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N2O是大气中重要的温室气体之一,控制其大气浓度的增长具有重要意义.研究表明,污水生物处理的硝化反硝化过程是N2O的重要源强之一,N2O的逸出主要发生在亚硝化过程和反硝化过程,而且逸出量受环境因素影响很大.深入了解N2O的逸出机理和外界因素的影响规律是有效控制N2()的前提和基础.  相似文献   

白洋淀湿地氮素转化和N2O排放特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对华北地区最大的湖泊湿地白洋淀近1年的野外观测,对湿地上覆水、沉积物/土壤中各种形态氮以及反硝化作用产物N2O排放通量的时空变化进行了系统研究。研究结果表明,白洋淀湿地对氮素污染物铵态氮的去除能力较强,平均去除率为77.1%。湿地中氮素的迁移转化过程时空变化明显,夏季是其氮素转化的快速期。湿地是温室气体N2O的排放源,夏季其排放通量最大,占全年排放通量总和的62.1%。其中湖滨带是整个湿地生态系统中氮素转化的活跃区,N2O年内平均排放通量高达109μg·m-2·h-1。由此可见,良好的湖滨带有利于湖泊富营养化的自然恢复。  相似文献   

针对再生水厂实际运行中出现的反硝化生物滤池对总磷(TP)有去除的现象,通过试验研究了在实际工程运行条件下反硝化生物滤池的除磷效能、除磷原理以及进水磷浓度对脱氮效能的影响.结果表明,反硝化生物滤池对溶解性总磷(SP)的去除主要由生物膜中微生物的同化作用完成,在进水SP浓度为0.1~0.5 mg/L时,其去除量与进水浓度大...  相似文献   

The sequentially combined carbon (SCC) of methanol and acetic acid was used for the biological nutrient removal (BNR). Its BNR performance was compared with methanol or acetic acid as a sole carbon substrate. Compared to the sole carbon substrate, the use of SCC demonstrated the highest overall TIN removal of 98.3% at a COD ratio of 30 mg COD/l of methanol/50 mg CDO/l of acetic acid. Furthermore, denitrification was more enhanced when methanol was used as one of the SCC, rather than as a sole carbon source. Complete phosphorus removal was accomplished with a non-detectable o-P concentration when SCC was added. This research also showed that aerobic denitrifiers appear to prefer acetic acid to methanol, and the amount of poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) stored by P accumulating organisms (PAOs) using acetic acid in the anoxic zone could be another important factor in improving the aerobic denitrification. The SCC was a very favorable carbon source for the aerobic denitrification since acetic acid was utilized more efficiently for P-release in accordance with increase of PHB stored in the cell of PAOs by removing nitrogen first using methanol.  相似文献   

The feasibility of an autotrophic denitrification process in an activated sludge reactor, using sulphide as the electron donor, was tested for simultaneous denitrification and sulphide removal. The reactor was operated at nitrate (N) to sulphide (S) ratios between 0.5 and 0.9 to evaluate their effect on the N-removal efficiency, the S-removal efficiency and the product formation during anoxic oxidation of sulphide. One hundred per cent removal of both nitrate and sulphide was achieved at a NLR of 7.96 mmol N-L(-1) x d(-1) (111.44 mg NO3- -N x L(-1) x d(-1)) and at a N/S ratio of 0.89 with complete oxidation of sulphide to sulphate. The oxygen level in the reactor (10%) was found to influence the N-removal efficiency by inhibiting the denitrification process. Moreover, chemical (or biological) oxidation of sulphide with oxygen occurred, resulting in a loss of the electron donor. FISH analysis was carried out to study the microbial population in the system.  相似文献   

For cost-effective nitrogen removal from sewage with low C/N ratios, an automatic control system for the addition of external carbon based on oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) data in an anoxic reactor has been developed. In this study, it was carried out with a pilot-scale modified Bardenpho process. This consisted of anoxic1, aerobic1, anoxic2 and aerobic2 stages with an external recycle ratio of 150% (Q/Qinf), and a media packing ratio of 2.4%-2.9% (v/v) in the aerobic reactor. As a result of applying the automatic control system for the minimization of the external carbon source dosage, the dosage was decreased by about 20%. This estimate was based on ORP compared with a stable dosage of 75 mg/L based on the C/NOx-N ratio of the anoxic influent. It was necessary that the ORP set-value be regulated from -120 mV to -80 mV because influent NH4+-N concentration varied from 12 to 15 mg/L due to rainfall. Correspondingly, the demanded dosages were decreased. Drift of the the real-time value in control system was more stable after changing the ORP set-value from -120 mV to -80 mV.  相似文献   

The Anaerobic-Anoxic/Nitrification (A2N) system is a continuous-flow, two-sludge process in which Poly-P bacteria are capable of taking up phosphate under anoxic conditions using nitrate as an electron acceptor. The process is very efficient because it maximizes the utilization of organic substrate for phosphorus and nitrogen removal. An experimental lab-scale A2N system fed with domestic sewage was tested over a period of 260 days. The purpose of the experiment was to examine phosphorus removal capacity of a modified A2N two-sludge system. Factors affecting phosphorus and nitrogen removal by the A2N system were investigated. These factors were the influent COD/TN ratio, Sludge Retention Time (SRT), Bypass Sludge Flow rate (BSF) and Return Sludge Flow rate (RSF). Results indicated that optimum conditions for phosphorus and nitrogen removal were the influent COD/TN ratio around 6.49, the SRT of 14 days, and the BSF and RSF were fixed at about 26-33% of influent flow rate.  相似文献   

To establish an automatic control system of external carbon addition in biological nitrogen removal, a bench-scale sequencing batch reactor with real-time control strategy was designed in this study. An oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) profile was used for automatic control of external carbon addition. The mean removal efficiency of total organic carbon was over 98%. Complete denitrification in an anoxic phase and complete denitrification and nitrification in anoxic and oxic phases were accomplished, respectively, because the oxic and anoxic periods were also appropriately controlled with ORP and pH profiles, respectively. Mean removal efficiency of total nitrogen was over 95%. When concentration of influent wastewater was changed, volume of additional carbon was automatically changed with the influent fluctuation, and flexible hydraulic retention time was achieved in this system.  相似文献   

To assess the impact on greenhouse gas emission, different process schemes for municipal sludge treatment were evaluated based on the data from pilot-scale experiments and review of annual operation reports. A modified anaerobic digestion process with partial ozonation of digested sludge to improve biological degradability and the conventional anaerobic digestion process were compared with respect to the energy demand in each process schemes. Options for beneficial use of biogas included (1) application of biogas for power production and (2) recovery as an alternative to natural gas utilization. The analysis indicated that the partial ozonation process with power production led to minimal greenhouse gas emission because the extra energy production from this scheme was expected to cover all of the energy demand for the plant operation. Moreover, the final amount of dewatered sludge cake was only 40% of that expected from the conventional process, this significantly minimizes the potential for greenhouse gas emission in the subsequent sludge incineration processes.  相似文献   

尹菁菁  张彭义  孙莉 《给水排水》2006,32(Z1):84-88
研究比较了UV/H2O2和UV/TiO2/H2O2对水中微量硝基苯的降解效果,并考察了水中常见HCO-3和腐殖酸对硝基苯降解的影响.结果表明,薄膜状TiO2的存在对UV/H2O2降解硝基苯有显著的促进作用,在最佳H2O2投加量2.1 mg/L时,UV/TiO2/H2O2的反应速率常数比UV/H2O2高32.8%;2 min内UV/TiO2/H2O2对硝基苯的去除率达到80%以上.HCO-3和腐殖酸对硝基苯降解有很强的抑制作用,HCO-3和腐殖酸浓度分别为2 mmol/L和3.2 mg/L时,UV/TiO2/H2O2对硝基苯的反应速率常数分别下降84.6%和92.2%.  相似文献   

研究了低C/N对A~2/O系统产生的冲击效应及修复方法.结果表明,C/N为2时对系统冲击效应明显,可使系统硝化功能、COD_(Cr)去除率和TP去除率分别下降40%、50%和30%,同时会导致少量污泥上浮和产生轻微污泥膨胀问题;而采用加大回流比(R和r都提高2倍)的修复方法可显著增强系统处理功能,修复期NH_3-N平均去除率可提高20%,TN平均去除率提高约7.4%,COD_(Cr)平均去除率提高约5.4%.并且加大回流比可有效缩短修复运行时间,使系统的NH_3-N、TN和COD_(Cr)去除功能提前约3~4 d恢复.  相似文献   

合肥塘西河再生水厂采用倒置A/O(缺氧/厌氧/好氧—预缺氧)—MBR工艺处理低C/N城市生活污水.研究了投加碳源前后各生化反应池中有机物及氮元素的变化规律,结果表明未投加外碳源时TN的去除率为52.3%,脱氮效果不理想.通过比较乙酸钠、甲醇和乙酸三种不同外加碳源的脱氮效果,可知乙酸钠反硝化速率最高,效果最好.当乙酸钠作外碳源,投加量为50 mgCOD/L时,TN的去除率明显提高,达到74.5%.此外,还分析了投加外碳源后整个工艺系统内COD、TN物质流动情况,结果表明,缺氧池和厌氧池是COD去除的主要单元体,好氧池对COD的去除贡献增强,体系中的TN去除总量在投加外碳源后有了明显的增加,较未投加外碳源时增加了26.5%.  相似文献   

In this study, laboratory-scale experiments were conducted applying a Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) activated sludge process to a wastewater stream from a pharmaceutical factory. Nitrogen removal can be achieved via partial nitrification and denitrification and the efficiency was above 99% at 23 degrees C+/-1. The experimental results indicated that the nitrite oxidizers were more sensitive than ammonia oxidizers to the free ammonia in the wastewater. The average accumulation rate of nitrite was much higher than that of nitrate. During nitrogen removal via the nitrite pathway, the end of nitrification and denitrification can be exactly decided by monitoring the variation of pH. Consequently, on-line control for nitrogen removal from the pharmaceutical manufacturing wastewater can be achieved and the cost of operation can be reduced.  相似文献   

A practical problem with using redox potential to control nitrogen removal in activated sludge is detecting the bend in the redox curve that occurs when the nitrate concentration is reduced to low levels. In this paper, a method for detecting the bend is proposed. The method is based on fitting a third-order polynomial to the whole redox curve during a denitrification period. The bend is then the point of inflection on this curve. This is the potential when the second derivative of the polynomial is zero. The practical application of the method is demonstrated in full scale. The method successfully detected the bend in about 90% of aeration denitrification cycles. However, this method gave no significant improvement in nitrogen removal and less than 4% reduction in electricity consumption when compared with control based on a fixed redox set point. Therefore, it is recommended that a fixed set point be used, as this is a much simpler and more robust method.  相似文献   

灌区沟塘湿地对稻田排水中氮磷的原位削减效果及机理研究   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
沟塘系统是控制农田面源污染的有效措施,本文通过修整灌区内承泄沟塘、重建其水生植物系统,研究了沟塘湿地对稻田排水的原位削减能力及机理。试验结果表明,通过沟塘底泥、水生植物等的综合净化作用,沟塘出流水中总氮TN和总磷TP平均质量浓度分别较入口减小22.01%和9.59%,实现了对稻田排水中氮磷的原位削减,其中氮磷单峰浓度消减均近似服从指数规律。较小的沟塘入流浓度和较长的沟塘净化时间利于获得更大的消减率,因此,建议利用排水沟系对稻田排水进行先期调蓄,初步净化后再排入沟塘,以提高沟塘净化效果。沟塘拦水坝的修建使得底泥吸附在水体净化过程中作用更加明显,0~40cm深底泥在稻麦轮作年TN截留量达1.559kg·m-2、TP累积量达0.394kg·m-2,吸附量可观;水生植物氮磷吸收是沟塘水质净化的重要途径,收割是实现其净化有效性的关键环节,仅移除芦苇和茭草茎叶,可除去氮193.69kg·hm-2和磷33.49kg·hm-2。芦苇和茭草综合对比表明,茭草更适于当地排水沟塘选用。  相似文献   

The bacterial community involved in removing nitrogen from sewage and their preferred DO environment within an anoxic/oxic membrane bioreactor (A/O MBR) was investigated. A continuously operated laboratory-scale A/O MBR was maintained for 360 d. At a sludge age of 150 d and a C/N ratio of 3.5, the system was capable of removing 88% of the influent nitrogen from raw wastewater through typical nitrogen removal transformations (i.e. aerobic ammonia oxidation and anoxic nitrate reduction). Characterization of the A/O MBR bacterial community was carried out using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) techniques. FISH results further showed that Nitrosospira spp. and Nitrospira spp. were the predominant groups of ammonia and nitrite oxidizing group, respectively. They constituted up to 11% and 6% of eubacteria at DO below 0.05 mg/l (low DO), respectively, and about 14% and 9% of eubacteria at DO between 2-5 mg/l (sufficient DO), respectively, indicating preference of nitrifiers for a higher DO environment. Generally low counts of the genus Paracoccus were detected while negative results were observed for Paracoccus denitrificans, Alcaligenes spp, and Pseudomonas stutzeri under the low and sufficient DO environments. The overall results indicate that Nitrosospira spp., Nitrospira spp. and members of Paracoccus spp. can be metabolically functional in nitrogen removal in the laboratory-scale A/O MBR system.  相似文献   

The effect of applying ozonation and perozonation to antibiotic cefazolin-Na formulation effluents were investigated in this study. Twenty minutes of ozonation at a rate of 1,500 mg/L-h was observed to remove COD by 38%, whereas a COD removal efficiency of 40% was achieved via H2O2 enhanced ozonation (same conditions + 31.25 mM H2O2). Both of the pretreatment alternatives were monitored to elevate the BOD5/COD ratio from 0.01 to 0.08. The initially inert COD was reduced by 38% using ozonation and by 60% employing H2O2 enhanced ozonation. In terms of the lowest achievable effluent COD levels after bio-treatment, ozonation was observed to yield a residual COD of 205 mgL(-1), while a residual COD of 135 mgL(-1) was involved for perozonation. According to the results of acute toxicity on Phaedactylum tricornutum, ozonated and perozonated samples exhibited more toxicity than the untreated effluent after 4 days. The activated sludge inhibition test demonstrated that both of the pretreatment alternatives efficiently eliminated the inhibition of investigated formulation effluent.  相似文献   

氮素通过干湿沉降、地表径流、农业灌溉等途径进入湿地中,导致湿地N2O的产生和排放发生变化,而N2O是一种温室气体,具有较高的温室效应潜力,会对环境造成严重影响。本研究模拟白洋淀芦苇湿地,构建人工模拟湿地系统进行外加氮素试验,用静态暗箱-气相色谱法进行N2O的通量观测,研究外源氮素输入对湿地N2O排放通量的影响。结果表明,外源氮素形态的不同不仅影响湿地系统中环境因子的改变,还会影响氮素进入湿地系统后的迁移转化。硝态氮是湿地N2O产生和排放的主要影响因子,芦苇湿地系统中氮素的反硝化作用强于无植被湿地系统,N2O的排放主要发生在反硝化过程中。  相似文献   

Phosphorus chemicals control key aspects of eutrophication and other environmental process. Hypophosphite (HP) originating from manmade and natural sources was evidenced as present in the environment and was investigated rarely. Recently, iron oxide has been used as a catalyst for oxidising organic contaminants with hydrogen peroxide (i.e. heterogeneous Fenton-like reaction). This study focused mainly on the oxidation of 1.0 mM HP by hydrogen peroxide in the presence of a novel iron oxide catalyst (B1 catalyst) which was prepared through a fluidised-bed Fenton reactor (FBR-Fenton). The background experiments including the oxidation experiment of HP by air only, by H2O2 only and adsorption of HP by B1 catalyst were first elucidated. It was found that HP could not be oxidised at all by air and H2O2 at pH 2.5-12 in 24 hours. On the other hand, it could be adsorbed by B1 catalyst with 89.8% removal at pH 2.5 in 5 hours and complete desorption at pH 11.0. Then, we investigated the effects of pH and Fe leaching from the catalyst on the oxidative efficiency of HP. We found that although the removal rate of HP at pH 2.5 is faster than that at pH 4.0, B1 catalyst has a higher HP oxidation efficiency at pH 4.0 than that at pH 2.5. We conclude that it is a major heterogeneous catalytic oxidation by our novel iron oxide catalyst to oxidise HP at pH 4.0. Also, B1 could be a useful and potential catalyst for the treatment of HP wastewater.  相似文献   

Palm shell activated carbon was modified via surface impregnation with polyethyleneimine (PEI) to enhance removal of Cu(2+) from aqueous solution in this study. The effect of PEI modification on batch adsorption of Cu(2+) as well as the equilibrium behavior of adsorption of metal ions on activated carbon were investigated. PEI modification clearly increased the Cu(2+) adsorption capacities by 68% and 75.86% for initial solution pH of 3 and 5 respectively. The adsorption data of Cu(2+) on both virgin and PEI-modified AC for both initial solution pH of 3 and 5 fitted the Langmuir and Redlich-Peterson isotherms considerably better than the Freundlich isotherm.  相似文献   

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