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A simple model based on experimental observations of the yarn-parallel biaxial extension of PVC-coated polyester fabric cruciform specimens is proposed. In situ loading conditions are considered. The material behaviour is assumed to be plane stress orthotropic for a particular load ratio, while the elastic properties can vary with the load ratio in order to represent the complex interaction between warp and fill yarns. A linear relationship is experimentally found between elastic moduli and normalized load ratios for a wide range of PVC-coated polyester (Type I to Type IV). Two new parameters corresponding to the moduli variations are introduced to complement the existing plane stress orthotropic model. Theoretical results show that only five biaxial tests are required to accurately describe the material response with the proposed material model. Finally, the model was integrated in a commercial finite element software. It is shown that the proposed material model significantly increases the accuracy of the finite element predictions compared to the standard orthotropic linear material model with almost identical computation times.  相似文献   

An algorithm for optimal design of non-linear shell structures is presented. The algorithm uses numerical optimization techniques and nonlinear finite element analysis to find a minimum weight structure subject to equilibrium conditions, stability constraints and displacement constraints. A barrier transformation is used to treat an apparent non-smoothness arising from posing the stability constraints in terms of the eigenvalues of the Hessian of the potential energy of the structure. A sequential quadratic programming strategy is used to solve the resulting non-linear optimization problem. Matrix sparsity in the constraint Jacobian is exploited because of the large number of variables. The usefulness of the proposed algorithm is demonstrated by minimizing the weight of a number of stiffened thin shell structures.  相似文献   

Tube hydroforming (THF) is a type of unconventional metal forming process in which high fluid pressure and axial feed are used to deform a tube blank in the desired shape. Bi-layered tube hydroforming is suitable to produce bi-layered joints to be used in special applications such as aerospace, oil production and nuclear power plants.  相似文献   

This work presents an extension of the goal‐oriented error estimation techniques to the reliability analysis of a linear elastic structure. We use a first‐order reliability method in conjunction with a finite element analysis (FEA) to compute the failure probability of the structure. In such a situation the output of interest that is computed from the FEA is the reliability index β. The accuracy of this output, and thus of the reliability analysis, depends, in particular, on the accuracy of the FEA. In this paper, upper and lower bounds of the reliability index are proposed, as well as simple bounds of the failure probability. An application to linear fracture mechanics is presented. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a probabilistic methodology for nonlinear fracture analysis in order to get decisive help for the reparation and functioning optimization of general cracked structures. It involves nonlinear finite element analysis. Two methods are studied for the coupling of finite element with reliability software: the direct method and the quadratic response surface method. To ensure the response surface efficiency, we introduce new quality measures in the convergence scheme. An example of a cracked pipe is presented to illustrate the proposed methodology. The results show that the methodology is able to give accurate probabilistic characterization of the J-integral in elastic–plastic fracture mechanics without obvious time consumption. By introducing an “analysis re-using” technique, we show how the response surface method becomes cost attractive in case of incremental finite element analysis.  相似文献   

A general and robust solution procedure for non-linear finite element equations with limit points is developed. At each equilibrium iteration the magnitude of the load is adjusted such that the residual force is orthogonal to the current displacement increment from the last equilibrium state. The method implements the physical condition that the orthogonal residual force will neither increase nor decrease the magnitude of the current displacement increment vector. The orthogonality condition is formulated directly in terms of conjugate variables and therefore does not contain any scaling parameters. Passage of load and displacement limit points is discussed as well as the relation to line search, minimum residual, and are-length methods. The method is illustrated by two examples.  相似文献   

Polynomial chaos (PC) expansions are used in stochastic finite element analysis to represent the random model response by a set of coefficients in a suitable (so-called polynomial chaos) basis. The number of terms to be computed grows dramatically with the size of the input random vector, which makes the computational cost of classical solution schemes (may it be intrusive (i.e.of Galerkin type) or non-intrusive) unaffordable when the deterministic finite element model is expensive to evaluate.  相似文献   

This paper presents an assessment of the efficiency of the Kriging interpolation models as surrogate models for structural reliability problems involving time-consuming numerical models such as nonlinear finite element analysis structural models. The efficiency assessment is performed through a systematic comparison of the accuracy of the failure probability predictions based on the first-order reliability method using the most common first- and second-order polynomial regression models and the Kriging interpolation models as surrogates for the true limit state function. An application problem of practical importance in the field of marine structures that requires the evaluation of a nonlinear finite element structural model is adopted as numerical example. The accuracy of the failure probability predictions is characterised as a function of the number of support points, dispersion of the support points in relation to the so-called design point and order of the Kriging basis functions. It is shown with the application problem considered that the Kriging interpolation models are efficient surrogate models for structural reliability problems and can provide significantly more accurate failure probability predictions as compared with the most common polynomial regression models.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to develop a finite element model for optimal design of composite laminated thin-walled beam structures, with geometrically nonlinear behavior, including post-critical behavior. A continuation paper will be presented with design optimization applications of this model. The structural deformation is described by an updated Lagrangean formulation. The structural response is determined by a displacement controlled continuation method. A two-node Hermitean beam element is used. The beams are made from an assembly of flat-layered laminated composite panels. Beam cross-section mass and stiffness property matrices are presented.

Design sensitivities are imbedded into the finite element modeling and assembled in order to perform the structural design sensitivity analysis. The adjoint structure method is used. The lamina orientation and the laminate thickness are selected as the design variables. Displacement, failure index, critical load and natural frequency are considered as performance measures. The critical load constraint calculated as the limit point of the nonlinear response is also considered, but a new method is proposed, replacing it by a displacement constraint.  相似文献   

The deterministic Finite Element Method (FEM) is a valuable tool for understanding and predicting the mechanical behaviour of earth structures. The main difficulty in the application of this technique generally arises from the large uncertainties affecting the mechanical properties of materials to be introduced in the analysis. In many instances, these parameters should actually be considered as random variables or random fields. The Stochastic Finite Element Method (SFEM) should then be used to assess the results of the analyses in probabilistic terms.In this paper, the usefulness of the SFEM approach for engineering purposes is discussed and illustrated by analyses of embankments constructed by placing successive lifts of compacted soil. Construction materials are assumed to follow a simple non-linear constitutive law (Duncan JM, Chang CY. Non-linear analysis of stress and strain in soils, Journal of the Soils Mechanics and Foundation Division, ASCE 1970;96(5):1629–1653). Stochastic finite element analyses are performed using both the First Order-Second Moment method (FOSM) and Monte Carlo simulations (MC). A simple example shows that SFEM analyses can be useful to evaluate the relative influence of each of the parameters of the constitutive model on the results. Uncertainties affecting displacements, strains and stresses predictions for a large earth dam are also presented.  相似文献   

When finite element formulations are used to study the non-linear vibration problems, some simplifications, which are not consistent with the governing variational principles, are commonly employed. Three such simplifications are critically reviewed here, through beam finite element models. The first one, equivalent/ quasi-linearisation technique is shown to have a reduced non-linear stiffness. The second, where in neglect of in plane displacements takes place, is seen to register an excessive non-linear stiffness. Thirdly, when both these simplifications are introduced together, they produce results closer to those of variationally correct ones,rather fortuitously. The objective of this paper is to highlight the necessity of formulating this class of problems in a variationally correct and consistent manner. Numerical computations are performed systematically, using two different beam finite element models for various commonly studied boundary conditions and suitable conclusions are drawn.  相似文献   

Approximation methods such as the response surface method (RSM) are widely used to alleviate the computational burden of engineering analyses. For reliability analysis, the common approach in the RSM is to use regression methods based on least square methods. However, for structural reliability problems, RSMs should approximate the performance function around the design point where its value is close to zero. Therefore, in this study, a new response surface called ADAPRES is proposed, in which a weighted regression method is applied in place of normal regression. The experimental points are also selected from the region where the design point is most likely to exist. Examples are given to demonstrate the benefit of the proposed method for both numerical and implicit performance functions.  相似文献   

This paper describes a modified extended finite element method (XFEM) approach, which is designed to ease the challenge of an analytical design sensitivity analysis in the framework of structural optimisation. This novel formulation, furthermore labelled YFEM, combines the well‐known XFEM enhancement functions with a local sub‐meshing strategy using standard finite elements. It deviates slightly from the XFEM path only at one significant point but thus allows to use already derived residual vectors as well as stiffness and pseudo load matrices to assemble the desired information on cut elements without tedious and error‐prone re‐work of already performed derivations and implementations. The strategy is applied to sensitivity analysis of interface problems combining areas with different linear elastic material properties. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The response surface method (RSM) is widely adopted for structural reliability analysis because of its numerical efficiency. However, the RSM is time consuming for large-scale applications and sometimes shows large errors in the calculation of the sensitivity of the reliability index with respect to random variables. In order to overcome these problems, this study proposes an efficient RSM applying a moving least squares (MLS) approximation instead of the traditional least squares approximation generally used in the RSM. The MLS approximation gives higher weight to the experimental points closer to the most probable failure point (MPFP), which allows the response surface function (RSF) to be closer to the limit state function at the MPFP. In the proposed method, a linear RSF is constructed at first and a quadratic RSF is formed using the axial experimental points selected from the reduced region where the MPFP is likely to exist. The RSF is updated successively by adding one new experimental point to the previous set of experimental points. Numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the improved accuracy and computational efficiency of the proposed method compared to the conventional RSM.  相似文献   

Neural network (NN) based constitutive models can capture non‐linear material behaviour. These models are versatile and have the capacity to continuously learn as additional material response data becomes available. NN constitutive models are increasingly used within the finite element (FE) method for the solution of boundary value problems. NN constitutive models, unlike commonly used plasticity models, do not require special integration procedures for implementation in FE analysis. NN constitutive model formulation does not use a material stiffness matrix concept in contrast to the elasto‐plastic matrix central to conventional plasticity based models. This paper addresses numerical implementation issues related to the use of NN constitutive models in FE analysis. A consistent material stiffness matrix is derived for the NN constitutive model that leads to efficient convergence of the FE Newton iterations. The proposed stiffness matrix is general and valid regardless of the material behaviour represented by the NN constitutive model. Two examples demonstrate the performance of the proposed NN constitutive model implementation. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The role of mesh design in the post-buckling analysis of delamination in composite laminates is addressed in this paper. The determination of the strain energy release rate (SERR) along the crack front is central to the analysis. Frequently, theoretical analysis is limited to treatment of the problem in two dimensions, since considerable complexity is encountered in extending the analysis to three dimensions. However, many practical problems of embedded delamination in composite laminates are inherently three-dimensional in nature. Although in such cases, the finite element (FE) method can be employed, there are some issues that must be examined more closely to ensure physically realistic models. One of these issues is the effect of mesh design on the determination of the local SERR along the delamination front. There are few studies that deal with this aspect systematically. In this paper, the effect of mesh design in the calculation of SERR in two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) FE analyses of the post-buckling behavior of embedded delaminations is studied and some guidelines on mesh design are suggested. Two methods of calculation of the SERR are considered: the virtual crack closure technique (VCCT) and crack closure technique (CCT). The 2D analyses confirm that if the near-tip mesh is symmetric and consists of square elements, then the evaluation of the SERR is not sensitive to mesh refinement, and a reasonably coarse mesh is adequate. Despite agreement in the global post-buckling response of the delaminated part, the SERR calculated using different unsymmetrical near-tip meshes could be different. Therefore, unsymmetrical near-tip meshes should be avoided, as convergence of the SERR with mesh refinement could not be assured. While the results using VCCT and CCT for 2D analyses agree well with each other, these techniques yield different quantitative results when applied to 3D analyses. The reason may be due to the way in which the delamination growth is modeled. The CCT allows simultaneous delamination advance over finite circumferential lengths, but it is very difficult to implement and the results exhibit mesh dependency. Qualitatively, however, the two sets of results show similar distributions of Mode I and Mode II components of the SERR. This is fortunate, since the VCCT is relatively easy to implement.  相似文献   

We consider methods for adaptive updating of computational meshes during incremental loading of non-linear shell and solid structures. In particular, we focus on updating methods where the initial topology of the mesh is maintained. The movement of the mesh (the convective step) is decoupled from the Lagrangian solution step and is done by using separately computed displacement fields, obtained by solving auxiliary thermoelastic problems. The properties of this mesh-updating procedure are investigated and demonstrated on several examples. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the geometrically non-linear analysis of thin plate/shell laminated structures with embedded integrated piezoelectric actuators or sensors layers and/or patches. The motivation for the present developments is the lack of studies in the behavior of adaptive structures using geometrically non-linear models, where only very few published works were found in the open literature.

The model is based on the Kirchhoff classical laminated theory and can be applied to plate and shell adaptive structures with arbitrary shape, general mechanical and electrical loadings.

The finite element model is a non-conforming single layer triangular plate/shell element with 18 degrees of freedom for the generalized displacements and one electrical potential degree of freedom for each piezoelectric layer or patch.

An updated Lagrangian formulation associated to Newton–Raphson technique is used to solve incrementally and iteratively the equilibrium equations.

The model is applied in the solution of four illustrative cases, and the results are compared and discussed with alternative solutions when available.  相似文献   

The efficiency of existing stochastic analysis method depends on the discretization of the random variables domain. The number theoretical method has been proposed to discretize the random variable space and solve the generalized density evolution equation via sampling strategy. This method traditionally involves hyper-ball sieving (HS) algorithm to sample the representative point set. However, the sieving radius of the hyper-ball is determined subjectively, and the efficiency and accuracy of the analysis depend on the selected radius. To avoid this subjective selection, an equal volume hyper-ball sieving method is presented in this paper. By transforming the hypercube spatial volume of random variables into that of an equivalent hyper-ball, the radius of the equal volume hyper-ball is obtained analytically. This radius is further optimized with a minimum star discrepancy in the representative point set. The performance and accuracy of the proposed method are checked in four numerical examples, and the representative point set such obtained is more uniform with smaller NRP leading to more accurate and efficient subsequent stochastic analysis than the HS method.  相似文献   

The FEM is the main tool used for structural analysis. When the design of the mechanical system involves uncertain parameters, a coupling of the FEM with reliability analysis algorithms allows to compute the failure probability of the system. However, this coupling leads to successive finite element analysis of parametric models involving high computational effort. Over the past years, model reduction techniques have been developed in order to reduce the computational requirements in the numerical simulation of complex models. The objective of this work is to propose an efficient methodology to compute the failure probability for a multi‐material elastic structure, where the Young moduli are considered as uncertain variables. A proper generalized decomposition algorithm is developed to compute the solution of parametric multi‐material model. This parametrized solution is used in conjunction with a first‐order reliability method to compute the failure probability of the structure. Applications to multilayered structures in two‐dimensional plane elasticity are presented.Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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