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企业主管局转变职能是贯彻落实党的十四大精神建立市场经济的需要,是促进企业经营机制转变的必要前提。怎样才能把企业主管局的职能转变好,有以下六个方面值得注意:  相似文献   

谢永清 《湖南化工》1993,23(4):56-60
大乘资氮集团有限公司狠抓管理和科技,使企业由经营向效益型转变,同时加速了企业经济增长方式的转变。  相似文献   

谢永清 《湖南化工》1996,26(4):56-58
大乘资氮集团有限公司狠抓管理和科技,使企业由经营型向效益型转变,同时加速了企业经济增长方式的转变。  相似文献   

化学工业建立现代企业制度与政府职能转变彭传斌论述了化学工业建立现代企业制度的必要性,指出政府职能转变是建立现代企业制度的前提;两者要有机结合,相辅相成,互相促进。Establishmentofmodernenterprisesystemandtran...  相似文献   

企业转换经营机制,要突出抓人的观念的转变,因为提高企业全员素质是改革的关键,是企业机制转换的中心环节。在目前条件下,首先必须进行劳动分配制度的改革,彻底打破干与不干一个样;干好,干坏平等分配的旧制度。企业进行机制转变,进行工资制度改革,解决好挥劳分配问题,是调动生产力发展的首要问题。  相似文献   

国有企业改革与脱困三年两大目标基本实现后,近期现代企业制度建设的重点要从改制转到真正转变企业经营机制上来。这是国家经贸委副主任蒋黔贵在全国深化国有企业内部改革工作会议上强调的。蒋黔贵提出,近期现代企业制度建设的重点要从改制转到真正转变企业经营机制上来。一是要大力推进股权多元化,扩展国有企业实现股权多元化的途径,尤其要重视通过境内外资本市场使国有企业重组上市,对于规模大、资产质量较好的大型企业,要积极争取到境外上市,充分利用证券市场和监管部门的约束机制促进企业经营机制的转变。二是要以上市公司为重点…  相似文献   

转变增长方式要动真格的有人认为转变增长方式是企业的任务,政府只起组织推动作用,其本身不存在转变增长方式的问题。国家计委有关人士认为,政府同样面临着增长方式的转变问题,需要从传统计划经济下的工作方式、方法转变到市场经济相适应的方式、方法上来。目前,不少...  相似文献   

构建与建立现代企业制度,是我们党以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,进一步总结我国现代企业制度建设的历史经验,从新世纪新阶段党和国家事业发展全局出发,提出的重大战略思想和指导方针。随着企业不断深化对科学发展观的认识,现代企业制度的企业思想政治工作被赋予了新的地位、使命和内涵,管理理念、管理方法、教育形式、组织形态等方面发生了深层次的变化。管理方式由“制度约束型”向“思想激励型”发展,注重短期结果向创造长远未来转变;组织形态从管理型向学习型转变;管理模式从传统职能向现代系统型转变。  相似文献   

在今年全国两会期间,温家宝总理政府工作报告中,关于“加快转变经济发展方式,调整优化经济结构”,成为与会企业代表讨论最热烈的议题。为此,近日,本刊记者张红旗、特约记者辛文华就云天化集团目前面临的困难和机遇,以及如何转变方式、调整结构,加快企业科学发展采访了全国人大代表、云天化集团有限责任公司董事长董华。  相似文献   

2014年,安化集团公司以转变经济增长方式,实现绿色发展为主题,强力推进节能减排工作,努力构建资源节约型和环境友好型企业,促进企业绿色发展。  相似文献   

Solid solutions of diphosphates of zinc and copper and of zinc and cobalt were synthesized from mixtures of pure diphosphates at temperatures up to 1000°C. Their X-ray diffractometry patterns varied continuously from one end member to the other. Solid solutions of orthophosphates of composition Zn3−xCox(PO4)2, with x = 0.4–1.6, were formed at temperatures up to 950°C; all exhibited the structure of γ-Zn3(PO4)2. Solid solutions of orthophosphates of composition Zn3−xCux(PO4)2 exhibited more-complex behavior. At 1000°C and copper contents of 20–80 mol%, a phase that is related to Cu3(PO4)2, termed here the "ε-phase," predominated. At 850°–950°C and in the region from 20 mol% to ∼33 mol% of copper, the solid solutions (the "η-phase") adopted the structure of graftonite. At 800°–900°C and 10–15 mol% of copper, the solid solutions exhibited a new structure (the "δ-phase"), which we found to be related to the mineral sarcopside. At temperatures 950°C, the solutions that contained 5–15 mol% of copper (the "β-phase") had the structure of β-Zn3(PO4)2, whereas at 800°–850°C, solutions with 5 mol% of copper (the "-phase") exhibited the structure of γ-Zn3(PO4)2. Attempts to synthesize Cu+ZnPO4 and Cu+Cu2+Zn3(PO4)3 were unsuccessful.  相似文献   

Gemini型表面活性剂的结构和性质与传统的表面活性剂有很大的不同,例如Gemini型表面活性剂可以视为两个普通表面活性剂在亲水基或者靠近亲水基处由连接基团通过化学键连接而成;Gemini表面活性剂的C20值和cmc值都比传统表面活性剂的值要低很多。着重介绍了Gemini型表面活性剂的特性,结构与表面活性的关系以及应用。  相似文献   

相比已经完善丰富的开采和勘探技术,油气的运输以及储存却仍然存在不足之处。我国对能源安全提出更加严格要求的同时,对区域经济的发展规划也有足够重视。因此,保障油气管道的安全则成为了我国能源安全战略的重中之重。在阐释油气管道现阶段在储运安全保障技术发展状况的基础上,分析了现存的问题及解决问题的手段,并指出未来可能使用的目标策略,为今后研究者提供一定程度上的借鉴经验。  相似文献   

建设创新型国家是我们中华民族的历史责任。“自主创新、重点突破、支撑发展、引领未来”的16字方针应当成为我们未来创新活动的指南。建设创新型国家把自主创新放在首位,并提出了引领未来的高标准要求。钢铁科技创新必须突出重点,抓住创新成果产业化这个关键,支撑起行业和国民经济的发展。  相似文献   

膜的污染和劣化及其防治对策   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
较为系统地介绍了膜污染和劣化的定义和特点,因膜污染和劣化而造成的膜性能变化,以及如何预防、减少或清除膜污染和劣化的一些通用方法。  相似文献   

文章采用离子色谱法/电导检测器,测定了蔬菜水果样品中的硝酸盐和亚硝酸的含量。实验选取并优化样品前处理方法,获得无色透明的溶液后,经0.45μm过滤器过滤后得到待测液,最后自动进样,离子色谱法进行样品测定,以10 mmol/L KOH溶液为淋洗液,相对标准偏差:NO3-为0.38%,NO2-为0.54%;回收率:NO3-为98.8%~99.7%,NO2-为98.6%~99.9%。本方法操作简便快速,且具有仪器稳定性好、测定结果准确可靠的特点。在被测定蔬菜水果中,硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐含量都在较低浓度水平,NO3-:16.8~21.9 mg/kg,NO2-:0.0887~0.164 mg/kg。最后讨论了几种蔬菜水果样品储藏过程中硝酸盐与亚硝酸盐的含量变化情况。  相似文献   

研究了填料-橡胶的相互作用。发现N330-NR间的相互作用。n-SiO2(粒径:15nm)/KH-846-NR间的相互作用,都是化学作用占优势(>80%),化学作用对补强的贡献率都大于90%;无偶联剂KH-846时,n-SiO2和SiO2(粒径:15.8nm)与NR都无化学作用,只有物理交联,由于隔离作用,都降低硫化体系与橡胶相互作用的化学交联密度,但n-SiO2的物理交联密度是SiO2的2.6倍,对补强的贡献是SiO2的1.9倍,也是n-SiO2/KH-846体系的61%。  相似文献   

Gel permeation chromatographic (GPC) and thin-layer chromatographic (TLC) studies of polystyrene, polybutadienes (BR), and their copolymers (SBR) have been carried out. GPC primarily separates them on the basis of molecular size, and TLC, on the basis of composition. Methods of obtaining absolute molecular weight distributions for BR and SBR based upon variations of the Strasbourg Universal Calibration procedure are described. In particular, [η]–M relationships in both the GPC solvent (THF) and in a second solvent (toluene) were used; in addition, results of statistical mechanical calculations for \documentclass{article}\pagestyle{empty}\begin{document}$\overline {s^2 }$\end{document} (based on the assumption of negligible steric hindrance and freely rotating bonds) were applied. An experimental comparison of these methods was carried out, and use of the [η]–M relationships for both solvents was found to give satisfactory results. The predictions of the statistical theory were too low. A detailed study of polymer–solvent–gel interaction in the GPC unit was made through investigation of ternary phase equilibrium in the (polystyrene)–THF–(polymer) system. The polymers studied included BR and SBR with varying styrene contents. Experimental techniques for TLC separations of BR, SBR, and polystyrene according to the composition are described.  相似文献   

For more than a quarter of a century there has been a constantly growing awareness of, and interest in, the effects of the detergent industry, by the nature and use of its products on the environment. This interest has largely been in terms of the aquatic environment, but also, as with other industries, in terms of other socioecological issues. This paper concentrates on a review of detergents and their components, both organic and inorganic, and their impact on the aquatic environment in different parts of the world. It deals in particular with sodium tripolyphosphate, a major inorganic component in detergents, and presents an up-to-date and critical review of technical, environmental, sociological and legislative aspects of this product on a worldwide basis and a comparison of it with some of its proposed partial substitutes. Presented at the ISF/AOCS meeting, April 1980, New York.  相似文献   

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