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This paper examines how personal income taxation has changed across countries and whether and how this has affected the taxation of owner-occupied dwellings. It presents a partial analysis as it focuses on imputed rent taxation and the mortgage interest deduction. Furthermore, the paper places housing taxation in a wider context by describing different benchmarks which could be used to assess the taxation of owner-occupied housing in different types of personal income tax. These international and theoretical points-of-departure are used to evaluate the taxation of owner-occupied housing in the Netherlands. The paper concludes that all along political arguments have conquered theoretical premises to the advantage of the owner occupier in comparison to the private landlord. It also concludes that the theoretical base in 2001 has become so weak that owner-occupied housing is in an exceptional position in comparison with other private wealth thus becoming an easy victim for future tax savings.  相似文献   

The paper considers the proposal in England that a continuing requirement for residential developers to contribute directly to the supply of affordable housing in return for planning permission should operate alongside a new tax on land value increases due to planning permission. The paper asks whether it is right in principle for affordable housing to be supported by the implicit taxation of development. It is argued that in terms of transparency, clarity, and certainty explicit taxation is to be preferred to implicit taxation. It is thus suggested that once the new explicit tax is in place developers should no longer be routinely required to pay an additional implicit affordable housing tax. Affordable housing should, it is argued, be supported on the basis of need, not the resources available from the development process. The link between the provision of affordable housing and planning obligations should be broken.  相似文献   

The chief objective of this paper is to bring the subject of the taxation of housing consumption into future analysis of the housing system. It is shown that the domestic rates levied by local authorities in Britain are precisely such a tax and that net of various remissions total receipts in 1981–82 from the twenty million hereditaments in the domestic sector probably exceeded £4 billion. This is less than the flow of subsidies on housing consumption but of the same order of magnitude. It is also made clear that in recent years there has been widespread ignorance of housing consumption taxation amongst specialists from a variety of ‘schools’ and an explanation is advanced for how this came about.  相似文献   

This paper considers the risk and uncertainty attached to inner‐city environments and analyses the use of taxation incentives as a policy instrument in generating demand‐led residential development in such localities. Initially an international perspective is outlined; however, particular attention is focused on Dublin, Ireland, where taxation breaks specifically orientated at both owner and occupiers and investors have been a prime influence in stimulating private sector residential development on a major scale within the central core of the city. The case is presented for the imaginative use of tax incentives in achieving effective urban regeneration. Whilst it is recognised that housing policy and mechanisms cannot simply be replicated from one situation to another, there is need for policy‐makers, especially in Britain, to consider more innovative approaches to inner city housing renewal by integrating macro‐economic, fiscal and housing policy objectives.  相似文献   

The residential property tax is often criticized because housing value may not be a good measure of a household's ability to pay. To examine this criticism, a series of equations is estimated in which the dependent variable is housing price and the independent variables include household income. While the coefficient on income is always significant, it has little explanatory power. Further, the strength of the relationship between income and value weakens as length of tenure in the housing unit increases. Because housing value is a poor proxy for income, modifications to the tax structure such as tax deferment and curcuit breaker programs must be used to improve the viability of property taxation in terms of the ability-to-pay principle.  相似文献   

Housing privatisation is commonly understood in political economic terms. The proponents of privatisation argue that the provision of ownership enables households to have security of tenure, which in turn leads to increased housing investment, the development of a secondary housing market and a source of income for the local authority by means of land tax. On the other hand, critics of housing privatisation suggest that such processes lead to landlordism and an increased dependence on mortgage finance. This paper uses historical methodology to trace the historical lack of secure tenure for urban black South Africans. The data consists of 395 structured questionnaires conducted in the case study area of Mangaung, the former black township of Bloemfontein. The results suggest that housing privatisation processes in South Africa cannot be viewed only through a political economic lens.  相似文献   

In the face of a continuing 'fiscal crisis of the state' this article addresses how land taxation might be reformed to better fund the demands on urban management. Our premise is that land tax initiatives offer governments a means for increasing the funds available for urban management without significantly compromising the assumed political boundaries of public fiscal restraint. The specific focus in the article is on the bridge provided by land taxation in the form of 'betterment' or the interchangeable notion of 'value capture'. The article recommends a new form of betterment tax that would operate alongside existing or future charges for infrastructure levied by local government. Importantly, the tax would be applied to value increments across the city, and not just in fringe areas which have been the traditional targets of betterment levies.  相似文献   

In the face of a continuing 'fiscal crisis of the state' this article addresses how land taxation might be reformed to better fund the demands on urban management. Our premise is that land tax initiatives offer governments a means for increasing the funds available for urban management without significantly compromising the assumed political boundaries of public fiscal restraint. The specific focus in the article is on the bridge provided by land taxation in the form of 'betterment' or the interchangeable notion of 'value capture'. The article recommends a new form of betterment tax that would operate alongside existing or future charges for infrastructure levied by local government. Importantly, the tax would be applied to value increments across the city, and not just in fringe areas which have been the traditional targets of betterment levies.  相似文献   

营改增全面落地与实施后,大中型水电工程因建设周期较长,导致大量项目跨越营业税和增值税两种主体税。在营业税和增值税两种税制下,项目计价方式存在一定差异,导致税金计算方式有所不同。通过对营改增后适用简易计税项目税金计算方式的研究,得出结论:营改增后水电工程中适用简易计税的项目缴纳税金将有所减少,建设单位在对承包人结算工程款时需要扣减税金差值。  相似文献   

The introduction of a series of tax reforms by the Hawke government midway through the 1980s generated widespread disagreement about their liable impact upon the production, availability and cost of rental accommodation in Australia. In this paper we examine the validity of the claims made for and against the tax reforms (ie the ‘quarantining’ of negative gearing, the imposition of a capital gains tax, and provision for a 4 per cent depreciation allowance on new rental housing) by setting them against trends in the private housing sector, and other housing and investment markets.

Although the real estate industry was prepared to attribute the adjustments occurring within the private rental sector almost entirely to the changes in taxation policy, we present evidence of other ‘exogenous’ effects that helped amplify the trends and ‘panic’ the Hawke government into an ill‐considered reversal in September 1987 (viz, the reinstatement of full negative gearing on residential rental property). We conclude that this indirect approach to the provision of private rental accommodation via taxation policy is too indiscriminate to achieve national housing goals.  相似文献   

Growing concern about a lack of rental housing affordable to low-income Australian households has prompted consideration of possible policy interventions. This paper estimates the potential housing market impacts of a tax credit targeted on rental housing affordable to low-income Australian households. The study finds that existing landlords in low-income rental housing benefit from a one-third or more reduction in their effective tax burdens. If these tax benefits are passed on in the form of lower market rents, it is estimated that the percentage of households paying more than 30 per cent of gross income in rents falls from 26 to 21 per cent. This impact would be larger but for eligible households in receipt of demand-side subsidies in the form of rent assistance. As a consequence, many low-income households receive only part of the low income housing tax credit benefits that are passed on into lower market rents. Moreover, higher income tenants occupy some of the cheaper rental housing targeted by tax credits, and this weakens the policy rationale for such supply-side measures. The paper advocates the adoption of headleasing arrangements to increase the share of benefits received by low-income tenants.  相似文献   

应用供求均衡理论分别对营业税和物业税对住宅市场中的存量市场和增量市场的短期影响做了比较分析;应用四象限模型对营业税和物业税对住宅市场的长期影响做了比较分析,并引用徐州市住宅市场的数据对营业税作了实证分析。在此基础上得出结论:在目前情况下,如能出台物业税,将更有助于稳定住房市场。  相似文献   

近几年随着中国经济的快速发展,设计企业的发展越来越快且规模越来越大,为了更好更快的发展,很多设计企业选择了分立。为了降低分立所增加的税务成本,企业在分立时应结合分立前后的相关业务事项及相关税收优惠政策进行税收策划。本文针对设计企业是在分立时把房产投资给其分立的子企业还是以出租形式提供给子公司的税务成本及其晒图部门分立出去的税务成本进行了简单分析。  相似文献   

The bailiwick of Jersey's special constitutional position has given it the opportunity to develop its own economic, cultural and policy strategies. Becoming an off-shore tax haven, with a flat rate income tax of 20 per cent, no VAT, no inheritance tax and no capital gains tax, has brought with it the need to strictly limit residency. A key instrument in this has been housing policy and draconian measures have been introduced by the States of Jersey to ration access to housing through a complex series of stacked housing rights directly linked to residency rights. At the same time, the high cost of housing on Jersey that has resulted from economic pressures has forced the States to subsidise housing to certain categories of those who fulfil the residency requirements. This paper describes Jersey's unique and little known housing system. It is suggested that Jersey's housing policy strategy can be fruitfully understood in a broader international comparative context and in relation to other tax-havens and 'micro-states'.  相似文献   

基于2000~2012 年我国30 个省的房地产税和房价的面板数据,通过平稳性分析、协整检验以及回归分析,研究了我国房地产税和房价之间的关系。研究发现,房地产税对房价有正U 型影响效应,即短期内房地产税能有效抑制房价的上涨,而长期内房地产税的征收则会带动房价的上涨,同时,房地产税对房价的影响具有显著的区域差异,而且各房地产税种对房价的影响也不尽相同。而且上期房价、利率以及其他宏观经济环境对房价也有一定的影响。因此,我国现行房地产税收制度改革过程中,需要考虑宏观经济环境的影响,针对不同地区制定相应的税收政策。  相似文献   

关于BT项目“二次纳税”问题探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从BT模式入手,探讨了三种BT模式下的税务关系,分析了"二次纳税"的合法不合理性问题,并从三个方面提出了BT模式可以减少和避免"二次纳税"的方案,即得到地方政府和税务机关支持、采用BT与代建制结合及股权转让型BT模式。  相似文献   

After the abolishment of object subsidies for housing construction and renovation in the mid 1990s, Dutch housing associations, the main non-profit housing providers in the country, heavily relied on market activities, such as selling homes to owner occupiers, to generate income for their social activities and to contribute to urban development policies. This worked well, which was one of the main reasons that these housing providers could adopt a wide field of operations, including not only the management and development of affordable housing for low-income groups, but also housing in other market segments, plus activities regarding care, welfare, local economy, employment and education. Recent economic and political developments, however, have caused housing associations to return on this path. Central in this paper is a research among Dutch housing associations about their values, strategic positioning and strategies. The research was executed in two waves (conducted in 2010/2011 and in 2013/2014, respectively), each consisting of a panel survey and interviews with selected panellists. This paper presents the results of the second wave. It is expected that after the first wave of the research, new regulations, such as the national implementation of European rules on state support and the introduction of a new property tax, have resulted in a further retreat from non-social housing activities. The analysis shows that this is indeed the case, but that the main shifts in priorities have not taken place directly after the credit crunch, but in later years.  相似文献   

Privatisation has been part of Israeli housing policy since the first public housing units were built in 1949. It has involved the sale of publicly‐owned dwellings to sitting tenants, but also the shift to residents of responsibilities usually associated with ownership, such as maintenance and tax liabilities. The evolution of this policy is examined by considering the social, economic and political factors which have shaped the development of Israeli public housing policy from its beginning.  相似文献   

This paper examines the conflicting outcomes of government intervention in the housing market with particular reference to taxation instruments. The use of fiscal policy as a demand-side measure within the Irish housing market is discussed. Outcomes include a high growth environment, unsustainable house price inflation and pressure on owner occupiers due to the activities of investors. The paper reviews policy mechanisms advocated under the Bacon Reports and the government's policy response notably in relation to stamp duty changes. The analysis seeks to assess the impact of the policy measures in relation to different housing markets and house types in Dublin. The discussion highlights that the short-term impact of legislative changes can be rapidly nullified by market influences.  相似文献   

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