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大功率氮化镓基白光LED模组的散热设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
散热设计是大功率发光二极管(LED)模组结构设计的重要环节.首先利用计算流体力学方法对自然对流条件下大功率LED模组的温度场进行了模拟,提出并优化了模组可采用的散热片结构,进而对影响模组散热的其他关键因素进行了分析,结果表明,提高关键封装材料如银胶的热导率能够有效地降低芯片温度,提高芯片温度均匀性;多芯片封装时芯片的整体温度及均匀性相对于单芯片封装皆有改善.优化后的封装结构在5 W电功率注入条件下,芯片结温约60 ℃.  相似文献   

GaN基发光二极管研究与进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐进  何乐年 《光电子技术》2003,23(2):139-142
宽禁带Ⅲ族氮化物基半导体GaN是最近研究比较活跃的半导体材料系,其高亮度发光二极管一出现即引起广泛的关注,并以惊人的速度实现了商品化。文章就GaN基半导体二极管的研制和发展概况,应用和市场前景,以及近期研究热点作了介绍。  相似文献   

利用激光剥离技术(LLO)和晶片键合技术将GaN基发光二极管(LED)薄膜与蓝宝石衬底分离并转移到Si衬底上,高分辨X射线衍射(HRXRD)和阴极荧光谱(CL)结果表明激光剥离过程没有影响GaN量子阱的结构和光学性质,GaN和InGaN/GaN多量子阱的发光峰都呈现红移,这都来源于去除蓝宝石后薄膜中应力的释放.采用金属In和Pd的合金化键合过程解决了GaN材料与Si衬底的结合问题,结合逐个芯片剥离和键合的方式实现了GaN大面积均匀转移.成功研制了激光剥离垂直电极结构的GaN基LED,L-I测试特性表明器件的热饱和电流和出光功率都有很大的提高.  相似文献   

GaN基发光二极管芯片光提取效率的研究   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:7  
基于蒙特卡罗方法模拟分析了限制GaN基发光二极管(LEDs)芯片光提取效率的主要因素。结果表明,GaN与蓝宝石之间的较大折射率差别严重限制了芯片光提取效率的提高,通过蓝宝石背面出光比通过p型GaN层的正面出光的芯片光提取效率至少高20%;同时,低GaN光吸收系数、高电极反射率以及环氧树脂封装可以有效的增加芯片光提取效率,并且LEDs芯片尺寸在400μm以下时光提取效率较高。  相似文献   

通过模拟计算,分析了阵列微透镜粗化对倒装结构GaN基LED提取效率的影响.并采用感应耦合等离子(ICP)干法刻蚀技术在蓝宝石表面制备阵列微透镜,实现倒装结构GaN基LED出光面粗化.测试结果表明,相对于普通倒装结构,阵列微透镜表面粗化可以使LED提取效率提高约50%,测试结果与模拟计算值相符合.  相似文献   

通过模拟计算,分析了阵列微透镜粗化对倒装结构GaN基LED提取效率的影响.并采用感应耦合等离子(ICP)干法刻蚀技术在蓝宝石表面制备阵列微透镜,实现倒装结构GaN基LED出光面粗化.测试结果表明,相对于普通倒装结构,阵列微透镜表面粗化可以使LED提取效率提高约50%,测试结果与模拟计算值相符合.  相似文献   

蓝宝石虽然稳坐衬底材料的龙头地位,但随着产业的不断发展,竞争日趋激烈,基于蓝宝石衬底的技术发展变缓,再加上其成本高昂、专利壁垒等问题,众多专家与工程师开始寻求性价比更高的解决方案:不同的衬底材料,硅衬底被业界寄予了很高的厚望。  相似文献   

图形蓝宝石衬底GaN基发光二极管的研制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用抗刻蚀性光刻胶作为掩膜,并利用光刻技术制作周期性结构,进行ICP干法刻蚀C面(0001)蓝宝石制作图形蓝宝石衬底(PSS);然后,在PSS上进行MOCVD制作GaN基发光二极管(LED)外延片;最终,进行芯片制造和测试。PSS的基本结构为圆孔,直径为3μm,间隔为2μm,深度为864 nm,呈六角形分布。与同批生长的普通蓝宝石衬底(CSS)GaN基LED芯片相比,PSS芯片的光强和光通量比CSS分别提高57.32%和28.33%(20 mA),并可减小芯片的反向漏电流,且未影响芯片的波长分布和电压特性。  相似文献   

近期,合肥彩虹蓝光科技有限公司首批高亮度氮化镓基LED外延片试产成功,经由光电仪器测试,发光波长为463nm,亮度与均匀性良好,达到预期技术指标。合肥彩虹蓝光LED项目于2010年8月30日在合肥新站综合开发试验区正式动工建设,经过一年奋战,实现了首批高亮度氮化镓基LED外延片的一次试产成功。  相似文献   

对注入量为 1×1014cm-2 的快中子(1.2 MeV)对氮化镓(GaN)基白光发光二极管(LED)器件的辐照效应进行研究。通过测量和分析器件的电致发光谱(EL)、光功率-电流(L-I)和电流-电压(I-U)特性,发现器件辐照后光功率降低,而 EL 谱形状几乎没有变化,表明该注入量的中子辐照主要对器件中的蓝光 LED 芯片造成了损伤。进一步分析发现,中子辐照导致蓝光 LED 量子阱中产生大量非辐射复合中心,增加了漏电流并减小了量子阱中载流子密度,从而降低 LED 的输出光功率。由此,在原有 GaN 基蓝光 LED 等效电路模型的基础上,加入由中子辐照导致的影响因素,不仅有助于理解中子辐照对 LED 光功率的衰退影响机理,还为预测辐照后光功率的变化提供了可行性。  相似文献   

In this work, metallic bonding in GaN-based vertical light-emitting diode (VLED) is systematically characterized by using combined methodology of transmission Kikuchi diffraction (TKD) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) in a scanning electron microscope (SEM). SEM-based TKD with EDS identifies chemical composition, grain morphology, orientation, and phases at metallic bonding, while transmission electron microscopy (TEM) provides nanoscale characteristics of metallic diffusion bonding, and its interface-related defects and nano-twinned boundaries. Our results from SEM-TKD and TEM techniques provide unparalleled insight into the metallic bonding, and its future optimization.  相似文献   

在这篇论文里,我们通过在InGaN/GaN 多量子阱和n型氮化镓层中间插入一层低温生长的n型氮化镓显著提高了LED的抗静电能力。通过引入低温生长的氮化镓插入层使得LED抗击穿电压超过4000V的良品率从9.9%提升到74.7%。低温生长的氮化镓插入层作为后续生长的多量子阱的缓冲层,释放了量子阱中的应力并且改善了量子阱的界面质量。另外,我们证明了在氮气气氛下生长低温氮化镓插入层对于LED抗静电能力的改善要强于氢气气氛,同时也进一步证明低温插入层对量子阱中应力的释放有利于提高LED的抗静电能力。光电测试结果表明,在引入低温nGaN缓冲层后,LED的电学特性并没有衰退,并且LED的光输出功率提高了13.9%。  相似文献   

The effects of the n-contact design and chip size on the electrical, optical and thermal characteristics of thin-film vertical light-emitting diodes (VLEDs) were investigated to optimize GaN-based LED performance for solid-state lighting applications. For the small (chip size: 1000×1000 µm2) and large (1450×1450 µm2) VLEDs, the forward bias voltages are decreased from 3.22 to 3.12 V at 350 mA and from 3.44 to 3.16 V at 700  mA, respectively, as the number of n-contact via holes is increased. The small LEDs give maximum output powers of 651.0–675.4 mW at a drive current of 350 mA, while the large VLEDs show the light output powers in the range 1356.7–1380.2 mW, 700 mA, With increasing drive current, the small chips go through more severe degradation in the wall-plug efficiency than the large chips. The small chips give the junction temperatures in the range 51.1–57.2 °C at 350  mA, while the large chips show the junction temperatures of 83.1–93.0 °C at 700  mA, The small LED chips exhibit lower junction temperatures when equipped with more n-contact via holes.  相似文献   

采用Silvaco软件,利用二维有限元方法,仿真得到LED的电学等特性。比较3种不同尺寸的LED器件内的电流分布,得到电流密度与L的关系曲线,发现减小电流扩展长度L可提高电流的均匀性。模拟了5种不同电极结构的1 mm×1 mm功率LED,发现五插指电极结构的电流分布最均匀。  相似文献   

The light extraction enhancement of freestanding GaN-based flip-chip light-emitting diodes(FSFCLEDs)using two-step roughening methods is investigated.The output power of LEDs fabricated by using one-step and two-step roughening methods are compared.The results indicate that two-step roughening methods show more potential for light extraction.Compared with flat FS-FCLEDs,the output power of FS-FCLEDs with a nanotextured hemisphere surface shows an enhancement of 90.7%.  相似文献   

采用传输矩阵法对GaN基蓝光发光二极管分布布拉格反射器(DBR)反射光谱进行研究.计算发现正入射时S偏振(TE模)与P偏振(TM模)反射带是一致的; S偏振和P偏振反射带随着入射角的增大都向高频(短波)方向移动,且两者之间的差别也随之增大,DBR反射带蓝移快慢与入射介质相关;低折射率入射介质时DBR具有更宽角度响应.通过修改结构参数多次计算表明;入射角修正的方法能较快地找到提高全方向反射的结构.复合DBR以降低反射率或者成倍增加膜层厚度为代价实现大角度范围的反射,复合DBR比传统DBR有更好的光谱特性,这对提高发光二极管的出光效率有现实意义.  相似文献   

A homemade 7×2 inch MOCVD system is presented.With this system,high quality GaN epitaxial layers,InGaN/GaN multi-quantum wells and blue LED structural epitaxial layers have been successfully grown. The non-uniformity of undoped GaN epitaxial layers is as low as 2.86%.Using the LED structural epitaxial layers, blue LED chips with area of 350×350μm~2 were fabricated.Under 20 mA injection current,the optical output power of the blue LED is 8.62 mW.  相似文献   

This article presents the development and operation of a novel electrostatic metal-to-metal contact cantilever radio-frequency microelectromechanical system (RF-MEMS) switch for monolithic integration with microstrip phased array antennas (PAAs) on a printed circuit board. The switch is fabricated using simple photolithography techniques on a Rogers 4003c substrate, with a footprint of 200 µm × 100 µm, based on a 1 µm-thick copper cantilever. An alternative wet-etching technique for effectively releasing the cantilever is described. Electrostatic and electromagnetic measurements show that the RF-MEMS presents an actuation voltage of 90 V for metal-to-metal contact, an isolation of ?8.7 dB, insertion loss of ?2.5 dB and a return loss of ?15 dB on a 50 Ω microstrip line at 12.5 GHz. For proof-of-concept, a beam-steering 2 × 2 microstrip PAA, based on two 1-bit phase shifters suitable for the monolithic integration of the RF-MEMS, has been designed and measured at 12.5 GHz. Measurements show that the beam-steering system presents effective radiation characteristics with scanning capabilities from broadside towards 29° in the H-plane.  相似文献   

A homemade 7×2 inch MOCVD system is presented.With this system,high quality GaN epitaxial layers,InGaN/GaN multi-quantum wells and blue LED structural epitaxial layers have been successfully grown. The non-uniformity of undoped GaN epitaxial layers is as low as 2.86%.Using the LED structural epitaxial layers, blue LED chips with area of 350×350μm~2 were fabricated.Under 20 mA injection current,the optical output power of the blue LED is 8.62 mW.  相似文献   

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