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利用单边带调制技术,设计了一种改进的毫米波光纤传输系统,进行了系统色散分析及仿真实验.该系统在中心站通过设置相位调制器的偏置电压,使调制器产生的奇数边带被抑制,采用滤波器滤出其中的一个二阶边带.基带信号经过中频调制形成副载波,再将此副载波通过单边带调制到二阶边带上;在基站,通过带通滤波器滤出上行链路所需的光载波.用该单... 相似文献
本文介绍了大陆电子公司(CEC)在大功率短波广播发射机上采用的单边带调制方式。文中从低电平单边带信号的形成到采用幅/相分离技术以实现高效单边带信号发射的基本原理和具体做法给出了较详细的分析和说明。 相似文献
本文介绍大功率广播发射机新的单边带技术,其中包括西德AEG公司在PDM发射机上实现的具有包络控制的单边带发射机、瑞士BBC公司在PSM发射机上实现的新的单边带系统。BBC 公司的单边带系统代表目前国际上的最新水平,这种新的单边带系统排除了传统方法的缺点,能保持丙类工作的高效率,由双边带切换为单边带运行时,高频回路不必重新调谐。 相似文献
本文提出了一种基于受激布里渊散射原理的单边带调制产生30GHz毫米波的新方法,可应用于光载射频系统。该方法利用一个双布里渊散射移频结构生成泵浦光,并将其反向注入到传输信号光的25 km单模光纤;通过受激布里渊散射,直接放大受调制信号光的正三阶边带,实现光载波的单边带调制,有效改善由色散效应引入的功率涨落问题,保证了毫米波功率稳定。此外,信号光和泵浦光由同一个激光器产生,有效消除两者间的相对频率漂移,从而大大提升了毫米波生成系统的频率稳定性。通过我们的方法,实验系统所生成的毫米波功率增益了21dB,其3dB线宽为10kHz。 相似文献
提出了一个基于偏振调制的最佳接收灵敏度ROF链路系统。其根本原理在于实现具有最佳光载波边带比(OCSR)的光单边带调制技术,为此,利用偏振调制和滤波技术,线偏光首先经由一个特定偏振角进入偏振调制器,然后一个固定起偏角的起偏器被用来合并偏振信息,最后利用一个光滤波器实现光双边带调制到光单边带调制的转换。研究发现所获得的OCSR只与两个偏振角(和)有关,通过仔细调节上述指标,可以将OCSR调谐至最佳值0 dB。利用仿真验证了上述结论,仿真发现通过将OCSR调谐至最佳值将大大提高ROF链路的接收灵敏度。 相似文献
提出了一种单边带QPSK调制解调的方法.该方法在调制端通过适当的滤波器滤去QPSK调制信号的一个边带,在解调端通过希尔伯特变换构造出频谱上的共轭对称量实现解调,并通过使用对原始信号进行密勒码编码的方法减弱了希尔伯特变换在低频处的不理想对系统性能的影响.给出了详细的理论推导,并通过计算机仿真实验结果证明,提出的单边带QPSK调制解调方法在AWGN信道上的误码性能比传统的双边带QPSK调制解调方法差3dB,但能够节省一半传输带宽.因此,它是一种很有实际应用价值的调制解调算法,尤其适用于带宽受限的数据传输系统. 相似文献
为了有效抑制SCM/WDM光纤通信系统中的群速度色散和非线性效应,利用SCM/WDM光纤通信系统中信号经过两次调制这一特性,提出了一种在SCM/WDM系统中容易实现的抑制载波的光学单边带调制技术。抑制载波的光学单边带调制信号具有很大的调制深度,即通过抑制载波可以有效的增大了调制深度,进而可以减小调制器的外加电压升高而激发的一系列有害的非线性效应。实测的调制信号的频谱只剩下了半个边频,有效地减小了光信号的频带宽度,从而可以有效地减小群速度色散对信号的劣化。接收机灵敏度的实测图表明,利用文中所述的抑制载波的光学单边带调制技术可以有效地提高接收机的灵敏度达3-5dB。 相似文献
Jianjun Yu Ming-Fang Huang Zhensheng Jia Ting Wang Gee-Kung Chang 《Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE》2008,20(7):478-480
We have proposed and experimentally demonstrated a novel scheme to generate optical millimeter-wave (mm-wave) signals by using single-sideband modulation with low-frequency local oscillator (LO) signals. In this architecture, by incorporating the proper dc bias of the modulator in central office, the optical mm-wave carriers are generated with two times frequency of the LO signal while largely reducing the bandwidth requirement of the modulator. We quantify the optical carrier-to-sideband ratio (CSR) of downstream transmission in this radio-over-fiber (ROF) link and establish that the performance of the ROF system can be significantly improved when the optical signals are transmitted at CSR equal to 0 dB. 相似文献
Envelope detection of single-sideband signals produces distortion under some conditions. The color information in the NTSC system is transmitted as a single sideband. One effect of the distortion is to change the saturation of colored areas. The change in saturation is calculated for a standard color-bar signal. 相似文献
ZOU Yulong ZHENG Baoyu 《电子学报:英文版》2008,(3):449-454
The traditional cooperative diversity could improve the system performance enormously, which has already widely been investigated by researchers. How-ever, it didn't exploit channel code and Distributed space-time block code (DSTBC) together to achieve both diversity gain and coding gain. Therefore, in order to further improve system performance, a novel cooperative diver-sity scheme based on concatenating the channel code and DSTBC is proposed in this paper. The closed-form expres-sions of channel capacity, outage probability and Bit error rate (BER) are derived to evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme. Also, computer simulations are conducted to validate our scheme, showing that, even though the interuser channel is noisy, the proposed scheme out-performs the traditional cooperative diversity in terms of channel capacity, outage probability and BER with distinct system gains. 相似文献
Yu J. Zhou X. Gupta S. Huang Y.-K. Huang M.-F. 《Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE》2010,22(2):115-117
Lin Chen Wen S.C. Ying Li Jing He Hong Wen Yufeng Shao Ze Dong Yazhi Pi 《Lightwave Technology, Journal of》2007,25(11):3381-3387
We have proposed and experimentally demonstrated three different optical front-ends to implement in wavelength-division-multiplexing (WDM) radio-over-fiber (ROF) networks to minimize the cost of the ROF system. When the number of WDM channels is small, such as smaller than four channels, the simplest front-end to generate WDM optical millimeter (mm)-wave signals is to use only broadband direct-modulation laser (DML) for each WDM channel. In this case, the expensive external modulator can be removed. However, when the number of WDM channels is large, such as larger than four, the frond-end to generate WDM optical mm-wave signals can be realized by using an external modulator to upconvert simultaneously all channels after the WDM channel signals are multiplexed. In this way, the cost of the expensive external modulator will be shared by all channels. For seamless integration of WDM signals that come from the existing backbone with ROF system, a broadband external modulator can be used to upconvert WDM signals. 相似文献
《Microwave Theory and Techniques》1976,24(11):780-786
The generation of millimeter-(mm-) wave signals phase coherent to a lower frequency reference or standard implies a large multiplication factor with inherent amplification of the short term instability or phase noise. This effect which usually is of secondary importance at lower microwave frequencies may become a limiting factor in the implementation of some mm-wave digital communication systems. Techniques used for the generation of signals of high spectral purity are discussed, and illustrated with the realization for a low data rate mm-wave satellite communications system. Quantitative results are presented and analyzed in terms of the theoretical time and frequency domain relationships. 相似文献
Zhangwei Yu Anders Djupsjobacka Mikhail Popov Pierre-Yves Fonjallaz 《Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE》2007,19(4):233-235
Good performance of a direct optical microwave filter combined with direct detection consisting of a single superimposed grating used in reflection has been assessed through bit-error-rate (BER) measurement. In the passband with a 3-dB bandwidth of 2GHz, the BER is below 1.2times10-11, showing nearly on-off behavior of the filter 相似文献
A novel folded waveguide circuit that features thick iron pole pieces with hollow centers was built as part of a periodic-permanent-magnet-focused W-band single-stage test-vehicle traveling-wave tube (TWT). These hollow centers, which comprise part of the slow wave circuit, increase the rms axial field and significantly reduce the unwanted transverse field imbalance. For this TWT, a tetrode gun that creates an ultralaminar 20-kV 0.25-A nominal electron beam was used. It was demonstrated that this gun and magnetic structure can provide greater than 97% beam transmission for peak beam power levels as high as 9.25 kW (25 kV, 0.37 A). The unplated circuit, operating around 91 GHz on the edge of a passband, exhibits between 10 dB and 12 dB gain that compares favorably with results of device modeling utilizing the 3D particle-in-cell code Magic3D. Using a feedback approach to characterize large-signal operation, the tube generated 40 W of regenerative oscillator power. Design-optimized versions of this circuit show promise of enabling W-band TWT amplifiers that provide up to 300 W of peak RF output power 相似文献
基于Nios Ⅱ的VGA彩条信号显示的实现 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
VGA作为一种标准的显示接口得到广泛的应用。依据VGA显示的原理,提出了一种基于NiosⅡ处理器的VGA时序彩条信号显示的实现方法。利用FPGA产生VGA时序信号,NiosⅡ处理器控制输出彩条的颜色,按键控制彩条的输出模式,将要显示信号的数据直接送到显示器,这样就加快了数据处理速度,节约了硬件成本。 相似文献