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Ion cooling and axialization produced by azimuthal quadrupolar excitation in the presence of ion-neutral collisions are applied to laser desorption Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (LD/FT/ICR-MS). With this technique, the large kinetic and internal energies of ions generated by laser desorption processes can be cooled effectively by collisions of ions with neutral argon atoms (at > 5 x 10(-7) Torr). After sufficient cooling in the source compartment of a dual ion trap, the axialized ions may be transferred to the analyzer compartment for detection at much lower pressure (and thus much higher mass resolving power). Enhancements in both FT/ICR mass resolving power and sensitivity are observed; moreover, ion isolation with high selectivity at high pressure is also demonstrated.  相似文献   

在扫描电镜下原位观察了两种钢的拉伸变形过程,两种钢分别为以铁素体为主、含少量珠光体的纯净高强钢和以珠光体为主、含少量先共析铁素体的车轮钢.纯净钢拉伸时,不论试样厚度满足平面应变与否,均以铁素体的滑移变形为主,并最终导致韧性开裂,裂纹连续扩展,少量的珠光体对整个变形断裂过程几乎没有影响;断口呈现韧窝状.对于车轮钢,当试样厚度很薄不满足平面应变条件时,尽管先共析铁素体很少,拉伸时,仍以先共析铁素体的变形为先导过程,并在先共析铁素体与珠光体的界面处优先开裂,成为不连续微裂纹,断口呈现韧窝和准解理两种混合特征;当试样厚度满足平面应变条件时,则以珠光体中渗碳体片层的脆性开裂为主,断口呈现准解理特征.  相似文献   

Transition metal ion complexes with proteins and peptides are important in many areas of analytical and biological chemistry. We used positive and negative ion MALDI-MS to detect complexes with Cu and Ni ions, and show that the specific and non-specific transition metal ion-peptide complexes can be distinguished by the use of different analytical protocols. The pH dependent stability of these complexes is also reflected in the MALDI data. We further show that triple complexes of peptides or protein with chelated metal ions can be detected efficiently and rapidly by MALDI mass spectrometry. Such triple complexes play an important role in metal chelate affinity chromatography, where histidine containing biopolymers in particular are thought to bind metal-ligand complexes, depending on the oxidation state of the metal and the number of unoccupied coordination sites of the ligand.  相似文献   

The concentration of deuterium at the surface of cathodically charged high strength steels AISI 1062, 4037, and 4140 has been determined by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). The beneficial effects of pickling in NAP (a mixture of nitric, acetic, and phosphoric acids) to remove surfacebound deuterium have been observed. formerly with AMCA International Limited, Kanata, ON, Canada  相似文献   

Secondary ion analysis was applied to the study of the carburization behavior of a superalloy by using the ion microprobe mass analyzer (IMMA). The corrosion test of Inconel 617 was carried out for 1000 h under an environment of methane-doped impure helium gas at 1000 °C. 20 KeV O 2 + and N 2 + were used as primary ions. IMMA showed that C, O, Al, Si, Ti and Mo were enriched near the surface. The chemical states of the scale and the precipitates were determined from chemical shifts of X-ray emission spectra. It was confirmed that silicon carbide and molybdenum carbide were coprecipitated in the same areas: in the scale, in the matrix at a depth of 10 μm to about 40 μm below the scale, and at grain boundaries. Aluminum and titanium were found to exist as oxides near the surface. It was shown that carburization was limited near the surface, and the grain boundary precipitation of carbides in the bulk was due to aging at high temperatures. The concentration profiles of silicon and molybdenum in (Si,Mo)-carbide were obtained by using standard carbide samples assuming that the concentration of implanted oxygen atoms of the specimen was equal to that of the standard sample. The ratio, (Si)/(Mo), was increased from about 0.1 in bulk to 2.4 ∼ 3.8 near the surface. This result indicates that silicon is carburized much more preferentially than molybdenum.  相似文献   

C-mycosides are superficial type-specific glycopeptidolipids of mycobacterial origin. In the present work, we have shown that field desorption mass spectrometry using the cationization method is a useful method for the molecular weight determination of such compounds. Complementary structural information has been obtained by electron-impact mass spectrometry. Combination of both methods has permitted the elucidation of the structure of the C-mycosides of Mycobacterium smegmatis, ATCC 607. This structure is similar to those described elsewhere, but some minor differences are observed in the lipid portion, mainly in the double bond location.  相似文献   

Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FTICR-MS) by external injection of matrix-assisted laser desorbed and ionized (MALDI) polymers offers good possibilities for characterization of low molecular weight homopolymers (MW range up to 10 kDa). The molecular masses of the molecular weight distribution (MWD) components of underivatized and derivatized (dimethyl, dipropyl, dibutyl and diacetyl) polyethylene glycol (PEG) 1000 and 4000 were measured by MALDI-FTICR-MS. These measurements have been performed using a commercial FTICR spectrometer with a home-built external ion source. MALDI of the samples with a 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid matrix in a 1000:1 matrix-to-analyte molar ratio produces sodiated molecules in a sufficient yield to trap the ions in the ICR cell. The masses of the molecular weight distribution of PEG components were measured in broad-band mode with a mass accuracy of < 5 ppm in the mass range around 1000 u and within 40 ppm accuracy around 4000 u. From these measurements, the endgroup mass of the polymer was determined by correlation of the measured component mass with the degree of polymerization. The masses of the PEG endgroups have been determined within a deviation of 3-10 millimass units for the PEG1000 derivatives and 10-100 millimass units for the PEG4000 derivatives, thus confirming the identity of the distal parts of the model compounds.  相似文献   

The treatment of malaria tropica is becoming difficult because of the increasing drug resistance rates of Plasmodium falciparum against several of the currently available antimalarias. A fixed combination of rifampicin, co-trimoxazole and isoniazid (CotrifazidTM, CF) was found to be highly effective for the treatment of malaria tropica. The aim of the present study in Kenya was to scrutinize this finding in a 14-day trial. Patients with malaria tropica were given in an open, double-arm randomized study CF for 5 days, or chloroquine or pyrimethamine/sulphadoxine as the control. Because of an apparently better activity and tolerance of CF, the randomization had to be stopped after the enrollment of 50 patients. A total of 61 patients in both groups (35 of them between 2 months and 6 years of age) were available for final analysis. All 41 patients treated with CF, originally positive in their blood smears, turned negative; in 2 cases blood smear positivity reappeared on day 14. There were 7 failures in the control group, 4 of them a primary one. Four of those failures were turned negative with CF, 2 failed with CF also, and 1 disappeared. The tolerance of CF was excellent even in infants. In our experience, CF is very well suited for the treatment of malaria tropica, also in cases of apparent drug resistance of P. falciparum against other antimalarials, and even in severe cases of the disease.  相似文献   

Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry (MS) was used to determine amide proton/deuteron (H/D) exchange rates. The method has broad application to the study of protein conformation and folding and to the study of protein-ligand interactions and requires no modifications of the instrument. Amide protons were allowed to exchange with deuterons in buffered D2O at room temperature, pD 7.25. Exchanged deuterons were "frozen" in the exchanged state by quenching at pH 2.5, 0 degree C and analyzed by MALDI-TOF MS. The matrix mixture consisted of 5 mg/mL alpha-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid, acetonitrile, ethanol, and 0.1% TFA. The matrix was adjusted to pH 2.5, and the chilled MALDI target was rapidly dried. Deuteration of amide protons on cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase was measured after short times of incubation in deuterium by pepsin protein digestion and MALDI-TOF MS analysis. The unseparated peptic digest was analyzed in a single spectrum of the mixture. From five spectra, H/D exchange rates were determined for some 40 peptides covering 65% of the protein sequence.  相似文献   

Field desorption (FD) is a gentle method of ionizing molecules from the solid state. The method is still in its infancy and remains more of an art than a science. Purines, pyrimidines, pteridines, and nucleosides represent some of the compound classes which are studied repeatedly in our laboratory. Often the primary information sought is the molecular weight. Many of these compounds are thermally unstable or nonvolatile. In these instances, FD mass spectrometry has proven to be quite helpful. Molecular weights are obtained in a short time, eliminating the need for more time-consuming derivatization or chemical degradation methods. FD has been applied to the study of drug metabolism and has shown great promise in determining polar metabolites, including direct analysis of glucuronide, sulfate, and amino acid conjugates. Some problems have been encountered in handling samples of biological origins. Salt impurities introduced by the separation procedure may interfere with the desorption process. Cluster ions and background noise make it difficult to assign molecular ions, and some compounds do not yield molecular ions with FD.  相似文献   

Organic vapor deposited thin films of pure biomolecules, polymer films and biomolecules dispersed in gelatin and biological tissue have been analyzed in a magnetic sector secondary ion mass spectrometer using an SF5+ primary ion beam at keV impact energies. In comparison to Ar+ bombardment under identical conditions, bombardment with SF5+ gives a 10 to 50 fold enhancement in the secondary ion yields for characteristic molecular ions. The SF5+ primary ion beam can be focussed to a small spot allowing molecular ion images to be obtained at micrometer spatial resolution with enhanced sensitivity. More importantly, the decay in molecular ion signal as a function of primary ion dose commonly observed in SIMS using monoatomic primary ions is either eliminated or greatly reduced, allowing molecular depth profiles to be obtained of organic thin films. By continuing to sample intact molecules as sputtering proceeds into the sample, the total number of detected characteristic secondary ions is increased by as much as a factor of approximately 700 for SF5+ bombardment as compared to Ar+ bombardment under identical analytical conditions. This effect is thought to be a result of the high erosion rate and the low penetration depth inherent in the use of a polyatomic primary projectile.  相似文献   

A new method of urinary oligosaccharides identification by matrix-assisted laser desorption time-of-flight mass spectrometry is presented. The method involves three steps: coupling of the urinary oligosaccharides with 8-aminonaphthalene-1,3,6-trisulfonic acid; fast purification over a porous graphite carbon extraction column; and mass spectrometric analysis. Identification of urinary oligosaccharides is based on the patterns and values of the pseudomolecular ions observed. We report here the patterns in urines from patients with Pompe disease, alpha and beta mannosidoses, galacto-sialidosis, and GM1 gangliosidosis. The protocols described here allowed facile and sensitive identification of the pathognomonic oligosacchariduria present in lysosomal diseases and can be extended to any pathological oligosacchariduria.  相似文献   

A method of deriving peptide sequence information using partial acid hydrolysis in combination with accurate mass measurements and immonium ion analysis provided by high-resolution plasma desorption mass spectrometry has been developed. The technique is very simple in terms of the chemistry and involves a short-time (3-30 min) incubation of the peptide in 1N-6N HCl at 100-110 degrees C with subsequent mass spectrometric analysis. Partial acid hydrolysis is found to produce sequence-specific segments, often ladder-like, although not always a complete set. Two application examples of the method are given: the linear peptide bradykinin and desmopressin, a peptide with an internal S-S bond and a non-amino-acid constituent. The technique has proved to be particularly useful in cases where some a priori information on the peptide structure was already known or where the automated Edman degradation technique might yield erratic results or not work at all.  相似文献   

Amino acid compositional analysis and peptide mass fingerprinting by matrix assisted laser desorption mass spectrometry have been used to characterise proteins obtained from two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) separations of human cardiac proteins. A group of twelve protein spots was selected for analysis. The identities of eight of the proteins had been determined by conventional protein characterisation methods, two were unknown proteins and two had putative identities from protein database spot comparison. Amino acid analysis and peptide mass fingerprinting gave corresponding identities for seven of the twelve proteins, which also agreed with our initial identifications. Three proteins which had been identified previously were not confirmed in this study and putative identities were obtained for the two unknown proteins. The advantages, problems and use of amino acid analysis and peptide mass fingerprinting for the analysis of proteins from 2-DE are discussed. The data highlight the need to use orthogonal techniques for the unequivocal identification of proteins from 2-DE gels.  相似文献   

A strategy for the structural characterization of the four major NaBH4-reduced peptidoglycan monomers derived from muramidase-digested peptidoglycan from the cyanelles of the flagellate Cyanophora paradoxa Korschikoff is described. Initial molecular weight determination of these glycopeptides was performed by positive and negative ion plasma desorption mass spectrometry. Due to the presence of two pairs of disaccharide tripeptide and disaccharide tetrapeptide monomers differing in mass by 112 units, respectively, an as yet unknown peptidoglycan modification either at the carbohydrate or at the peptide moiety was assumed. beta-Elimination of the disaccharide unit from the unreduced peptidoglycan monomers yielded the corresponding (modified) N1-lactyltripeptides and -tetrapeptides, respectively. These peptides, N-terminally blocked with lactic acid, unambiguously showed the modification to be located on the peptide moiety. By positive ion fast atom bombardment/hybrid tandem mass spectrometry of the reduced peptidoglycan monomers as well as of the corresponding deglycosylated monomers (= N1-lactylpeptides) the modification was determined to be linked to the glutamic acid moiety. Based on combined data from plasma desorption mass spectrometry, tandem mass spectrometry, accurate mass measurement and amino acid analysis of the acid hydrolysate after derivatization with o-phthaldialdehyde by high-performance liquid chromatography we could establish the structure of the modification as N-acetylputrescine. Finally, the confirmation of the linkage of the glutamic acid to diaminopimelic acid via the gamma-COOH was based on the presence of a-type peptide backbone fragment ions in the positive ion plasma desorption mass spectra of the modified N1-lactylpeptides.  相似文献   

The effect of a group of model lysosomotropic compounds on the process of Ca2+ ion desorption from lecithin liposome membranes was studied. The compounds studied were: hydrochlorides of fatty acids 2-dimethylaminoethyl esters (DM-n) for n = 9, 11, 13 and 15 carbon atoms in the fatty acid alkyl chain and methochloride of 2-dimethylaminoethyl laurate (DMS-11). It was found that all the compounds studied caused increased desorption with increasing concentration of the compound. Most effective was the quaternary ammonium salt, DMS-11. Moreover, it was found that the process of Ca2+ desorption from the membrane depended on pH of the medium. Compound DM-11 was more active at pH 8 than at pH 5. The action of DM-n compounds depended on the alkyl chain length, DM-11 and DM-13 being the most active. Apparently free amines penetrate the phospholipid membranes and incorporate into its hydrophobic core causing structural deformations. Hydrochlorides of fatty acids and the quaternary ammonium salt induce desorption of calcium ions mostly as a result of competitive electrostatic interactions. By quantum chemistry, PM3 method, and methods of molecular modelling we established the higher hydrophilicity of the polar head of DM-n series with respect to the polar head of the DMS-n compounds. DM-n compounds possess both acceptor and donor properties for hydrogen bonding while DMS-n are instrumental as acceptors only. It should be noted, that the results obtained in this paper for model membranes are in accordance with those for biological ones.  相似文献   

Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry has been employed for the evaluation of the glycation level of IgG from healthy subjects and also from well- and badly-controlled diabetic patients. The measurements have been performed on untreated plasma protein fractions. The data obtained have shown that a clear mass increase, originating from non-enzymatic glycation processes, is observed in the case of diabetic patients: for well-controlled ones it is in the range 512-1565 Da, while it becomes 827-4270 Da for badly-controlled diabetic patients. This approach indicates that MALDI mass spectrometry is a highly specific tool that can be employed in the metabolic control of diabetic patients and in studies relating the IgG glycation level to possible immunological impairment.  相似文献   

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