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横管降膜蒸发内回热式太阳能海水淡化装置的实验研究 总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5
设计建造了一台利用太阳能或其它余热驱动的横管降膜蒸发内回热式海水淡化装置,并利用模拟热源对该装置进行了实验研究,由于在系统的蒸发及冷凝过程中,大部分水蒸汽的凝结潜热被重复利用于海水的预热及蒸发过程,因而系统具有较高的产水率,同时,由于在气流的闭式环过程中,蒸发腔中处于负压状态,冷凝腔中处于正压状态,强化了系统的产水性能,使系统的产水效率比传统的盘式太阳能蒸馏器提高了3倍左右,介绍了系统的瞬态特性及运行温度,供海水流率与产水量的相互关系,对影响系统产水率的其它因素进行了讨论。 相似文献
降膜蒸发低温多效太阳能海水淡化系统实验研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
基于横管与竖管降膜蒸发与降膜凝结的强化传热传质机理,设计建造了一台具有四效回热性能的小型低温多效式太阳能海水淡化系统,用电加热水箱模拟太阳集热系统,对该系统进行了模拟实验。实验中,对系统的瞬态和稳态性能进行了测试,给出了系统在不同运行温度、压力下的产水速率和性能系数。实验结果表明,由于在本系统中采用了横管、竖管降膜蒸发及降膜凝结技术,使其中大部分的蒸汽潜热及部分盐水的显热得到了多次重复利用,提高了系统的性能系数。在供热水温度为75℃、系统内部压力为10kPa左右时,装置的性能系数可达到3.0左右。对影响产水率的其他因素也作了探索与分析,给出了合理的取值范围。 相似文献
降膜蒸发多效回热吸收式太阳能海水淡化系统的实验研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
基于降膜蒸发与降膜凝结机理,设计建造了一台具有四效回热性能的吸收式太阳能海水淡化系统,用电加热水箱模拟太阳能集热系统,对该系统进行了模拟实验。实验中,对系统的瞬态和稳态性能进行了测试,给出了系统在不同运行温度、压力下的产水速率和性能系数。实验结果表明,由于在本系统中采用了横管、竖管降膜蒸发及降膜凝结技术,使其中大部分的蒸汽潜热及部分盐水的显热得到了多次重复利用,并由于吸收工质对最末效蒸汽进行了主动吸收,回收了蒸汽的焓,从而强化了最后一效的蒸发过程,因而系统具有较高的性能系数。在供热水温度为80℃、系统内部压力为15kPa时,四效装置的性能系数可达到3.0左右,体现出吸收式系统的良好优势。对影响产水率的其他因素也作了探索与分析,给出了合理的取值范围。 相似文献
一种竖管降膜蒸发太阳能海水淡化装置的实验研究 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
设计了一种竖管降膜—横管冷凝的太阳能海水淡化装置。以电加热作为供热热源,在不同的运行参数下进行了实验研究,分析了影响装置性能的各种因素。分析表明:在供能相同的情况下,闭式循环的单位能耗产水率比开式循环提高了约1.0~1.5倍;提高循环热水进口温度有利于提高产水率和单位能耗产水率;海水流率有一个理想取值范围。 相似文献
为深入研究液膜内的微观传热机理,对水平管外降膜蒸发的传热特性进行了数值模拟,获得了液膜厚度、液膜流动速度和传热系数等热力参数在液膜内的分布特性。通过与实验数据的对比验证了数学模型的准确性。研究结果表明:在饱和蒸发温度62℃、传热温差2.8℃、管外径25.4mm和液膜入口速度0.071~0.15 m/s条件下,沿圆周方向,液膜厚度减小,传热系数增加,直至达到液膜热力发展区,膜厚和传热系数趋于稳定;受液膜内温度变化的影响,液膜内的粘度、表面张力和导热系数的变化对液膜传热特性产生显著影响。 相似文献
A numerical simulation and experimental study were carried out for evaporation heat transfer of a falling water film on a smooth horizontal tube bundle evaporator. A laminar model and a turbulence model were respectively adopted to calculate the heat transfer coefficients of falling water film on horizontal heated tubes. The calculation zone on the heated tube was divided into the top stagnation zone and the lateral free film zone. The initial boundary conditions for the free film zone were determined from the calculated results of the stagnation zone. The modified wall function method was used for the turbulent flow. Comparisons between the experimental data and the numerical solutions by use of two flow models show that the experimental data lie between the laminar model solutions and the latter turbulence model solutions and that they are closer to the latter solutions. Finally, a simple dimensionless correction based on the numerical simulations is proposed for predicting the evaporation heat transfer of falling water film for actual engineering applications. © 2001 Scripta Technica, Heat Trans Asian Res, 31(1): 42–55, 2002 相似文献
Experimental study on a horizontal tube falling film evaporation and closed circulation solar desalination system 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A specifically designed solar desalinization system with a solar collector (about 2.01 m2 in area) has been developed and tested under practical weather conditions. In this system, a considerable fraction of the latent and sensible heat is successfully recycled and utilized for preheating the feedstock and recycling air via a condensation cavity and heat exchangers. The thermal performance of the system is greatly improved because of the falling film evaporation technology used. As a result, the yield is about two to three times more than that of a conventional single basin type solar still under the same conditions. The transient-state performance of the system, the relationships with the solar radiation, the operating temperature, the feedstock flow rate and the productivity are presented. Other factors influencing the freshwater are also discussed. 相似文献
For utilization of the residual heat of flue gas to drive the absorption chillers,a lithium-bromide
falling film in vertical tube type generator is presented.A mathematical model was developed to
simulate the heat and mass coupled problem of laminar falling film evaporation in vertical tube.In the
model,the factor of mass transfer was taken into account in heat transfer performance calculation.The
temperature and concentration fields were calculated.Some tests were conducted for the factors
such as Re number,heating flux,the inlet concentration and operating pressure which can affect the
heat and mass transfer performance in laminar falling film evaporation.The heat transfer performance is
enhanced with the increasing of heat flux.An increasing inlet concentration can weaken the heat
transfer performance.The operating pressure hardly affects on heat and mass transfer.The bigger inlet
Re number means weaker heat transfer effects and stronger mass transfer.The mass transfer
obviously restrains the heat transfer in the falling film solution.The relation between dimensionless
heat transfer coefficient and the inlet Re number is obtained. 相似文献
falling film in vertical tube type generator is presented.A mathematical model was developed to
simulate the heat and mass coupled problem of laminar falling film evaporation in vertical tube.In the
model,the factor of mass transfer was taken into account in heat transfer performance calculation.The
temperature and concentration fields were calculated.Some tests were conducted for the factors
such as Re number,heating flux,the inlet concentration and operating pressure which can affect the
heat and mass transfer performance in laminar falling film evaporation.The heat transfer performance is
enhanced with the increasing of heat flux.An increasing inlet concentration can weaken the heat
transfer performance.The operating pressure hardly affects on heat and mass transfer.The bigger inlet
Re number means weaker heat transfer effects and stronger mass transfer.The mass transfer
obviously restrains the heat transfer in the falling film solution.The relation between dimensionless
heat transfer coefficient and the inlet Re number is obtained. 相似文献