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Conic reconstruction and correspondence from two views   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Conics are widely accepted as one of the most fundamental image features together with points and line segments. The problem of space reconstruction and correspondence of two conics from two views is addressed in this paper. It is shown that there are two independent polynomial conditions on the corresponding pair of conics across two views, given the relative orientation of the two views. These two correspondence conditions are derived algebraically and one of them is shown to be fundamental in establishing the correspondences of conics. A unified closed-form solution is also developed for both projective reconstruction of conics in space from two uncalibrated camera views and metric reconstruction from two calibrated camera views. Experiments are conducted to demonstrate the discriminality of the correspondence conditions and the accuracy and stability of the reconstruction both for simulated and real images  相似文献   

The article describes a reconstruction pipeline that generates piecewise-planar models of man-made environments using two calibrated views. The 3D space is sampled by a set of virtual cut planes that intersect the baseline of the stereo rig and implicitly define possible pixel correspondences across views. The likelihood of these correspondences being true matches is measured using signal symmetry analysis [1], which enables to obtain profile contours of the 3D scene that become lines whenever the virtual cut planes intersect planar surfaces. The detection and estimation of these lines cuts is formulated as a global optimization problem over the symmetry matching cost, and pairs of reconstructed lines are used to generate plane hypotheses that serve as input to PEARL clustering [2]. The PEARL algorithm alternates between a discrete optimization step, which merges planar surface hypotheses and discards detections with poor support, and a continuous optimization step, which refines the plane poses taking into account surface slant. The pipeline outputs an accurate semi-dense Piecewise-Planar Reconstruction of the 3D scene. In addition, the input images can be segmented into piecewise-planar regions using a standard labeling formulation for assigning pixels to plane detections. Extensive experiments with both indoor and outdoor stereo pairs show significant improvements over state-of-the-art methods with respect to accuracy and robustness.  相似文献   

A new approach is described for reconstructing coronary arteries from two sequences of projection images. The estimation of motion is performed on three-dimensional line segments (or centrelines), and is based on a ‘predictionprojection-optimization’ loop. The method copes with time varying properties, deformations and superpositions of vessels. Experiments using simulated and real data have been carried out. and the results found to be robust over a full cycle of a human heart. Local and global kinetic features can then be derived to obtain a greater insight on the cardiac functional state  相似文献   

赵璐璐  耿国华  王小凤  刘倩 《计算机应用》2012,32(10):2802-2805
为得到鲁棒的三维重建效果,提出了一种基于未标定多幅图像的三维重建算法。该算法首先采用Harris算法检测特征点,针对双向匹配算法匹配速度慢的缺点,使用改进的双向匹配算法进行特征点匹配,在已知摄像机参数的情况下进行两幅图的三维重建;接着采用四元数算法进行坐标转换,将由每两幅图得到的不同部分的重建结果转移到同一坐标系下,实现了多幅图像的三维重建;最后利用集束调整优化重建结果。实验结果证明,该算法能获得比较满意的重建效果。  相似文献   

目的 为提高曲线3维重建的精度,提出一种基于曲率无穷范数约束根据2幅图像重建3维非参数空间曲线的方法。方法 分析以重建曲线的反投影误差、曲率的加权和作为目标函数的缺点。为了避免引入不确定的权系数,同时使求解结果更好地逼近全局最优解,把原目标函数中的曲率项转化为曲率无穷范数的不等式约束,即限制了曲线上所有点的曲率值都必须小于某个较小阈值,从而保证了重建曲线的连续性。结果 模拟曲线实验验证了方法的可行性、鲁棒性和优越性;圆柱相贯线的重建结果显示重建曲线在特定方向上的相对误差为2.98%;最后把方法应用于果树枝干骨架的3维重建,重建的果树枝干骨架符合肉眼观察的视觉效果。结论 本文方法适用于不同场合下的曲线3维重建,且重建精度较高。  相似文献   

One of the conventional ways to inspect deformable parts is to compare a data model against its nominal CAD model. This process assumes that the data model includes most of the visible surface including regions around fixation points where the part will be attached to others. This paper proposes a method to inspect deformable part by acquiring only regions that need to be inspected and then by applying to the CAD model a non-linear deformation using FEM modeling to minimize the differences with the partial views. The process first starts with a rigid alignment followed by an iterative process where the part's deformation is iteratively matched to the partial views. In this scheme, fixation points are not digitized and the non-linear part deformation calculations are estimated by interpolation. Test results performed on real parts compares favorably to deformation calculations using complete data model from the point-of-view of speed and accuracy.  相似文献   

目的 数字娱乐产业的发展要求3维人脸重建技术能重建高分辨率3维人脸,并具有较高计算效率和重建准确性。针对这一情况,提出一种基于单幅图像的高分辨率3维人脸重建方法。方法 该方法包含特征适配与拉普拉斯形变两部分。预先用1组3维人脸样本上的3维特征构造可变形模型。给定图像时,从其上自动提取2维特征点,并根据获得问题最优解的必要条件进行特征适配以重建个性化3维特征;然后基于拉普拉斯方法,用该3维特征对一般人脸模型进行变形以获得特定高分辨率3维人脸;最后通过纹理合成获得真实感人脸。结果 用本文方法和已有方法分别进行可变形模型适配和模型变形,本文的特征适配方法具有更快的收敛速度和更高的准确性,拉普拉斯方法具有更小的重建误差。纹理映射后的3维人脸具有很好的视觉效果。结论 本文方法将特征适配与拉普拉斯形变结合起来进行高分辨率3维人脸重建。实验结果表明所提出的方法具有较高的计算效率和准确性,能实现较为理想的高分辨率3维人脸重建。  相似文献   

Three-dimensional reconstruction of the coronary tree from a conventional cineangiographic study is limited, in part, by the small number of available cineangiographic views. The potential utility of a maximum entropy iterative algorithm (MENT) for reconstruction of myocardial planes perpendicular to the axis of cineangiographic rotation from a small number (n = 6-18) of cineangiographic views was tested in vitro. The coronary arteries of postmortem human, canine, and calf hearts were filled with a silicone/thorium oxide mold to simulate in vivo angiographic contrast. Thirty-five-millimeter cineradiographs of each heart were obtained at 10 degrees intervals over 180 degrees about a myocardial central axis of rotation under exposure conditions which simulated the clinical setting. Projection data were derived from cinedensitometric scans across the entire myocardial shadow, perpendicular to the axis of rotation in each view, after 512 X 512 digitization with a vidicon camera/digitizer interfaced to a VAX computer. Comparison of MENT-reconstructed images with corresponding anatomic myocardial cross sections indicate that as few as 6 to 12 views can be used to reconstruct the cross sections of the multiple coronary branches (n = 6-11) within a plane of reconstruction.  相似文献   

Clinical interventional hemodynamic studies quantify the ventricular function from two-dimensional (2-D) X-ray projection images without having enough information of the actual three-dimensional (3-D) shape of this cardiac cavity. This paper reports a left ventricle 3-D reconstruction method from two orthogonal angiographic projections. This investigation is motivated by the lack of information about the actual 3-D shape of the cardiac cavity. The proposed algorithm works in 3-D space and considers the oblique projection geometry associated with the biplane image acquisition equipment. The reconstruction process starts by performing an approximate reconstruction based on the Cylindrical Closure Operation and the Dempster-Shafer theory. This approximate reconstruction is appropriately deformed in order to match the given projections. The deformation procedure is carried out by an iterative process that, by means of the Dempster-Shafer and the fuzzy integral theory, combines the information provided by the projection error and the connectivity between voxels. The performance of the proposed reconstruction method is evaluated by considering first the reconstruction of two 3-D binary databases from two orthogonal synthetized projections, obtaining errors as low as 6.48%. The method is then tested on real data, where two orthogonal preprocessed angiographic images are used for reconstruction. The performance of the technique, in this case, is assessed by means of the projection error, whose average for both views is 7.5%. The reconstruction method is also tested by performing the 3-D reconstruction of a ventriculographic sequence throughout an entire cardiac cycle.  相似文献   

Image-based modelling allows the reconstruction of highly realistic digital models from real-world objects. This paper presents a model-based approach to recover animated models of people from multiple view video images. Two contributions are made, a multiple resolution model-based framework is introduced that combines multiple visual cues in reconstruction. Second, a novel mesh parameterisation is presented to preserve the vertex parameterisation in the model for animation. A prior humanoid surface model is first decomposed into multiple levels of detail and represented as a hierarchical deformable model for image fitting. A novel mesh parameterisation is presented that allows propagation of deformation in the model hierarchy and regularisation of surface deformation to preserve vertex parameterisation and animation structure. The hierarchical model is then used to fuse multiple shape cues from silhouette, stereo and sparse feature data in a coarse-to-fine strategy to recover a model that reproduces the appearance in the images. The framework is compared to physics-based deformable surface fitting at a single resolution, demonstrating an improved reconstruction accuracy against ground-truth data with a reduced model distortion. Results demonstrate realistic modelling of real people with accurate shape and appearance while preserving model structure for use in animation.  相似文献   

基于相邻层轮廓线几何形状匹配的三维重建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当轮廓线比较复杂,常用的三维表面重建方法就不是很有效,有时还会出错。为此,提出一种新的基于相邻层轮廓线几何形状匹配的三维重建算法:首先提取轮廓线的关键转折点,再根据相邻层的几何形状来匹配关键点,然后连接上下匹配关键点将轮廓线分成几个独立的部分,再分别拼接各个独立部分,从而完成整个重建的轮廓拼接。实验证明,该方法对凹凸多变、复杂的封闭轮廓线有较好的效果。  相似文献   

The recently developed medical imaging technique of tomography can be used with amazing success to learn about the interior of a human body. Each tomograph, however, is limited to only one section of the specific human limb. A series of tomographs taken at irregular intervals and various angles would provide three-dimensional information of the interior of the limb. Currently available 3-D surface display algorithms have limitations, particularly when applied to clinically important image data requiring fast and flexible interactive analysis. In addition to the problem of computation time is the cost of specialized hardware. A new algorithm has been designed for use with three-dimensional medical images which attempts to overcome these limitations. A computer graphics system is described which reconstructs three-dimensional images from tomographic sectional data. This 3-D surface algorithm can be exploited in planning reconstructive bone surgery. An example which illustrates the versatility and speed of the new algorithm is presented.  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - The three-dimensional models of brain tumors serve as diagnostic assistance for physicians, surgeons, and radiologists. The proposed system establishes an...  相似文献   

This paper presents a method to automatically calculate texture maps for a given three‐dimensional object out of a sequence of images. It is used in our image‐based modeling approach after the registration of the images and the geometric modeling is done. We show that the presented method uses the information from all images by implicitly applying a weighting function. Using this approach the consideration of modeled occlusions as well as the detection and removal of non‐modeled occlusions is accomplished. The final resolution of the texture maps can be adjusted on a pixel/cm basis. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The reconstruction of 3-D solids from 2-D projections is an important research topic in reverse engineering. The reconstruction can be grouped into two categories: single-view approach and multiple-view approach. Each approach can be classified as wireframe, BRep or CSG. However, not many CSG approaches have been reported in the literature. The methods are also restricted to uniform-thickness objects or require user interaction. The method proposed in this paper employs the CSG approach. A 3-D solid computer model is reconstructed from 2-D line drawings of six orthographic opaque views, viz. top, front, left, right, bottom and rear views. Firstly, the six views are grouped into three pairs. For each pair of views, segmented areas from one of the two views (called g-view) is incrementally extruded according to the information in the neighbouring view (called d-view). Extrusion primitive solids are generated during the incremental extrusion. All primitive solids are then unioned into an extrusion solid. Finally, all extrusion solids are intersected to give a unique 3-D solution object.  相似文献   

针对无序图像的三维重构问题,本文提出了一种图像选择算法,在三维重构算法运行之前,首先利用图像间的全局运动估计,去除冗余的图像,有效的减少了问题的规模,同时保持图像间的大部分连接关系,并能够较好地防止出现退化情况。为了验证本文的算法,针对一系列图像进行了测试,实验结果证明,作为三维重构的一个预处理过程,提高了三维重构算法的运行效率和算法的鲁棒性,具有很高的实用价值。  相似文献   

The reconstruction of 3D objects from 2D orthographic views is crucial for maintaining and further developing existing product designs. A B-rep oriented method for reconstructing curved objects from three orthographic views is presented by employing a hybrid wire-frame in place of an intermediate wire-frame. The Link-Relation Graph (LRG) is introduced as a multi-graph representation of orthographic views, and quadric surface features (QSFs) are defined by special basic patterns of LRG as well as aggregation rules. By hint-based pattern matching in the LRGs of three orthographic views in an order of priority, the corresponding QSFs are recognized, and the geometry and topology of quadric surfaces are recovered simultaneously. This method can handle objects with interacting quadric surfaces and avoids the combinatorial search for tracing all the quadric surfaces in an intermediate wire-frame by the existing methods. Several examples are provided.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider uncalibrated reconstruction of curved surfaces from apparent contours. Since apparent contours are not fixed features (viewpoint independent), we cannot directly apply the recent results of the uncalibrated reconstruction from fixed features. We show that, nonetheless, curved surfaces can be reconstructed up to an affine ambiguity from their apparent contours viewed from uncalibrated cameras with unknown linear translations. Furthermore, we show that, even if the reconstruction is nonmetric (non-Euclidean), we can still extract useful information for many computer vision applications just from the apparent contours. We first show that if the camera motion is linear translation (but arbitrary direction and magnitude), the epipolar geometry can be recovered from the apparent contours without using any optimization process. The extracted epipolar geometry is next used for reconstructing curved surfaces from the deformations of the apparent contours viewed from uncalibrated cameras. The result is applied to distinguishing curved surfaces from fixed features in images. It is also shown that the time-to-contact to the curved surfaces can be computed from simple measurements of the apparent contours  相似文献   

The finite element method has become a powerful tool for computation of stress intensity factors in fracture mechanics. The simulation of singular behavior in the stress field is accomplished using “quarter points,” following the methods of Barsoum[1] and Henshell-Shaw[2]. The analysis has also been extended to cubic elements [3] and transition elements [4]. However, these concepts cannot be easily extended to three dimensional cases without additional conditions. Progress has been hampered firstly due to a variety of possible shapes the element may possess near the singular edge of the crack, and secondly due to the complexity of algebraic expressions that have to be manipulated.

In the present investigation we extensively used MACSYMA[5], a large symbolic manipulation program at MIT, thereby alleviating some of these difficulties. A simple condition between mid-side nodes has been derived which simulates the proper singular behavior along the crack.

In the investigation we first study a simple collapsed brick element. This is then generalized to a curved crack front. A few results are derived which can be used to compute the stress intensity factors. The concept of the transitional element has also been outlined. The stability of singular element has been discussed. Some of these ideas have been applied to a specific problem with unusual crack geometry. The analysis was carried out using ADINA on VAX machine. ADINA was implemented on VAX by W. E. Lorensen.  相似文献   

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