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随着物联网技术的广泛应用以及节能减排理念的逐步深入,智能楼宇作为未来建筑的发展方向得到了广泛关注。文章从楼宇智能化系统入手,阐述智能楼宇的相关概念,探讨智能楼宇中通信自动化系统的相关技术,提出智能楼宇通信系统综合布线中应注意的问题,对于智能楼宇中通信自动化系统构建有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

智能楼宇已经越来越多的出现在社会生活中,是我们惯有的建筑与高科技产业相融合的体现.对于智能楼主中的通信自动化给我们的生活带来了很大的便捷.  相似文献   

智能楼宇作为未来建筑的发展方向得到了广泛关注,本文从楼宇智能化系统入手,阐述了智能楼宇的相关概念,探讨了智能楼宇中通信自动化系统的相关技术,并且给出了智能楼宇中通信系统综合布线中应该注意的问题对于智能楼宇中通信自动化系统构建有着重要的意义.  相似文献   

文本简述了我台DXZ10-24V/300(200)A智能通信电源系统的主要性能以及遥控实现,并对电源的计算机控制和远程通信作了较为详细的描述。  相似文献   

本文首先分析了智能楼宇中通信自动化系统涉及到相关信息技术,继而结合这些技术实现了基于云计算的智能楼宇监控系统。随着技术的不断发展,通信自动化系统在智能楼宇中应用将会越来越广泛。  相似文献   

陈均 《通讯世界》2022,(8):133-135
当前智能楼宇的普及带动了对现代化安防监控系统的需求,因此有必要将更多先进技术引入其中,保证智能楼宇安防监控系统性能的稳定发挥。本文对智能楼宇安防监控系统的应用特征、设计原则、主要功能加以分析,进一步探讨了安防监控系统内部前端、子系统及网络的运行模式,并结合广州市的实际应用案例展开讨论,实现对智能楼宇的实时监控,并促进其监控水平的进一步提升。  相似文献   

本文对挤压CAN总线技术的智能楼宇通信系统的设计进行分析和探讨,旨在对智能楼宇进行智能化控制和管理,提高人们的生活品质.  相似文献   

在楼宇未来发展中,智能楼宇已经成为一种发展趋势,与人们的生活息息相关,因此楼宇安全很重要。随着现代科技的不断发展,楼宇安全管理中智能监控系统的运用逐渐得到了推广,数字时代的发展促使楼宇监控系统越来越科技化和现代化。  相似文献   

随着智能化的发展,对于现代的建筑物也需要与智能化控制联系在一起,这要既能保证满足居民日益提高的要求,又能在很多方面减少建筑物中的能源消耗.所以,楼宇的自动控制系统现在应用非常广泛,在建筑物的照明系统和空调系统中都有很好的体现.  相似文献   

动力环境集中监控系统纳入的智能设备由于种类、品牌众多,所以其接入监控的方式也各有不同,文中通过对智能设备通信异常故障现象的分析,探讨快速定位故障点查明故障原因的明确思路,从而对动力环境集中监控系统维护提供借鉴.  相似文献   

EPON技术在广东电网智能配网通信中的应用分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨旭 《光通信研究》2011,(5):16-18,55
配网自动化通信技术是配网自动化的关键技术,决定着配网的智能化程度,其常用技术包括光纤通信、中低压载波、GPRS(通用分组无线业务)和3G无线通信等.文章通过对EPON(以太网无源光网络)技术在智能配网中的应用分析,结合广东电网智能配网实验,验证了EPON技术在智能配网应用的可行性以及推广意义.  相似文献   

介绍楼宇控制系统的结构、功能及在电信枢纽大楼中的应用,简略地讨论了楼宇控制系统与结构化综合布线系统的关系。  相似文献   

A novel high-quality, low-complexity dual-rate 4.7 and 6.5 kbits/s algebraic code excited linear predictive codec is proposed for adaptive multi-mode speech communicators, which can drop their source rate and speech quality under network control in order to invoke a more error resilient modem amongst less favorable channel conditions. Source-matched binary Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem (BCH) codecs combined with unequal protection diversity- and pilot-assisted 16and 64-level quadrature amplitude modulation (16-QAM, 64-QAM) are employed in order to accommodate both the 4.7 and the 6.5 kbits/s coded speech bits at a signaling rate of 3.1 kBd. Assuming an excess bandwidth of 100%, in a bandwidth of 200 kHz 32 time slots can be created, which allows us to support in excess of 50 users, when employing packet reservation multiple access (PRMA). Good communications quality speech is delivered in an equivalent bandwidth of 4 kHz, if the channel signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) of the benign indoors cordless channel are in excess of about 15 and 25 dB for the lower and higher speech quality 16-QAM and 64-QAM systems, respectively, and the PRMA time-slots are sufficiently uninterfered due to using time-slot classification algorithms and due to the attenuation of partitioning walls and ceilings  相似文献   

The need for critical improvements to the North American surface transportation infrastructure vis-a-vis alleviation of congestion while enhancing public safety has led to new intelligent transportation system (ITS) infrastructure based on vehicle-to-vehicle (v2v) wireless communications. The allocation of 75 MHz in the 5.9 GHz band for dedicated short-range communications (DSRC) may also enable future delivery of rich media content to vehicles at short to medium ranges via vehicle-to-roadside (v2e) links. Recently, AASTM committee E17.51 endorsed a variant of the IEEE wireless LAN standard, denoted 802.11a roadside applications (R/A), as the platform for the DSRC link and data link layer. In this article, we provide a tutorial overview of DSRC applications and assess IEEE802.11 PHY and MAC layer characteristics in this context. It is anticipated that current 802.11 specifications need to be suitably altered to meet requirements for DSRC environments of multihop connectivity, high vehicle mobility, and heterogeneous services with a variety of QoS requirements for which the original design was not intended. This article captures the current state of the art of 802.11-based multiple access protocols and highlights open research issues.  相似文献   

Faggian  N. Hua  T. 《IEEE network》1998,12(4):11-18
New telecommunications services tend to consider fixed network subscribers' requirements as well as mobile network subscribers' requirements. On one hand, subscribers of fixed networks would like to benefit from the mobility offered in mobile networks. On the other hand, mobile subscribers would like to access to services inherent in fixed networks. Personal communications services (PCS) meet this trend while allowing fixed and mobile convergence. In this environment, the application of intelligent networks (INs) to fixed and mobile networks is very convenient to realize PCS. Thus, the natural advancement of telecommunications systems (fixed and mobile) consists in the definition of new telecommunications architectures which take into account technologies from both fixed and mobile environments. This article studies how the IN is used to support mobility and interworking for PCS. Although mobility management already exists in cellular networks like GSM, it is desirable to use the IN concept to introduce flexibility. In addition, the IN allows the introduction of new supplementary services in PCS. Furthermore, the IN concept can be utilized to provide necessary networking functions for the integration of fixed and mobile networks. This article also highlights the involvement of IN in the definition of the global communications systems such as Telecommunication Information Networking Architecture (TINA), Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS), and International Mobile Telecommunications in the year 2000 (IMT2000)  相似文献   

本文从组网结构、业务应用的方面等介绍了爱立信LMDS MINI-LINKBAS的解决方案,并探讨了MINI-LINK BAS在2G/3G移动网络中的应用。  相似文献   

智能投顾在国内多家平台百花齐放,与智媒体相结合的投资已是大势所趋。文章分析了当前结合VR、大数据等尖端科技的智能投顾发展状况及出现的问题,并提出对策和建议。  相似文献   

Modbus通信协议运用于地铁FAS/BAS系统中,需要一种专用设备将只支持Modbus RTU通信模式的设备与支持Modbus TCP通信模式的主控PLC相互通信。本文通过详细分析Modbus RTU模式和Modbus TCP模式的协议格式,实现了Modbus RTU和Modbus TCP的通信数据互连互通,该方法已在上海轨道交通11号线北段二期FAS/BAS项目中成功应用。  相似文献   

着重介绍了EI-2000型火灾报警控制系统的性能特点和系统构成,并简要说明了在楼宇自动化系统中的应用方案。  相似文献   

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