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This paper studies a bicriteria scheduling problem on a series-batching machine with objective of minimizing makespan and total completion time simultaneously. A series-batching machine is a machine that can handle up to b jobs in a batch and the completion time of all jobs in a batch is equal to the finishing time of the last job in the batch and the processing time of a batch is the sum of the processing times of jobs in the batch. In addition, there is a constant setup time s for each batch. For the problem we can find all Pareto optimal solutions in O(n2) time by a dynamic programming algorithm, where n denotes the number of jobs.  相似文献   

One of the first problems to be studied in scheduling theory was the problem of minimizing the makespan in a two-machine flow shop. Johnson showed that this problem can be solved in O(n log n) time. A crucial assumption here is that the time needed to move a job from the first to the second machine is negligible. If this is not the case and if this delay is not equal for all jobs, then the problem becomes NP-hard in the strong sense. We show that this is even the case if all processing times are equal to one. As a consequence, we show strong NP-hardness of a number of similar problems, including a severely restricted version of the Numerical 3-Dimensional Matching problem.  相似文献   

This note deals with the scheduling problem of minimizing the sum of job completion times in a system with n jobs and a single machine. We investigate the on-line version of the problem where every job has to be scheduled immediately and irrevocably as soon as it arrives, without any information on the later arriving jobs. We prove that for any sufficiently smooth, non-negative, non-decreasing function f(n) there exists an O(f(n))-competitive on-line algorithm for minimizing the total completion time if and only if the infinite sum converges. Received: 6 May 1997 / 3 February 1999  相似文献   

In this article, the job shop scheduling problem with two batch-processing machines is considered. The machines have limited capacity and the jobs have non-identical job sizes. The jobs are processed in batches and the total size of each batch cannot exceed the machine capacity. The processing times of a job on the two machines are proportional. We show the problem of minimising makespan is NP-hard in the strong sense. Then we provide an approximation algorithm with worst-case ratio no more than 4, and the running time of the algorithm is O(n?log?n). Finally, the performance of the proposed algorithm is tested by different levels of instances. Computational results demonstrate the effectiveness of the algorithm for all the instances.  相似文献   

We study the problem of minimizing the number of late jobs on a single machine where job processing times are known precisely and due dates are uncertain. The uncertainty is captured through a set of scenarios. In this environment, an appropriate criterion to select a schedule is to find one with the best worst-case performance, which minimizes the maximum number of late jobs over all scenarios. For a variable number of scenarios and two distinct due dates over all scenarios, the problem is proved NP-hard in the strong sense and non-approximable in pseudo-polynomial time with approximation ratio less than 2. It is polynomially solvable if the number s of scenarios and the number v of distinct due dates over all scenarios are given constants. An O(nlog?n) time s-approximation algorithm is suggested for the general case, where n is the number of jobs, and a polynomial 3-approximation algorithm is suggested for the case of unit-time jobs and a constant number of scenarios. Furthermore, an O(n s+v?2/(v?1) v?2) time dynamic programming algorithm is presented for the case of unit-time jobs. The problem with unit-time jobs and the number of late jobs not exceeding a given constant value is solvable in polynomial time by an enumeration algorithm. The obtained results are related to a min-max assignment problem, an exact assignment problem and a multi-agent scheduling problem.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the problem of scheduling a set of jobs on a set of identical parallel machines. Before the processing of a job can start, a setup is required which has to be performed by a given set of servers. We consider the complexity of such problems for the minimization of the makespan. For the problem with equal processing times and equal setup times we give a polynomial algorithm. For the problem with unit setup times, m machines and m − 1 servers, we give a pseudopolynomial algorithm. However, the problem with fixed number of machines and servers in the case of minimizing maximum lateness is proven to be unary NP-hard. In addition, recent algorithms for some parallel machine scheduling problems with constant precessing times are generalized to the corresponding server problems for the case of constant setup times. Moreover, we perform a worst case analysis of two list scheduling algorithms for makespan minimization.  相似文献   

We study a supply chain scheduling problem in which n jobs have to be scheduled on a single machine and delivered to m customers in batches. Each job has a due date, a processing time and a lateness penalty (weight). To save batch-delivery costs, several jobs for the same customer can be delivered together in a batch, including late jobs. The completion time of each job in the same batch coincides with the batch completion time. A batch setup time has to be added before processing the first job in each batch. The objective is to find a schedule which minimizes the sum of the weighted number of late jobs and the delivery costs. We present a pseudo-polynomial algorithm for a restricted case, where late jobs are delivered separately, and show that it becomes polynomial for the special cases when jobs have equal weights and equal delivery costs or equal processing times and equal setup times. We convert the algorithm into an FPTAS and prove that the solution produced by it is near-optimal for the original general problem by performing a parametric analysis of its performance ratio.  相似文献   

In various real life scheduling systems job processing times vary according to the number of jobs previously processed. The vast majority of studies assume a restrictive functional form to describe job processing times. In this note, we address a scheduling problem with the most general job processing time functions. The machine setting assumed is an m-machine proportionate flowshop, and the objective function is minimum number of tardy jobs. We show that the problem can be formulated as a bottleneck assignment problem with a maximum cardinality constraint. An efficient polynomial time (O(n4 log n)) solution is introduced.  相似文献   

We study the problem of batching and scheduling n jobs in a flow shop comprising m, m≥2, machines. Each job has to be processed on machines 1,…,m in this order. Batches are formed on each machine. A machine dependent setup time precedes the processing of each batch. Jobs of the same batch are processed on each machine sequentially so that the processing time of a batch is equal to the sum of the processing times of the jobs contained in it. Jobs of the same batch formed on machine l become available for a downstream operation on machine l+1 at the same time when the processing of the last job of the batch on machine l has been finished. The objective is to minimize maximum job completion time. We establish several properties of an optimal schedule and develop polynomial time algorithms for important special cases. They are improvements over the existing methods with regard to their generality and time efficiency.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the on-line scheduling of two parallel identical machines sharing a single server with the objective of minimizing the latest completion time of all jobs. Each job has to be setup by the server before being processed on one of the machines. Three special cases: equal length jobs, equal processing times and regular equal setup times are considered and the asymptotic competitive ratios of list scheduling are determined. Also, a lower bound for the equal length job case is given, and two heuristics with tight asymptotic competitive ratios for the other two cases are proposed.  相似文献   

The problem of scheduling N jobs on M uniform parallel machines is studied. The objective is to minimize the mean tardiness or the weighted sum of tardiness with weights based on jobs, on periods or both. For the mean tardiness criteria in the preemptive case, this problem is NP-hard but good solutions can be calculated with a transportation problem algorithm. In the nonpreemptive case the problem is therefore NP-hard, except for the cases with equal job processing times or with job due dates equal to job processing times. No dominant heuristic is known in the general nonpreemptive case. The author has developed a heuristic to solve the nonpreemptive scheduling problem with unrelated job processing times. Initially, the algorithm calculates a basic solution. Next, it considers the interchanges of job subsets to equal processing time sum interchanging resources (i.e. a machine for a given period). This paper models the scheduling problem. It presents the heuristic and its result quality, solving 576 problems for 18 problem sizes. An application of school timetable scheduling illustrates the use of this heuristic.  相似文献   

We present a linear programming approach to the problem of scheduling equal processing time jobs with release dates and deadlines on identical parallel machines. The known algorithm with complexity O(n 3log log n) of B. Simons schedules all the jobs while minimizing both the maximum completion time and the mean flow time. Our approach permits also to minimize the weighted sum of completion times and total tardiness in polynomial time for the problems without deadlines. The complexity status of these problems was open. Contract/grant sponsor: Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.  相似文献   

This paper addresses a preemptive scheduling problem on two parallel machines with a single server. Each job has to be loaded (setup) by the server before being processed on the machines. The preemption is allowed in this paper. The goal is to minimize the makespan. We first show that it is no of use to preempt the job during its setup time. Namely, every optimal preemptive schedule can be converted to another optimal schedule where all the setup times are non-preemptively performed on one machine. We then present an algorithm with a tight bound of 4/3 for the general case. Furthermore, we show that the algorithm can produce optimal schedules for two special cases: equal processing times and equal setup times, which are NP-hard in the non-preemptive version.  相似文献   


We consider a variant of the NP-hard problem of assigning jobs to machines to minimize the completion time of the last job. Usually, precedence constraints are given by a partial order on the set of jobs, and each job requires all its predecessors to be completed before it can start. In this paper, we consider a different type of precedence relation that has not been discussed as extensively and is called OR-precedence. In order for a job to start, we require that at least one of its predecessors is completed—in contrast to all its predecessors. Additionally, we assume that each job has a release date before which it must not start. We prove that a simple List Scheduling algorithm due to Graham (Bell Syst Tech J 45(9):1563–1581, 1966) has an approximation guarantee of 2 and show that obtaining an approximation factor of \(4/3 - \varepsilon \) is NP-hard. Further, we present a polynomial-time algorithm that solves the problem to optimality if preemptions are allowed. The latter result is in contrast to classical precedence constraints where the preemptive variant is already NP-hard. Our algorithm generalizes previous results for unit processing time jobs subject to OR-precedence constraints, but without release dates. The running time of our algorithm is \(O(n^2)\) for arbitrary processing times and it can be reduced to O(n) for unit processing times, where n is the number of jobs. The performance guarantees presented here match the best-known ones for special cases where classical precedence constraints and OR-precedence constraints coincide.


In this paper we consider the problem of scheduling n jobs on a single machine, where the jobs are processed in batches and the processing time of each job is a step function depending on its waiting time, which is the time between the start of the processing of the batch to which the job belongs and the start of the processing of the job. For job i, if its waiting time is less than a given threshold value D, then it requires a basic processing time a i ; otherwise, it requires an extended processing time a i +b i . The objective is to minimize the completion time of the last job. We first show that the problem is NP-hard in the strong sense even if all b i are equal, it is NP-hard even if b i =a i for all i, and it is non-approximable in polynomial time with a constant performance guarantee Δ<3/2, unless . We then present O(nlog n) and O(n 3F−1log n/F F ) algorithms for the case where all a i are equal and for the case where there are F, F≥2, distinct values of a i , respectively. We further propose an O(n 2log n) approximation algorithm with a performance guarantee for the general problem, where m * is the number of batches in an optimal schedule. All the above results apply or can be easily modified for the corresponding open-end bin packing problem.  相似文献   

We consider the following single machine just-in-time scheduling problem with earliness and tardiness costs: Given n jobs with processing times, due dates and job weights, the task is to schedule these jobs without preemption on a single machine such that the total weighted discrepancy from the given due dates is minimum. NP-hardness of this problem is well established, but no approximation results are known. Using the gap-technique, we show in this paper that the weighted earliness–tardiness scheduling problem and several variants are extremely hard to approximate: If n denotes the number of jobs and b∈ℕ is any given constant, then no polynomial-time algorithm can achieve an approximation which is guaranteed to be at most a factor of O(b n ) worse than the optimal solution unless P = NP.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe a fast parallel algorithm for preemptive scheduling of n independent jobs on m uniform machines. Each job has a processing requirement, and each machine processes jobs at a different rate. The goal of the scheduling algorithm is to find a schedule which minimizes the time at which the last job is completed. T. Gonzalez and S. Sahni have developed a sequential algorithm which solves this problem in O(n + m log m) time. We develop a parallel version of this algorithm for a Concurrent Read Exclusive Write (CREW) shared memory computer. The algorithm runs in O(log n + log3m) time using n processors.  相似文献   

We study a single-machine group scheduling and job-dependent due window assignment problem in which each job is assigned an individual due window based on a common flow allowance. In the group technology environment, the jobs are divided into groups in advance according to their processing similarities and all the jobs of the same group are processed consecutively in order to improve production efficiency. A sequence-independent machine setup time precedes the processing of the first job of each group. A job completed earlier (later) than its due window will incur an earliness (tardiness) penalty. Our goal is to find the optimal sequence for both the groups and jobs, together with the optimal due window assignment, to minimize the total cost that comprises the earliness and tardiness penalties, and the due window starting time and due window size costs. We give an O(n log n)time algorithm to solve this problem.  相似文献   

We consider the single-machine scheduling problem of minimizing the number of late jobs. We omit here one of the standard assumptions in scheduling theory, which is that the processing times are deterministic. In this scheduling environment, the completion times will be stochastic variables as well. Instead of looking at the expected number of on time jobs, we present a new model to deal with the stochastic completion times, which is based on using a chance constraint to define whether a job is on time or late: a job is on time if the probability that it is completed by the deterministic due date is at least equal to a certain given minimum success probability. We have studied this problem for four classes of stochastic processing times. The jobs in the first three classes have processing times that follow: (i) A gamma distribution with shape parameter p j and scale parameter β, where β is common to all jobs; (ii) A negative binomial distribution with parameters p j and r, where r is the same for each job; (iii) A normal distribution with parameters p j and σ j 2. The jobs in the fourth class have equally disturbed processing times, that is, the processing times consist of a deterministic part and a random component that is independently, identically distributed for each job. We show that the first two cases have a common characteristic that makes it possible to solve these problems in O(nlog n) time through the algorithm by Moore and Hodgson. To analyze the third and fourth problem we need the additional assumption that the due dates and the minimum success probabilities are agreeable. We show that under this assumption the third problem is -hard in the ordinary sense, whereas the fourth problem is solvable by Moore and Hodgson’s algorithm. We further indicate how the problem of maximizing the expected number of on time jobs (with respect to the standard definition) can be tackled if we add the constraint that the on time jobs are sequenced in a given order and when we require that the probability that a job is on time amounts to at least some given lower bound. Supported by EC Contract IST-1999-14186 (Project alcom-FT).  相似文献   

We focus on a due-date assignment model where due-dates are determined by penalties for jobs exceeding pre-specified (job-dependent, different) deadlines. The underlying assumption of this model, denoted by DIF, is that there are "lead times that customers consider to be reasonable and expected". In a minmax DIF model, the value of the objective function is that of the largest job/due-date cost. The goal is to find both the job sequence and the due-dates, such that this value is minimized.In this paper we study several extensions of the minmax DIF model. First, we consider general position-dependent job processing times. Then we extend the model to a setting of a due-window for acceptable lead-times. Here, the assumption is that a time interval exists, such that due-dates assigned to be within this interval are not penalized. The last extension of the DIF model is to a setting allowing job-rejection. This option reflects many real-life situations, where the scheduler may decide to process only a subset of the jobs, and the rejected jobs are penalized. The first two extensions are shown to be polynomially solvable: we introduce solution algorithms requiring O(n3) and O(n4) time, respectively, where n is the number of jobs. The last extension (assuming job-rejection) is proved to be NP-hard in the ordinary sense, and an efficient pseudo-polynomial dynamic programming algorithm is introduced.  相似文献   

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