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No-reference (NR) image quality assessment (QA) presumes no prior knowledge of reference (distortion-free) images and seeks to quantitatively predict visual quality solely from the distorted images. We develop kurtosis-based NR quality measures for JPEG2000 compressed images in this paper. The proposed measures are based on either 1-D or 2-D kurtosis in the discrete cosine transform (DCT) domain of general image blocks. Comprehensive testing demonstrates their good consistency with subjective quality scores as well as satisfactory performance in comparison with both the representative full-reference (FR) and state-of-the-art NR image quality measures.  相似文献   

Quality assessment of natural images is influenced by perceptual mechanisms, e.g., attention and contrast sensitivity, and quality perception can be generated in a hierarchical process. This paper proposes an architecture of Attention Integrated Hierarchical Image Quality networks (AIHIQnet) for no-reference quality assessment. AIHIQnet consists of three components: general backbone network, perceptually guided neck network, and head network. Multi-scale features extracted from the backbone network are fused to simulate image quality perception in a hierarchical manner. The attention and contrast sensitivity mechanisms modelled by an attention module capture essential information for quality perception. Considering that image rescaling potentially affects perceived quality, appropriate pooling methods in the non-convolution layers in AIHIQnet are employed to accept images with arbitrary resolutions. Comprehensive experiments on publicly available databases demonstrate outstanding performance of AIHIQnet compared to state-of-the-art models. Ablation experiments were performed to investigate the variants of the proposed architecture and reveal importance of individual components.  相似文献   

No-reference image quality assessment using structural activity   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Presuming that human visual perception is highly sensitive to the structural information in a scene, we propose the concept of structural activity (SA) together with a model of SA indicator in a new framework for no-reference (NR) image quality assessment (QA) in this study. The proposed framework estimates image quality based on the quantification of the SA information of different visual significance. We propose some alternative implementations of SA indicator in this paper as examples to demonstrate the effectiveness of the SA-motivated framework. Comprehensive testing demonstrates that the model of SA indicator exhibits satisfactory performance in comparison with subjective quality scores as well as representative full-reference (FR) image quality measures.  相似文献   

Stereoscopic image quality assessment (SIQA) plays an important role in the development of 3D image processing. In this paper, a full-reference object SIQA model is built based on binocular summation channel and binocular difference channel. In our frame work, binocular combination behavior and how to experience the depth perception are thought to be the key factors to evaluate the quality of stereoscopic images. Differing from the current depth map methods, this method focuses on a new aspect, and an effective combination model is proposed based on the physiological findings in the Human Visual System (HVS). Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed quality assessment metric significantly outperforms the existing metrics and can achieve higher consistency with subject quality assessment when predicting the quality of stereoscopic images that have been symmetrically distorted.  相似文献   

Depth-Image-Based Rendering (DIBR) is one of the main fundamental techniques for generating new viewpoints in 3D video applications such as multi-viewpoint video (MVV), free viewpoint video (FVV) and virtual reality (VR). Due to the imperfections of color images, depth maps or texture restoration techniques, several types of distortions occur in synthesized views. However, most of related works evaluated the quality of DIBR-synthesized views by only detecting a specific type of distortion, such as stretching, black holes, blurring, etc., which were unable to accurately evaluate the quality of DIBR-synthesized views. In this paper, a new no-reference image quality assessment method is proposed to evaluate the quality of DIBR-synthesized images by combining multi-layer and multi-scale features of images. To be specific, the distortions introduced by different stages of virtual viewpoint synthesis are first analyzed, and then multi-layer and multi-scale features are extracted to estimate the degree of texture and structure distortions. As a result, individual quality scores associated with two types of distortions (e.g., structural distortion and texture distortion) are aggregated to an overall image quality. Experimental results on two publicly available DIBR datasets show that the method has better performance than the state-of-the-art models.Index Terms: image quality assessment, DIBR-synthesized image, distortion correction, BIQA.  相似文献   

基于人类视觉的感知立体图像质量评价方法   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
为了实现对不同失真类型的立体图像进行质量评 价,提出了一种基于人类视觉的立体图像 质量客观评价方法,分别从图像清晰度与立体感两方面进行评价。图像清晰度方面,将原始 与失真立体图 像分解为5个带通图像后利用对比度敏感度函数(CSF)优化各失真带通图像,并模拟掩 盖效应,通过整合各原始 带通图像,综合感知误差,构造信噪比(SNR)作为评价图像 清晰度的性能指标;立体感方面,对绝对差值图像进 行视觉感知模拟,建立SNR指标评价立体感的优劣。实验结 果表明,对不同失真类型立体图像的评价 结果表明,Pearson线性相关系数(PLCC)与Spearman等级 相关系数(SRCC)均优于现有评价方法。  相似文献   

Blind image quality assessment (BIQA) has always been a challenging problem due to the absence of reference images. In this paper, we propose a novel dual-branch vision transformer for BIQA, which simultaneously considers both local distortions and global semantic information. It first extracts dual-scale features from the backbone network, and then each scale feature is fed into one of the transformer encoder branches as a local feature embedding to consider the scale-variant local distortions. Each transformer branch obtains the context of global image distortion as well as the local distortion by adopting content-aware embedding. Finally, the outputs of the dual-branch vision transformer are combined by using multiple feed-forward blocks to predict the image quality scores effectively. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed BIQA method outperforms the conventional methods on the six public BIQA datasets.  相似文献   

Stereoscopic imaging is widely used in many fields. In many scenarios, stereo images quality could be affected by various degradations, such as asymmetric distortion. Accordingly, to guarantee the best quality of experience, robust and accurate reference-less metrics are required for quality assessment of stereoscopic content. Most existing stereo no-reference Image Quality Assessment (IQA) models are not consistent with asymmetrical distortions. This paper presents a new no-reference stereoscopic image quality assessment metric using a human visual system (HVS) modeling and an advanced machine-learning algorithm. The proposed approach consists of two stages. In the first stage, cyclopean image is constructed considering the presence of binocular rivalry in order to cover the asymmetrically distorted part. In the second stage, gradient magnitude, relative gradient magnitude, and gradient orientation are extracted. These are used as a predictive source of information for the quality. In order to obtain the best overall performance against different databases, Adaptive Boosting (AdaBoost) idea of machine learning combined with artificial neural network model has been adopted. The benchmark LIVE 3D phase-I, phase-II, and IRCCyN/IVC 3D databases have been used to evaluate the performance of the proposed approach. Experimental results have demonstrated that the proposed metric performance achieves high consistency with subjective assessment and outperforms the blind stereo IQA over various types of distortion.  相似文献   

Based on compressive sampling transmission model, we demonstrate here a method of quality evaluation for the reconstruction images, which is promising for the transmission of unstructured signal with reduced dimension. By this method, the auxiliary information of the recovery image quality is obtained as a feedback to control number of measurements from compressive sampling video stream. Therefore, the number of measurements can be easily derived at the condition of the absence of information sparsity, and the recovery image quality is effectively improved. Theoretical and experimental results show that this algorithm can estimate the quality of images effectively and is in well consistency with the traditional objective evaluation algorithm.  相似文献   

With tone mapping, high dynamic range (HDR) image contents can be displayed on low dynamic range (LDR) display devices, in which some important visual information may be distorted. Thus, the tone mapped image (TMI) quality assessment is one of important issues in HDR image/video processing fields. Considering the difference of visual distortion degrees between the flat and complex regions in TMI, and considering that high-quality TMI should preserve as much information as possible of its original HDR image especially in the high/low luminance regions, this paper proposes a new blind TMI quality assessment method with image segmentation and visual perception. First, we design different features to describe the distortion of TMI’s different regions with two kinds of TMI segmentation. Then, considering that there lacks an efficient algorithm to quantify the importance of features, a feature clustering scheme is designed to eliminate the poor effect feature components in the extracted features to improve the effectiveness of the selected features. Finally, considering the diversity of tone mapping operator (TMO), which may cause global and local distortion of TMI, some other global features are also combined. At last, a final feature vector is formed to synthetically describe the distortion in TMI and used to blindly predict the TMI’s quality. Experimental results in the public ESPL-LIVE HDR database show that the Pearson linear correlation coefficient and Spearman rank order correlation coefficient of the proposed method reach 0.8302 and 0.7887, respectively, which is superior to the state-of-the-art blind TMI quality assessment methods, and it means that the proposed method is highly consistent with human visual perception.  相似文献   

Screen content image (SCI) is a composite image including textual and pictorial regions resulting in many difficulties in image quality assessment (IQA). Large SCIs are divided into image patches to increase training samples for CNN training of IQA model, and this brings two problems: (1) local quality of each image patch is not equal to subjective differential mean opinion score (DMOS) of an entire image; (2) importance of different image patches is not same for quality assessment. In this paper, we propose a novel no-reference (NR) IQA model based on the convolutional neural network (CNN) for assessing the perceptual quality of SCIs. Our model conducts two designs solving problems which benefits from two strategies. For the first strategy, to imitate full-reference (FR) CNN-based model behavior, a CNN-based model is designed for both FR and NR IQA, and performance of NR-IQA part improves when the image patch scores predicted by FR-IQA part are adopted as the ground-truth to train NR-IQA part. For the second strategy, image patch qualities of one entire SCI are fused to obtain the SCI quality with an adaptive weighting method taking account the effect of the different image patch contents. Experimental results verify that our model outperforms all test NR IQA methods and most FR IQA methods on the screen content image quality assessment database (SIQAD). On the cross-database evaluation, the proposed method outperforms the existing NR IQA method in terms of at least 2.4 percent in PLCC and 2.8 percent in SRCC, which shows high generalization ability and high effectiveness of our model.  相似文献   

A highly promising approach to assess the quality of an image involves comparing the perceptually important structural information in this image with that in its reference image. The extraction of the perceptually important structural information is however a challenging task. This paper employs a sparse representation-based approach to extract such structural information. It proposes a new metric called the sparse representation-based quality (SPARQ) index that measures the visual quality of an image. The proposed approach learns the inherent structures of the reference image as a set of basis vectors. These vectors are obtained such that any structure in the image can be efficiently represented by a linear combination of only a few of these basis vectors. Such a sparse strategy is known to generate basis vectors that are qualitatively similar to the receptive field of the simple cells present in the mammalian primary visual cortex. To estimate the visual quality of the distorted image, structures in the visually important areas in this image are compared with those in the reference image, in terms of the learnt basis vectors. Our approach is evaluated on six publicly available subject-rated image quality assessment datasets. The proposed SPARQ index consistently exhibits high correlation with the subjective ratings of all datasets and overall, performs better than a number of popular image quality metrics.  相似文献   

目前互联网应用与多媒体通信已成为信息世界的主流,数字图像在获取、压缩编码、存储或传输过程中存在不同程度的退化而影响视觉效果,因此图像质量的评价具有重要的理论和实际意义.梳理了目前国内外图像质量评价的最新研究成果,并对其进行归类、分析、研究与评述.在此基础上,提出图像质量评价的发展方向与研究展望.  相似文献   

A blind/no-reference (NR) method is proposed in this paper for image quality assessment (IQA) of the images compressed in discrete cosine transform (DCT) domain. When an image is measured by structural similarity (SSIM), two variances, i.e. mean intensity and variance of the image, are used as features. However, the parameters of original copies are actually unavailable in NR applications; hence SSIM is not widely applicable. To extend SSIM in general cases, we apply Gaussian model to fit quantization noise in spatial domain, and directly estimate noise distribution from the compressed version. Benefit from this rearrangement, the revised SSIM does not require original image as the reference. Heavy compression always results in some zero-value DCT coefficients, which need to be compensated for more accurate parameter estimate. By studying the quantization process, a machine-learning based algorithm is proposed to estimate quantization noise taking image content into consideration. Compared with state-of-the-art algorithms, the proposed IQA is more heuristic and efficient. With some experimental results, we verify that the proposed algorithm (provided no reference image) achieves comparable efficacy to some full reference (FR) methods (provided the reference image), such as SSIM.  相似文献   

为确保识别的准确性,提出一种改进的虹膜图像质量评价算法。根据图像总体清晰度和可见度的粗评估,可以快速而有效地剔除质量较差的图像,并利用虹膜纹理清晰度和可见度精评估来量化评价指标。实验结果表明,该方法可准确地判断虹膜图像的质量,提高系统的工作效率,其评价结果和人眼主观评价相吻合,具有一定的应用价值。  相似文献   

Image quality assessment (IQA) is of great importance to numerous image processing applications, and various methods have been proposed for it. In this paper, a Multi-Level Similarity (MLSIM) index for full reference IQA is proposed. The proposed metric is based on the fact that human visual system (HVS) distinguishes the quality of an image mainly according to the details given by low-level gradient information. In the proposed metric, the Prewitt operator is first utilized to get gradient information of both reference and distorted images, then the gradient information of reference image is segmented into three levels (3LSIM) or two levels (2LSIM), and the gradient information of distorted image is segmented by the corresponding regions of reference image, therefore we get multi-level information of these two images. Riesz transform is utilized to get corresponding features of different levels and the corresponding 1st-order and 2nd-order coefficients are combined together by regional mutual information (RMI) and weighted to obtain a single quality score. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed metric is highly consistent with human subjective evaluations and achieves good performance.  相似文献   

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