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The circuit proposed in this paper simultaneously reduces the sub threshold leakage power and saves the state of art aspect of the logic circuits. Sleep transistors and PMOS-only logic are used to further reduce the leakage power. Sleep transistors are used as the keepers to reduce the sub threshold leakage current providing the low resistance path to the output. PMOS-only logic is used between the pull up and pull down devices to mitigate the leakage power further. Our proposed fast efficient leakage reduction circuit not only reduces the leakage current but also reduces the power dissipation. Power and delay are analyzed at the 32 nm BSIM4 model for a chain of four inverters, NAND, NOR and ISCAS-85 c17 benchmark circuits using DSCH3 and the Microwind tool. The simulation results reveal that our proposed approach mitigates leakage power by 90%–94% as compared to the conventional approach.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a simple and yet accurate closed-form expression to estimate the switching power dissipation of static CMOS gates. The developed model depends on normalizing a gate switching power to that of the unit standard inverter and it accounts for the effect of internodal capacitances. For different loads, gates, sizes and processes, the developed model shows a good agreement with Hspice simulations using BSIM3v3 and BSIM4 models for UMC 0.13 μm and Predictive high-k 45 nm processes, respectively. The average error introduced by the model for the considered scenarios is about 3.1%. Depending on the normalized switching power model, two power optimization techniques have been proposed in this paper. The first deals with transistor sizing problem and presents a scheme to size transistors according to a specific design goal. The second technique relies on the joint transistor sizing and supply voltage scaling for reducing the switching power dissipation under specific delay requirements. This technique exhibits superiority over the first for the considered technology processes: UMC 0.13 μm and the Predictive high-k 45 nm.  相似文献   

A delay and power model of a CMOS inverter driving aresistive-capacitive load is presented. The model is derivedfrom Sakurais alpha-power law and exhibits good accuracy. Themodel can be used to design and analyze those CMOS invertersthat drive a large RC load when considering bothspeed and power. Expressions are provided for estimating thepropagation delay and transition time which exhibit less than27% discrepancy from SPICE for a wide variety of RCloads. Expressions are also provided for modeling the short-circuitpower dissipation of a CMOS inverter driving a resistive-capacitiveinterconnect line which are accurate to within 15% of SPICEfor most practical loads.  相似文献   

There is no doubt that complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) circuits with wide fan-in suffers from the relatively sluggish operation. In this paper, a circuit that contains a gang of capacitors sharing their charge with each other is proposed as an alternative to long N-channel MOS and P-channel MOS stacks. The proposed scheme is investigated quantitatively and verified by simulation using the 45-nm CMOS technology with VDD = 1 V. The time delay, area and power consumption of the proposed scheme are investigated and compared with the conventional static CMOS logic circuit. It is verified that the proposed scheme achieves 52% saving in the average propagation delay for eight inputs and that it has a smaller area compared to the conventional CMOS logic when the number of inputs exceeds three and a smaller power consumption for a number of inputs exceeding two. The impacts of process variations, component mismatches and technology scaling on the proposed scheme are also investigated.  相似文献   

Inspired by the huge improvement in the RF properties of CMOS devices, RF designers are invading the wireless market with all-CMOS RF transceivers and system-on-chip implementations. In this work, the impact of technology scaling on the RF properties of CMOS; frequency properties, noise performance, linearity, stability, and non-quasi static effects is investigated to provide RF designers with an insight to the capabilities of future CMOS technologies. Moreover, the RF frequency performance of CMOS is investigated under the influence of process variations for different CMOS generations. Using the BSIM4 model, it is found that future CMOS technologies have high prospects in the RF industry and will continue challenging other technologies in the RF domain to be the dominant technology for RF transceivers and system-on-chip implementations.  相似文献   

一种新的低功耗CMOS三值电路设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出一种新的静态电压型CMOS三值电路设计方案.该方案具有电路结构规则,输入信号负载对称等特点,是一种具有互补输入-输出的双轨三值逻辑电路.由于电路中同时采用pMOS和nMOS两种传输管,从而保证了输出信号具有完整的逻辑摆幅和高噪声容限.尤为重要的是该设计方案是基于标准CMOS工艺而无需修改阈值电压,且结构较简单.采用0.25μm CMOS工艺参数及3V电源的计算机模拟结果同时表明所提出的电路设计具有高速及低功耗的特点.  相似文献   

一种应用于PWM D类音频功率放大器的CMOS Rail-to-Rail比较器   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了一种应用于CMOS D类音频功率放大器的Rail-to-Rail PWM比较器,其输入级为Rail-to-Rail结构,输出级为AB类输出。基于CSMC 0.5μm CMOS工艺的BSIM3V3 Spice模型,采用Hspice对PWM比较器的特性进行了仿真,典型模型下的直流开环增益为50dB,电源抑制比为52dB,ICMR为0.04V~4.98V,传输时延为24.5ns,版图有效面积为210×75μm2。由于PWM比较器的良好性能参数,所以其不仅适用于D类音频功率放大器,也能应用于各类低频数据转换电路。  相似文献   

Maximizing the bandwidth of operation relative to dc power dissipation in complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) transconductors has been addressed in this article. It is proposed that the ac transconductance-to-dc power dissipation ratio is an appropriate objective function in this case. The general nature of the objective function is examined first. CMOS transconductors with two and four MOS working transistors are analyzed next. For structures of each kind, the ac transconductance-to-dc power dissipation ratio is maximized, and the optimal set of voltage variables is evaluated. For four-MOS structures with differential input signals, it is revealed that the choice of signal phase influences the objective function. The results of theoretical analyses are exhaustively tabulated. Numerical simulations are used to bring out the significance of the analytical expressions. This facilitates a comparison among several transconductors regarding the best possible ac transconductance-to-dc power dissipation ratio. These results are combined with HSPICE simulation results to suggest a few transconductor structures that are optimum with reference to the operation over wide bandwidths with lower power dissipation, high linearity and low harmonic distortion.The research was supported by grant no. N485 awarded to Dr. R. Raut by the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada.  相似文献   

介绍了一个在0.13µm 1P8M CMOS工艺下实现的12位30兆采样率流水线模数转换器。提出了一种消除前端采样保持电路的低功耗设计方法。除了第一级之外,带双输入的两级cascode补偿的运算放大器在相邻级间共享以进一步地减小功耗。该模数转换器在5MHz的模拟输入和30.7MHz的采样速率下达到了65.3dB的SNR,75.8dB的SFDR和64.6dB的SNDR。该芯片在1.2V电源电压下消耗33.6mW。FOM达到了0.79pJ/conv step。  相似文献   

A 12-bit 30 MSPS pipeline analog-to-digital converter(ADC) implemented in 0.13-μm 1P8M CMOS technology is presented.Low power design with the front-end sample-and-hold amplifier removed is proposed.Except for the first stage,two-stage cascode-compensated operational amplifiers with dual inputs are shared between successive stages to further reduce power consumption.The ADC presents 65.3 dB SNR,75.8 dB SFDR and 64.6 dB SNDR at 5 MHz analog input with 30.7 MHz sampling rate.The chip dissipates 33.6 mW from 1.2 V power supply.FOM is 0.79 pJ/conv step.  相似文献   

A novel low power RF receiver front-end for 3-5 GHz UWB is presented. Designed in the 0.13μm CMOS process, the direct conversion receiver features a wideband balun-coupled noise cancelling transconductance input stage, followed by quadrature passive mixers and transimpedance loading amplifiers. Measurement results show that the receiver achieves an input return loss below-8.5 dB across the 3.1-4.7 GHz frequency range, max-imum voltage conversion gain of 27 dB, minimum noise figure of 4 dB, IIP3 of-11.5 dBm, and IIP2 of 33 dBm. Working under 1.2 V supply voltage, the receiver consumes total current of 18 mA including 10 mA by on-chip quadrature LO signal generation and buffer circuits. The chip area with pads is 1.1 × 1.5 mm2.  相似文献   

低功耗光纤陀螺用光源驱动电路的设计与实现   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
在分析光纤陀螺(FOG)对光源驱动电路基本要求的基础上,设计了高精度的光源控制与功率驱动电路,在降低功耗的同时大大减小了光源驱动电路的散热和体积,实现了光源驱动电路的高精度、低功耗和小型化,最后给出了实际测试数据。  相似文献   

In this paper,the glitching activity and process variations in the maximum power dissipation estimation of CMOS circulits are introduced.Given a circuit and the gate library,a new Genetic Algorithm (GA)-based technique is developed to determine the maximum power dissipation from a statistical point of view.The simulation on ISCAS-89 benchmarks shows that the ratio of the maximum power dissipation with glitching activity over the maximum power under zero-delay model ranges from 1.18 to 4.02.Compared with the traditional Monte Carlo-based technique,the new approach presented in this paper is more effective.  相似文献   

Leakage currents are gaining importance as design parameters in nanometer CMOS technologies. A novel leakage current estimation method, which takes into account the dependency of leakage mechanisms, is proposed for general CMOS complex gates, including non-series-parallel transistor arrangements, not covered by existing approaches. The main contribution of this work is a fast, accurate, and systematic procedure to determine the potentials at transistor network nodes for calculating standby static currents. The proposed method has been validated through electrical simulations, showing an error smaller than 7% and an 80× speed-up when comparing to electrical simulation.  相似文献   

A low power 3-5 GHz CMOS UWB receiver front-end   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A novel low power RF receiver front-end for 3-5 GHz UWB is presented. Designed in the 0.13μm CMOS process, the direct conversion receiver features a wideband balun-coupled noise cancelling transconductance input stage, followed by quadrature passive mixers and transimpedance loading amplifiers. Measurement results show that the receiver achieves an input return loss below -8.5 dB across the 3.1-4.7 GHz frequency range, maximum voltage conversion gain of 27 dB, minimum noise figure of 4 dB, IIP3 of -11.5 dBm, and IIP2 of 33 dBm. Working under 1.2 V supply voltage, the receiver consumes total current of 18 mA including 10 mA by on-chip quadrature LO signal generation and buffer circuits. The chip area with pads is 1.1 × 1.5 mm^2.  相似文献   

CMOS混频器设计现状与进展   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
唐守龙  吴建辉 《微电子学》2005,35(6):605-611
详细阐述了CMOS混频器设计技术的进展,着重介绍了CMOS混频器各项性能优化技术的现状与进展,探讨了各种技术的优缺点。最后,总结了CMOS混频器有关转换增益、线性度以及噪声系数的成果报道。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a repeater for boosting the speed of interconnects with low power dissipation. We have designed and implemented at 45 and 32 nm technology nodes. Delay and power dissipation performances are analyzed for various voltage levels at these technology nodes using Spice simulations. A significant reduction in delay and power dissipation are observed compared to a conventional repeater. The results show that the proposed high-speed low-power repeater has a reduced delay for higher load capacitance. The proposed repeater is also compared with LPTG CMOS repeater, and the results shows that the proposed repeater has reduced delay. The proposed repeater can be suitable for high-speed global interconnects and has the capacity to drive large loads.  相似文献   

In this article, a new complementary metal oxide semiconductor design scheme called dynamic self-controllable voltage level (DSVL) is proposed. In the proposed scheme, leakage power is controlled by dynamically disconnecting supply to inactive blocks and adjusting body bias to further limit leakage and to maintain performance. Leakage power measurements at 1.8?V, 75°C demonstrate power reduction by 59.4% in case of 1?bit full adder and by 43.0% in case of a chain of four inverters using SVL circuit as a power switch. Furthermore, we achieve leakage power reduction by 94.7% in case of 1?bit full adder and by 91.8% in case of a chain of four inverters using dynamic body bias. The forward body bias of 0.45?V applied in active mode improves the maximum operating frequency by 16% in case of 1?bit full adder and 5.55% in case of a chain of inverters. Analysis shows that additional benefits of using the DSVL and body bias include high performance, low leakage power consumption in sleep mode, single threshold implementation and state retention even in standby mode.  相似文献   

Feng Peng  Li Yunlong  Wu Nanjian 《半导体学报》2010,31(1):015009-015009-5
A high efficiency charge pump circuit is designed and realized. The charge transfer switch is biased by the additional capacitor and transistor to eliminate the influence of the threshold voltage. Moreover, the bulk of the switch transistor is dynamically biased so that the threshold voltage gets lower when it is turned on during charge transfer and gets higher when it is turned off. As a result, the efficiency of the charge pump circuit can be improved. A test chip has been implemented in a 0.18 μm 3.3 V standard CMOS process. The measured output voltage of the eight-pumping-stage charge pump is 9.8 V with each pumping capacitor of 0.5 pF at an output current of 0.18 μA, when the clock frequency is 780 kHz and the supply voltage is 2 V. The charge pump and the clock driver consume a total current of 2.9 μA from the power supply. This circuit is suitable for low power applications.  相似文献   

In this article an object tracking CMOS sensor is presented. The architecture incorporates photo detection devices and pixel level processing elements for capturing and processing the image data and extracting the object's coordinates. The edges of the image scene are extracted by in-pixel edge detectors and the region (object) of interest, selected by the user, is segmented using a switch network. Coordinates of the desired region are obtained by extracting the geometric centre of the region. Tracking of the selected object is then performed by automatic reselection of the region using the updated coordinates. The proposed design presents less sensitivity to threshold adjustments than binarisation techniques. The sensor has been designed as a 64 × 64 pixel VLSI CMOS chip in the 0.35 μm standard CMOS technology. The proposed structure is analysed with regard to its operation in the presence of mismatches and noise. Features of the sensor are reported and compared with some previous object tracking designs. Because the power dissipation is small, the chip is ideal for low-power applications.  相似文献   

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