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Li-Qiang Wang Hong-Xing Zheng Li-Ying Feng Feng-You Gao 《Journal of Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves》2008,29(1):63-68
To obtain the complex permittivity of low-loss dielectric materials at 60 GHz, a measurement method is developed. Using a dielectric rod resonator excited by a dielectric waveguide, effective conductivity of conducting plates for short circuiting the resonator is determined. The complex permittivity of the dielectric rod is determined by the resonant frequency and unloaded quality factor of the TE0m1-mode resonator. Moreover, the complex permittivity of single crystal sapphire, polycrystalline ceramics, and cordierite has been investigated in virtue of numerical simulation. For all the measured specimens in this study, the proposed method is seen to provide much better accuracy for values. 相似文献
Charles R. Jones Jo Dutta Guofen Yu Yuanci Gao 《Journal of Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves》2011,32(6):838-847
We describe here a system for accurate measurement of the dielectric properties of very low-loss materials in the 130 to 170 GHz
frequency range. This system utilizes an open resonator with a quality factor ∼ 1 × 106. Resonance curves for this resonator are acquired with a commercial spectrum analyzer equipped with an external millimeter-wave
harmonic mixer. The excitation source is a backward-wave oscillator locked to the spectrum analyzer local oscillator via a
digital phase-locked loop. This system permits rapid and accurate measurement of resonance curve line widths, permitting determination
of loss tangents down to the 10-6 range. Results are reported for silicon carbide (SiC), CVD diamond, sapphire, and quartz. 相似文献
平行板谐振法测量微波介质陶瓷介电性能 总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11
对平行板谐振法测量微波介质陶瓷的基本原理进行了阐述。介绍了该方法的硬、软件构成及其操作注意事项,并给出了部分测试结果。该方法具有测量简单、快速、准确的优点,但不适用于测量介质损耗较大的微波介质陶瓷。 r的测量误差为0.5%左右,Q值的测量误差为15%以下。 相似文献
Microwave Dielectric Properties of Plant Materials 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Ulaby Fawwaz T. Jedlicka R. P. 《Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on》1984,(4):406-415
Three waveguide transmission systems covering the 1-2, 3.5-6.5, and 7.5-8.5 GHz bands were used to measure the dielectric properties of vegetation material as a function of moisture content and microwave frequency. The materials measured included, primarily, the leaves and stalks of corn and wheat. Dielectric measurements also were made of the liquid included in the vegetation material after it was extracted from the vegetation by mechanical means. The extracted liquids were found to have an equivalent NaCl salinity of about 10 per mil, which can have a significant effect on the dielectric loss at frequencies below 5 GHz. The results of attempts to model the dielectric constant of the vegetation-water mixture in terms of the dielectric constants and volume fractions of its constituent parts (i. e., bulk vegetation, air, bound water, and free water) are discussed. Additionally, measurements of the temporal variations in the total attenuation at 10.2 GHz are presented for a corn canopy and a soybean canopy. 相似文献
《Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, IEEE》2009,19(12):801-803
本文根据Barlow提出的在TE(01n)模谐振腔上耦合一段截止波导构成复合腔的原理,首次在C波段对介质谐振器材料的介电性能进行了测量,并从理论上证明了该方法对相对介电系数有很高的测试灵敏度,本文给出了几种介质谐振器材料的测试结果,最后就样品厚度对测试精度的影响作了分析。 相似文献
Accurate dielectric properties are of great importance for the design and fabrication of the input and output windows in vacuum electronic devices. A reflection-type hemispherical open resonator (RTHOR) was designed through theoretical analysis and numerical simulation and also was utilized to measure the dielectric properties of the windows material sapphire. Compared with the two ports measurement, a simplified measurement system to obtain the dielectric performance was proposed and the RTHOR with only one coupling aperture was directly connected to a W-band vector network analyzer (VNA). The material properties can be easily calculated through the VNA measured port reflection coefficient (S11) resonant curve. Investigation shows that the permittivity and the loss tangent of the measured sapphire, which is used to construct the input and output window, is respectively about 9.40 and 1.80?×?10?4 at room temperature in W-band, which agree well with the reported results. Measured results also show that the simplified measurement system can provide a high accuracy for the measurement of low-loss dielectric in a relatively convenient way. 相似文献
《Microwave Theory and Techniques》1979,27(10):841-844
An entirely new method for measuring dielectric properties of slab-type materials is developed by using a novel dielectric waveguide structure originally designed for millimeter-wave integrated circuits. The method entails the measurement of the stopband of the grating structure created in the dielectric waveguide. Several examples of measurement results are reported. 相似文献
本文提出了一种低耗液体材料微波复介电常数测试技术,利用一腔多模的TEOmn高Q圆柱测试腔,可对低耗液体材料的ε′γ和tanδ进行准确地测量.测试ε′γ的不确定度为±0.5%,tanδ的不确定度为±5.8%,且在一定频带范围内考察了ε′γ和tanδ3随频率变化特性。该技术测试简便、迅速、自动化程度高,可适用于多种低耗液体材料的测试。 相似文献
介绍了近年来微波小型化固态介质谐振器振荡器(DRO)研究方面的新成就。重点介绍了介质材料、DRO的频率调谐特性、相位噪声性能的优化、DRO的拓展设计以及焊封和可靠性。 相似文献
从求解Maxwell方程本征值出发,采用MATLAB中PDE工具箱,借助可二维作图的开槽圆柱谐振器,计算出有孔圆柱介质谐振器的谐振频率。求解结果与矢量网络分析仪测量结果吻合,误差在千分之四以内。且该有限元法计算软件采用MATLAB编写,可方便地被调用于矢量网络分析仪的VEE测试软件中,较好解决有孔及变形圆柱介质谐振器的设计、测量和微调等问题,特别是矢量网络分析仪的快速自动测量中。 相似文献
《Microwave Theory and Techniques》2009,57(6):1595-1601
改进矩形腔微扰法测试微波电介质复介电常数 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
本文讨论了测试电介质微波复介电常数的矩形腔微扰法。对介质样品加载后的TE10n模矩形腔腔内场进行了理论分析。通过对腔内场的数值求解,得出了与微扰公式相似的、已修正的准确计算公式。 相似文献
《Microwave Theory and Techniques》1977,25(6):509-512
Transmission dispersive Fourier transform, spectrometry (DFTS) has been used for the measurements of both real and imaginary parts of the complex relative permittivity of low-loss materials at millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths. The materials investigated include cis and trans decalin and polypropylene. 相似文献
《Microwave Theory and Techniques》1971,19(7):643-652
Design of bandpass filters for microwave integrated circuits (MICS) utilizing dielectric resonators is discussed. Synthesis methods for both Tschebycheff and Butterworth responses are derived. Experimental results with S- and X-band filters are presented, and the agreement between theory and experiments is shown to be fairly good. Limitations on this technique due to poor temperature stability are also discussed. 相似文献