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This study examined how a previous episode of depression is related to daily pain and reactions to pain among individuals with fibromyalgia, a chronic pain syndrome. Seventy-one women with fibromyalgia (including 30 who were previously depressed) rated their pain and mood 3 times daily for 30 days. Each night, participants rated the extent to which they responded to pain by catastrophizing, how much control they had over that day's pain, their ways of coping with pain that day, and the effectiveness of their coping efforts. Multivariate multilevel regression models revealed that after controlling for neuroticism and current depressive symptoms, formerly depressed and never-depressed individuals differed in how they coped with increased pain and in how they appraised the efficacy of their coping efforts. Formerly depressed participants who also reported more current depressive symptoms showed a greater decline in pleasant mood on more painful days than did formerly depressed participants who were experiencing fewer current depressive symptoms. These findings illustrate how a history of depression can be captured in the dynamics of daily life. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study compares the effects of data-driven assessor training with schema-driven assessor training and control training. The sample consisted of 229 industrial and organizational psychology students and 161 managers who were randomly assigned to 1 of these training strategies. Participants observed and rated candidates in an assessment center exercise. The data-driven and schema-driven assessor training approaches outperformed the control training on all 3 dependent variables. The schema-driven assessor training resulted in the largest values of interrater reliability, dimension differentiation, and accuracy. Managers provided significantly more accurate ratings than students but distinguished less between the dimensions. Practical implications regarding the design of assessor trainings and the composition of assessor teams are proposed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Objective: Examine the diurnal variation of salivary cortisol in adults with spinal cord injury (SCI) and the effect of stressors on cortisol and mood. Method: Ecological momentary assessment (EMA) to capture cortisol, stress, and mood from 25 persons with SCI and 26 without SCI. Data were analyzed using linear mixed models. Results: There were no systematic differences between groups on missing data. Diurnal variation of cortisol of participants with SCI reflected an expected pattern. No significant group differences for cortisol diurnal pattern, stress, or mood; when group interactions were significant, results indicated lower cortisol reactivity to stress in participants with SCI. Stress had a significant impact on positive, negative and agitated moods. Conclusions: Stress in daily life and its association with cortisol and mood were largely similar between persons with and without SCI. A key methodological contribution is the demonstration of using EMA to collect biological and behavioral data in the field from participants with SCI. The use of EMA in rehabilitation psychology research has great potential to advance our understanding of the dynamics of daily life with disability. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Increasingly, mobile technologies are used to gather diary data in basic research and clinical studies. This article considers issues relevant to the integration of electronic diary (ED) methods in clinical assessment. EDs can be used to gather rich information regarding clients' day-to-day experiences, aiding diagnosis, treatment planning, treatment implementation, and treatment evaluation. The authors review the benefits of using diary methods in addition to retrospective assessments, and they review studies assessing whether EDs yield higher quality data than conventional, less expensive paper-pencil diaries. Practical considerations--including what platforms can be used to implement EDs, what features they should have, and considerations in designing diary protocols for sampling different types of clinical phenomena--are described. The authors briefly illustrate with examples some ways in which ED data could be summarized for clinical use. Finally, the authors consider barriers to clinical adoption of EDs. EDs are likely to become increasingly popular tools in routine clinical assessment as clinicians become more familiar with the logic of diary designs; as software packages evolve to meet the needs of clinicians; and as mobile technologies become ubiquitous, robust, and inexpensive. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Traditional self-report measures of psychopathology may be influenced by a variety of recall biases. Ecological momentary assessment (EMA) reduces these biases by assessing individuals’ experiences as they occur in their natural environments. This study examines the discrepancy between trait questionnaire, retrospective report, and EMA measures of affective instability in psychiatric outpatients either with a borderline personality diagnosis (n = 58) or with a current episode of major depressive disorder or dysthymia (n = 42). The authors examined the agreement of 3 trait measures of affective instability—the Affective Instability subscale of the Personality Assessment Inventory–Borderline Features scale (L. C. Morey, 1991), the Affect Intensity Measure (R. J. Larsen, E. Diener, & R. Emmons, 1986), and the Affect Lability Scales (P. D. Harvey, B. R. Greenberg, & M. R. Serper, 1989)—and 1 retrospective mood recall task with EMA indices of mood and mood instability. Results indicate only modest to moderate agreement between momentary and questionnaire assessments of trait affective instability; agreement between recalled mood changes and EMA indices was poor. Implications for clinical research and practice and possible applications of EMA methodology are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Direct behavior ratings (DBRs) combine aspects of both systematic direct observation and behavior rating scales to create a feasible method for social behavior assessment within a problem-solving model. The purpose of the current study was to examine whether accuracy of DBRs was affected depending on the behaviors selected to be rated using a DBR. Specifically, the impact target behavior wording (positive vs. negative) and degree of specificity by which the behaviors were defined were investigated. Participants (N = 145), assigned to 1 of 4 experimental conditions, were asked to view video clips of a classroom setting and rate target student behavior. Results indicated that the wording and specificity of behavior included on a DBR may influence the accuracy of ratings. The most accurate ratings of academically engaged behavior occurred when the behavior was defined with a global definition and positive wording. In contrast, the most accurate ratings of disruptive behavior were obtained with a global definition and either positive or negative wording. Limitations, implications, and future directions are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Comments on an article by Saul Shiffman (see record 2009-14439-001) regarding the global assessment of cigarette smoking and whether or not this type of assessment is characterized by major digit preference or “heaping.” He raises questions about whether such digit preference results in a biased assessment of consumption. However, there are problems with this hypothesis, as Shiffman notes that self-reported smoking is characterized by the consistency of the digit preference across days, not differences related to framing. Shiffman’s study does demonstrate that ecological momentary assessment (EMA) reporting provided a better estimate of who smoked in the previous 2–3 hrs than the daily self-report measure. However, this should not be surprising as the existence of digit preference suggests that the actual timing of cigarette intake is not being carefully computed in the self-report measures. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Objectives: The authors previously reported that individuals who rate their daily life as more demanding or less controllable by momentary electronic diary (ED) reports showed greater intima-medial thickness (IMT) by carotid ultrasonography. They now present prospective findings on this relation. Design: Three hundred thirty-five healthy individuals (ages 50-70 at study onset) completed ongoing ratings of activity and mood over a 6-day period, using ED assessments. Main Outcome Measures: Mean bilateral carotid artery IMT was measured at baseline and 36 months later. Results and Conclusion: Mean ratings of high demand and low control were significantly associated with IMT progression among men but not among women. These associations were not explained by traditional risk factors or by measures of occupational stress. Effects were partially accounted for by elevated ambulatory heart rates among those with low ratings of control. These data support the utility of ED-based measures for examining psychosocial risks in the prediction of cardiovascular disease progression. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

According to social learning models of drug relapse, decreases in abstinence self-efficacy (ASE) and increases in positive smoking outcome expectancies (POEs) should foreshadow lapses and relapse. In this study, the authors examined this hypothesis by using ecological momentary assessment data from 305 smokers who achieved initial abstinence from smoking and monitored their smoking and their ASE and POEs by using palmtop computers. Daily ASE and POEs predicted the occurrence of a 1st lapse on the following day. Following a lapse, variations in daily ASE predicted the onset of relapse, even after controlling for concurrent smoking. ASE and POEs generally neither mediated nor moderated each other's effects. These data emphasize the role of dynamic factors in the relapse process. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The immediate emotional and situational antecedents of ad-libitum smoking are still not well understood. We reanalyzed data from ecological momentary assessment using novel point process analyses to assess how craving, mood, and social setting influence smoking rate, as well as to assess the moderating effects of gender and nicotine dependence. Smokers (N = 304) recorded craving, mood, and social setting using electronic diaries when smoking and at random nonsmoking times over 16 days of smoking. Point process analysis, which makes use of the known random sampling scheme for momentary variables, examined main effects of setting and interactions with gender and dependence. Increased craving was associated with higher rates of smoking, particularly among women. Negative affect was not associated with smoking rate, even in interaction with arousal, but restlessness was associated with substantially higher smoking rates. Women's smoking tended to be less affected by negative affect. Nicotine dependence had little moderating effect on situational influences. Smoking rates were higher when smokers were alone or with others who were smoking, and smoking restrictions reduced smoking rates. However, the presence of others who are smoking undermined the effects of restrictions. The more sensitive point process analyses confirmed earlier findings, including the surprising conclusion that negative affect by itself was not related to smoking rates. Contrary to hypothesis, men's and not women's smoking was influenced by negative affect. Both smoking restrictions and the presence of others who are not smoking suppress smoking, but the presence of others who are not smoking undermines the effects of restrictions. Point process analyses of ecological momentary assessment data can bring out even small influences on smoking rate. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The limitations of paper-and-pencil self-monitoring (PM) are leading to the use of more sophisticated techniques. PM was compared with cellular phone monitoring (CM) to collect ecological momentary assessment data on alcohol use. Twenty social drinkers were randomly assigned to the 2 groups, and their drinking was monitored for 14 days. PM participants recorded data on cards. CM participants carried telephones and responded to an interactive voice response system. The authors found few significant group differences in alcohol use, compliance with the self-monitoring, and satisfaction. However, CM had useful advantages, including instantaneous entry of data into a central database, date and time stamping of data, and easy integration into daily life. Although preliminary, this study suggests that CM is a promising alternative to PM. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Alcohol use may be viewed as an attempt (albeit maladaptive) to regulate negative emotional states. We examined associations between both negative and positive affects and alcohol use in outpatient women diagnosed with borderline personality disorder (BPD; n = 74), a prototype of emotional dysregulation, as well as a psychiatric control group of women with current depressive disorder (major depressive disorder/dysthymic disorder [MDD\DYS]; n = 50). Participants completed randomly prompted reports of mood and alcohol use up to six times a day over a 28-day period using electronic diaries. Mean levels of either positive or negative affects did not distinguish between drinkers and nondrinkers in either diagnostic group. However, levels of both negative and positive affects were positively associated with alcohol use at the momentary level in BPD drinkers. More robust findings were obtained with respect to within-person affective variability, which was related to alcohol use in multiple ways. BPD drinkers showed higher within-person variability for most negative affects than BPD nondrinkers; MDD\DYS drinkers in general showed less within-person variability than MDD\DYS nondrinkers for negative affects. Multilevel lagged analyses for BPD drinkers indicated that alcohol use was positively related to variability in all affects, concurrently, but fewer significant effects of affect variability on the next day's drinking or significant effects of alcohol use on the next day's affect variability were observed. Among MDD\DYS drinkers, we observed more significant associations between affect variability on next day's alcohol use and of alcohol use on next day's affect variability. We discuss theoretical and methodological issues relevant to these findings as well as implications for future research. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Alcohol-tobacco interactions and relapse precipitants were examined among alcohol-dependent smokers in a trial of concurrent alcohol and tobacco treatment. After discharge from treatment, participants completed 14 days of electronic diary (ED) assessments of mood, self-efficacy, urges to drink or smoke, and drinking and smoking behavior. ED data revealed an increase in frequency of alcohol urges after smoking episodes. Drinking relapse episodes were predicted by prior ED ratings of low self-efficacy to resist drinking and high urge to smoke. Smoking relapse episodes were predicted by high urge to smoke and high negative, high arousal mood. Results support a cross-substance cue reactivity model of multiple substance use and a limited-strength model, but not a cross-substance coping model. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The present study examined issues relating to the measurement and discriminant validity of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) diagnostic criteria for behavior disorders in adolescence (conduct disorder [CD], oppositional defiant disorder [ODD], attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder [ADHD]). Data were obtained from a birth cohort of 995 New Zealand–born individuals studied to the age of 25 years and modeled associations between behavior disorder from ages 14 to 16 years and later outcomes including crime, substance use, mental health, parenthood and partnership outcomes, and education and employment outcomes to age 25 years. The associations between behavior disorders and outcomes were adjusted for both comorbid behavior disorders and a range of confounding factors. The results suggested that (a) dimensional measures of behavior disorder were more strongly correlated with outcomes than categorical (DSM) measures; (b) CD, ODD, and ADHD each had a distinctive pattern of associations with longer term consequences; and (c) there was no evidence to suggest that the developmental consequences of CD, ODD, and ADHD differed by gender. In general, the results supported the validity of DSM diagnostic domains but also highlighted the importance of including in DSM–V methods for both recognizing the severity of disorder and addressing subclinical symptom levels. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The bulk of personality research has been built from self-report measures of personality. However, collecting personality ratings from other-raters, such as family, friends, and even strangers, is a dramatically underutilized method that allows better explanation and prediction of personality's role in many domains of psychology. Drawing hypotheses from D. C. Funder's (1995) realistic accuracy model about trait and information moderators of accuracy, we offer 3 meta-analyses to help researchers and applied psychologists understand and interpret both consistencies and unique insights afforded by other-ratings of personality. These meta-analyses integrate findings based on 44,178 target individuals rated across 263 independent samples. Each meta-analysis assessed the accuracy of observer ratings, as indexed by interrater consensus/reliability (Study 1), self–other correlations (Study 2), and predictions of behavior (Study 3). The results show that although increased frequency of interacting with targets does improve accuracy in rating personality, informants' interpersonal intimacy with the target is necessary for substantial increases in other-rating accuracy. Interpersonal intimacy improved accuracy especially for traits low in visibility (e.g., Emotional Stability) but only minimally for traits high in evaluativeness (e.g., Agreeableness). In addition, observer ratings were strong predictors of behaviors. When the criterion was academic achievement or job performance, other-ratings yielded predictive validities substantially greater than and incremental to self-ratings. These findings indicate that extraordinary value can gained by using other-reports to measure personality, and these findings provide guidelines toward enriching personality theory. Various subfields of psychology in which personality variables are systematically assessed and utilized in research and practice can benefit tremendously from use of others' ratings to measure personality variables. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors examined the utility of ecological momentary assessment for assessing spousal interactions in the natural environment among 245 healthy, married, older adults. Convergent validity for this method was demonstrated by (a) a positive association between marital adjustment (MA) and average diary ratings of agreeableness during spousal interactions and (b) an inverse association between MA and average diary ratings of conflict during spousal interactions. When agreeableness and conflict were examined simultaneously for spousal interactions, only agreeableness independently predicted MA. By contrast, when nonspousal interactions were examined, only conflict during nonspousal interactions was an independent predictor of MA. Results underscore the merit of obtaining representative measures of social interactions during daily life for understanding influences on and consequences of MA. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors investigated temporal trends in the validity of an assessment center consisting of a group discussion and an analysis–presentation exercise for predicting career advancement as measured by average salary growth over a 7-year period in a sample of 679 academic graduates. The validity of the overall assessment rating for persons with tenure of 7 years, corrected for initial differences in starting salaries and restriction in range, was .39. There was a considerable time variation in the validity of both the overall assessment rating and the assessment center dimensions. In accordance with findings from research in managerial effectiveness and development, the interpersonal effectiveness dimension became valid only after a number of years, whereas the firmness dimension was predictive in the whole period and increased with time. For comparison, validity trends for 2 types of interviews and a mental test were also studied. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors reanalyzed data from 2 influential studies—A. R. McConnell and J. M. Leibold (see record 2001-11532-008) and J. C. Ziegert and P. J. Hanges (see record 2005-05102-011)—that explore links between implicit bias and discriminatory behavior and that have been invoked to support strong claims about the predictive validity of the Implicit Association Test. In both of these studies, the inclusion of race Implicit Association Test scores in regression models reduced prediction errors by only tiny amounts, and Implicit Association Test scores did not permit prediction of individual-level behaviors. Furthermore, the results were not robust when the impact of rater reliability, statistical specifications, and/or outliers were taken into account, and reanalysis of A. R. McConnell & J. M. Leibold (2001) revealed a pattern of behavior consistent with a pro-Black behavioral bias, rather than the anti-Black bias suggested in the original study. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors applaud A. S. Green, E. Rafaeli, N. Bolger, P. E. Shrout, and H. T. Reis's (2006) response to one-sided comparisons of paper versus electronic (plastic) diary methods (see record 2006-03820-006) and hope that it will stimulate more balanced considerations of the issues involved. The authors begin by highlighting areas of agreement and disagreement with Green et al. The authors review briefly the broader literature that has compared paper and plastic diaries, noting how recent comparisons have relied on study designs and methods that favor investigators' allegiances. The authors note some sorely needed data for the evaluation of the implications of paper versus plastic for the internal and external validity of research. To facilitate evaluation of the existing literature and assist in the design of future studies, the authors offer a balanced comparison of paper and electronic diary methods across a range of applications. Finally, the authors propose 2 study designs that offer fair comparisons of paper and plastic diary methods. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Self-injurious behaviors are among the leading causes of death worldwide. However, the basic nature of self-injurious thoughts and behaviors (SITBs) is not well understood because prior studies have relied on long-term, retrospective, aggregate, self-report assessment methods. The authors used ecological momentary assessment methods to measure suicidal and nonsuicidal SITBs as they naturally occur in real time. Participants were 30 adolescents and young adults with a recent history of self-injury who completed signal- and event-contingent assessments on handheld computers over a 14-day period, resulting in the collection of data on 1,262 thought and behavior episodes. Participants reported an average of 5.0 thoughts of nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) per week, most often of moderate intensity and short duration (1–30 min), and 1.6 episodes of NSSI per week. Suicidal thoughts occurred less frequently (1.1 per week), were of longer duration, and led to self-injurious behavior (i.e., suicide attempts) less often. Details are reported about the contexts in which SITBs most often occur (e.g., what participants were doing, who they were with, and what they were feeling before and after each episode). This study provides a first glimpse of how SITBs are experienced in everyday life and has significant implications for scientific and clinical work on self-injurious behaviors. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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