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An electron Penning-Malmberg trap,which can confine an electron column and provide a good platform to investigate the cross-filed transportation of strongly magnetized electron plasma ,has been set up.With the device,an electron plasma with a density of 10^7 cm^-3 can be confined for a relatively long time.The structure of the trap,electron source,as well as the way how th measure electron plasma density profile and velocity distrbustion are introduced in detail.  相似文献   

Electron heating via lower hybrid current drive (LHCD) has been investigated in HT-7 superconducting tokamak. Experiments show that the central electron temperature Te0, the volume averaged electron temperature 〈 Te 〉 and the peaking factor of the electron temperature QTe = Teo/〈 Te 〉 increase with the lower hybrid wave (LHW) power. Simultaneously the electron heating efficiency and the electron temperature as the function of the central line-averaged electron density (ne) and the plasma current (Ip) have also been investigated. The experimental results are in a good agreement with those of the classical collision theory and the LHW power deposition theory.  相似文献   

The solution of the Vlasov equation for the longitudinal electron plasma wave is obtained by using Neumann series method. The electron relaxation process is analytically described by the superposition of expressions for electron streamings and Coulomb collisions.

The currently established formula for the longitudinal plasma wave is also explained by the closed-form solution of the Vlasov equation.

The expression effectively describes the detailed physical processes of the electron plasma wave relaxation both in space and time.  相似文献   

A model for the nonlinear properties of obliquely propagating electron acoustic solitary waves in a two-electron populated relativistically quantum magnetized plasma is presented. By using the standard reductive perturbation technique, the Zakharov-Kuznetsov (ZK) equation is derived and this equation gives the solitary wave solution. It is observed that the relativistic effects, the ratio of the cold to hot electron unperturbed number density and the magnetic field normalized by electron cyclotron frequency significantly influence the solitary structures.  相似文献   

A new and simple type of electron gun is presented.Unlike conventional electron guns,which require a heated filament or extractor,accelerator and focusing electrodes,this gun uses the collimated electron microchannels of an inertial electrostatic confinement(IEC) discharge to achieve the same outcome.A cylindrical cathode is placed coaxially within a cylindrical anode to create the discharge.Collimated beams of electrons and fast neutrals emerge along the axis of the cylindrical cathode.This geometry isolates one of the microchannels that emerge in a negatively biased IEC grid.The internal operating pressure range of the gun is 35-190 m Torr.A small aperture separates the gun from the main vacuum chamber in order to achieve a pressure differential.The chamber was operated at pressures of 4-12 m Torr.The measured current produced by the gun was 0.1-3 m A(0.2-14 m A corrected measurement) for discharge currents of 1-45 m A and discharge voltages of 0.5-12 k V.The collimated electron beam emerges from the aperture into the vacuum chamber.The performance of the gun is unaffected by the pressure differential between the vacuum chamber and the gun.This allows the aperture to be removed and the chamber pressure to be equal to the gun pressure if required.  相似文献   

Large size of air plasma at near atmospheric pressure has specific effects in aerospace applications. In this paper, a two dimensional multi-fluid model coupled with Monte Carlo (MC) model is established, and some experiments were carried out to investigate the characteristics of electron beam air plasma at pressure of 100-170 Torr. Based on the model, the properties of electron beam air plasma are acquired. The electron density is of the order of 1016 m-3 and the longitudinal size can exceed 1.2 m. The profiles of charged particles demonstrate that the oxygen molecule is very important for air plasma and its elementary processes play a key role in plasma equilibrium processes. The potential is almost negative and a very low potential belt is observed at the edge of plasma acting as a protection shell. A series of experiments were carried out in a low pressure vacuum facility and the beam plasma densities were diagnosed. The experimental results demonstrate that electron density increased with the electron beam energy, and the relatively low pressure was favorable for gaining high density plasma. Hence in order to achieve high density and large size plasma, it requires the researchers to choose proper discharge parameters.  相似文献   

本文利用二维PIC模拟了超短超强激光与陡峭密度梯度等离子体相互作用过程中电子的加热机制。结果表明,在1023 W/cm2的超短超强激光场与陡峭密度分布的μm级等离子体层相互作用的过程中有质动力加速、大幅度等离子体尾场及共振吸收共同决定了电子束的加速与加热。  相似文献   

It is found that in HT-7 ohmic plasma, main energy loss comes from electron heat conduction, hence quantitative data of electron heat diffusivity is a very important issue for investigation of electron heat transportation behavior in different target plasmas so as to get high performance plasma. A time-to-peak method of the heat pulse propagation originating from the sawtooth activity on the soft x-ray intensity signal has been adopted to experimentally determine electron heat diffusivity χe^HP on the HT-7 tokamak. Aiming to improve the signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio of the original signal to get a stable and reasonable electron heat diffusivity χe^HD value, some data processing methods, including average of tens of sawteeth, is discussed. The electron heat diffusivity χe^HP is larger than χe^PB which is determined from the balance of background plasma power. Based on variation of the measured electron heat diffusivity χe^HP , performances of different high confinement plasmas are analyzed.  相似文献   

The ion source of the electron cyclotron resonance ion thruster(ECRIT) extracts ions from its ECR plasma to generate thrust, and has the property of low gas consumption(2 sccm,standard-state cubic centimeter per minute) and high durability. Due to the indispensable effects of the primary electron in gas discharge, it is important to experimentally clarify the electron energy structure within the ion source of the ECRIT through analyzing the electron energy distribution function(EEDF) of the plasma inside the thruster. In this article the Langmuir probe diagnosing method was used to diagnose the EEDF, from which the effective electron temperature, plasma density and the electron energy probability function(EEPF) were deduced. The experimental results show that the magnetic field influences the curves of EEDF and EEPF and make the effective plasma parameter nonuniform. The diagnosed electron temperature and density from sample points increased from 4 eV/2×10~(16)m~(-3) to 10 eV/4×10~(16)m(-3) with increasing distances from both the axis and the screen grid of the ion source. Electron temperature and density peaking near the wall coincided with the discharge process. However, a double Maxwellian electron distribution was unexpectedly observed at the position near the axis of the ion source and about 30 mm from the screen grid. Besides, the double Maxwellian electron distribution was more likely to emerge at high power and a low gas flow rate. These phenomena were believed to relate to the arrangements of the gas inlets and the magnetic field where the double Maxwellian electron distribution exits. The results of this research may enhance the understanding of the plasma generation process in the ion source of this type and help to improve its performance.  相似文献   

The properties of a helium atmospheric-pressure plasma jet(APPJ)are diagnosed with a dual assisted grounded electrode dielectric barrier discharge device.In the glow discharge,we captured the current waveforms at the positions of the three grounded rings.From the current waveforms,the time delay between the adjacent positions of the rings is employed to calculate the plasma bullet velocity of the helium APPJ.Moreover,the electron density is deduced from a model combining with the time delay and current intensity,which is about 1011cm-3.In addition,The ion-neutral particles collision frequency in the radial direction is calculated from the current phase difference between two rings,which is on the order of 107 Hz.The results are helpful for understanding the basic properties of APPJs.  相似文献   

HIRFL-CSR电子冷却装置电子枪的参数测试   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在用实心电子束对离子进行冷却过程中,束流累积会增强电子离子重组概率和空间电荷效应而引起束流损失。针对这个问题,HIRFL-CSR电子冷却装置采用了一种能够产生从实心到空心电子束且电子束密度连续可调的特殊电子枪设计。本文介绍电子枪的结构及工作特点,给出一些主要参数的实验结果,并通过理论计算分析了用空心电子束进行冷却的优点。   相似文献   

1 Introduction X-ray spectra emitted from hot dense plasmas pro- vide an important diagnostic tool to infer local plasma parameters, particularly the ionization stage, density, and temperature [1]. Analysis of the emission spectra of highly stripped ions from laser-produced plasmas is potentially the most direct and reliable method for de- ducing the ultra-high-pressure plasma conditions. The development of the diagnostic methods for electron den- sity will produce important effect on the stud…  相似文献   

The characteristics of electrons play a dominant role in determining the ionization and acceleration processes of plasmas. Compared with electrostatic diagnostics, the optical method is independent of the radio frequency(RF) noise, magnetic field, and electric field. In this paper, an optical emission spectroscope was used to determine the plasma emission spectra, electron excitation energy population distributions(EEEPDs), growth rates of low-energy and highenergy electrons, and their intensity jumps with input powers. The 56 emission lines with the highest signal-to-noise ratio and their corresponding electron excitation energy were used for the translation of the spectrum into EEEPD. One discrete EEEPD has two clear different regions,namely the low-energy electron excitation region(neutral lines with threshold energy of13–15 eV) and the high-energy electron excitation region(ionic lines with threshold energy?19 e V). The EEEPD variations with different diameters of discharge tubes(20 mm, 40 mm,and 60 mm) and different input RF powers(200–1800 W) were investigated. By normalized intensity comparison of the ionic and neutral lines, the growth rate of the ionic population was higher than the neutral one, especially when the tube diameter was less than 40 mm and the input power was higher than 1000 W. Moreover, we found that the intensities of low-energy electrons and high-energy electrons jump at different input powers from inductively coupled(H) mode to helicon(W) mode; therefore, the determination of W mode needs to be carefully considered.  相似文献   

We investigate the Terahertz(THz) plasma waves in a two-dimensional(2D) electron gas in a nanometer field effect transistor(FET) with quantum effects, the electron scattering,the thermal motion of electrons and electron exchange-correlation. We find that, while the electron scattering, the wave number along y direction and the electron exchange-correlation suppress the radiation power, but the thermal motion of electrons and the quantum effects can amplify the radiation power. The radiation frequency decreases with electron exchange-correlation contributions, but increases with quantum effects, the wave number along y direction and thermal motion of electrons. It is worth mentioning that the electron scattering has scarce influence on the radiation frequency. These properties could be of great help to the realization of practical THz plasma oscillations in nanometer FET.  相似文献   

In order to estimate the electron temperature soft x-ray imaging diagnostics using a double filter technique has been developed in the HT-7 tokamak. The chosen thicknesses of the Be foil are 12.5 μm and 70 μm, respectively. In this article both the main design of the diagnostic configuration and the method to estimate the electron temperature are presented. The results agree with those estimated from the soft x-ray pulse height analyzer (PHA). The main causes of systematic error have also been investigated.  相似文献   

By using a one-dimensional self-consistent relativistic fluid model, an investigation is made numerically on relativistic electromagnetic solitons with a high intensity in cold overdense plasmas with an electrons' initial velocity opposite to the laser propagating direction. Two types of standing solitons with zero group velocity are found at the given electrons' initial velocities. One is single-humped with a weakly relativistic intensity; the another is multi-humped with a strong relativistic amplitude. The properties of these two types of solitons are presented in detail.  相似文献   

The paper describes the construction of a magnetic electron analyzer for pulsed beam electron energy distribution studies. The single shot information is obtained using a NMOS linear image sensor. Both the energetical and the sensitivity calibration were performed using careful numerical simulations. For simplicity, the signals can be read on an oscilloscope, and they are transmitted via an optic fiber, which allows the analyzer to work while connected to high voltage. The analyzer was successfully implemented on a 15 kV/3 kJ plasma focus device and was used to study the electron energy distribution in the 30–660 keV range..  相似文献   

Possibility of the measurement of radiated waves derived from the thermally emitted electron Bernstein wave (EBW) is numerically investigated based on the assum...  相似文献   

Analytical theories of the geodesic acoustic mode (GAM) are reviewed in the small- and large-orbit drift width limits, respectively. Different physics pictures in these two limits are displayed. As an example, these two analytical methods are employed to investigate the plasma shaping effect on the frequency and collisionless damping rate of the GAM.  相似文献   

旁支管流致声共振是由特定结构下流场和声场相互作用的结果。本文针对圆形封闭旁支管结构的声共振特征展开实验,研究了旁支管高度和主管道流速对旁支管声共振现象的影响,获得了压力脉动特征和声共振发生区域。实验研究的5种旁支管高度(H/d)为6、8、10、12和14,实验雷诺数Re=3.24×104~2.89×105,马赫数Ma=0.029~0.26。研究结果表明:随着流速的增加,声共振频率会出现频率锁定现象;随着旁支管高度的增加,同阶声模态对应的主控频率降低,共振工况声压幅值降低,声模态转变点对应的流速减小,实验流速范围内声模态数增加。在本实验结构中,声共振主要发生在斯特鲁哈尔数St=0.2~0.55区域内。  相似文献   

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