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The explosion of new knowledge about the complex mechanisms mediating high blood pressure is providing new targets for drug therapy of hypertension and other cardiovascular disorders. This article reviews the current status of several new approaches in the management of hypertension, including vasopressin antagonists, natriuretic peptide clearance inhibitors, endothelin antagonists, renin inhibitors, angiotensin receptor antagonists, and selective T-type calcium ion channel antagonists.  相似文献   

Trauma of the ossicular chain is a frequent complication of temporal bone injury. Skull trauma from blows to the temporal, parietal, or occipital region (with or without fracture of the temporal bone) is the main cause of ossicular injury; other modes of injury are rare. Ossicular injury usually occurs as a dislocation, of which there are five types: incudostapedial joint separation, incudomalleolar joint separation, dislocation of the incus, dislocation of the malleoincudal complex, and stapediovestibular dislocation. Fracture of the malleus, incus, or stapes is uncommon. High-resolution computed tomography is the method of choice for evaluation of ossicular trauma. Joint separation and fracture of the stapes are seen on axial images; coronal images may aid visualization. Both axial and coronal images are needed for evaluation of a dislocated malleus or incus. Fracture of the malleus or incus is detected with axial or coronal images; reformatted images may also be useful.  相似文献   

A clinical study was conducted to compare the analgesic effect of clonidine with those of sumatriptan and their mixture and their effects on hemodynamics. 40 patients undergoing elective total hysterectomy were randomly divided into 4 groups in terms of the epidurally administered drugs with 10 patients in each group (group C1: clonidine 150 micrograms, group C2: clonidine 75 micrograms, group S: sumatriptan 6 mg and group S + C: clonidine 75 micrograms + sumatriptan 3 mg). MAP, HR, SpO2, VT VAS, VRS and ePDT were measured in the initial 4 h. The demographic data and the doses of intraoperative local anesthetics among the 4 groups were not statistically different. It was found that no significant difference in the pre- and postadministration values of HR, SpO2 and VT. A obvious reduction of MAP appeared in the groups of C1 and C2, but in the other groups the hemodynamical parameters were stable. The groups of C1, C2 and S + C showed significant increase in VAS and VRS, along with increase of ePDT when compared with the pre-drug level. There was no obvious alteration in group S after the drug administration. It was concluded that (1) single use of sumatriptan is ineffective in the dose given in this study; (2) small dose (150 micrograms and 75 micrograms) of clonidine has epidurally analgesic effects; (3) combined use of sumatriptan and clonidine is an acceptable way in epidural analgesia, in terms of its analgesic effect and hemodynamic changes.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the likelihood of injuries occurring to infants and children who fall out of bed. METHODS: A review of hospital records where children were documented to have fallen from a crib or bed and where the children were immediately assessed and examined following the fall. PATIENTS: Two hundred seven children younger than 6 years of age. One hundred twenty-four falls were from cribs and 83 from beds. The heights of the falls were 25 inches from beds or 41 inches when the child climbed over the bed rails and then fell, and 32 inches from cribs or 54 inches for those who fell after climbing the crib rails. RESULTS: There were 29 superficial injuries such as contusions or minor lacerations. One simple skull fracture was noted incidentally on skull roentgenogram and there was one fractured clavicle. There were no serious, multiple, visceral, or life-threatening injuries. Calculation of the momentum of impact between the injured and noninjured showed no significant difference. CONCLUSIONS: Because falls from short distances are unlikely to produce serious injury, the reliability of the history should be questioned when a child has significant injuries said to have resulted from a short fall.  相似文献   

About 10% of patients consulting a family practitioner have neurological complaints, and about 2% ultimately receive a neurological diagnosis. As it is not possible to train enough neurologists for these patients, graduating medical students must be competent and confident in assessing neurological problems, particularly those that are common, treatable or require emergency management. An evaluation was made of the neurological problems commonly seen in family practice, the difficulties in managing neurological problems by the family practitioner and the criteria for referral to a neurologist. To evaluate the teaching of medical students and house staff, the types of problems seen in a teaching hospital neurology service were examined. As a result of this study an approach to the training of physicians is outlined to assist them to handle confidently and competently the neurological problems they will see in daily practice.  相似文献   

The authors present a detailed analysis of pulmonary complications after open-heart surgery and of their risk factors. The results of the presented study indicate that COPD patients with functional impairments are more sensitive to complicated postoperative outcome and to respiratory infections, in general. There is a clear relationship between artificial violation of the pleural cavity, diaphragmatic dysfunction and pleural effusion. Diaphragmatic dysfunction appears more frequently in mammarocoronary bypass patients in consequence of pleurotomy. The incidence of dysfunction could be reduced by the use of phrenic nerve insulation. Patients with pulmonary complications suffer from serious pulmonary function deficit. The possibilities of identification of the patients at risk, as well as the prevention and prophylaxis are analysed. (Tab. 7, Fig. 2, Ref. 71.)  相似文献   

Endometriosis is a relatively common condition in pre-menopausal women. Rarely, endometrial malignancy may arise in and co-exist with endometriosis. In this case report, the findings on CT and MRI which indicated this development are described. Multiple image-guided biopsies showed features consistent with endometriosis and the diagnosis was not confirmed histopathologically until formal laparotomy and open biopsy.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Both experimental and clinical studies have shown that the increase in regional blood flow induced by acetylcholine is not completely prevented by inhibitors of the synthesis of endothelium-derived nitric oxide. To establish the role of ATP-sensitive potassium (KATP) channels and prostacyclin in mediating acetylcholine-induced increase in peripheral blood flow in humans, we assessed the effects of acetylcholine on the iliac artery blood flow velocity before and after glibenclamide, an antagonist of KATP channels, or before and after acetylsalicylic acid, an inhibitor of prostacyclin production. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Seventeen patients without evidence of peripheral vascular disease and normal coronary arteries at angiography received intra-iliac incremental bolus injections of acetylcholine (0.2, 2, 20 and 50 micrograms) via a 5F femoral sheath, at the end of routine cardiac catheterization. All injections were repeated 90 minutes after oral administration of glibenclamide (10 mg) in 10 patients of 15 minutes after i.v. infusion of acetylsalicylic acid (1000 mg) in the remaining 7 patients. Right iliac artery blood flow velocity was measured by using an intravascular 0.014-in Doppler guidewire. RESULTS: Before glibenclamide or acetylsalicylic acid administration, acetylcholine infusion increased average peak velocity by 128% (p < 0.001) and by 121% (p < 0.001), respectively. After glibenclamide or acetylsalicylic acid the increases of average peak velocity during acetylcholine infusion (by 121%, p < 0.001, and by 121%, p < 0.001, respectively) were similar (p = ns) to those observed during the control infusion. CONCLUSIONS: In man acetylcholine-induced vasodilatation in the territory supplied by the iliac artery is not prevented by glibenclamide or acetylsalicylic acid, thus suggesting that it is independent of activation of KATP channels and prostacyclin release.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess the reversibility of pulmonary lesions in Wegener's granulomatosis using serial CT. We reviewed the follow-up CT scans of ten treated patients with confirmed Wegener's granulomatosis. The delay between the first evaluation before treatment and the second, on patients in clinical and biological remission, ranged from 6 to 54 months (mean 20.5 months). Follow-up CT showed a decrease in the extent of disease in all cases. Lesions disappeared completely, without scarring, in 4 of 4 ground-glass opacities, 25 of 36 nodules, and 4 of 9 pulmonary consolidations; they disappeared with residual scarring in 8 of 8 masses, 3 of 9 pulmonary consolidations, and 2 of 36 nodules. The majority of lesions disappear without scarring. Residual fibrosis may follow the occurence of masses and pulmonary consolidation. Computed tomography permits assessment of cicatricial lesions.  相似文献   

In patients with HIV infection, disease due to CMV depends on reactivation of the virus. Such reactivation usually occurs at an advanced stage of the disease, when there is severe immunodepression and the CD4+ leukocyte count is < 100/ml. CMV infection is seen clinically as three syndromes: 1) encephalitis with or without associated meningitis and/or ventriculitis. 2) polyradiculomyelitis affecting the lumbosacral roots, and 3) multifocal senso-motor neuropathy. Diagnosis depends on showing the virus to be present in the CSF, by detecting the early CMV antigen or by conventional culture. There are marked differences between encephalitis, polyradiculomyelitis and multifocal neuropathy in the rentability of viral culture. Whilst in encephalitis CMV culture is negative in most patients, in polyradiculomyelitis the sensitivity of viral culture may be 50-60% and in multifocal neuropathy 15%. The treatment indicated is with ganciclovir or foscarnet. Results depend on the type of neurological disease, degree of involvement when treatment is started and an history of extracerebral CMV infection previously treated with these drugs.  相似文献   

A total of 374 dogs, 252 from five military kennels and 122 privately owned, were tested for Ehrlichia canis antibody. Sera were tested at a 1:20 dilution by indirect fluorescent antibody with the use of E. canis cell-culture antigen slides. The overall prevalence of E. canis antibody was 33%. Antibody prevalence among military dogs (29%) was significantly lower than among privately owned dogs (41%; P < 0.05). The E. canis seroprevalence among dogs infested with ticks (Rhipicephalus sanguineus) was higher (44%) than that among uninfested dogs (31%; P = 0.08). The seroprevalence among military dogs varied from 21-46% at the five kennels; lower prevalences were observed in kennels with higher sanitary and hygienic conditions. Age- and sex-related E. canis antibody prevalences were not significantly different among military and privately owned dogs, although adult and male privately owned dogs had the highest seroprevalences (45% and 44%, respectively). Three dogs with epistaxis had E. canis antibody titres > 1:320. These data demonstrate the first laboratory evidence of E. canis infection among dogs in Egypt.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To review the radiographic and computed tomographic (CT) manifestations of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis and to correlate the imaging and pathologic findings in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Chest radiographs, CT scans, and pathologic specimens were reviewed retrospectively in 10 AIDS patients with proved invasive pulmonary aspergillosis. RESULTS: The most common radiographic finding was the presence of thick-walled cavitary lesions. Less common findings included nodules, consolidation, and pleural effusion. CT depicted more nodules and cavities than did radiography. The predominant pathologic abnormalities consisted of tissue invasion and abscess formation and angioinvasion with or without infarction. All patients had infection with Aspergillus fumigatus as well as other pathogens, the most common being cytomegalovirus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. CONCLUSION: Thick-walled cavitary lesions are the most common radiologic manifestation of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in AIDS. The findings are more numerous and better defined on CT scans. The radiologic findings reflect a spectrum of pathologic abnormalities.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were to determine the prevalence of concha bullosa in patients with chronic sinusitis, to assess the origin of the pneumatisation (from the anterior or posterior ethmoid cells), and to evaluate the significance of the concha bullosa in the genesis of inflammatory sinus disease. We reviewed the CT studies of 308 patients with chronic sinusitis, assigning four grades of pneumatisation: absent, small, medium and large. Unilateral or bilateral concha bullosa was found in 164 patients (53%). In 79% of cases it was pneumatised via the posterior ethmoidal cells and in 21% via the anterior. A small concha bullosa was associated with abnormalities of the maxillary sinus, ethmoidal cells and ostiomeatal unit respectively in 49%, 28% and 34% of cases, whereas with a large concha bullosa the association was 55%, 36% and 41% respectively on the ipsilateral side and 55%, 32% and 41% on the contralateral side. The usually accepted hypothesis that the concha bullosa may contribute to the pathogenesis of inflammatory sinus disease seems doubtful.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To identify relationships between the obstructive defects of pulmonary sarcoidosis and the computed tomographic (CT) patterns of disease. MATERIAL AND METHODS: CT scans obtained in 45 patients were scored semiquantitatively for extent of five CT patterns, and the functional importance of each pattern was evaluated. RESULTS: The most prevalent CT patterns were decreased attenuation (n = 40), a reticular pattern (n = 37), and a nodular pattern (n = 36). At univariate and multivariate analyses, a reticular pattern was the main determinant of functional impairment, particularly airflow obstruction. The extent of a reticular pattern was independently associated with airflow obstruction, as shown by the inverse relationships with the forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) (P < .001), FEV1-forced vital capacity ratio (P < .01), maximum expiratory flow at 25% above residual volume (P < .001), and maximum expiratory flow at 50% above residual volume (P < .001) and the positive relationship with the residual volume-total lung capacity ratio (P < .001). CONCLUSION: In sarcoidosis, CT features compatible with small airways disease are common but contribute little to airflow obstruction, particularly in more advanced disease, which is characterized by an extensive reticular pattern. A reticular pattern at CT is the major morphologic association of airflow obstruction.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To compare prospectively the accuracy of spiral computed tomography (CT) with that of ventilation-perfusion scintigraphy for diagnosing pulmonary embolism. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Within 48 hours of presentation, 142 patients suspected of having pulmonary embolism underwent spiral CT, scintigraphy, and (when indicated) pulmonary angiography. Pulmonary angiography was attempted if interpretations of spiral CT scans and of scintigrams were discordant or indeterminate and intermediate-probability, respectively. RESULTS: In the 139 patients who completed the study, interpretations of spiral CT scans and of scintigrams were concordant in 103 patients (29 with embolism, 74 without). In 20 patients, intermediate-probability scintigrams were interpreted (six with embolism at angiography, 14 without); diagnosis with spiral CT was correct in 16. Interpretations of spiral CT scans and those of scintigrams were discordant in 12 cases; diagnosis with spiral CT was correct in 11 cases and that with scintigraphy was correct in one. Spiral CT and scintigraphic scans of four patients with embolism did not show embolism. Sensitivities, specificities, and kappa values with spiral CT and scintigraphy were 87%, 95%, and 0.85 and 65%, 94%, and 0.61, respectively. CONCLUSION: In cases of pulmonary embolism, sensitivity of spiral CT is greater than that of scintigraphy. Interobserver agreement is better with spiral CT.  相似文献   

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