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In recent years, rapid progress in the use of the internet has resulted in huge losses in many organizations due to lax security. As a result, information security awareness is becoming an important issue to anyone using the Internet. To reduce losses, organizations have made information security awareness a top priority. The three main barriers to information security awareness are: (1) general security awareness, (2) employees’ computer skills, and (3) organizational budgets. Online learning appears a feasible alternative to providing information security awareness and countering these three barriers. Research has identified three levels of security awareness: perception, comprehension and projection. This paper reports on a laboratory experiment that investigates the impacts of hypermedia, multimedia and hypertext to increase information security awareness among the three awareness levels in an online training environment. The results indicate that: (1) learners who have the better understanding at the perception and comprehension levels can improve understanding at the projection level; (2) learners with text material perform better at the perception level; and (3) learners with multimedia material perform better at the comprehension level and projection level. The results could be used by educators and training designers to create meaningful information security awareness materials.  相似文献   

网络空间是继海、陆、空、太空后的第五大主权空间,其安全与国家安全紧密相关。如何在网络空间中及时发现安全威胁、防御攻击、溯源攻击等是当下面临的困境之一。对网络空间中多源、异构、割裂的资产,在构建可信IaaS的基础上,通过基于本体论的键联数据语义网关联技术,构建网络空间安全态势感知模型,在保证融合数据访问控制安全的同时,对网络空间资产进行综合分析,以感知网络空间的安全态势,对网络空间治理具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

首先指出了网络安全态势感知研究的必要性,介绍了网络安全态势感知的概念、含义和主要任务;其次,详细阐述了网络安全态势感知国内外的研究现状和涉及到的关键技术;最后,总结和展望了网络安全态势感知当前存在的难题和今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

网络安全态势感知研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
首先指出了网络安全态势感知研究的必要性,介绍了网络安全态势感知的概念、含义和主要任务;其次,详细阐述了网络安全态势感知国内外的研究现状和涉及到的关键技术;最后,总结和展望了网络安全态势感知当前存在的难题和今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

网络安全态势感知系统是实现网络安全实时监测与及时预警的新型感知技术.本文主要针对网络安全态势感知系统的模型与关键模块运行进行分析,以供相关研究人员进行借鉴与探讨.  相似文献   

随着科学技术的发展,网络规模在不断的扩大,复杂性也在逐渐的增强,面临的网络安全问题也越来越严峻。传统的网络安全技术已经无法满足网络快速发展的需要,无法全面的防御网络攻击行为,必须对新的网络安全技术进行大力研究和开发。网络安全态势感知能够对影响网络安全的因素进行量化分析,为保障网络安全提供重要的依据,因此,对网络安全态势感知进行研究意义重大。本文将在网络安全态势感知概念模型的基础上,对网络安全态势感知的相关研究进行探讨。  相似文献   

网络安全态势感知(SA)的研究对于提高网络的监控能力、应急响应能力和预测网络安全的发展趋势具有重要的意义。基于态势感知的概念模型,详细阐述了态势感知的三个主要研究内容:网络安全态势要素提取、态势理解和态势预测,重点论述各研究点需解决的核心问题、主要算法以及各种算法的优缺点;最后对各研究点的相关理论及其应用实现的发展趋势进行了分析和展望。  相似文献   

Cooking up an interactive olfactory game display.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
It's long been possible to give users outside an actual environment that environment's visual and auditory information and thus contribute to establishing presence. However, we've yet to establish much presence when users require olfactory information - such as in environments focused on foods, flowers, perfumes, or, in some cases, more offensive smells. Recently, several VR researchers have become interested in olfaction and olfactory displays that present smells in virtual environments (VEs). In this article, we describe our interactive olfactory display. One of our development goals is to confirm the assumption that users' interactions with the system increases presence. Thus, we used our interactive olfactory display to develop a cooking game in collaboration with electronic engineers and artists.  相似文献   

The third article of this series deals with some of the IT security matters currently preoccupying companies in Japan. With the much-talked about economic crisis affecting the Far East it is likely that concern with legal infringements such as viruses, hacking, fraud and Net security will be taking second place. However, industry observers have already pointed out that this is when companies are at their most vulnerable. Conversely, desperate for survival, others may turn to less legal ways of sustaining their cash flow. In this article we try to put things in topical perspective as we see how Japan and its fellow SE Asian countries are struggling to reach a decision over control of the Internet.  相似文献   

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