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马倩  蒋丽娟  李昌珠 《太阳能》2009,(11):13-14
一生物学和生态学特性 石栗(Aleurites moluccana(Linn.)Willd)属大戟科石栗属,又名烛果树和黑桐油树,是一种多年生常绿阔叶野生树木。石栗树高可达15m,树皮灰色,具浅纵裂,幼枝被星状短柔毛;叶卵形至心形,长10~20cm,宽5~17cm,有时掌状3裂,两面被锈色星状短柔毛,叶柄长6~12cm,顶端有2枚小腺体。  相似文献   

一生物学和生态学特性 仿栗为杜英科猴欢喜属常绿乔木.树高20~25m,胸径达50cm.顶芽有黄褐色柔毛,嫩枝秃净无毛,老枝干后暗褐色,有皮孔.叶簇生于枝顶,叶坚纸质,无毛,狭卵形或矩圆状狭卵形,长9~22cm,宽3~7.4cm,顶端渐尖,基部钝或宽楔形,正面绿色,干后稍发亮,无毛,背面浅绿色,无毛,或偶在脉腋内有毛束,侧脉8~9对,斜向上方弧状弯曲.叶柄长1.5~3cm,顶端稍变粗.花生于枝顶,多朵排成总状花序(图1),绿白色,稍下垂.花梗长3.2~5.5cm,生短柔毛.萼片4个,卵形,长约6mm,外面生短绒毛.花瓣与萼片近等长,部齿状浅裂,外面生微柔毛.雄蕊多数,生疏柔毛,花期7月[1].  相似文献   

一生物学与生态学特性 光皮树为山茱萸科株木属落叶灌木或乔木.树冠伞形,树皮呈紫红色或灰白带绿色,光滑斑状脱落.一年生树枝,绿色有棱,被白色柔毛.叶交互对生,椭圆形,长3~9cm、宽1.5~5.8cm,正面绿色,背面青白色,被白色贴伏状短柔毛;聚伞花序,着生于一年生枝条上,花白色或淡黄色;核果球形,成熟时呈黑褐色,有白色贴伏短柔毛种子黄白色,千粒重60~85g.2月芽开放,3月为展叶期,4月上旬至5月上旬为开花期,10月下旬至11月上旬为果实成熟期,11月上旬至翌年1月为落叶期.  相似文献   

一生物学、生态学特性 黄连木(Pistacia chinesis Bunge)为漆树科(Anarcardiaceae)黄连木属(Pistacia)落叶乔木,因其木材色黄而味苦,故名"黄连木"或"黄连树",俗称药木、药树、楷木.其树高可达30m,胸径1.5~2.0m;树皮灰褐色、粗糙;冬芽红色,各部分都有特殊气味;树冠近圆球型、浑圆开阔;叶互生,偶数羽状复叶,小枝有细柔毛,互生小叶10~14对,披针形或卵状披针形,长5~8cm,宽约2cm,先端渐尖,基部斜楔形,入秋后可变成深红色或橙红色,繁茂而秀丽;花单性,雌雄异株,雄花成密总状花序、淡绿色,长5~8cm;雌花成疏松的圆锥花序、紫红色,长18~22cm;花期3~4月,果实9~10月成熟,果实呈倒卵状圆球形,顶端有小尖、直径5~6mm,初为黄白色,后变红色或蓝紫色.种子可在-20℃长期贮藏,其含水量保持在4%~9%[1].  相似文献   

一 生物学和生态学特性 蓖麻为大戟科蓖麻属双子叶一年生或多年生草本植物.蓖麻根系强大、分布广,主根入土深达2~4m,侧根横向分布1.5~2m,耐贫瘠,茎绿色或紫色,光滑无毛,背有白色蜡粉.茎秆粗壮,中空有节,一懊15~18节.叶片为单叶互生,叶柄长,叶呈掌形,掌状7~9深裂,有的呈鸡爪形,叶片颜色与茎的颜色密切相关,绿茎则绿叶,紫茎则叶脉呈紫色.  相似文献   

目的评价内支架对食管良恶性狭窄患者行姑息性治疗的临床疗效.方法入选57例患者,其中食管癌29例,贲门部癌10例,食管癌性狭窄伴食管气管瘘7例,贲门失弛缓症5例,手术后食管良性狭窄6例.病变范围2~14 cm,平均7.3 cm.病变按吞咽困难分级:Ⅰ级12例,Ⅱ级31例,Ⅲ级14例.46例肿瘤患者在支架置放术后15~30 d内进行放射治疗和动脉内化疗灌注联合治疗.结果 57例患者共置入内支架62枚,4例患者1次放置2枚,1例患者4个月后因支架移位上端再次狭窄,再次叠放支架.所有病例均1次成功.放置后7~15  相似文献   

一生物学特性 油莎豆(Cyperus esculeurus L.)别名油莎草、洋地栗,属莎草科多年生草本植物,生产上作为一年生作物栽培,全生育期110~130天.株高30~100cm,单叶互生,叶片狭窄细长.多出聚伞花序,顶生,花两性,白色,但大多不开花或开花不结实.  相似文献   

利用农村烧柴灶采暖的装置   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北方农村多用柴灶做饭,既烧炕,又采暖,室内温度冷热不均。黑龙江农垦九三分局节能厂研究出一种利用农村烧柴灶的炊事余热采暖的装置。图1利用柴灶余热采暖的装置系统如图所示,锅炉安装在柴灶的灶膛内,其上部与锅之间有3~4cm的空隙,以利于烟火的串通;用管道将锅炉、暖气片和水箱等连接起来;暖气片的下部要高于锅炉回水口30cm以上,连接管路要保持顺畅,不能产生气阻现象。系统不能有渗漏发生。环型锅炉用1.5~3mm的铁板焊接而成,其直径大小根据锅的尺寸确定,其断面宽度为2cm,高度为10~15cm。水箱用0.75~1mm的薄铁板制成(长20~30cm,宽15~20…  相似文献   

目的:通过肝动脉化疗栓塞治疗转移性肝癌的疗效分析,提出影响疗效的有关因素。材料与方法:转移性肝癌25例(其中24例肝多发性转移,23例少血管型)。瘤体直径1.2~5.5cm,平均3.2cm。经肝因有动脉注入5-Fu750~1000mg,CDDP60~80mg,碘油乳剂(40%碘化油6~10ml加MMC16~20rag),0.2~0.5cm明胶海2~3条栓塞治疗。结果:按照WHO实体肿瘤近期疗效标准,CR1例、PR5例、NC15例、PD4例,有效率24%(CR+PR)。中位生存11.3月。结论:肝动脉化疗栓塞治疗转移性肝癌是一种有效的方法。  相似文献   

化学腐蚀法制备多晶硅的绒面   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为了降低光在多晶硅表面的反射,采用化学腐蚀法在其表面制备了绒面。根据反射光谱的测试结果,研究了不同多晶硅绒面的形貌特征及光学特性。在适当的腐蚀液中制备了3×3cm2、5×5cm2和10×10cm2多晶硅绒面。10×10cm2多晶硅绒面,在300~1100nm波长范围内的加权反射率的最好结果为5 2%,表面织构均匀,这一结果可以和具有双层减反射膜的多晶硅表面的反射率相比拟。  相似文献   

Application of hydrogen is a necessary condition to achieve acceptable power and overall-dimensional characteristics of space power and propulsion plants. Some functional elements as part of the plants require protection from hydrogen, which is provided by construction and technological preparation of materials. For subsequent improvement of the plants, it is necessary to look for materials with low hydrogen penetrability in the temperature range of 800–2500 K and also for protective coatings on graphite for conditions of thermocycling in the range of 300–2100 K.  相似文献   

能源植物系列讲座(12)生物柴油原料油植物——白檀   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一生物学与生态学特性[1,2] 白檀(Symplocos paniculata(Thunb.)Miq.)为山矾科山矾属落叶灌木或小乔木,又名碎米子树、乌子树等.  相似文献   

A new type of geothermal power plant is proposed and analysed, which combines the advantages of the binary and the dual-flashing units. This combination avoids some of the shortcomings of conventional binary plants. At their optimum conditions these binary dual-flashing plants may produce up to 40% more work than a conventional binary optimized unit. Any fluid with suitable thermodynamic properties may be used as secondary fluid. For this study ammonia, freon-12 and isobutane have been used in the secondary Rankine cycle. Two parameters are optimized in the binary dual-flashing plant, namely the temperature of evaporation and the dryness fraction in the evaporator. The optimization procedure and the governing equations for the operation of the new plants are described in the paper.  相似文献   

Mini steel-plants in India, using electric-arc furnaces for steel manufacturing, are highly energy intensive. In the context of increasing electricity prices and the introduction of time varying electricity rates by utilities, mini steel-plants can reschedule their operations to reduce their electricity bills. This paper presents a load model, which incorporates the characteristics of batch-type loads common to any type of process industry. The model is coupled with an optimisation formulation utilising integer programming for minimising the total electricity-cost satisfying production, process flow and storage constraints for different tariff structures. The methodology proposed can be used for determining the optimal response for any industry under time varying tariffs. The case study of a steel plant shows that significant reductions in peak-period demand (about 50%) and electricity cost (about 5.7%) are possible with optimal-load schedules. The utility can also get significant reduction in the peak coincident demand if large industries optimally reschedule their productions in response to time-of-use (TOU) tariff.  相似文献   

Marine biomass production has several attractive features, the chief one being the large areas of ocean available for such activities. Disadvantages include the meager state of existing knowledge and the difficulties of operating under oceanic conditions. Algae have been farmed by Orientals for many years in estuaries and along coasts, but their techniques are frequently highly labor-intensive. Seaweeds tend to be low in cellulose and lignin (chemically refractile compounds common in terrestrial plants) but are typically high in water and salt contents. Because of the water content, bacterial digestive techniques seem favored for purposes of fuel production.Active research fields include primarily biological and engineering studies of biomass production systems, as well as investigations of fuel conversion processes and economics of proposed systems. Investigations of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution have involved screening species to identify the highest producers, factors influencing productivity, and special studies such as efficiency with which nitrogen can be recycled within the culturing system. Investigations at the California Institute of Technology have emphasized culturing of a single, very large species, giant kelp. Efforts were made to identify the principal problems involved in growing plants in oceanic settings. Economic studies by three organizations have dealt primarily with feasibility of oceanic as opposed to coastal farming systems.  相似文献   

Hydroelectric power has the advantage of being a clean resource that is perpetually renewable. Alternative sources of energy such as thermal plants are becoming less attractive because of public opposition, spiraling costs, and excessive delays. Many utilities have actively explored the possibilities of increasing output at existing hydroplants by replacing or supplementing existing generating units. But hydroelectric plants are still utilizing only a portion of the river's hydraulic energy due to hydrologic and economic restraints. One possibility for increasing the efficiency of hydropower plants is the conversion of water to hydrogen through electrolysis by using the excess energy or wasted energy not yet utilized, and then conversion of hydrogen to electricity via a gas turbine or fuel cells. The electricity produced in the off-peak or no-demand time, or at the time of huge river flows in the spring can be stored in the form of hydrogen, and later, when the peak energy is needed, the hydrogen converted to electricity. One of the advantages of the proposed system is that the resource for production of hydrogen (the water) is available directly at the site. It appears that the conversion of electricity at hydro-power plants to hydrogen, and its utilization via a gas turbine, is technically and economically feasible.It is desirable to locate the electrolyzer near the hydro-plant if hydrogen is used only to generate electricity. The concept described in this paper would improve the economy of the project and generate additional revenues to the owner.  相似文献   

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