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BACKGROUND: The ileum has a greater adaptive capacity than the jejunum after intestinal resection. Transposition studies suggest that this is, in part, related to increased exposure to nutrients. However, there may be regional differences in intestinal properties that contribute to this response as well. The aim of this study was to compare the outcome of replacing the jejunum with either ileal or jejunal transplants while preserving an intact ileum after 50% proximal resection. METHODS: Twenty-one Lewis rats were included in the study. One group (n = 7) served as transection controls (TC). The other two groups (n = 7) had 50% proximal resection with syngeneic transplantation of a similar length of ileum (ITX) or jejunum (JTX). Nutritional status and adaptation were studied at 14 days. RESULTS: JTX animals gained less weight than TC and ITX (104 +/- 2% vs 114 +/- 1 and 108 +/- 2% initial, P < 0.05). ITX and JTX groups had lower caloric intake and serum albumin levels compared with TC (7.4 +/- 0.4 and 7.2 +/- 0.8% vs 8.8 +/- 0.2% body weight and 2.6 +/- 0.1 and 2.4 +/- 0.9 g/dl vs 3.0 +/- 0.1 g/dl, P < 0.05). Mucosal thickness increased significantly in the ileal remnant of both ITX and JTX groups (9.2 +/- 2.1 and 8.8 +/- 0.6 micrometer vs 6.6 +/- 0.6 micrometer, P < 0.05). Transplanted ileum had mucosal thickness similar to that of jejunum. CONCLUSIONS: Transplanted ileum achieves an intestinal structure similar to that of the jejunum in the same environment. Modest adaptation of the remnant occurs with transplantation. Replacing jejunum with ileum rather than jejunum resulted in better weight gain, suggesting that intrinsic absorptive, motor, or hormonal rather than structural differences are responsible.  相似文献   

This study consisted of two experiments, one in rats and one in human volunteers, that used the identical progressive ratio (PR) operant procedure. In both experiments, responding was reinforced under a progressively increasing work requirement, and different groups of subjects received reinforcers that varied in sweetness. In experiment 1, rats were subjected to chronic mild stress, a well-validated animal model of depression. Performance under the PR schedule increased in subjects reinforced with conventional precision pellets (which contain 10% sucrose) or very sweet pellets, but not in subjects reinforced with sugar-free pellets. In experiment 2, volunteers were subjected to a depressive musical mood induction. Performance under the PR schedule increased in subjects reinforced with chocolate buttons, but not in subjects reinforced with with buttons made from the relatively unpalatable chocolate substitute carob. In experiment 2, depressive mood induction also increased chocolate craving, as measured by a novel questionnaire, and there were significant correlations between chocolate craving and chocolate-reinforced PR performance. These results suggest that performance under the PR schedule provides a measure of craving rather than reward, and that craving for sweet rewards is increased by depressive mood induction in both animal and human models. Implications for the interpretation of pharmacological studies using the PR procedure are also discussed.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To study the magnetic resonance (MR) imaging appearance of the ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) and its insertion into the medial epicondyle. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Sixteen normal and 20 symptomatic elbows were examined with a 1.5-T unit. Normal elbows were imaged with axial T2*-weighted three-dimensional Fourier transform sequences. Symptomatic elbows were imaged with coronal T1-, T2-, and T2*-weighted and/or short-inversion-time inversion-recovery sequences. RESULTS: In normal immature elbows, the ulnar periosteum was seen as an extension of the UCL, and its enthesis had signal intensity characteristics that differed from those of the mature ligament. In symptomatic elbows imaged before epiphyseal fusion, segmentation and subchondral bone resorption of the ossification center were seen with or without a capsular tear. After epiphyseal fusion, a full-thickness or a partial UCL tear at the site of its insertion, with or without subcortical bone resorption, was seen. CONCLUSION: The MR imaging characteristics of the developing elbow differ from those of the mature elbow. MR imaging is useful in assessing UCL damage.  相似文献   

The influence of antiatherosclerotic diet with including 15 g preparation "Eikovit" containing fat of freshwater fish on fat acid composition of erythrocytes membrane was studied in 399 patients with ishemic heart disease and hyperlipidemia. Against a background of positive influence on clinical symptoms of diseases, lipids of blood serum, homeostasis expressed influence of PUFA omega-3 in "Eikovit" on biomembrane fat acid composition was noted. It was shown sharp increasing a quota an eicosapentaenic acid by simultaneous reducing PUFA omega-6 level.  相似文献   

The trend in the treatment of bone and soft tissue sarcomas of the extremities has been away from radical surgery and toward conservative, limb-sparing surgery, a trend that is present throughout other subdisciplines of surgical oncology. Organ-sparing and limb-sparing surgery has been combined with the use of adjuvants to give equivalent local control and in some cases improved survival. This article summarizes the current staging and treatment of bone and soft tissue tumors of the extremities and discusses some of the features that are unique to the elbow and forearm.  相似文献   

Elbow fractures encompass a spectrum of severity from low energy nondisplaced fractures to high energy fractures with associated severe soft-tissue injury. Treatment is based on fracture pattern, patient age, bone quality, associated soft-tissue injuries, and associated fractures. The basis for treatment relies on the knowledge of the complex osseous and soft-tissue anatomy of the elbow. The goals of operative and nonoperative treatment are to achieve a stable, anatomic reduction that allows early motion to maximize function.  相似文献   

Biofeedback, relaxation training, and cognitive behaviour modification are being increasingly proposed for the treatment of numerous functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Among these, those related to the lower part of the gut seem to be more likely to benefit from this therapeutic approach. We examine and discuss the literature studies adopting such techniques.  相似文献   

Anti-double stranded(ds) DNA antibody is one of markers of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Two human monoclonal anti-DNA antibody-producing cell lines were established from two SLE patients. One cell line secreted IgG isotype antibody (KSUG) and the other secreted IgM isotype antibody (KSUN). The light chains of the two immunoglobulins were lambda chains. The nucleotide sequences for the immunoglobulin variable region genes of the two antibodies were determined and compared to germline sequences. The heavy and lambda light chains of KSUG were VH3 family and V lambda IIIb, respectively. The heavy and lambda light chains of KSUN were VH4 family and V lambda IX, respectively. Antibody KSUG, IgG isotype, showed somatic mutations, whereas KSUN, IgM isotype, used the germline gene without mutation. These findings reconfirm the current paradigms that IgM anti-DNA antibodies are produced by utilizing germline genes whereas IgG anti-DNA antibodies are produced by somatic mutations.  相似文献   

The anterior, posterior, and transverse bundles of the medial collateral ligaments of fresh cadaveric elbows were painted with a special radiopaque tantalum cyanoacrylic preparation. The extent of each ligament and their origins and insertions were examined with radiography. This study provided radiographic correlation for these important soft tissue structures and an anatomic understanding of elbow fractures with ligament avulsion.  相似文献   

Total replacement of the elbow joint has been performed on 86 elbows at the Mayo Clinic, all but 15 in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. The Mayo design, which replaces both radiohumeral and humeroulnar joints, was used in 41 elbows, almost all in rheumatoid patients, with 71% good results. The Coonrad hinge with polyethylene bushings was used in 34 elbows; it was successful in 64% of rheumatoid patients, but failed in 46% of posttraumatic patients with bone loss. Previous designs have failed because of humeral loosening. Total elbow replacement is a technique still to be perfected in medical centers before general release.  相似文献   

An improved procedure for the generation of high-avidity anti-human B blood group monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) was developed. One of them, termed 7A1-2, showed excellent qualities of titer, avidity, and intensity required for use as human B blood typing reagent. Hemagglutination inhibition studies with monosaccharides and oligosaccharides were carried out to determine the specificity of the MAb 7A1-2. These studies indicate that the antibody reacts with the immunodominant region of the antigen which is known to confer the serologic specificity of this blood group.  相似文献   

Elbow contractures without significant articular injury can be treated with soft-tissue procedures, such as joint capsular releases, resection of heterotropic ossification, and joint debridement. Elbows with significant intra-articular injuries or posttraumatic arthritis require some form of joint reconstruction, such as a distraction arthroplasty, interposition arthroplasty, or implant replacement arthroplasty. With a better understanding of the surgical indications for elbow arthroplasty, improvements in surgical technique, improvements in elbow implants, and increased surgical experience, the results of implant arthroplasty for the posttraumatic elbow continue to improve.  相似文献   

Twelve of 14 patients who underwent arthrolysis of the elbow for post-traumatic stiffness were re-examined after a mean of 62 months. Pain and subjective stiffness were improved. The mean function of the elbow improved from 73 degrees to 112 degrees. Those operated on within a year of their injury improved twice as much as those who had been operated on after a longer period. Arthrolysis may be very rewarding when conservative treatment fails, especially when it is carried out within a year of the injury.  相似文献   

Small-cell carcinoma (also known as oat-cell carcinoma) is a rare tumor that previously concerns the lung; small-cell carcinoma of the bladder is extremely rare (0.5% of all bladder malignancies). The Authors report here the case of a 78th years old man. Fourteen months before our observation he was submitted to a partial cystectomy for a small-cell carcinoma of the bladder cupola. There was no evidence of extra-vesical location at that moment and the patient was not submitted to any adjuvant therapy. At the moment of our observation the disease was very advanced and the patient died in a few time. The Authors discuss about the therapy of bladder small-cell carcinoma in the few cases described by the literature and about the survival of those patients. A radical surgical treatment in association with an adjuvant chemo- or radiotherapy appears as a better way to treat these patients. On account of this case the Authors agree with this choice and conclude that only a combined treatment can allow a better survival.  相似文献   

Regional effects of the chest wall on airway pressure transmission were studied during high frequency ventilation in anesthetized rabbits. We measured airway pressure (Paw), esophageal pressure (Pes), and costal pleural pressure (Ppl) by a rib capsule and flow and volume with a calibrated pneumotachograph. Using a closed circuit, pressures and flow were measured at varying frequencies (2-80 Hz) and tidal volumes (2-20 ml). Mean Pes and Ppl increased with flow amplitude above 100-250 ml/s, whereas mean Paw decreased, consistent with air trapping. Paw, Pes, and Ppl amplitudes increased monotonically with flow amplitude except above 400-500 ml/s, where the Ppl amplitude decreased suddenly. The latter occurring simultaneously with a sudden fall in mean Paw indicated airway flow limitation in costal regions. Flow instabilities during flow limitation were consistent with the large increase in the phase difference between Paw and Ppl and its variability, with frequency. By contrast, the phase difference between Paw and Pes and its variability were relatively small. These differences in Pes from Ppl responses might be caused by a difference in the impedance of the airway-mediastinum pathway or a direct transmission of tracheal pressure oscillations to the esophagus. The former suggests that constraints offered by the mediastinum and rib cage resulted in nonuniform ventilation during high frequency ventilation.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging provides useful information in the evaluation of peripheral nerves. Recent advances in MR imaging allow for detailed depiction of the soft tissue structures of the elbow joint. Three major nerves are present about the elbow. Six cadaveric elbows were imaged to depict the normal anatomy of these nerves and to determine the best plane and position of the elbow for optimal visualization of each nerve. Axial images of the elbow in full extension with the forearm in supination allow identification of all major nerves. Axial images with the elbow in full flexion allow accurate assessment of the cubital tunnel and the ulnar nerve. Axial images of the elbow in full extension with the forearm in pronation are helpful for assessment of the median and radial nerves in the forearm.  相似文献   

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