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A system is presented to jointly achieve image watermarking and compression. The watermark is a fragile one being intended for authentication purposes. The watermarked and compressed images are fully compliant with the JPEG-LS standard, the only price to pay being a slight reduction of compression efficiency and an additional distortion that can be anyway tuned to grant a maximum preset error. Watermark detection is possible both in the compressed and in the pixel domain, thus increasing the flexibility and usability of the system. The system is expressly designed to be used in remote sensing and telemedicine applications, hence we designed it in such a way that the maximum compression and watermarking error can be strictly controlled (near-lossless compression and watermarking). Experimental results show the ability of the system to detect tampering and to limit the peak error between the original and the processed images.  相似文献   

This paper presents a real-time image tamper detection and localization based on fragile watermarking and Faber-Schauder discrete wavelet transform (FSDWT). The maximum coefficients of FSDWT are used with a logo to generate the watermark which is embedded in the least significant bit (LSB) of specified pixels of the original image. Experimental results prove the effectiveness of the proposed method through a series of attacks and affirm that the requirements of imperceptibility, fidelity, effectiveness and real-time processing are satisfied. The proposed method contains simple operations and has low complexity, hence, it is suitable for applications working on real-time.  相似文献   

This paper presents a blind audio watermarking algorithm based on the reduced singular value decomposition (RSVD). A new observation on one of the resulting unitary matrices is uncovered. The proposed scheme manipulates coefficients based on this observation in order to embed watermark bits. To preserve audio fidelity a threshold-based distortion control technique is applied and this is further supplemented by distortion suppression utilizing psychoacoustic principles. Test results on real music signals show that this watermarking scheme is in the range of imperceptibility for human hearing, is accurate and also robust against MP3 compression at various bit rates as well as other selected attacks. The data payload is comparatively high compared to existing audio watermarking schemes.  相似文献   

In this paper an image tamper localisation scheme is proposed in which authentication bits of a 2 × 2 image block are generated using the chaotic maps. Further the scheme is improved by including a self-recovery method to recover the tampered regions. To improve the quality of the recovered image, two different sets of restoration bits of a block are generated and each one is embedded into randomly selected distinct blocks. The proposed tamper detection scheme performs better than some of the recent schemes proposed by the researchers. The experimental results demonstrate the accuracy and fragility of the tamper detection scheme, and the efficacy of the recovery method.  相似文献   

In recent years, with the development of cloud storage, more and more people upload images to the cloud for storage. However, confidentiality and integrity issues may arise during transmission and storage to the cloud. Aiming at these security problems, a fragile watermarking scheme based on the encrypted domain is proposed. A watermark is divided into two types, one is for detection, the other is for recovery. After embedding the two types of watermarks into the host image, the watermarked image will be transferred to the cloud for storage. A three-level tamper detection mechanism is used in the detection process, and the first-level tamper detection can be processed in the cloud. While in recovery process, a mechanism of “block-level detection, pixel-level recovery” is proposed to recover the tampered area. The experimental results show that the watermarked image has greatly changed the original image and guarantees the confidentiality. The three-level tamper detection mechanism can accurately detect the tampered area, the image can be effectively restored in different situations, when the tampering rate is as high as 80%, the average PSNR reaches 34.62 dB, and the average SSIM is higher than 0.93.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the recent image watermarking schemes based on redundant discrete wavelet transform (RDWT) and singular value decomposition (SVD), and shows that in fact they are insecure and cannot be used for protecting the rightful ownership. The RDWT-SVD watermarking directly embeds a grayscale watermark image of the same size with the host image into the singular value matrix of the RDWT-transformed host image, then produces the left and right orthogonal matrices as side information which is later used in the watermark extraction stage. The RDWT-SVD approach enjoys the advantage of the RDWT redundancy to achieve a high embedding capacity, and preserves the watermark imperceptibility by exploiting the SVD stability properties. It is claimed that RDWT-SVD watermarking is robust against several common image processing and geometrical attacks, yet a fundamental flaw in the RDWT-SVD scheme is found, which leads to severe the false positive issue. Three vulnerable attacks should be considered in the RDWT-SVD scheme: (1) An attacker can easily claim the owner watermarked image; (2) the owner has the ambiguity because of the wrong side information usage, and (3) the owner can extract the correct watermark from arbitrary image. Thus, it is important to highlight these attacks when implementing the RDWT-SVD watermarking scheme.  相似文献   

Image authentication is a type of technique for the content protection of digital images. This technique is able to detect and locate tampered regions on a digital image. In this paper, two self-embedding image authentication approaches are proposed to involve distinctive singular values. Both of them extract self-characteristics of an image as the crucial authentication information for that image. Subsequently, this information is converted into the two dimensional code format and that codes are then embedded into digital image pixels. With the capability of error correction in two dimensional codes, the extracted authentication data, even being detected with a tamper, still can be completely restored and errorless. As well, it can be utilized to detect whether an image has been tampered with or not. According to experimental results, the proposed approaches are superior to other schemes for images that have been modified to a certain attack extent because the authentication data could be completely extracted in more effective way, and the tampered regions could be identified more accurately. In addition, the proposed approaches utilize these complete self-characteristics to restore tampered regions into their original states.  相似文献   

In this work, a semi-fragile watermarking scheme, for grayscale image authentication and tamper detection, is proposed. The proposed watermarking scheme is based on implementing a modified DWT quantization-based algorithm by embedding a random watermark bit sequence into the DWT domain using an expanded-bit multiscale quantization-based technique with adjusted watermarked location. Here, the watermark bit is expanded into three similar bits and embedded in a multiscale fashion into the DWT low-frequency subbands of the 2nd DWT levels (LL2, LLHL1 and LLLH1). An adjustment of the quantized coefficients is provided based on modifying their values to fall in more secure locations within the quantization interval. Several designed criteria were used to judge the received image by classifying it into: authenticated, incidentally or maliciously attacked with high accuracy in detecting and classifying attacks. Experimental results have shown the suitability of the proposed approach for tamper detection and accurate authentication.  相似文献   

Two watermarks are embedded into the original image. One is the authentication watermark generated by secret key, which is embedded into the sub-LSB (Least Significant Bit) of the original image for tamper localization; the other is the recovery watermark for tamper recovering. The original image is divided into 8 x 8 blocks and each block is transformed by Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT). For each block, some lower frequency DCT coefficients are chosen to be quantized and binary encoded so as to gain the recovery watermark of each block, and the recovery watermark is embedded into the LSB of another block by chaos encryption and authentication chain technology. After the two watermarks being detected, the location of any minute changes in image can be detected, and the tampered image data can be recovered effectively. In the paper, the number of coefficients and their bit lengths are carefully chosen in order to satisfy with the payload of each block and gain the capability of self-recovering. The proposed algorithm can well resist against possible forged attacks. Experimental results show that the watermark generated by the proposed algorithm is sensitive to tiny changes in images, and it has higher accuracy of tamper localization and good capability of the tamper recovery.  相似文献   

基于奇异值分解的图像匹配方法   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
传统的图像匹配方法中, 由于实时图和参考图之间存在着灰度差异和几何形变,仅用灰度作为特征进行匹配算法的性能很容易受到影响。文中提出了一种基于奇异值分解的图像匹配方法。该方法首先利用奇异值分解方法,求出模板图像矩阵的奇异值及奇异值向量,用它们作为模板图像的特征代替传统算法中的灰度对两幅待匹配图像进行全局搜索定位。由于奇异分解方法所特有的优越性,匹配实验取得了良好效果。实验结果验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

块奇异值分解和量化实现的图像数字水印算法   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
李旭东 《光电子.激光》2011,(12):1847-1851
讨论了当前将水印嵌入在块奇异值分解(SVD,singular value decomposition)后最大奇异值中的图像数字水印算法不足,进而提出了两种新的将水印嵌入在块SVD后最大奇异值除外的其余奇异值中的图像数字水印算法。两种新算法均采用了量化嵌入策略,从而使两种算法在提取水印时无需任何原始信息的帮助。实验结果表...  相似文献   

研究了基于奇异值分解的图像匹配和目标跟踪问题。由于图像的奇异值特征具有良好的稳定性,可以将奇异值当作一种有效的代数特征来描述并表征图像。根据所定义的奇异值缩放不变量提出了一种基于奇异值分解的模板更新算法。在算法中,根据奇异值向量的缩放不变特征来度量当前模板内的目标信息,然后根据所定义的置信度自动计算更新后所需的模板大小,从而使更新后的模板更有效地包含目标。试验表明:提出的模板更新算法在序列图像的目标跟踪中具有较好的实用性。  相似文献   

针对JPEG图像提出了用于版权标识和篡改定位功能的图像水印算法.水印嵌入和提取算法基于JPEG图像解压缩后的像素矩阵进行.水印算法结合了JPEG压缩核心技术DCT变换系数进行版权标识水印和篡改定位水印的嵌入和提取处理过程.水印算法性能测试对象为银行票据图像,实验结果包括给出了水印算法的图像体积增幅比、PSNR值以及水印误比特率指标结果.实验结果表明,算法在版权标识和篡改定位方面均具有较好的实用性.  相似文献   

针对立体图像内容的真实性认证和完整性保护等 问题,提出一种基于双目恰可觉察失 真(BJND)的立体图像 篡改定位及恢复水印方法。首先,利用奇异值的稳定特性,设计左右图像的定位水印;然后 ,根据BJND强度将左右图像 的定位水印嵌入到左图像中;最后,利用离散余弦变换(DCT)和JPEG量化压缩 生成恢复信息,并将右图像和左图像遮挡暴露区 域的恢复信息分别嵌入到右图像和左图像中。实验结果表明,本文方法所构造的水印对JPEG 压缩、椒盐噪声、高斯白噪声等偶然攻击比较鲁棒,而对剪切、拼接、旋转等恶意攻击较为 脆弱,同时对左右图像的恶意篡改区域检测率大于98%。由于充分利用了左右图像的匹配特 性,恢复的被篡改立体图像其左右图像PSNR达36.02dB ~41.29dB。  相似文献   

The effortless accessibility of digital information and the simplicity of the digital systems have left the contents over the digital media extremely insecure. Digital watermark based information hiding is a prospective means for copyright protection, authentication, integrity verification and intellectual property right protection. Phase congruency technique works on the principle that perceptually significant image features have effect at spatial locations, where the essential Fourier components are maximally in phase with one another. An adaptive digital watermarking algorithm for better performance in multi-parametric solution space is developed here for hiding the copyright information by means of phase congruency and singular value decomposition supported information hiding technique. Performance evaluation of the algorithm is performed using simulation in Matlab in terms of Peak Signal to Noise Ratio, Structural Similarity Index Metrics, and Normalized Cross correlation index. Hardware realization up to the register transfer logic schematic level has been performed using high performance field programmable gate array board. The device utilization is 26% only, the dynamic power consumption of the circuit is 5.029 mW and delay after clock is 1.539 ns only. The experimental analysis establishes better robustness of the proposed algorithm as it stands against various attacks along with better data hiding capacity.  相似文献   

In this paper, an effective tamper detection and self-recovery algorithm based on singular value decomposition (SVD) is proposed. This method generates two distinct tamper detection keys based on the singular value decomposition of the image blocks. Each generated tamper detection and self-recovery key is distinct for each image block and is encrypted using a secret key. A random block-mapping sequence and three unique optimizations are employed to improve the efficiency of the proposed tamper detection and the robustness against various security attacks, such as collage attack and constant-average attack. To improve the proposed tamper localization, a mixed block-partitioning technique for 4×4 and 2×2 blocks is utilized. The performance of the proposed scheme and its robustness against various tampering attacks is analyzed. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed tamper detection is superior in terms of tamper detection efficiency with a tamper detection rate higher than 99%, security robustness and self-recovery image quality for tamper ratio up to 55%.  相似文献   

Issues such as content identification, document and image security, audience measurement, ownership and copyright among others can be settled by the use of digital watermarking. Many recent video watermarking methods show drops in visual quality of the sequences. The present work addresses the aforementioned issue by introducing a robust and imperceptible non-blind color video frame watermarking algorithm. The method divides frames into moving and non-moving parts. The non-moving part of each color channel is processed separately using a block-based watermarking scheme. Blocks with an entropy lower than the average entropy of all blocks are subject to a further process for embedding the watermark image. Finally a watermarked frame is generated by adding moving parts to it. Several signal processing attacks are applied to each watermarked frame in order to perform experiments and are compared with some recent algorithms. Experimental results show that the proposed scheme is imperceptible and robust against common signal processing attacks.  相似文献   

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