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认知无线电频谱分配的博弈论方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
认知无线电中频谱分配问题目前受到了极大的关注。在问题的分析中,涉及了大量策略选择问题,因而可以利用博弈论的相关原理对其进行分析研究。文章介绍了认知无线电频谱分配的一些关键问题,分析了博弈论方法在认知无线电研究中的应用条件,并阐述了认知无线电频谱分配问题的博弈论框架,为今后的相关研究起到积极的促进作用。  相似文献   

彭云飞  邵尉  卢春兰 《通信技术》2021,(8):1925-1929
提出了一种认知无线电网络(Cognitive Radio Networks,CRN)中基于博弈论的频谱切换方法.首先,定义次用户(Secondary User,SU)的期望累积切换时延,并将其作为优化目标.其次,将频谱切换问题表征为Stochastic博弈,其至少存在一个混合策略纳什均衡(Nash Equilibriu...  相似文献   

韩小博  罗涛 《电子学报》2010,38(7):1699-1704
 结合博弈论,论文首先提出一种基于博弈论的适用于认知Ad Hoc网络的公共信道建立算法,但该算法并不保证认知用户总是能够收敛到同一公共信道. 随后,论文提出两种可收敛的改进算法. 仿真结果表明改进算法能够适应不同的网络环境,使用户通过博弈过程最终收敛到同一个空闲信道上,完成公共信道的建立,并能在一定程度上保证信道质量. 最后,论文对算法的收敛性进行了论证.  相似文献   

基于博弈论的认知无线电频谱分配模型   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
基于博弈论的认知无线电频谱分配问题,是目前认知无线电领域的研究热点之一.文章首先阐述如何利用博弈论对认知无线电进行分析,提出算法设计需要解决的四个方面的基本问题.在此基础之上进一步提出了基于博弈论的认知无线电频谱分配问题模型,并重点对模型中效用函数的选择做了详细的探讨.  相似文献   

在无线通信技术发展过程中,越来越频繁的使用频谱资源,几乎无剩余的无线电频谱空间,造成频谱资源缺乏的原因中,不合理分配频谱为主要原因,为解决这一问题,研究出了认知无线电技术,此种技术可对频谱使用情况主动监测,自身通信参数自适应式的改变,可有效的提高频率的利用效率.但由于应用频率时具有较强的灵活性,要求认知无线电技术可准确检测出频谱资源,并进行动态分配,基于此,本文在博弈论的基础上,探讨了认知无线电频谱分配技术.  相似文献   

首先介绍了认知无线电技术和博弈论思想,然后按照不同的分类准则,考虑无线网络资源分配的实际情况,描述了两种常用的博弈论类型:非合作型博弈模型和合作型博弈模型。重点研究了两种博弈模型在认知无线电频谱共享技术中的资源分配问题。  相似文献   

滕志军  韩雪  杨旭 《电信科学》2011,27(8):63-67
基于博弈论对认知无线电网络中的功率控制问题进行了建模分析,提出了一种基于多次博弈的功率控制算法,证明了该算法中纳什均衡的存在性和惟一性。仿真结果表明,基于该博弈模型的功率控制算法收敛性比传统算法好,经过7次左右迭代即可收敛,满足系统实时性要求,同时又能够以较低的功率水平满足不同用户对信干比的要求,实现了对不同用户发射功率的有效控制,系统性能明显提高。  相似文献   

研究了在多主用户参与的完全竞争模式下的频谱价格问题,建立基于博弈理论的经济模型,分析主用户的频谱利润和频谱价格与认知用户的频谱需求之间的关系。考虑了主用户数、频谱替代因子和学习速率对频谱价格、纳什均衡、收敛性及稳定性的影响。仿真结果表明,合理的频谱价格及传输参数,可以使主用户获得的利润最大化,合理的学习速率可以使主用户的频谱价格快速收敛,通过有偿频谱共享,充分调动了主用户的积极性,从而有效的缓解了认知用户频谱资源紧张的局面。  相似文献   

认知无线电网络中基于信任的安全路由模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对认知无线电网络中路由受到的选择性转发攻击,提出一种基于信任的安全路由模型。通过监视节点的数据转发行为,构建节点的信任以识别恶意节点。基于路由选择必须同频谱分配紧密结合的特点,在路由发现阶段,请求信息中封装节点的可用频谱机会并避免发送给恶意节点。在路由选择阶段,利用节点信任构建可用路径信任,结合延时度量进行路由决定。同时,根据节点的信任划分对其服务请求采取不同的响应,对非可信节点的恶意行为采取更严厉的惩罚,从而激励节点在路由中的合作。仿真结果及分析表明,在选择性转发攻击下,该模型较已有模型在网络吞吐率、端到端延迟方面都有较好的表现。  相似文献   

为解决认知无线电网络中认知用户、授权用户共存情况下的频谱分配问题,提出了一种基于潜在博弈的认知无线电频谱分配模型,该模型以最小化系统总干扰水平为目标,认知用户采用避免机会浪费的改进型策略动态调整规则进行频谱选择,经过有限改进路径快速收敛到博弈的纳什均衡点。在30个认知用户和2个授权用户共存的场景下进行仿真实验,算法以较快的收敛速度实现了频谱分配的目标,证明了模型及算法的可行有效。  相似文献   

Cognitive radio networks are a promising solution to the spectrum scarcity issue. In cognitive radio networks, cooperative spectrum sensing is critical to accurately detect the existence of a primary user (PU) signal, because the local spectrum sensing by a single secondary user (SU) has low reliability. Unfortunately, cooperative spectrum sensing is vulnerable to the spectrum sensing data falsification (SSDF) attack. Specifically, a malicious user can send a falsified sensing report to mislead other (benign) SUs to make an incorrect decision on the PU activity, to cause either denial of service to benign SUs or harmful interference to PUs. Therefore, detecting the SSDF attack is extremely important for robust cooperative spectrum sensing. This paper proposes a distributed defense scheme, termed conjugate prior based SSDF detection (CoPD), to countermeasure the SSDF attack. CoPD can effectively exclude the malicious sensing reports from SSDF attackers, so that benign SUs can effectively detect the PU activity. Furthermore, CoPD can also exclude abnormal sensing reports from ill-functioned SUs. Simulation results indicate that CoPD achieves very good performance to accomplish robust cooperative spectrum sensing.  相似文献   

In a cognitive radio ad hoc network, there is no central authority. Hence, distributed collaborative spectrum sensing (CSS) plays a major role in achieving an accurate spectrum sensing result. However, CSS is sensitive to spectrum sensing data falsification (SSDF) attack, in which a malicious user falsifies its local sensing report before disseminating it into the network. To capture such abnormal behavior of a node, we present an approach for detecting SSDF attack based on dissimilarity score. A secondary user (SU) computes the dissimilarity score of its neighbors from the messages received from its h‐hop neighbors. Further, we also present how the proposed scheme can be used on the sequence of sensing reports to detect and isolate the malicious SUs on the fly.  相似文献   

朱江  巴少为  杜清敏 《电讯技术》2016,56(12):1301-1309
针对现有的功率控制算法中存在的干扰问题和功率消耗过大问题,设计出一种新的效用函数,并根据此效用函数提出了一个基于非合作博弈的新的功率控制算法。首先,在效用函数中分别为信干噪比和功率设定了不同的代价因子,并将信道状态概念引入到代价因子里面,使其能够更加合理地控制用户,避免用户过度增加发射功率,同时减小了用户间的干扰;其次,证明了该算法纳什均衡的存在性和唯一性;最后,给出了所提算法的流程图。仿真结果表明,与Nash算法相比,在保证非授权用户服务质量( QoS)前提下,该算法功率消耗明显降低,并且具有较好的抗背景噪声性能;与K-G( Koskie-Gajic)算法相比,该算法保证了所有的用户的信干噪比满足上下限阈值要求,并且提高了系统容量。  相似文献   

In this paper,we present a non-transferable utility coalition graph game(NTU-CGG) based resource allocation scheme with relay selection for a downlink orthogonal frequency division multiplexing(OFDMA) based cognitive radio networks to maximize both system throughput and system fairness.In this algorithm,with the assistance of others SUs,SUs with less available channels to improve their throughput and fairness by forming a directed tree graph according to spectrum availability and traffic demands of SUs.So this scheme can effectively exploit both space and frequency diversity of the system.Performance results show that,NTU-CGG significantly improves system fairness level while not reducing the throughput comparing with other existing algorithms.  相似文献   

针对认知无线网络中存在的干扰问题和功率消耗过大问题,提出了一种新的基于斯坦克尔伯格(Stackelberg)博弈的功率控制算法。建立了主次用户双层网络模型,将主用户设置为领导者,次用户设置为追随者,并对次用户产生的总干扰进行定量分析。在次用户多次博弈的过程中,动态地调整主用户单位干扰价格,在保证主用户自身正常通信前提下,尽量使得收益最大化,提高主用户的参与积极性。仿真实验表明,该算法在保证主次用户的服务质量(QoS)前提下,有效地减小了次用户的发射功率,而且能获得更高的系统容量。  相似文献   

水声对抗干扰是目前水下战场作战的主要对抗方式,对抗干扰效果是衡量水声对抗器材作战效能的一项重要的综合性指标,定量地评估水声对抗器材的对抗干扰效果对试验、训练、演练和实战十分重要。这里采用博弈论的方法建立水声对抗评估模型,通过仿真计算与分析,定量地对水声对抗干扰效果进行动态评估,研究解决水声对抗的全系统、全过程评估问题。  相似文献   

为有效平衡认知无线网络中次用户系统中接入信道的感知时间和信道总的吞吐量之间的矛盾,提出了一种只对部分信道进行感知的频谱接入策略,联合总的感知信道数和各条信道的感知时间进行优化,并通过最优停止算法求解,在最大化节省感知时间的同时,取得较大的平均吞吐量。与HC-MAC(Hardware Constrained- Media Access Control)算法的仿真分析对比表明,该算法在相同给定条件下感知时间更短,吞吐量更大,具有明显的优势。  相似文献   

In a cognitive radio network, cooperative communications between a primary user (PU) and a second user (SU) may be able to significantly improve the spectrum utilization, and thus, the network performance. To be specific, the PU can select a number of SUs as its relays to cooperatively transmit its data. In turn, these relays can be granted access to the licensed channel of the PU to transmit their data. In this paper, an effective cooperation strategy for SUs is presented. We formulate the problem of cooperative relay selection as a coalition formation game, and develop a utility function based on the game. The utility function considers various factors such as transmission power and noise level. With the utility function, a distributed coalition formation algorithm is proposed, which can be used by SUs to decide whether to join or leave a coalition. Such a decision is based on whether it can increase the maximal coalition utility value. We rigorously prove that our proposed coalition formation algorithm can terminate and reach a stable state. Finally, this paper demonstrates that the proposed scheme is able to enhance the network throughput via a simulation study.  相似文献   

Teng  Zhi-jun  Xie  Lu-ying  Chen  Hao-lei  Teng  Li-xin  Li  Hong-biao 《Wireless Networks》2019,25(7):4275-4286
Wireless Networks - To solve the user congestion problem in cognitive radio spectrum allocation process, this paper, based on the game theory spectrum allocation model, proposes an equilibrium...  相似文献   

In cognitive radio networks, Secondary Users (SUs) can access the spectrum simultaneously with the Primary Users (PUs) in underlay mode. In this case, interference caused to the licensed users has to be effectively controlled. The SUs have to make spectrum access decisions in order to enhance their quality of service, but without causing harmful interference to the coexisting PUs. In this paper, we propose a cooperative spectrum decision, which enables the SUs to share the spectrum with the PUs more efficiently. Our approach is based on a new coalitional game in which the coalition value is a function of the SUs' spectral efficiencies, the inter‐SUs interference, and the interference caused to the PUs. By applying new Enter and Leave rules, we obtain a stable coalition structure. Simulation results show that the SUs' spectral efficiencies are considerably increased and that the interference caused to the coexisting PU is reduced by about 7.5% as compared to an opportunistic spectrum access scheme. Moreover, the proposed coalitional game results in a more balanced spectrum sharing in the network. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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