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BACKGROUND: The relationship between preoperative pulmonary function tests (PFTs) and postoperative aspiration and deglutition complications in supraglottic laryngectomy (SL) has not been adequately analyzed. The effects of numerous other variables are either controversial or have not been studied. METHODS: A retrospective chart review was performed on 46 SL patients, analyzing preoperative PFTs and arterial blood gases, demographic factors, stage of disease, extended resections, cricopharyngeal myotomy, hyoid preservation, neck dissection, and postoperative radiotherapy with regards to aspiration and deglutition problems. RESULTS: Eighteen (39%) patients had no problems, 15 (33%) had moderate problems, and 13 (28%) had severe problems; of these, 39 (85%) were ultimately successful with no further swallowing dysfunction, whereas seven (15%) suffered intractable aspiration difficulties. Decreasing FEV1/FVC was significantly correlated with a poorer outcome, as was a greater number of pack-years of smoking. The effect of FEV1/FVC was shown to be independent from pack-years, whereas the converse was not clearly demonstrated. Extensions of the standard procedure did not correlate significantly with increased problems. CONCLUSIONS: An FEV1/FVC less than 50% signifies a greater risk for severe aspiration and deglutition complications, although it must be regarded as one factor among many in determining operability. With careful attention to reconstruction, extensions of the standard SL procedure can be safely performed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The goal of this study was to critically evaluate the predictive efficacy of various clinical factors in spinal epidural abscess influencing outcome after surgical and/or medical treatment. METHODS: A retrospective analysis of 41 cases of spinal epidural abscess treated at Henry Ford Hospital between 1984 and 1992 was performed. RESULTS: Thirty patients underwent open surgery and received antibiotic therapy, and 11 patients received medical treatment alone. After a mean follow-up period of 20.9 months (range, 4-45 mo), 24 patients (58.5%) had no or minimal deficits, 9 patients (22%) had severe paresis or plegia and/or bowel/bladder dysfunction, and 8 patients (19.5%) died. Univariate analysis revealed patient age, degree of thecal sac compression, spinal location, surgical findings, and septic presentation to be significantly associated with outcome. In multiple logistic regression analysis, increasing age and degree of thecal sac compression were the only factors with significant independent association with poor outcome (P = 0.01 for both). A simple grading system (Grades 0-III) was developed, with patient age, degree of thecal sac compression, and duration of symptoms as the determining criteria. The incidence of poor outcome for patients with Grade 0 was 0%, compared to 85.7% for patients with Grade III. CONCLUSION: We conclude that long-term outcome after treatment of spinal epidural abscess can be predicted with the use of the proposed grading scheme. Surgical drainage plus parenterally administered antibiotics remains the recommended treatment, although medical treatment alone can also be used for certain patients.  相似文献   

The postoperative progress of 3 patients with spinal epidural hemorrhage, but without spinal fracture or dislocation, is presented. From the literature, 158 cases were collected of spontaneous spinal epidural hematoma treated surgically. Postoperative return of motor function was noted in 95.3%, 87%, and 45.3% of the patients with incomplete sensorimotor, incomplete sensory but complete motor, and complete sensorimotor lesions, respectively. Complete sensorimotor recovery occurred in 41.9%, 26.1%, and 11.3% of these 3 groups of patients, respectively. Recovery following surgical treatment depends on the severity of neurological deficits before treatment. However, the absence of motor or sensorimotor functions preoperatively does not necessarily indicate a poor prognosis.  相似文献   

RJ Groen  HA van Alphen 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1996,39(3):494-508; discussion 508-9
OBJECTIVE: We clarify the factors affecting postoperative outcomes in patients who have suffered spontaneous spinal epidural hematomas. METHODS: We review 330 cases of spontaneous spinal epidural hematomas from the international literature and three unpublished cases of our own. Attention was focused on sex, age, medical history, mortality, size and position of the hematoma, vertebral level of the hematoma, preoperative neurological condition, operative interval, and postoperative result. RESULTS: Sex, age, and size and position of the hematoma did not correlate with postoperative outcome. Mortality correlated highly with cervical or cervicothoracic hematomas, especially in patients with cardiovascular disease and those undergoing anticoagulant therapy. Incomplete preoperative sensorimotor deficit correlated highly with favorable outcomes (P < 0.0005), and recovery was significantly better when decompression was performed in < or = 36 hours in patients with complete sensorimotor loss (P < 0.05) and in < or = 48 hours in patients with incomplete sensorimotor deficit (P < 0.005). CONCLUSION: The critical factors for recovery after spontaneous spinal epidural hematoma are the level of preoperative neurological deficit and the operative interval. The vertebral level of the hematoma did not correlate with postoperative results, which suggests that local compression, rather than vascular obstruction, is the main factor in producing neurological deficit.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Inhaled nitric oxide (NO) improves arterial oxygenation in patients with acute lung injury (ALI) by selectively dilating pulmonary vessels perfusing ventilated lung areas. It can be hypothesized that NO uptake from the lung decreases with increasing ventilation perfusion mismatch. This study was undertaken to determine the factors influencing the fluctuation of tracheal NO concentration over the respiratory cycle as an index of NO pulmonary uptake in patients with ALI. METHODS: By using a prototype system (Opti-NO) delivering a constant flow of NO only during the inspiratory phase, 3 and 6 ppm of NO were administered during controlled mechanical ventilation into a lung model and to 11 patients with ALI. All patients had a thoracic computed tomography (CT) scan. Based on an analysis of tomographic densities, lungs were divided into three zones: normally aerated (-1.000 to -500 Hounsfield units [HU]), poorly aerated (-500 to -100 HU), and nonaerated (-100 to +100 HU), and the volume of each zone was computed. Concentrations of NO in the inspiratory limb and trachea were continuously measured by a fast-response chemiluminescence apparatus. RESULTS: In the lung model, tracheal NO concentration was stable with minor fluctuation. In contrast, in patients, tracheal NO concentration fluctuated widely during the respiratory cycle (55 +/- 10%). Because uptake of NO from the lungs was absent in the lung model but present in the patients, this fluctuation was considered as an index of pulmonary uptake of NO. This was further substantiated by (1) the coincidence of the peak and minimum tracheal NO concentration with the end-inspiratory and end-expiratory phases, respectively, and (2) continued decrease of tracheal NO concentration during prolonged expiratory phase. In patients with ALI, the fluctuation of tracheal NO concentration expressed as the difference between inspiratory and expiratory NO concentrations divided by inspiratory NO concentration was greater at 6 ppm than at 3 ppm (P < 0.01), was linearly correlated with normally aerated lung volume, inversely correlated with alveolar dead space and with poorly aerated lung volume. CONCLUSION: In patients with ALI, fluctuation of tracheal NO concentration over the respiratory cycle can be considered as an index of NO uptake from the lungs that depends on aerated lung volume and perfusion of ventilated lung areas. At bedside, it may be used to follow the evolution of ventilation-perfusion mismatch.  相似文献   

We studied, by means of TSH nocturnal secretion and TRH test, 42 children (4.2-19.9 years) with hypothalamic pituitary disorders and 24 healthy euthyroid children (5.7-15.4 years) as control group. Patients were divided according to their serum values of FT4 in group 1 (n = 27) with FT4 >/=10.3 pmol/l and group 2 (n = 15) with FT4 <10.3 pmol/l. TSH was measured by immunoradiometric assay. TSH nadir, TSH peak and TSH surge were calculated. Both groups differed significantly from control group in TSH surge values: group 1 (p < 0. 05), group 2 (p < 0.01). TRH test was abnormal in 11/27 patients of group 1 and 10/15 patients of group 2. In group 1, 7 patients had normal tests, 2 had abnormalities in both tests, 9 had only TSH nocturnal surge altered and 9 showed only TRH alterations. All patients of group 2 presented thyroid axis abnormalities. In conclusion, in patients with hypothalamic pituitary disorders with low FT4, no further investigation is required to demonstrate thyroid axis alterations, however in patients with normal FT4, nocturnal TSH secretion and TRH test may be required to evidence thyroid abnormalities.  相似文献   

Seventy-nine patients with acromegaly were investigated before and after transsphenoidal adenomectomy, to determine the immediate and late outcome, the pre-operative features associated with a good result, and the accuracy of post-operative testing in predicting outcome. Pre-operative evaluation included basal growth hormone (GH), GH response to oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), GH response to thyrotrophin-releasing hormone (TRH), tests of pituitary reserve, and pituitary scanning to assess tumour size. A few weeks after surgery, these tests were repeated. The patients were recalled for late assessment 1-13 years (median 86 months) after the operation. At the immediate postoperative testing, minimum GH after oral glucose was < or = 2 mU/l in 48.7%, < 5 mU/l in 76.3% and < 10 mU/l in 84.2%. Only 12 patients had GH > 10 mU/l. Basal GH was < or = 2 mU/l in 21%, < 5 in 59.2%, < 10 in 73.6% and < 20 in 90.8%. A minimum GH of < or = 2 mU/l during an OGTT was achieved in 67.4% of patients with intrasellar tumours, compared with 27.3% with extrasellar tumours. Basal GH and post-glucose GH correlated with the late outcome. GH response to TRH showed no correlation with outcome. IGF-1, which could not be assessed in detail, correlated with GH but was not a reliable indicator of outcome. Transsphenoidal adenomectomy is thus a very satisfactory treatment for acromegaly. Postoperative levels of basal growth hormone < 5 mU/l and post-glucose GH < or = 2 mU/l can be regarded as a biochemical cure. Postoperative radiotherapy is not required in patients who achieve a good result. The preoperative factors which significantly influenced the final outcome were basal GH, post-glucose minimum GH, tumour size and impaired pituitary reserve.  相似文献   

Assessment of the influence of staging, age of women, type and grading of carcinoma of endometrium, uterus size as well as radiotherapeutic methods on 5-year survival was undertaken. The study was performed on 227 patients with Ist, IInd, IIIrd stage of carcinoma in whom only radiotherapy was applied. All of the mentioned factor have prognostic value, but the most important is staging and grading. Brachytherapy is also important prognostic factor.  相似文献   

This retrospective review analyzed and compared transfusion practices in patients undergoing orthopedic surgery in five Massachusetts hospitals with current practice guidelines; opportunities for improvement were identified. Patient-specific clinical information and data about transfusion practices were obtained from the medical records of 384 Medicare patients undergoing orthopedic surgery between January 1992 and December 1993. The number of patients who donated autologous blood preoperatively differed significantly among hospitals as did the number of autologous units that were unused. The number of blood units transfused at each transfusion event also differed significantly; some surgeons transfused > or =2 units in the majority of their patients, while others transfused 1 unit at a time. This variation in practice was not explained by differences in patients' clinical status. The mean pretransfusion hematocrit was higher for autologous versus allogeneic blood, suggesting more liberal criteria to transfuse autologous blood. Nearly half of all transfusion events were determined to have been potentially avoidable. Avoidable transfusions were also three to seven times more likely with autologous than with allogeneic blood. Significant inter-hospital differences existed in the number of elective surgery patients exposed to allogeneic blood. The major determinant of allogeneic blood use in these patients was the availability of autologous blood. Each additional autologous blood unit available decreased the odds of allogeneic blood exposure twofold. Differences in intraoperative and postoperative blood salvage use also were noted. These findings indicate that significant variations in practice exist. Comparative data enabled hospitals to identify and target specific areas for improvement.  相似文献   

Gene transfer of the cytidine deaminase (CDD) cDNA has recently been shown to induce cellular resistance to cytarabine (AraC) in vitro. To investigate the role for CDD in acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) we analysed the CDD activity and CDD gene structure in blast material from well-defined patients with untreated and AraC refractory (RF) AML. Median CDD activity in previously untreated AML was significantly lower than in RF-AML blasts (P=0.015) and was significantly lower in patients with complete remission than with blast persistence following induction chemotherapy (P=0.043). Structural investigation of the CDD gene by Southern analyses and RT-PCR showed no detectable aberrations. Sequence analysis of the CDD cDNA from nine RF-AML patients showed inconsistent aberrations in three patients. Semiquantitative assessment of CDD mRNA expression revealed a significant correlation with CDD activity. In conclusion, concordant with another recent study our data suggest a correlation of pretherapeutic CDD activity with induction treatment response. Besides the previously described prognostic impact of mdrl expression, this result could be useful for the development of risk-adapted AML treatment strategies and warrants further studies of CDD activity in well-defined cohorts of AML patients and of the mechanisms involved in the regulation of CDD activity.  相似文献   

Hydrofluoroalkane-134a (HFA) beclomethasone dipropionate (BDP) was formulated in a metered-dose inhaler (MDI) to deliver a particle size of 1.1 microm compared with 35 microns for currently marketed chlorofluorocarbon (CFC)-BDP products. Two phase I single-dose human deposition studies were conducted using technetium 99m-radiolabelled BDP in a press-and-breathe actuator without an add-on spacer. A healthy volunteer study (n=6) showed that 55-60% of the HFA-BDP ex-actuator dose was deposited in the lungs, with 29-30% deposited in the oropharynx. CFC-BDP deposition was 4-7% in the lungs and 90-94% in the oropharynx. The pattern of deposition within the lung showed that HFA-BDP was spread diffusely throughout the lung airways, whereas CFC-BDP was confined to the central airways with little, if any, peripheral airway deposition. A second study with asthmatics (n=16) confirmed that 56% of the HFA-BDP dose was deposited in the airways, with 33% in the oropharynx. In conclusion, hydrofluoroalkane-134a-beclomethasone dipropionate deposition was much greater in the airways than chlorofluorocarbon-beclomethasone dipropionate, with a concomitant reduction in oropharyngeal deposition. The increased lung deposition efficiency of the hydrofluoroalkane propellant has led to a reduction in the amount of beclomethasone dipropionate needed to achieve a similar efficacy. The penetration of the hydrofluoroalkane to the small airways may provide asthma treatment not afforded by conventional chlorofluorocarbons.  相似文献   

The Short Form 36, The Toronto Extremity Salvage Score, and the 1987 and 1993 Musculoskeletal Tumor Society Rating Scales were compared as measures of functional status for patients with lower extremity sarcoma. The study included 97 patients with lower extremity sarcoma and evaluated each measure on the following measurement properties: conceptual framework; statement of the purpose; feasibility; breadth of content; depth of measurement; cross sectional and longitudinal reliability; and validity and responsiveness. The Short Form 36 represents patients' perceptions of their physical and mental health and is practical to use. However, the validity of the measure is questionable for the patients with sarcoma because the subscale structure could not be reproduced in the current data. The Toronto Extremity Salvage Score meets all standards of measurement with the exception of breadth of content as it measures only physical function. The 1987 and 1993 Musculoskeletal Tumor Society scales do not meet the standards of measurement. In choosing an outcome measure for the extremity sarcoma population, the Toronto Extremity Salvage Score has superior measurement properties when compared with the Short Form 36 or the 1987 and 1993 Musculoskeletal Tumor Society scales. The Toronto Extremity Salvage Score is a reliable and efficient measure for monitoring patients and for use in clinical trials.  相似文献   

Circulatory, respiratory, and metabolic variables were measured with a mobile clinical bedside unit in 41 patients during the first 48 hours after open heart surgery. Calculations were carried out off-line by a computer program. The variables were measured during controlled mechanical ventilation and compared with those obtained during spontaneous breathing and after resumption of mechanical ventilation; attempts at spontaneous breathing were categorized as successful or unsuccessful. The variables were compared before, during, and after the successful and the unsuccessful attempts at spontaneous breathing. In the series as a whole, the onset of spontaneous breathing was characterized by increases in cardiac output, radial arterial and pulmonary arterial pressures, and mixed venous oxygen tension (PVO2) and content (CVO2), as well as diminished arterial and mixed venous oxygen content differences (avDO2); no significant changes in oxygen consumption (VO2) were seen. Unsuccessful attempts disturbed the patient's physiological equilibrium by reducing oxygen delivery and not increasing VO2, while increasing ventilatory work. In general, resumption of controlled ventilation restored the physiological variables to their control conditions. Successful attempts at spontaneous breathing did not greatly affect the physiological variables. The indication for resumption of controlled ventilation after periods of spontaneous breathing is the combination of increased ventilatory work with diminished circulatory and respiratory functions.  相似文献   

Diagnostics of epi- and subdural haematomas of the spinal cord is discussed on the basis of 1992 records of Konstancin Rehabilitation Center. Fifty-four patients with symptoms of partial or complete cord injury were submitted to MR imaging. In four cases (7.5 per cent) epi- or subdural haematoma was found to contribute to neurological condition of the patient. MRI determines indications for surgical intervention.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Metastases to the jaws are a rare phenomenon. Nevertheless, the appearance of non-specific symptoms such as toothache can signal the onset of neoplastic disease in some patients. PATIENTS: In this article, we present details of a 74-year-old patient with a history of breast cancer to illustrate this point. Retrospectively, covering a time span of one year, we could identify nine patients (1.2%) with metastatic disease to the mandible out of a total of 763 patients referred to our Maxillofacial Surgery department with non-specific jaw pain. RESULTS: Four patients were subsequently diagnosed as having breast cancer, two had lung cancer, one prostate cancer, one renal cell carcinoma and one adenocarcinoma of unknown primary site. Only three of these patients had documented tumor spread to bones before the onset of jaw pain. In the other patients, the dental symptoms were either the first sign of a generalized neoplastic disease, or indicated relapse of disease after long term disease free interval. However, further work up disclosed generalized tumor spread with additional organ- or bone-lesions in all patients, and the median survival was only six months (range 3.5(-)+22) from diagnosis. CONCLUSION: Pain of uncertain origin in the jaws should alert clinicians to the potential of metastatic disease in patients with a history of cancer and a bone scintigraphy should be done to rule out metastatic involvement. Although metastatic lesions in this area usually herald generalized neoplastic spread according to our experience, prompt diagnosis nevertheless can lead to useful palliation and an enhanced quality of life.  相似文献   

The nature of an innate cellular resistance to HSV-1 of cultured murine oligodendrocytes (OLs) in three strains of mice (C57BL/6J, Balb/cByJ and A/J) was investigated. The expression of immediate early (ICP4), early (ICP8) and late (gC) antigens in primary OL cultures was studied using an indirect immunofluorescence (IF) technique. HSV-1 infected OLs from C57BL/6J mice showed no viral antigens at 24 h post infection (p.i.) but rather a marked delay in antigen expression beginning at 60 h p.i. In contrast all three proteins were expressed in A/J OLs at 24 h p.i. while Balb/cByJ OLs showed an intermediate protein expression pattern. These results suggest that the innate cellular resistance to HSV-1 is determined prior to the expression of immediate early viral antigens. To further study these differences, the adsorption capacity between the three mouse strains was compared using dextran purified, [3H]thymidine labelled virus. No differences in HSV-1 adsorption were identified. Results from viral penetration studies approached statistical significance suggesting that penetration may be impaired in C57BL/6J and Balb/cByJ OLs when compared to A/J OLs and is likely fusion independent. The selective differences in HSV-1 resistance mediated by OLs, reflect differences in virus host cell interactions, that likely contribute to differences in mortality, viral spread, and the ability of virus to induce central nervous system (CNS) demyelination.  相似文献   

STUDY OBJECTIVE: To identify indicators of prolonged length of stay (LOS) in the postanesthesia care unit (PACU) and to test the following hypotheses: (1) that patient age, pain medication administration at the time of PACU admission, length of surgery, and cardiovascular, pulmonary, and pain responses postoperatively predict prolonged PACU LOS and (2) that cardiovascular and pulmonary symptoms preoperatively predict cardiovascular and pulmonary symptoms postoperatively. DESIGN: Prospective, observational analysis. SETTING: PACU of a university teaching hospital. PATIENTS: 1,067 patients scheduled for surgery with general anesthesia between February and September 1996, 18 years of age or older. MEASUREMENT AND MAIN RESULTS: 11.2% of the variation in prolonged PACU LOS can be predicted by age, pain medication at the time of PACU admission, and postoperative cardiovascular, pulmonary, and pain symptoms. A significant number of patients who did not report a prior history experienced postoperative cardiovascular and pulmonary symptoms. CONCLUSION: Patient history and postoperative symptoms predict only a small percentage of prolonged PACU stays. Organizational factors may be a more important predictor of prolonged PACU stay. Additionally, assessment of cardiovascular and pulmonary history needs refinement to improve prediction of patient responses postoperatively.  相似文献   

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