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Results of several Large Eddy Simulations (LES) of open channel flows with non-submerged vegetation are presented in this article. It is shown that the vegetation can make the flow structure in the mainstream direction uniform for both supercritical and subcritical flows. For subcritical flows, the LES results of the ensemble-average of time-averaged velocity distributions at four vertical sections around a single plant are in good agreement with measurements. The velocity sees double peaks at the upper and lower positions of flows. For supercritical flows, the ensemble-average velocities see some discrepancy between LES and measurement results. Some secondary flow eddies appear near the single plant, and they just locate in the positions of the double peaks in stream-wise velocity profiles. It is also found that the vegetation drag coefficient deceases as the Froude number increases.  相似文献   

1 . INTRODUCTIONInactualrivers ,theriverbediscommonlycoveredbyvegetation .Thevegetationinriversplaysanimportantroleontheenvironmentalfunc tionoftherivers,thatis,theamenitytohumanlife ,livingspaceformanylives ,purificationofwaterqualityandsoon .However ,thevegetationinriversalsoplaysakeyroleonthecarryingca pacityofachannelwithfloodplains .Therefore ,thehydraulicsoftheflowwithvegetationshouldbemoreimprovedorrefined .Logicalexplanationandaccurateevaluationaboutturbulentflowinopenchannelwith…  相似文献   

THELARGEEDDYSIMULATIONOFSTRONGLYCURVEDOPENCHANNELFLOW¥ZhouFa-yi(Dept.ofCivilEngrg.,DalianUniversityofTechnology,Dalian116023,...  相似文献   

Vegetation is an important feature of many rivers. Vegetation along rivers produces high resistance to flow and, as a result, has a large impact on water levels in rivers and lakes. The effects of instream-unsubmerged vegetation (such as the reed-similar Kalmus) on flow resistance and velocity distributions is studied in the paper. Artificial vegetation is used in the experimental study to simulate the Acorus Calmus L. As shown in experimental tests the resistance depends strongly on vegetation density and the Manning resistance coefficient varies with the depth of flow. A simplified model based on concepts of drag is developed to evaluate the roughness coefficient (Manning's n) for non submerged vegetation. In vegetated channels the overall flow resistance is influenced significantly by the distribution pattern of the vegetated beds. Within vegetation, vertical variation in velocity is different from that in the non vegetated bed, which reflects the variation in vegetation density. Vertical turbulent transport of momentum is negligible as demonstrated by experiments.  相似文献   

1.INTRODUCTION Mostnaturalflowsareturbulent,andthenat uralriversareprevalentlymeandering.Mostofthe riverbendsarethosewithnot fully developedcir culationcurrentsonly,inwhichcentralanglesfor thebendsaresmallerthan180°,even90°.These bendflowsarecharacterizedbythedevelopmentoflateralcirculationcurrentsandbythenot fully offsetsofmainflow,withobvious3Dfeatures.Soinhydraulicengineeringandnavigationengi neering,itisimportantandnecessarytoinvesti gatethe3Dturbulentcharactersofbendflow.Be causet…  相似文献   

Pulsating turbulent open channel flow has been investigated by the u.se of I.arge Eddy Simulation (I.ES) technique coupled with dynamic Sub-Grid-Scale (SGS) model for turbulent SGS stress to closure the governing equations.Three-dimensional filtered Navier-Stokes equations are numerically solved by a fractional-- step method. The objective of this study is to deal with the behavior of the pulsating turbulent open channel flow and to examine the reliability of the I.ES approach for predicting the pulsating turbulent flow. In this study, the Reynolds number (Re,) is chosen as 180 based on the friction velocity and the channel depth, The frequency of the driving pressure gradient for the pulsating turbulent flow ranges low, medium and high value, Statistical turbulence quantities as well as the flow structures are analyzed.  相似文献   

1. INTRODUCTIONUnsteadyopenchannelflowswithrapidchangeofwaterleveloftenoccursinthemanmadechannelsandnaturalrivers.Thedambreakf?..  相似文献   

An experiment concerning the sound propaga-tion in aerated open channel flow was designed and conductedin a variable slope chute. The acquisition of sound data wasdone by the hydro-phones installed into the bottom wall of thechute. The data were analyzed and processed by the tape re-corder and a 3562A analyzer. The primary experimetal resultsindicated that the sound speed in aerated flow is varied with the air concentration and highly lower than each of the soundspeed in pure water or air. As released by the derived theoryformula, the minimum sound of 24m/s in aerated flow hap-pened when the air concentration achieved to 50%. This resultshows that the compressibility of high speed aerated flowshould be considered when the air concentration is near to50%. A criterion of compressibility of high speed aerated flowwas also giv. En in this paper.  相似文献   

Channel confluences are universally present in nature. They can be divided into two types:asymmetrical river confluences and symmetric river confluences. The latter is also called as the Y-shaped confluences. Most of previous work has paid more attention to the asymmetrical river confluences, but few studies have been conducted on the Y-shaped confluences. In this article, the effects of bed discordance on the flow patterns at"Y"shaped open-channel confluences were studied by using a 3-D numerical simulation. It is proved that the model can undertake quantitative assessment of the flow at confluences. The results indicate that there are a lot of differences between the Y-shaped confluence and asymmetrical confluence. The discordant bed height plays an important role at the Y-shaped junction.  相似文献   

1 . INTRODUCTIONThegas particleflowincurvedductshavebeenwidelyappliedinengineering .Research[2 ] showsthattheerosionefficiencyofbendis 5 0timeshigherthanthatofstraightpipe .Therefore ,improvingtheabilityofbenderosionprotectionisanurgenttask .Thepreviousresearc…  相似文献   

By considering that the coherent structure is the main cause of the Reynolds stress, a new Reynolds stress expression was given. On this basis the velocity distribution in the trapezoid-section open channel flow was worked out with the pseudo-spectral method. The results were compared with experimental data and the influence of the ratio of length to width of the cross-section and the lateral inclination on the velocity distribution was analyzed. This model can be used the large flux in rivers and open channes.  相似文献   

On the basis of the generalized physical model of the riverbank, the experiments were conducted to study the mechanisms of riverbank failure under the coupling effect of seepage flow and river flow. The experimental setup was specially designed, as well as test point location, parameters and procedures, and the main influencing factors were analyzed affecting riverbank failure based on the failure types, the variations of pore water pressure and soil displacement. The results indicated that the coupling effect has different influences on the bank failure in three aspects: the failure type, the process and the extent. In addition, the river flow played a more important role than the seepage flow in the coupling effect on the bank failure.  相似文献   

A 3-D model based on the Reynolds equations with closed k-ε turbulence model ispresented in this paper,which can be used to predict surface water flow in open channels.In-stead of the“rigid lid”approximation,the solution of the free surface equation is implemented inthe velocity-pressure iterative procedure on the basis of the conventional SIMPLE method.Thismodel was used to compute the flow in rectangular channels with trenches dredged across the bot-tom.The velocity,eddy viscosity coefficient,turbulent shear stress,turbulent kinetic energyand elevation of the free surface over the trenches dredged in the main channel,can be obtained.The computed results are in good agreement with existing experimentaing data.  相似文献   

Based on the Preissmann implicit scheme for the one-dimensional Saint-Venant equation, the mathematical model for one-dimensional river networks and canal networks was developed and the key issues on the model were expatiated particularly in this article. This model applies the method of three-steps solution for channel-junction-channel to simulate the river networks, and the Gauss elimination method was used to calculate the sparse matrix. This model was applied to simulate the tree-type irrigation canal networks, complex looped channel networks and the Lower Columbia Slough networks. The results of water level and discharge agree with the data from the Adlul and field data. The model is proved to be robust for simulating unsteady flows in river networks with various degrees of complex structure. The calculated results show that this model is useful for engineering applications in complicated river networks. Future research was recommended to focus on setting up ecological numerical model of water quality in river networks and canal networks.  相似文献   

Aquatic vegetation plays an important role in the flow structure of open channels and thus changes the fate and the transport of sediment. This article proposes a three-dimensional turbulence model by introducing vegetation density and drag force into the control equations of water flow in the presence of vegetation. The model was used to calculate the impacts of submerged vegetation on the vertical profiles of longitudinal flow velocities, the changes of the depth-averaged flow velocities in a compound channel with emergent vegetation in the floodplain, the removal of suspended sediment from the channels by emergent vegetation, and the bed changes around and in a vegetated island. Numerical investigations show that aquatic vegetation retards flow in the vegetation zone, reduces the sediment transport capacity, and contributes to erosion on both sides of the vegetated island. Calculated results agree well with experimental results.  相似文献   

The expected recovery of the natural conditions of large regulated rivers over the distance downstream from a dam is limited by relative tributary size according to the Serial Discontinuity Concept; however, geomorphology may also influence the recovery process. We examined the woody vegetation of the riparian zone in seven river segments distributed along the regulated reach of the Tiétar River in central‐western Spain, which flows through two distinct geomorphic templates. Whereas the annual runoff has decreased by 30% on average along the entire studied reach following the construction of the Rosarito Dam and the initiation of field irrigation in the region, the magnitude and frequency of the peak flows decreased by 30% immediately downstream from the dam but recovered the natural values with the distance downstream. We evaluated the recovery patterns toward the natural riparian conditions by comparing woody species composition, diversity and distribution of vegetation patches established prior to and after dam completion. Our results did not indicate a recovery gradient of any of the analysed vegetation attributes downstream from the dam. Instead, we found that the difference in the slope of the stream channel and banks, the width of the valley and the size of substratum particles among the surveyed patches were factors that significantly mediated dam and tributary effects on vegetation and influenced the degree of vegetation recovery. Hence, the maintenance of the intensity of the flow alteration scheme by the numerous water withdrawals and the low tributary contributions, coupled with differential geomorphological characteristics along the reach, overwhelmed the natural tendency for the river to restore its natural conditions with distance downstream. Improving water management and, particularly, restoring endangered riparian ecosystems require a detailed understanding of existing and potential woody species behaviour across the geomorphological settings of rivers. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The inner flow analysis of centrifugal pumps has gradually become an important issue for the hydraulic design and performance improvement.Nowadays,CFD simulation toolbox of pump inner flow mainly contains commercial tools and open source tools.There are some defects for commercial CFD software for the numerical simulation of 3-D turbulent internal flow in pump,especially in capturing the flow characteristics under the off-design operating conditions.Additionally,it is difficult for researchers to do further investigation because of the undeclared source.Therefore,an open source software like Open Field Operation and Manipulation (OpenFOAM) is increasingly popular with researchers from all over the world.In this paper,a new computational study was implemented based on the original solver and was used to directly simulate the steady-state inner flow in a double blades pump,with the specific speed is 111.In order to disclose the characteristics deeply,three research schemes were conducted.The ratios () of the flow rate are 0.8,1.0 and 1.2,respectively.The simulation results were verified with the Particle Imaging Velocimetry (PIV) experimental results,and the numerical calculation results agree well with the experimental data.Meanwhile,the phenomena of flow separation under the off-design operating conditions are well captured by OpenFOAM.The results indicate that OpenFOAM possesses obvious strong predominance in computing the internal flow field of pump.The analysis results can also be used as the basis for the further research and the improvement of centrifugal pump.  相似文献   

This article studies the atomization rainfall and the generated flow on a slope by numerical simulations.The atomization rainfall is simulated by a unified model for splash droplets and a suspended mist,and the distribution of the diameter of splash rain drops is analyzed.The slope runoff generated by the atomization rainfall is simulated by a depth-averaged 2-D model,and the localization of the rainfall intensity in space is specially considered.The simulation results show that:(1) the median rain size of the atomization rainfall increases in the longitudinal direction at first,then monotonously decreases,and the maximum value is taken at the longitudinal position not in consistent with the position where the maximum rain intensity is taken.In the lateral direction the median rain size monotonously decreases,(2) since the atomization rainfall is distributed in a strongly localized area,it takes a longer time for its runoff yield to reach a steady state than that in the natural rainfall,the variation ranges of the water depth and the velocity in the longitudinal and lateral directions are larger than those in the natural rainfall.  相似文献   

Thermally-stratified shear turbulent channel flow with temperature oscillation on the bottom wall of the channel was investigated with the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) approach coupled with dynamic Sub-Grid-Scale (SGS) models. The effect of temperature oscillation on the turbulent channel flow behavior was examined. The phase-averaged velocities and temperature, and flow structures at different Richardson numbers and periods of the oscillation was analyzed.  相似文献   

1 . INTRODUCTIONWhena pipelineis placedonanerodibleseabed ,freespanmaydevelopastheresultoflocalscourunderthepipeline .Oneofthemostimpor tantissuesinpipelinestabilitydesignistheevalua tionofthefreespanlengthandtherateatwhichthefreespandevelopsalongthespandirectionduetothescour .Bothfreespanlengthandtherateofscourdevelopmentdependonflowconditionsaroundthespanshoulders.Sincemostofthescourinvestigationsintheopenliteraturewereonthescourdepthorscourdevelopmentinthe perpendiculardirectionofpipe…  相似文献   

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