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对中国城市公共交通私营化有关问题的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈雪明 《城市规划》2003,27(1):43-49
在中国社会主义市场经济条件下 ,私营化城市公共交通将变得越来越重要 ,弥补了传统的公营化城市公共交通的不足。必须要充分运用市场经济规律来管理中国的城市公共交通。首先 ,要开放市场和鼓励竞争 ,通过竞争提高公共交通的运行效率 ,降低成本 ,改善经营状况。传统的低票价制度将被受市场供需关系调节的灵活票价制度所代替。其次 ,要兼顾经济效益和社会公平 ,对低收入者实行适当的财政补贴 ,方便他们使用公共交通。政府要加强对私营公共交通公司的监督和管理使其在追求利润的同时更好地为乘客服务。第三 ,要加强公共交通私营化的立法 ,使得公共交通私营化多样化、规范化和法制化 ,形成政府、私人机构、乘客三赢的局面。第四 ,公共交通规划、设计和施工单位的私营化是一个重要的发展趋势 ,政府机构的功能将逐步转变成财政资助 ,项目管理 ,监督执行 ,质量控制和协调发展  相似文献   

赵军 《中国电梯》2006,17(13):56-58
和世界上其他城市一样,南京地铁对于车站人流快速疏散系统也是采用的重载公共交通型自动扶梯,这种重载公共交通型自动扶梯具有运载乘客多、可连续运行时间长、运行速度快、提升高度高等特点,特别适合于地铁这种人流量大的场合使用。  相似文献   

胡佳  徐玲  顾向东 《四川建材》2022,(9):252-254
为进一步提升城市公共交通服务水平,以宁夏银川市为例,通过定量问卷调查方式获取了银川市“三区两县”城市公共汽车乘客对于公共汽车服务满意度现状数据,利用AHP法建立了银川市城市公共汽车乘客满意度影响因素层次结构模型,分析模型后得到影响银川城市公共汽车乘客满意度评价指标权重,最后针对银川市城市公共交通可持续发展提出合理建议。  相似文献   

讨论了城市公共交通优先发展战略和公交都市建设的核心目标,提出了衡量公交优先发展绩效与公交都市建设成效的公共交通服务质量指标体系和公共交通服务品质指数,以期引导城市公共交通优先发展和公交都市建设回归到"以民为本、乘客至上"的正确理念与轨道上来。  相似文献   

本文介绍了纽约的公共交通系统,并且总结了该市在这个领域里的规划经验。纽约拥有北美最大的公共交通系统,尤其是其发达的地铁系统无论是在线路长度、车站数量还是乘客量方面均位于世界前列。纽约的公共交通规划经验表明大都市公共交通系统必须建立密切的政府合作和公私合作以推进交通建设(政治原则);必须优化规划、设计、施工、运营和维护等各个环节(经济原则);必须使得所有的公共交通系统组成无缝连接,土地使用和交通有效结合,形成一个完整的系统(系统原则);必须促进经济效率、社会公平和环境保护(可持续发展原则)。  相似文献   

介绍了全球卫星定位系统(GPS)在美国公共交通领域的应用及按美国残疾人法的规定为特殊乘客提供的准公共交通服务。同时还介绍了公共交通的先进运行系统(AOS)的组成部分:CPS、AVL系统、车载系统的设备和计算机辅助调度。  相似文献   

介绍了全球卫星定位系统(GPS)在美国公共交通领域的应用及按美国残疾人法的规定为特殊乘客提供的准公共交通服务。同时还介绍了公共交通的先进运行系统(AOS)的组成部分:GPS、AVL系统、车载系统的设备和计算机辅助调度。  相似文献   

交通行为的经济分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阮哲明 《规划师》2004,20(6):74-75
我国大城市公共交通网络运行效率低下。对长期顾客实行大幅度的优惠措施,培养乘客对地铁的偏好,地铁与地面公交组成联运,可以提高公共交通运行效率。  相似文献   

据新华社报道,一组乘客在北京晚高峰期间爬窗户挤公交车的照片近期在网上疯传。 蹬轮胎、扒窗户、托大腿、拽胳膊勾勒出了乘客“人在圃途”的尴尬与无奈,同时也再一次引起人们对首都公共交通的讨论。北京公共交通系统已成了“世界最大地面公交车队”,却仍然出现如此“盛况”,实在耐人寻味。  相似文献   

长期以来公共交通作为公益事业,其提供的服务是以计划供应为导向,乘客只能去适应,别无选择。随着市场竞争机制的形成,公共交通的服务供应开始转向以市场需求为导向,公共交通的经营观念必须重视服务质量和服务水平。公共交通具有服务性的特点,其质量管理不同于一般产品生产,具有以下的特征:  相似文献   

Monitoring the nutritional status of essential elements and assessing exposure of individuals to toxic elements is of great importance for human health. Thus, the appropriate selection and measurement of biomarkers of internal dose is of critical importance. Due to their many advantages, hair samples have been widely used to assess human exposure to different contaminants. However, the validity of this biomarker in evaluating the level of trace elements in the human body is debatable. In the present study, we evaluated the relationship between levels of trace elements in hair and whole blood or plasma in a Brazilian population. Hair, blood and plasma were collected from 280 adult volunteers for metal determination. An ICP-MS was used for sample analysis. Manganese, copper, lead and strontium levels in blood varied from 5.1 to 14.7, from 494.8 to 2383.8, from 5.9 to 330.1 and from 11.6 to 87.3 microg/L, respectively. Corresponding levels in hair varied from 0.05 to 6.71, from 0.02 to 37.59, from 0.02 to 30.63 and from 0.9 to 12.6 microg/g. Trace element levels in plasma varied from 0.07 to 8.62, from 118.2 to 1577.7 and from 2.31 to 34.2 microg/L for Mn, Cu and Sr, respectively. There was a weak correlation (r=0.22, p<0.001) between lead levels in hair and blood. Moreover, copper and strontium levels in blood correlate with those levels in plasma (r=0.64 , p<0.001 for Cu) and (r=0.22, p<0.05 for Sr). However, for Cu, Mn and Sr there was no correlation between levels in hair and blood. Our findings suggest that while the idea of measuring trace elements in hair is attractive, hair is not an appropriate biomarker for evaluating Cu, Mn and Sr deficiency or Pb exposure.  相似文献   

Conclusions The tentative answers reached to the questions posed in the introduction to this paper are as follows: The relative level of union wage scales in a particular city are related to the degree of unionization of the state in which the city is located, the level of wages in manufacturing in the particular city, city size, and whether located in the South. The percentage change in journeymen's wages between 1965 and 1968 was related to the degree of unionization, to location in the highly industrialized Northcentral region, and to the percentage change in contract construction employment. The unemployment rate in the area and changes in the areas' unemployment rate were not statistically related to construction wage changes.The latter finding can be interpreted in two ways: The unemployment variable pertained to all unemployed workers in the area, rather than to unemployed construction workers, and it may be that a more refined measure of unemployment would show the expected relationship. This seems most plausible as an explanation for the lack of association with changes in journeymen's wages, but less plsusible in the case of helpers and laborers' wages. An alternative interpretation is that among the more important factors influencing construction wages in the recent past have been demand factors and factors associated with the strength of trade unions in collective bargaining, rather than pronounced shortages of labor. The latter interpretation seems to be consistent with casual empiricism and with the commonly held view that the trade unions are indeed very powerful and that, within limits, they are able to gain large settlements even when there are substantial unemployed resources.The author is indebted to Lawrence V. Asch for assisting in data collection and tabulation.  相似文献   

著: 《风景园林》2019,26(7):26-44
《材料的重要性》是《景观设计理论》的一段节选。《景观设计理论》旨在不使用专业术语或其他领域假说的前提下,结合景观设计过程向学生介绍内在理论思想。《材料的重要性》是本书的五章之一。每一章针对特定理论,解释了其基础和来源,探讨了它对设计的重要性,列举了20—21世纪与其相关的设计案例,整理了该理论的辩论(尤其是有关现代和后现代思想),最后还有相关阅读材料清单和需要学生们思考的问题。本文分为如下3个部分:第一部分,物质性,介绍“辩证唯物主义”“媒介即信息”“物质实践”和“编码”等理论及其在设计中的运用;第二部分,通过“建构表达”“地貌代理人策略”“石材的面层”“材料的暗示”“人造,但不是伪造”等理论,介绍材料的真实性及其在设计中的运用;第三部分,复写理论及应用,包括“剩余物”“复写的展示性”“未来的复写”和“虚构的复写”等内容。  相似文献   

在经济增速放缓、政治体制变革的转型背景中,中国城市规划专业应该怎样"转型"成为热题。其中,城市规划附庸于政治而需要被动地应对政治转变是隐含的"常识",但这一认识带来了规划转型的现实压力——受制于无法改变的体制。规划是否的确依附于政治体制,如果不是,又应该怎样看待规划与政治的关系,进而认识规划转型的核心?本文从论述方式、论证视角两个方面解读和反思了中国规划的政治依附性的判断过程,发现城市规划不仅没有长期固化依附政治的角色,反而在不同时代发挥了专业价值。再从解构主义思维反思政治经济结构凌驾于其他结构之上的观点。最后认为,转型中国规划求变的核心并不在于规划要怎样适应政治体制这一或其他外因,而在于反思与自省内因,沉淀与重拾专业价值,进而期待一个多元多维的规划前景。  相似文献   

为了解决重庆房地产市场住宅市场供求不平衡这一个难题,我们提出了住宅产业化这个方案,但是在大规模的生产产业化住宅以前,首先必须知道重庆市居民对住宅的需求取向,正是因为这个原因,我们进行了一次问卷调查。问卷调查的目的是:摸清影响重庆市潜在购房户购房行为的因素,为重庆住宅产业化工程的实施构建一个模型。因此本文的目的就是:分析影响重庆市潜在购房户购房行为的因素,找出本市居民喜欢的住宅类型,我们研究组的总体研究目的是:立足于本地的资源,探索在重庆实施住宅产业化工程的可行性,如果可行,那么我们将在充分利用本地建筑材料的基础上,设计出切实可行的产业化住宅模型。在目前这个阶段,工作的重心是摸清重庆建筑业的概况,为下一步的研究铺平道路。而本文的中心是:找出本市居民喜欢的住宅类型。  相似文献   

Since the 1950s regional policy and spatial planning in Ireland has been largely reactive and opportunistic in nature rather than strategically or ideologically driven. As a result, inconsistent approaches to regional and spatial issues have arisen, driven mainly by short-term goals or issues of the day rather than adherence to a clear, long-term strategic objective. Thus, Government interest in regional and spatial issues has ebbed and flowed in reaction to the events and economic climate of the day; during the 1950s interest surged in reaction to rural decay, emigration and economic failure, waned with entry in to the European Economic Community in 1973 and the prolonged recession of the 1980s and re-emerged in response to growing congestion problems arising from the ‘Celtic Tiger’ at the turn of the century and led to the publication of the National Spatial Strategy (NSS) in 2002. This history is outlined and brought up to date, to incorporate recent developments, such as the publication of the government strategy document ‘Putting People First’. It is hoped that this may provide context to facilitate forthcoming deliberations around the recently announced ‘replacement’ NSS for Ireland.  相似文献   

任彝 《建筑与文化》2016,(12):75-76
艺术设计专业在面对设计理念及设计思想日新月异、设计要求及综合评价体系日趋多元化的时代,无论对艺术院校、专业教师及学生而言都将面临新的挑战。如何在本科艺术设计专业毕业设计教学环节中,让四年的教学内容和教学成果得以全方位的表达和呈现;如何将创新精神及研究意识的思维体系及思维方法 ,植入并运用到设计过程中去;如何调动学生以研究和独道的视角,去介入设计活动并将原创计作为设计的驱动力,对此,本文旨在以"设计经线论"创新教学模式的实践探索,开启多维度的阶段调研方法得出的科学分析结果,理性有效地把控每一阶段的设计切入点、及时调整并把控设计思想客观方向性的教学方法。  相似文献   

《Material Religion》2013,9(1):110-120

The articles in this special issue demonstrate how objects can be interpreted as agents, as gendered images that make a statement, and how their impacts can be understood and assessed by human actors. They are differentially placed in matrices of power, and they can be manipulated to shift genders, to play with gendered combinations, to expand the limits of a particular gendered domain, to creatively play with reproductive imagery, and even to sell commodities in new and enticing ways in the mass media. Gendered religious objects are “statements” addressed not only to the eye but to the emotions, and part of a complex cultural field in which things can play important roles in people's lives. The links that connect ritual power to other forms of agency and biographical significance are perhaps the most significant links that we need to examine to understand them better in a world of many diverse cultural forms.  相似文献   

The research in this paper contains the design and application of a model to study the regional growth of union membership. It provides techniques to analyze both aggregate regional union membership and the ratio of aggregate regional union membership to aggregate regional employment.Union membership and its ratio to employment are influenced by employment effects (essentially a product market influence) and non-employment effects (factor market influences: government legislation, social opinion, technology, and union organizational efforts). The Product Market Effect and Factor Market Effect are isolated and measurable within the context of the model. In addition to having the advantage of separating employment from all other influences, the model deals with individual industries in a regional setting. Hence, its application is facilitated because agencies in many states collect and publish data on industrial employment and the industrial composition of union membership.In order to demonstrate the model's applicability, it has been applied to Santa Clara County. Union membership in the County rose from 56,300 in 1955 to 104,800 in 1968. Simultaneously, the ratio of union membership to employment declined from.497 in 1955 to.294 in 1968. The regional rise in total union membership between 1955 and 1968 was a composite of regional employment expansion and reductions in some of the regional industry's ratios of union membership to employment. The decline of the ratio of total union membership to total employment in Santa Clara County can be attributed to employment expansion in weakly organized industries (i. e., those with low ratios of union membership to employment) and the declining ratios of union membership to employment within the regional industries.  相似文献   

The province of Guizhou in Southwestern China is currently one of the world's most important mercury production areas. Emissions of mercury from the province to the global atmosphere have been estimated to be approximately 12% of the world total anthropogenic emissions. The main objective of this study was to assess the level of contamination with Hg in two geographical areas of Guizhou province. Mercury pollution in the areas concerned originates from mercury mining and ore processing in the area of Wanshan, while in the area of Quingzhen mercury pollution originates from the chemical industry discharging Hg through wastewaters and emissions to the atmosphere due to coal burning for electricity production. The results of this study confirmed high contamination with Hg in soil, sediments and rice in the Hg mining area in Wanshan. High levels of Hg in soil and rice were also found in the vicinity of the chemical plant in Quingzhen. The concentrations of Hg decreased with distance from the main sources of pollution considerably. The general conclusion is that Hg contamination in Wanshan is geographically more widespread, due to deposition and scavenging of Hg from contaminated air and deposition on land. In Quingzhen Hg contamination of soil is very high close to the chemical plant but the levels reach background concentrations at a distance of several km. Even though the major source of Hg in both areas is inorganic Hg, it was observed that active transformation of inorganic Hg to organic Hg species (MeHg) takes place in water, sediments and soils. The concentration of Hg in rice grains can reach up to 569 microg/kg of total Hg of which 145 microg/kg was in MeHg form. The percentage of Hg as MeHg varied from 5 to 83%. The concentrations of selenium can reach up to 16 mg/kg in soil and up to 1 mg/g in rice. A correlation exists between the concentration of Se in soil and rice, indicating that a portion of Se is bioavailable to plants. No correlation between Hg and Se in rice was found. Exposure of the local population to Hg may occur due to inhalation of Hg present in air (in particular in Hg mining area) and consumption of Hg contaminated food (in particular rice and fish) and water. Comparison of intake through these different routes showed that the values of Hg considerably exceed the USA EPA Reference Concentration (RfC) for chronic Hg exposure (RfC is 0.0004 mg/m(3)) close to the emission sources. Intake of Hg through food consumption, particularly rice and fish, is also an important route of Hg exposure in study area. In general, it can be concluded that the population mostly at risk is located in the vicinity of smelting facilities, mining activities and close to the waste disposal sites in the wider area of Wanshan. In order to assess the real level of contamination in the local population, it is recommended that biomonitoring should be performed, including Hg and MeHg measurements in hair, blood and urine samples.  相似文献   

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