronounced in sub-0.1-μm devices, can be effectively suppressed by this thin-channel design. The retainment of high performance and alleviation of short-channel effects are attributed to the excellent two-dimensional electron gas (2-DEG) confinement by the inserted InAs layer. The successful channel thinning opens up the possibility of employing high-quality thin-channel structures for MODFETs with gate lengths below 0.05 μm 相似文献
S. V. Tikhov 《Semiconductors》2012,46(10):1274-1280
InAs quantum dots (QDs), incorporated into the space-charge region of an epitaxial n-GaAs film at different distances (5?C300 nm) from the surface, decrease the potential barrier for the electrons located in n-GaAs. For tunnel-thin coating layers this decrease is related to tunneling through QD energy levels. For thick layers this decrease is caused by negative charging of the QDlevels and defects located near QDs. The decrease in the barrier increases the efficiency of electron capture by surface states and shifts the frequency dispersion of mobility under the field effect, related to this capture, toward higher frequencies. When QDs are incorporated near the barrier??s base, they manifest themselves in the relaxation of the small-signal field effect. Some parameters of the QD levels are determined. Defect formation is revealed in the layers adjacent to QDs. 相似文献
P-type doping is used to demonstrate high-To, low-threshold 1-3 /spl mu/m InAs quantum-dot lasers. A 5-/spl mu/m-wide oxide confined stripe laser with a 700-/spl mu/m-long cavity exhibits a pulsed T/sub 0/ = 213 K (196 K CW) from 0/spl deg/C to 80/spl deg/C. At room temperature, the devices have a CW threshold current of /spl sim/4.4 mA with an output power over 15 mW. The threshold at 100/spl deg/C is 8.4 mA with an output power over 8 mW. 相似文献
Xu D. Heiss H. Kraus S. Sexl M. Bohm G. Trankle G. Weimann G. Abstreiter G. 《Electron Device Letters, IEEE》1997,18(7):323-326
We demonstrate the improvement of double-sided-doped InAlAs/InGaAs MODFETs by inserting a thin InAs layer in the center of the conventional InGaAs channel. A maximum extrinsic transconductance of 1.4 S/mm is achieved for 0.13-μm devices. The current gain cutoff frequency of this device is as high as 265 GHz. Delay time analysis shows a significant improvement in the effective saturated velocity, from 2.4×107 cm/s for LM devices to 3.1×107 cm/s for InAs devices. We believe the superior performance of this device is primarily due to the reduction of scattering from donor layers, especially under the channel, and the interface roughness, which is achieved by inserting a 4-nm InAs layer in the channel 相似文献
The authors have investigated the kink effect In an InAs-inserted-channel InAlAs/InGaAs inverted HEMT at low temperature. The kink effect was not observed at both 77 and 300 K, but it appeared at 4.2 K. It is shown that the kink effect is caused at low drain voltages by the suppression of the drain current due to an increase in the source access resistance and at higher drain voltages by the increase in the drain current due to holes generated by impact ionization 相似文献
Osborne S. Blood P. Smowton P. Lutti J. Xin Y.C. Stintz A. Huffaker D. Lester L.F. 《Quantum Electronics, IEEE Journal of》2004,40(12):1639-1645
We have measured the passive modal absorption, modal gain, and spontaneous emission spectra of a quantum-dot system where the inhomogeneous broadening is sufficiently small so that the ground- and excited-state transitions can be spectrally resolved. Absorption by ground- and excited-state transitions is in the ratio 1:1.88 which is close to the ratio of 2 expected for dots with similar dimensions in two directions. The absorption cross section per dot is measured to be 1.1 /spl times/ 10/sup -14/ cm/sup 2/. Optical gain from the ground-state saturates with current at a maximum value of one third of that predicted from the measured absorption if the system is fully inverted. The measured population inversion factor spectrum shows that the carrier distributions cannot be described only by a single global Fermi distribution and that the system is not in overall equilibrium. However, using parameters obtained by fitting the absorption spectrum, we find that for these particular samples the inversion factor spectrum can be described by a possible model where the ground- and excited-state occupancies are each described by a Fermi distribution but with different quasi-Fermi energy separations. We speculate that photon mediation within the homogeneous linewidth could be one possible process which establishes quasi-equilibrium within each of the ground- and excited-state inhomogeneous distributions. 相似文献
Hong-Wen Ren Selvakumar V. Nair Jeong-Sik Lee Shigeo Sugou Yasuaki Matsumoto 《Journal of Electronic Materials》2000,29(5):520-524
Coupled quantum dot-pairs were fabricated by growing InP self-assembled islands as stressors on InGaAs/GaAs double quantum
wells. State filling in the photoluminescence spectra was used to resolve the quantum states in the coupled dots. The total
strain field below the stressor decays exponentially with a penetration depth of about 25 nm, within which a dot-pair can
be fabricated. Strong coupling is observed at a barrier width less than 4 nm separating the dot-pair. By increasing the indium
composition in the lower well in order to match its dot level with one in the upper dot with identical quantum numbers, resonant
coupling between the electron states with identical quantum numbers in the two dots can be achieved. Decoupling of the hole
states and exchange of the electron bonding states from dominating the upper dot to the lower one are clearly resolved from
the state energies and their spacings. 相似文献
Cataluna M.A. Rafailov E.U. McRobbie A.D. Sibbett W. Livshits D.A. Kovsh A.R. 《Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE》2006,18(14):1500-1502
We demonstrate the mode-locked operation of a two-section quantum-dot laser in a broad temperature range. Stable mode-locking was observed at temperatures ranging from 20 /spl deg/C to 70 /spl deg/C, with signal-to-noise ratios well over 20 dB and a -3-dB linewidth smaller than 80 kHz. In the temperature range between 70 /spl deg/C and 80 /spl deg/C, the mode-locking was less stable. It was found that in order to provide stable mode-locked operation with increasing temperature, the reverse bias on the absorber section must be reduced accordingly. 相似文献
Schneider S. Borri P. Langbein W. Woggon U. Sellin R.L. Ouyang D. Bimberg D. 《Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE》2005,17(10):2014-2016
The ultrafast gain recovery dynamics of the first excited state (ES) is studied in an electrically pumped InGaAs quantum-dot amplifier at room temperature and compared with the ground-state (GS) gain dynamics. Pump-probe differential transmission experiments are performed in heterodyne detection and the gain dynamics are investigated as a function of injection current. An ultrafast (<200 fs) initial gain recovery of both GS and ES transition is found, promising for optical signal processing at high bit rates. The obtained results suggest the occurrence of a fast recovery of the state occupation mediated by carrier-carrier scattering as long as a reservoir of carriers in the ESs and wetting layer is present. 相似文献
Schneider S. Borri P. Langbein W. Woggon U. Sellin R.L. Ouyang D. Bimberg D. 《Quantum Electronics, IEEE Journal of》2004,40(10):1423-1429
We report systematic measurements of the linewidth enhancement factor (LEF) in an electrically pumped InGaAs quantum-dot (QD) amplifier in the temperature range from 50 K to room temperature. At injection currents below transparency, the value of the linewidth enhancement factor of the ground-state interband (excitonic) transition is between 0.4 and 1, and increases with increasing carrier density. Additionally, we investigate the spectral dependence of the LEF by tuning the wavelength of our optical probe from below resonance with the ground state of the QDs up to resonance with the first optically active excited-state transition. We find a decrease of the LEF with increasing photon energy at all investigated temperatures. 相似文献
D. A. Vinokurov V. A. Kapitonov O. V. Kovalenkov D. A. Livshits Z. N. Sokolova I. S. Tarasov Zh. I. Alferov 《Semiconductors》1999,33(7):788-791
Arrays of strained nanoscale InP islands in an In0.49Ga0.51P host on a GaAs(100) substrate and InAs islands in a In0.53Ga0.47As host on an InP(100) substrate are obtained by metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxy (MOVPE). Their structural and photoluminescence
properties are investigated. It is shown that the nanoscale islands that are formed measure 80 nm (InP/InGaP) and 25–60 nm
(InAs/InGaAs). The photoluminescence spectra of the nanoscale islands display bands in the wavelength ranges 0.66–0.72 and
1.66–1.91 μm at 77 K with maxima whose position does not vary as the effective thickness of InP and InAs increases. The radiation
efficiency of the nanoscale InP islands is two orders of magnitude greater than the luminescence intensity of the InAs islands.
Fiz. Tekh. Poluprovodn. 33, 858–862 (July 1999) 相似文献
A. V. Antonov N. V. Vostokov M. N. Drozdov L. D. Moldavskaya V. I. Shashkin O. I. Khrykin A. N. Yablonskiy 《Semiconductors》2010,44(11):1464-1466
InAs/GaAs multilayered heterostructures containing dense arrays of the low-defect partially relaxed InAs nanoclusters larger
than defect-free quantum dots are fabricated by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition in an atmospheric-pressure reactor.
The structures have intense photoconductivity in the wavelength range of 1–2 μm at room temperature. The detectivity of fabricated
prototypes of photodetectors is D* = 109 cm Hz1/2 W−1. The relaxation time of photoconductivity at a wavelength of 1.5 μm is less than 10 ns. 相似文献
G. G. Tarasov Z. Ya. Zhuchenko M. P. Lisitsa Yu. I. Mazur Zh. M. Wang G. J. Salamo T. Warming D. Bimberg H. Kissel 《Semiconductors》2006,40(1):79-83
Self-assembled quantum dots (QDs) in double-layer InAs/GaAs structures are studied by resonant photoluminescence and photoluminescence excitation spectroscopy. A weakly correlated (50%) double-layer system with an array of vertically coupled QDs (asymmetric quantum-dot molecules) was formed in a structure consisting of the 1.8-monolayer-thick first and the 2.4-monolayer-thick second InAs layers separated by 50 monolayers of GaAs. The nature of discrete quantum states in this system was studied and resonances corresponding to vertically coupled QDs were clearly observed for the first time. 相似文献
Imamura K. Adachihara T. Mori T. Muto S. Yokoyama N. 《Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on》1992,39(3):479-483
An InGaAs/In(AlGa)As resonant-tunneling hot-electron transistor (RHET) with an INAs pseudomorphic base to increase current gain and to reduce base resistance was designed and fabricated. The conduction band discontinuity between the InAs base and the In(AlGa)As collector barrier was estimated from the thermionic current. The band discontinuity was about 0.38 eV, which agrees well with the calculated band discontinuity taking into consideration the effect of strain. The common-emitter current gain doubled and the base resistance decreased 20% compared to InGaAs-base RHETs with the same doping concentration. A current gain cutoff frequency of 65 GHz and a maximum oscillation frequency of 50 GHz at 77 K were measured 相似文献