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The CNPC Group has successfully developed a largescaleethylene production package technology with independentintellectual property rights, which has beensuccessfully applied in the 1.2 Mt/a ethylene revamp andexpansion project at the Daqing Petrochemical Complex(DPC).  相似文献   

##正##Breakthrough in systematic technology for exploration of Qikou oil-enriched depression in Bohai Bay Basin Qikou oil-enriched depression is one of the largest depressions of the Tertiary deposit in Bohai Bay Basin. The oil and gas exploration of this area faces a number  相似文献   

Theories and key technologies of metamorphic bedrock oil and gas accumulations leading to discovery of reserves in Bohai Bay Basin To highlight some important geological issues related to mature basins and discovery of large-scale  相似文献   

China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) has further confirmed the ambitious target to build itself into an integrated international energy company at the 2009 work conference held in Langfang City,Hebei Province between January 8 and 10,2009.  相似文献   

中国石油钻井技术发展综述   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在过去的几年中,中国石油钻井行业始终坚持以保障油气勘探开发需求为己任,积极推动结构调整,加快装备更新改造,突出发展特色技术,培育核心竞争力,大力开拓国际市场,生产能力、技术水平和服务水平大幅度提高,市场规模不断扩大,经济效益明显提升,为把中油集团公司建设成为综合性国际能源公司提供了有力支撑。文章从钻井工作量、钻井队伍、装备、人员状况等几个方面对近年来中国石油钻井专业概况进行简要的分析。  相似文献   

多年来中国石油天然气集团公司研发形成了一系列成熟、先进、实用的技术,但大多集成度不高,配套完善差,显性化、有形化程度不够,不利于大范围推广应用,商业化程度低。随着建设综合性国际能源公司的战略实施,急需将积累的隐性技术显性化、有形化,以便于形成技术资产传承、共享、产业化、商业化和规模化应用,提升公司的核心竞争力。中国石油组织力量围绕国内外主营业务发展的技术需求,汇集和整理集团公司优势特色技术,总体规划有形化框架,按照"总体设计、突出特色、明确载体、形成资产、共享传承、重在应用"的思路进行技术有形化的探索与实践。通过有形化集成,技术推广应用成效显著,实现了技术成果的技术价值和商业价值。  相似文献   

An overview of CNPC engineering technology service As an important backup and guarantee for CNPC’s oil and gas business, engineering technology service companies have focused on the goal of building an integrated international energy company, and launched new round of specialized restructuring and business  相似文献   

内层空间的十项探索是重要的十项找油技术。尽管它们的概念不同 ,但它们之间都是紧密相连的 ,并且都代表着科技的重大突破。这十项探索技术正在开发和应用之中。从 2 0 0 0年国际石油科技的十大进展中也可发现 ,在未来的油气田生产、开发与应用中 ,这些技术将代表着科技的前沿。  相似文献   

On November 16,2007,CNPC Research Institute of Safety and Environment Technology was established to support the Company with more consistent safety and environment strategy and technologies.  相似文献   

From 23rd to 24th in September, the 2005 CNPC S&E International Seminar on Borehole Technology was held in Beijing. Invited by CNPC S&E, 68 honorable guests from 14 countries in Central Asia, Africa, North and South Americas and Southeast Asia and more than 100 representatives for the embassies in the People's Republic of China from 13 countries discussed the trend,progress and utilization of borehole technology and the service strength of CNPC's borehole technology together.The honorable attendees can further know the technical strength of CNPC S&E through this communication,and therefore find out the best cooperation way to create a higher value for the oil company in one hand, and improve the force and popularity of CNPC S&E in the international market on the other hand.  相似文献   

中国石油连续管作业经过“十三五”持续攻关与示范推广,技术取得很大进步,作业量快速增长。在连续管径向钻井与侧钻、超深井及深部页岩/致密油气连续管作业、连续管定向喷砂射孔压裂、连续管悬挂完井与采油采气4个领域,连续管工艺技术与关键工具研究、装备研制与软件开发等方面均取得重要进展。依托连续管快速修井、连续管速度管柱与完井管柱、连续管储层改造与连续管测井测试4项主体工艺的示范推广,连续管作业量以每年递增22%的速度快速增长。随着油气开发向更深层、更长水平段发展,“十四五”期间连续管技术将面临一系列新的挑战,需进一步提升连续管装备水平与作业能力,加强全系列连续管作业技术的专项推广,推进技术共享服务平台和数字化智能化软件平台建设,为“稳油增气,提质增效”双重战略实施提供强有力的技术支持。  相似文献   

Liu Qing 《中国油气》2007,14(3):39-43
It is well recognized that a highly efficient use of technology resources is the foundation for bringing creativity potential into full play and enhancing technological innovation capacity. Guided by this recognition and aimed at implementing technology innovation strategies, optimizing the deployment of science and technology resources, and boosting the technology innovation capacity, the CNPC introduced fresh ideas into its science and technology management by organizing a batch of companies to initiate the construction of technological centers and has so far made great progresses. It had set up 20 technology centers that cover the Group's 10 key specialties and supporting its 7 major operations.[第一段]  相似文献   

随着中国石油(CNPC)油气勘探开发工作的不断深入,油气勘探开发的对象日益复杂,固井质量要求越来越高,固井面临更加严峻的挑战。在分析中国石油固井面临形势的基础上,总结了近年来中国石油在固井工艺、外加剂及水泥浆体系、固井工具及附件、固井装备和基础理论研究等方面的主要进展,分析了深井超深井及复杂地层固井、复杂天然气井及酸性气藏固井、致密油气及页岩气固井、枯竭气藏储气库固井、海外复杂区块固井、海洋低温深水固井等6个方面面临的挑战,提出了要保证油气井长期有效封隔的关键技术,建议今后在基础研究、功能性水泥浆体系开发、配套工艺技术、功能性固井工具及装备研制等方面开展研究工作,对固井技术攻关具有一定的指导作用。   相似文献   

The Science & Technology Conference of CNPC (China National Petroleum Corporation), which is held once every five years, was held in Beijing from May 10, 2011. Participants of the conference made a comprehensive summary of CNPC’s achievements during the 11th Five-Year  相似文献   

工程技术是发展石油工业的利器,工程技术服务业是中国石油的支柱产业,2007年实施专业化重组以来,生产经营取得了长足的进步,保障能力、整合能力、创新能力、作业施工能力都有很大的提高,为中国石油上游业务的发展提供了有力的支撑。但是在改革与发展中遇到了不少亟待解决的问题,文章从体制、机制、管理、技术、人才等方面进行了专门的研究,为工程技术服务业务的可持续发展提出了若干建议,指出关键要掌握资本运营的手段,做大做强自己,必须借鉴国外成功经验,调整交叉重复业务,并购符合公司自身发展战略的优质资产,转变发展方式,尽快形成"特色化、差异化、高端化"的技术集群,增强竞争优势。  相似文献   

中国石油物探技术现状与发展方向   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
中国石油旗下的地球物理勘探企业,经过数十年的发展,已形成了一支强大的物探技术服务力量,掌握有8项特色技术,其中,复杂山地、黄土塬等地震勘探技术处于国际领先地位。最近几年,在高端技术研发方面,也已经取得突出进展,高密度、全数字、多波等技术在复杂油气藏描述工作中初见实效;在软件和装备研发方面,已经开发成功了具有自主知识产权的物探一体化核心软件,大型地震仪器已通过2000道野外试验作业,即将规模生产。中国石油物探企业的自主创新能力显著增强,在未来几年将继续依据技术发展蓝图的指导,进一步加强物探核心装备的研制与大型软件开发,进一步加强新方法、新技术的研究,以应对“四大工程”对物探行业提出的挑战。  相似文献   

On October 15,2020,the new-generation olefin catalytic cracking(OCC)technology developed by the SINOPEC Shanghai Research Institute of Petrochemical Technology(SRIPT)has been successfully applied in the 90 kt/a OCC unit owned by the Lianhong New Materials Science Co.,Ltd.At present,the OCC unit has been running smoothly,while the reactor operates at a load of 108%,with the yields of ethylene and propylene exceeding the contract specified targets.The OCC technology is a new process that can convert the C4/C5 olefins into ethylene and propylene to carve out an important route for increasing the ethylene and propylene production.In addition to its application in the coal chemicals field,the OCC technology can be adopted in the chemical-type petroleum refinery to provide solutions for increasing the olefin yield from the steam cracking unit,which would have a broad application prospect.  相似文献   

正It is told that the technology for extractive rectification of raw benzene developed by the Tianjin Kaisaite Technology Co.,Ltd.has been successively applied at enterprises in Xinhong of Henan province,Jimosar of Xinjiang Autonomous Region and in Dongming and Hengyu of Shandong province.The outcome of operation of process units  相似文献   

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