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对2根偏心距不同的L形无孔钢板连接式方钢管混凝土组合异形柱进行压弯简化模拟研究,并对简化模型及实体模型进行了破坏模态、竖向承载力、侧向位移3方面的对比,结果表明:简化模型基本能够合理有效地模拟L形无孔钢板连接式方钢管混凝土组合异形柱的压弯性能;在简化模型的基础上,对异形柱的压弯性能进行了参数化分析,分析发现提高钢材强度能有效改善柱承载力,提高混凝土强度、连接板厚度对柱承载力及延性没有明显影响,柱承载力会随着偏心距的增加而不断下降,且下降程度不断减小。  相似文献   

This paper presents the analysis and design of cylindrical reinforced concrete (RC) columns confined with fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composites. The columns studied are under combined axial loads and biaxial bending moments. The fiber method modeling (FMM) together with finite element analysis (FEA) are adopted to investigate the behavior of such columns. The procedure finds the inclination and depth of the neutral axis that satisfy the equilibrium conditions. Moreover, the proposed analysis is capable of solving slender columns under biaxial bending through a developed computer program. The finite element derivation of a general stiffness matrix that accounts for the loss of symmetry of the cross-section due to material nonlinearity and biaxial moments is presented herein. The derivation starts from the principle of virtual work and develops an updated Lagrangian procedure for geometric nonlinear analysis. It should be noted that the stiffness for an elastic-plastic cross-section is a function of the current state and the past history of the strain of the column section as well as the stress-strain relations for each of concrete, steel and the fibers used. Therefore the cross-section is partitioned into a number of small elemental areas and a step-by-step application of the force-deformation equilibrium equation is applied. Interaction diagrams for columns under uniaxial bending are plotted and compared with experimental results conducted in the literature review. Moreover, contour lines for columns under biaxial bending are plotted. A parametric study was carried out to investigate the effect of various parameters on the strength of the column. The parameters include unconfined concrete strength, type of FRP used, thickness of FRP and the column height to the cross-sectional diameter (H/D) ratio. The developed diagrams provide the designer with an easy and reliable way to analyze and design such columns.  相似文献   

通过对等肢L形钢筋混凝土柱在双向压弯作用下利用ANSYS软件进行空间有限元分析,讨论了平截面假定的正确性与适用性,研究结果表明,平截面假定仅在一定范围内适用,并提出了相应的设计建议.  相似文献   

结构远程试验研究是目前国际结构工程研究的前沿领域,本文作者仅对实现结构远程试验的几个关键技术及其体系结构等进行了探讨,并对国内外在该方向的研究动向进行了简单介绍.  相似文献   

根据已有的钢筋混凝土柱双向拟静力实验研究的结果,给出了一种考虑双向弯曲耦合作用和轴力变化的弹塑性分析方法,该方法根据弹性状态下的曲率分布,近似计算钢筋混凝土柱发生塑性变形后的曲率,从而省去了弹塑性分析过程逐步积分试算杆端曲率的过程。本文通过计算结果与实验结果的比较,证实了该方法既能大量节省计算机的存储空间、提高计算速度,同时又能够保证计算结果的有效性和准确性,若将此方法用于结构的整体计算中,将大大提高计算精度和计算效率。  相似文献   

An experimental investigation of the behaviour of reinforced concrete columns and a theoretical procedure for analysis of both short and slender reinforced and composite columns of arbitrarily shaped cross section subjected to biaxial bending and axial load are presented. In the proposed procedure, nonlinear stress–strain relations are assumed for concrete, reinforcing steel and structural steel materials. The compression zone of the concrete section and the entire section of the structural steel are divided into adequate number of segments in order to use various stress–strain models for the analysis. The slenderness effect of the member is taken into account by using the Moment Magnification Method. The proposed procedure was compared with test results of 12 square and three L-shaped reinforced concrete columns subjected to short-term axial load and biaxial bending, and also some experimental results available in the literature for composite columns compared with the theoretical results obtained by the proposed procedure and a good degree of accuracy was obtained.  相似文献   

Most of the design codes (ACI-318-2008 and Euro Code-2-2004) propose the moment magnifier method in order to take into account the second order effect to design slender reinforced concrete columns. The accuracy of this method depends on the effective flexural stiffness of the column. This paper proposes a new equation to obtain the effective stiffness EI of slender reinforced concrete columns. The expression is valid for any shape of cross-section, subjected to combined axial loads and biaxial bending, both for short-time and sustained loads, normal and high strength concretes, but it is only suitable for columns with equal effective buckling lengths in the two principal bending planes. The new equation extends the proposed EI equation in the “Biaxial bending moment magnifier method” by Bonet et al. (2004) [6], which is valid only for rectangular sections. The method was compared with 613 experimental tests from the literature and a good degree of accuracy was obtained. It was also compared with the design codes ACI-318 (08) and EC-2 (2004) improving the precision. The method is capable to verify and design with sufficient accuracy slender reinforced concrete columns in practical engineering design applications.  相似文献   

为研究空腹式型钢混凝土L形柱压弯剪扭滞回性能,以扭弯比、肢高肢厚比为变化参数,设计6个试件进行恒定轴压下的低周反复弯-剪-扭加载试验。通过试验观察了试件的受力破坏过程,获取了试件的扭矩-扭转角、弯矩-位移滞回曲线,分析了试件的破坏形态、承载能力、刚度退化、延性及耗能能力等抗震性能指标。结果表明:随着扭弯比的增大,L形柱的破坏形态表现为弯曲破坏、弯剪破坏及弯扭破坏; L形柱的扭矩-扭转角滞回曲线中部捏拢,形成滑移平台,峰值荷载后有明显的荷载"跌落"现象;弯矩-位移滞回曲线相对饱满,L形柱的受弯性能优于受扭性能。压弯剪扭复合作用下空腹式型钢混凝土L形柱的位移延性系数小于3,不能满足GB 50011—2010《建筑抗震设计规范》要求。  相似文献   

以32根集中荷载作用下混凝土双向受弯梁斜截面受剪性能试验为依据,将混凝土框架柱双向受剪承载力计算方法用于计算双向受弯梁斜截面受剪承载力。结果表明,该方法的计算值是试验值的偏下限,具有足够的安全度,该方法适用于混凝土双向受弯梁斜截面受剪承载力计算。  相似文献   

Steel angle members are usually designed by elastic methods, which may lead to uneconomical design. In order to make use of the plastic reserves of the section, the knowledge of its exact failure surface is important. In this study, it is shown that idealizing the section with lines of no thickness, which is common in the literature, entails a significant error when the neutral axis intersects a leg at a small angle. A simple interaction formula is proposed, which is shown to be very accurate based on an exhaustive analysis of all common angle sections listed in the tables. Further increase in accuracy is achieved through analytical relations for the cross-sectional properties, both elastic and plastic, that are derived. The proposed analysis forms the base of inelastic design and does not address stability issues.  相似文献   

应用ANSYS有限元,分析了Q460高强钢焊接薄腹工形截面双向压弯构件的稳定性能,提出了可供实际应用参考的设计公式。分析中考虑的主要参数有腹板高厚比,构件长细比,翼缘宽厚比及荷载偏心率。结果表明,对受压为主的构件,腹板局部屈曲对构件稳定承载力影响较大,而对受弯为主的构件,这一因素对构件稳定承载力影响较小。有限元分析结果与现行规范方法计算结果比较表明,目前规范方法尚不能较好地计算高强钢焊接薄腹工形截面双向压弯构件的稳定承载力,因而提出了修正直接强度法,该法精度较好且偏于安全。  相似文献   

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