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Some new lower bounds on |C| for a binary linear [n, k]R code C with n+1=t(R +1)-r(0⩽r<R+1, t>2 odd) or with n+1=t(R+1)-1(t>2 even) are obtained. These bounds improve the sphere covering bound considerably and give several new values and lower bounds for the function t[n, k], the smallest covering radius of any [n, k] code  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a new covering radius of RM(r,n) from cryptography viewpoint. It is defined as the maximum distance between t-resilient functions and the rth order Reed-Muller code RM(r,n). We next derive its lower and upper bounds. We further present a table of numerical data of our bounds.  相似文献   

We study geometrically the domain of linear binary codes and of unrestricted binary codes in the plane (normalized covering radius, normalized minimal distance)  相似文献   

New construction of multiwavelength optical orthogonal codes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We investigate multiwavelength optical orthogonal codes (MWOOCs) for optical code-division multiple access. Particularly, we present a new construction method for (mn,/spl lambda/+2,/spl lambda/) MWOOCs with the number of available wavelengths m, codeword length n, and constant Hamming weight /spl lambda/+2 that have autocorrelation and cross-correlation values not exceeding /spl lambda/. In the proposed scheme, there is no constraint on the relationship between the number of available wavelengths and the codeword length, and it is also possible to use an arbitrary /spl lambda/. We show that the constructed code is optimal, especially for /spl lambda/=1. Finally, we analyze the bit error rate of the new code and compare it with that of other optical codes.  相似文献   

On the covering radius of codes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The covering radiusRof a code is the maximal distance of any vector from the code. This work gives a number of new results concerningt[n, k], the minimal covering radius of any binary code of lengthnand dimensionk. For examplet[n, 4]andt[n, 5]are determined exactly, and reasonably tight bounds ont[n, k]are obtained for anykwhennis large. These results are found by using several new constructions for codes with small covering radius. One construction, the amalgamated direct sum, involves a quantity called the norm of a code. Codes with normleq 2 R + 1are called normal, and may be combined efficiently. The paper concludes with a table giving bounds ont[n, k]forn leq 64.  相似文献   

G.D. Chen et al. (ibid., vol.IT-32, p.680-94, 1986) presented two new lower bounds for K(n,R), where K(n,R) denotes the minimum cardinality of a binary code of length n and covering radius R. The author shows that a slight modification gives further improvements and some examples are given to confirm the argument. Codes that have a certain partitioning property are considered  相似文献   

A new construction of majority logic decodable quasicyclic codes is presented. As an example, an infinite family of quasicyclic codes with a minimum distance of four is constructed, and comparisons are made to show that they are better than selforthogonal quasicyclic codes and Shiva codes.<>  相似文献   

Short codes with a given covering radius   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The covering radius r of a code is the maximum distance from any vector in the space containing the code to the nearest codeword. The authors introduce a new function l(m,r), called the length function, which equals the smallest length of a binary code of codimension m and covering radius r. They investigate basic properties of the length function. Projective geometries over larger fields are used to construct families of codes which improve significantly the upper bound for l(m,2) obtained by amalgamation of Hamming codes. General methods are developed for ruling out the existence of codes of covering radius 2 with a given codimension and length resulting in lower bounds for l(m,2). A table is presented which gives the best results now known for l(m,r) with m⩽12 and r⩽12  相似文献   

Starting with a chain of cyclic linear binary codes of length 127, linear binary codes of lengths 129-167, and dimensions 30-50 are constructed. Some of these codes have a minimum distance exceeding the lower bound given in Brouwer's table  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate geometrical properties of the rank metric space and covering properties of rank metric codes. We first establish an analytical expression for the intersection of two balls with rank radii, and then derive an upper bound on the volume of the union of multiple balls with rank radii. Using these geometrical properties, we derive both upper and lower bounds on the minimum cardinality of a code with a given rank covering radius. The geometrical properties and bounds proposed in this paper are significant to the design, decoding, and performance analysis of rank metric codes.  相似文献   

Further results on the covering radius of codes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A number of upper and lower bounds are obtained forK(n, R), the minimal number of codewords in any binary code of lengthnand covering radiusR. Several new constructions are used to derive the upper bounds, including an amalgamated direct sum construction for nonlinear codes. This construction works best when applied to normal codes, and we give some new and stronger conditions which imply that a linear code is normal. An upper bound is given for the density of a covering code over any alphabet, and it is shown thatK(n + 2, R + 1) leq K(n, R)holds for sufficiently largen.  相似文献   

We are presenting a new method to obtain the covering radius of codes and in particular to prove quasi-perfection in codes. Our techniques combine divisibility results of Ax-Katz and Moreno-Moreno as well as coding theoretic methods. We answer a problem posed by Cohen-Honkala-Litsyn-Lobstein in the book covering radius for Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem (BCH) codes. We also obtain the covering radius for many new classes of codes.  相似文献   

Let R(r,m) be the rth-order Reed-Muller code of length 2m and let ρ(r,m ) be its covering radius. R(2,7), R(2,8), R (3,7), and R(4,8) are among those smallest Reed-Muller codes whose covering radii are not known. New bounds for the covering radii of these four codes are obtained. The results are ρ(2,7)⩾40, ρ(2,8)⩾84, 20⩽ρ(3,7)⩽23, and ρ(4,8)⩾22. Noncomputer proofs for the known results that ρ(2,6)=18 and that R(1,5) is normal are given  相似文献   

The sphere bound is a trivial lower bound on K(n,R), the minimal cardinality of any binary code of length n and with covering radius R. By simple arguments it is considerably improved, to K(n,1)⩾2 n/n for n even. A table of lower and upper bounds on K(n,R) for n⩽33, R ⩽10 is included  相似文献   

The normality of binary codes is studied. The minimum cardinality of a binary code of length n with covering radius R is denoted by K(n,R). It is assumed that C is an (n,M)R code, that is, a binary code of length n with M codewords and covering radius R. It is shown that if C is an (n,M)1 code, then it is easy to find a normal (n ,M)1 code by changing C in a suitable way, and that all the optimal (n,M)1 codes (i.e. those for which M=K(n,1)) are normal and their every coordinate is acceptable. It is shown that if C is an abnormal (n,M) code, then n⩾9, and an abnormal (9118)1 code which is the smallest abnormal code known at present, is constructed. Lower bounds on the minimum cardinality of a binary abnormal code of length n with covering radius 1 are derived, and it is shown that if an (n,M)1 code is abnormal, then M⩾96  相似文献   

The covering polynomial method is a generalization of error-trapping decoding and is a simple and effective way to decode cyclic codes. For cyclic codes of rate R<2/τ, covering polynomials of a single term suffice to correct up to τ errors, and minimal sets of covering polynomials are known for various such codes. In this article, the case of τ=3 and of binary cyclic codes of rate R⩾2/3 is investigated. Specifically, a closed-form specification is given for minimal covering polynomial sets for codes of rate 2/3⩽R<11/15 for all sufficiently large code length n; the resulting number of covering polynomials is, if R=2/3+ρ with ρ>0, equal to nρ+2V√nρ+(1/2) logφ(n/ρ)+O(1), where φ=(1+√5)/2. For all codes correcting up to three errors, the number of covering polynomials is at least nρ+2√nρ+O(log n); covering polynomial sets achieving this bound (and thus within O(log n) of the minimum) are presented in closed-form specifications for rates in the range 11/15⩽R<3/4  相似文献   

Upper bounds on the covering radius of binary codes are studied. In particular it is shown that the covering radiusr_{m}of the first-order Reed-Muller code of lenglh2^{m}satisfies2^{m-l}-2^{lceil m/2 rceil -1} r_{m} leq 2^{m-1}-2^{m/2-1}.  相似文献   

For Pt.I, see ibid., vol.37, no.3, p.573-82 (May 1991). The linear inequality method for covering codes is generalized. This method reduces the study of covering codes to the study of some local covering problems. One of these problems, the 1-3 covering system, is formulated and studied in detail. The results for this local covering problem lead to new linear inequalities satisfied by covering codes, which are used to obtain numerous new lower bounds on K(n, R) and t[n, k]  相似文献   

We determine the dimensions of subfield codes of Reed-Solomon codes and construct certain extensions and lengthenings of these codes. We start from the duals, using the language of orthogonal arrays. As a first result this allows us to obtain a fair number of improvements in the list of binary, ternary, and quaternary linear codes with largest known minimal distance  相似文献   

Many new binary linear codes (compared with Brouwer's (2000) table) are found from a construction based on algebraic curves over finite fields  相似文献   

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