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Experimental results from the present study show substantial, independent Mach number effects (as the Reynolds number is held constant) for an array of impinging jets. The present discharge coefficients, local and spatially averaged Nusselt numbers, and local and spatially averaged recovery factors are unique because (i) these data are obtained at constant Reynolds number as the Mach number is varied, and at constant Mach number as the Reynolds number is varied, and (ii) data are given for jet impingement Mach numbers up to 0.74, and for Reynolds numbers up to 60,000. As such, results are given for experimental conditions not previously examined, which are outside the range of applicability of existing correlations.  相似文献   

阵列射流冲击冷却传热特性的数值研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以涡轮叶片冷却技术为背景,采用带转捩的剪切应力输运(Transition SST)模型对阵列射流冲击冷却的传热特性进行数值模拟,分析了冲击Re、冲击间距、初始横向流和冲击孔排列方式的影响规律。结果表明:冲击间距对靶面平均Nu的影响存在最优值,在所计算的范围内,Zn/d=2时平均Nu最大;在冲击孔排列方式影响中,当冲击间距Zn/d≤2时,顺排孔冲击冷却传热效果优于错排,而当Zn/d≥3时,错排孔冷却传热效果优于顺排。  相似文献   

Confined swirling jet impingement onto an adiabatic wall   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Impinging swirling jets generate interesting flow fields and depending on the magnitude of the swirl velocity, circulation cells develop in the region close to the solid wall. Moreover, axial momentum of the jet is influenced by the magnitude of the swirl velocity. This, in turn, results in considerable entropy generation in the flow field. In the present study, confined swirling jet impingement onto an adiabatic wall is investigated. The flow and temperature fields are computed numerically for various flow configurations. Different jet exit velocity profiles are considered and their effects on the flow field are examined. The entropy production due to different flow configurations is computed and the irreversibility ratios due to fluid friction and heat transfer are determined. It is found that the jet axis tilts towards the radial direction as swirl velocity increases and reducing the velocity profile number enhances the entropy generation due to heat transfer. The irreversibility ratio variation with the velocity profile number behaves opposite for the fluid friction and heat transfer.  相似文献   

An analytical approach for heat transfer modelling of jet impingement boiling is presented. High heat fluxes with values larger than 10 MW/m2 can be observed in the stagnation region of an impinging jet on a red hot steel plate with wall temperatures normally being associated with film boiling. However, sufficiently high degrees of subcooling and jet velocity prevent the formation of a vapor film, even if the wall superheat is large. Heat transfer is governed by turbulent diffusion caused by the rapid growth and condensation of vapor bubbles. Due to the high population of bubbles at high heat fluxes it has to be assumed that a laminar sublayer cannot exist in the immediate vicinity of a red hot heating surface. A mechanistic model is proposed which is based on the assumption that due to bubble growth and collapse the maximum turbulence intensity is located at the wall/liquid interface and that eddy diffusivity decreases with increasing wall distance.  相似文献   

Conditions approximating those of the wall jet have been obtained by operating a system, involving tangential air injection into a turbulent boundary layer, with very low values of the free stream velocity. Under such conditions the flow is essentially produced by the injected air and measurement of the velocity profiles shows correspondence to the theory for the turbulent wall jet. With some alternation of the eddy diffusivity of that theory the measured temperature profiles can also be predicted and these, together with the velocity profiles, are shown to agree generally with the measured values of the adiabatic wall temperature. The measured heat transfer coefficients are related to the hydrodynamic characteristics by a formulation of the Colburn type.  相似文献   

This paper explores the two-phase cooling performance of a hybrid cooling scheme in which a linear array of micro-jets deposits liquid gradually along each channel of a micro-channel heat sink. The study also examines the benefits of utilizing differently sized jets along the micro-channel. Three micro-jet patterns, decreasing-jet-size (relative to center of channel), equal-jet-size and increasing-jet-size, were tested using HFE 7100 as working fluid. It is shown feeding subcooled coolant into the micro-channel in a gradual manner greatly reduces vapor growth along the micro-channel. Void fraction increased between jets but decreased sharply beneath each jet, creating a repeated pattern of growth followed by coalesce, and netting only a mild overall increase in void fraction along the flow direction with predominantly liquid flow at outlet. Unlike most flow boiling situations, where pressure drop increases with increasing heat flux, pressure drop in the hybrid configurations actually decreased and reached a minimum just before CHF. This behavior is closely related to the low void fraction and predominantly liquid flow. Pressure drop in the two-phase region is highest for the equal-jet-size pattern, followed by the decreasing-jet-size and increasing-jet-size patterns, respectively. Low void fraction increased the effectiveness of the hybrid cooling schemes in utilizing bulk liquid subcooling and therefore helped achieve high CHF values. The decreasing-jet-size pattern, which had the highest outlet subcooling, achieved the highest CHF. A single correlation was constructed for the three jet patterns, which relates the two-phase heat transfer coefficient to heat flux and wall superheat.  相似文献   

The present study deals with the experimental impact of an alternative heat transfer fluids for overall performance improvement for radiators. Water and water mixed with anti‐freezing agents such as ethylene glycol (EG) and propylene glycol (PG) are the traditional coolants for an automotive radiator. Comparison of experimental and numerical analysis of optimum brine solution, that is 25% of propylene glycol and water as coolant for the rectangular fin radiator, has been well discussed. A closed loop test rig was designed, and fabricated with a wind tunnel section to achieve uniform velocity at the test section of the rectangular radiator and was tested for performance. Experimental runs were conducted at varying operating temperatures which included the runs for water, and an optimum propylene glycol brine solutions at 70 °C and 80 °C with various flow rates. Results show the energy performance of an optimum brine solution was nearly similar to that of water at high temperatures. The Nusselt number, heat transfer coefficient, and heat transfer rate for an optimum propylene glycol brine is nearly the same as water at 80 °C with a maximum deviation of 15%, 5.7%, and 6.6%, respectively, for theoretical and experimental result comparisons. Air side and coolant side pressure drops had a maximum deviation of 3.66% and 6.6%, respectively. Air and coolant exit temperatures had a deviation of 5% and 3.5%, respectively, with an air frontal velocity of 4.6 m/s in a rectangular fin radiator for an optimum brine solution used as coolant for the automotive radiator. The optimum propylene glycol brine may be environmentally beneficial.  相似文献   

Transient heat transfer has been investigated experimentally with a subcooled water jet during quenching of hot cylindrical blocks made of copper, brass and steel for initial surface temperatures from 250 to 400 °C. The jet velocity was from 3 to 15 m/s and jet subcooling from 5 to 80 K with a jet diameter of 2 mm. When the jet strikes the hot surface, the wetting front becomes stagnant for a certain period of time in a small central region before wetting the entire surface. This wetting delay may be described as the resident time which is a strong function of block material and jet subcooling and also a function of initial block temperature and jet velocity. New correlations for the resident time and the surface temperature at the resident time at the wetting front have been proposed.  相似文献   

The fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics of a free-surface liquid jet impingement cooling have been investigated numerically. The slot jet with water impinging normally on a flat plate is employed. To describe the turbulent structure, the turbulent governing equations are solved by a control-volume-based finite-difference method with a power-law scheme and the well-known turbulence model, which are associated with wall function. Numerical computations have been conducted with variations of jet exit Reynolds number (11,000  Red  17,000), dimensionless jet-to-surface distance (3  H/d0  12), dimensionless jet width (1  B/d0  2), and the heat flux (140 kW/m2  q  280 kW/m2). The theoretical model developed is validated by comparing the numerical predictions with available experimental data in the literature. Under the studied ranges, the variations of local Nusselt numbers by hydraulic diameter Nud of the dimensionless jet-to-surface distance 3  H/d0  12 along the flat plate decrease monotonically from its maximum value at the stagnation point. In addition, the shape of the inlet area and jet-to-surface distance are optimized by using the response surface methodology (RSM) and the genetic algorithm (GA) method after solutions are carefully validated with available experimental results in the literature. Based on the optimal results, the optimum condition is in H/d0 = 7.86 and B/d0 = 2 for this physical model.  相似文献   

This study explores the single-phase cooling performance of a hybrid cooling module in which a series of micro-jets deposit coolant into each channel of a micro-channel heat sink. This creates symmetrical flow in each micro-channel, and the coolant is expelled through both ends of the micro-channel. Three micro-jet patterns are examined, decreasing-jet-size (relative to center of channel), equal-jet-size and increasing-jet-size. The performance of each pattern is examined experimentally and numerically using HFE 7100 as working fluid. Indirect refrigeration cooling is used to reduce the coolant’s temperature in order to produce low wall temperatures during high-flux heat dissipation. A single heat transfer coefficient correlation is found equally effective at correlating experimental data for all three jet patterns. Three-dimensional numerical simulation using the standard kε model shows excellent accuracy in predicting wall temperatures. Numerical results show the hybrid cooling module involves complex interactions of impinging jets and micro-channel flow. Increasing the coolant’s flow rate strengthens the contribution of jet impingement to the overall cooling performance, and decreases wall temperature. However, this advantage is realized at the expense of greater wall temperature gradients. The decreasing-jet-size pattern yields the highest convective heat transfer coefficients and lowest wall temperatures, while the equal-jet-size pattern provides the greatest uniformity in wall temperature. The increasing-jet-size pattern produces complex flow patterns and greater wall temperature gradients, which are caused by blockage of spent fluid flow due to the impingement from larger jets near the channel outlets.  相似文献   

Effect of jet direction on heat/mass transfer of rotating impingement jet   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The objective of this study is to investigate the heat/mass transfer characteristics on various impinging jets under rotating condition. Two cooling schemes related to impingement jet are considered; array impingement jet cooling and impingement/effusion cooling. The test duct rotates at Ro = 0.075 with two different jet orientations and the jet Reynolds number is fixed at 5000. Two H/d configurations of 2.0 and 6.0 are conducted. The detailed heat/mass transfer coefficients on the target plate are measured by a naphthalene sublimation technique. The rotation changes the local heat/mass transfer characteristics due to the jet deflection and spreading phenomenon. For H/d = 6.0, the jet is strongly deflected at the leading orientation, resulting in the significant decrease in heat/mass transfer. At the axial orientation, the momentum of jet core decreases slightly due to jet spreading into the radial direction and consequently, the value of stagnation peak is a little lower than that of the stationary case. However, reduction of heat/mass transfer due to rotation disappears at a low H/d of 2.0. In the averaged Sh, the leading orientation with H/d = 6.0 shows 35% lower value than that of the stationary case whereas the other rotating cases lead to a similar value of the stationary case.  相似文献   

The thermohydraulic and thermodynamic performance of porous jet impingement under pressure drop effect has not yet been jointly published. Thus, the novelty of this work computationally along with the response surface methodology (RSM) optimization approach considers the porous jet impingement performance linked with a pressure drop simultaneously. Also, the current study used a novel multiobjective optimum design study for various design parameters, such as porosity (ε), Darcy number (Da), and pore per inch (PPI), under numerical simulation assessment of forced laminar convection of jet impingement with full and partial metal foam. The influence of various base plate thicknesses (t = 0, 1, 2, and 3 mm), various nanofluids (Al2O3, CuO, SiO2, and ZnO), and the metal foam size percentage (W/L = 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, and 1) on the improvement of the thermohydraulic and thermodynamic performance is also simulated. Results indicated that utilizing pure water and a metal foam size (W/L) of 1 along with a base plate thickness of 0 mm produced the preferable thermohydraulic and thermodynamic performance. Furthermore, according to an optimization analysis, the current study's objective for the thermohydraulic and thermodynamic performance of jet impingement can be achieved using the parameters porosity ε = 0.1, Darcy number, Da = 1, and the PPI = 15. Therefore, this investigation integrating computational fluid dynamics and RSM offers considerable innovation and useful reference for the optimum design of a porous jet impingement cooling.  相似文献   

An array of three identical premixed butane–air-fired impinging circular flames with induced-swirl operating at low-pressure and low-Reynolds-number was developed. A swirling motion was imparted successfully to the flame by forcing the butane/air mixture through a specially designed burner assembly before ignition. The burner assembly consisting of a conical base and a nozzle tube into which a cylindrical bar fabricated with three spiral channels was inserted. Its thermal performance was compared with that of a similar impinging flame jet system without induced-swirl. Effects of varying the Reynolds number and the equivalence ratio of the butane/air mixture and the nozzle-to-plate distance on the thermal performance of each of these two impinging flame jet systems were studied. Experiments were conducted with different combinations of Reynolds number, equivalence ratio and nozzle-to-plate distance. In the present investigation, the Reynolds number ranged from 500 to 2500, the equivalence ratio ranged from 1.0 to 1.8 and the nozzle-to-plate distance ranged from 20 mm to 30 mm. To facilitate comparison, flame shapes of both impinging flame jet systems were also visualized by a high speed digital camera system. The comparison showed that the array of three small-scale, low-pressure and low-Reynolds-number premixed butane–air-fired impinging circular flame jets could enhance its thermal performance, with respect to heat transfer characteristics and blow-out limits, by incorporating an induced-swirl. The performance enhancement increased with increasing Reynolds number or equivalence ratio, but decreased with increasing nozzle-to-plate distance.  相似文献   

INTaoDUCTIONThephenomenaoftheinteractionbetweenthesu-personicjetandanobstaclearerelatedtotheproblemSoftheaeronauticalengineeringsuchasthedesignoftherocketlaunchersysteml1]andillterestinginrela-tiontotheindustrialengineerings.Thefiowisshowntobethehsocomplexthreedimensionalwavpat-terncolit~shodwavesduetotheimpingemelltofasuPersonicjetonanobstacle,ManystudiesontheinteractionbrtweenthesuPersonicjetandanobstaclehavebeenreportedconcerningtheinteractionsoftheshodwaves[l]-I5l,theflowcharacteristi…  相似文献   

A heat transfer experiment on a wall with laminar flow was performed by using a wall jet. The wall jet was generated by a flow control plate placed near the wall. Heat transfer coefficients were measured by a Mach. Zehnder interferometer. Flow patterns and velocities were measured by a smoke-wire method and a laser Doppler velocimeter, respectively. The height of the plates was varied from 2 mm to 8mm. The clearances between the wall and plate were varied from O mm to 7.6 mm. The following results were obtained. The large plate height gave a large, local heat transfer coefficient. The local heat transfer coefficients were enhanced about 7 times as high as that without the place at h = 8 mm, 0 = 30 degrees, and c/(c + h) = 0.15. The optimum wall jet generator angle for large heat quantity was 30 degrees or 45 degrees. © 1997 Scripta Technica, Inc. Heat Trans Jpn Res. 25 (1): 1–11, 1996  相似文献   

Experimental investigations have been conducted for quenching of a hot rotating cylinder with initial temperature of about 500–600 °C by a subcooled planar water jet. An original experimental device allowing the estimation of the local boiling curves in the case of a static surface and of a moving surface has been designed. Heat fluxes were measured on both side of the axis of the jet until a reduced distance x/l of 18, in a range of subcooling from 10 to 83 K, for a jet velocity from 0.8 to 1.2 m/s and for a velocity flow-surface ratio (uS/uj) from 0.5 to 1.25. In the case of static surface, the measurements confirmed the existence of a “shoulder of flux” in the stagnation zone of the jet. In the case of a moving surface, the maximum of heat transfer (for a given regime) is moving during the cooling time from downstream (film boiling regime) to upstream (forced convection).  相似文献   

Experimental investigation has been conducted for quenching of hot cylindrical blocks made of copper, brass and steel with initial block temperature 250–400 °C by a subcooled water jet of diameter of 2 mm. The subcooling was from 5 to 80 K and the jet velocity was from 3 to 15 m/s. After impingement, the jet stagnates for a certain period of time in a small region near the centre and then the wetting front starts moving outwards. During this movement, when the surface temperature at the wetting front drops to 120–200 °C, the surface heat flux reaches its maximum value due to forced convection nucleation boiling. The maximum heat flux is a strong function of the position on the hot surface, jet velocity, block material properties and jet subcooling. A new correlation for maximum heat flux is proposed.  相似文献   

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