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TiAl合金细小全层片组织形成机理   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
根据对细小全层片组织及其高温转变中间组织的金相和电镜观察分析结果,提出了一种新的双相钛铝合金层片组织形成机理,即γ/α层片结构在α单相区温度下沿γ相基体中不同取向(111)惯习面成束形成,而后在冷却过程中转变为层片团细小的γ/α2全层片组织。  相似文献   

TiAl合金细小全层片组织断裂机理   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
张继  张志宏  邹敦叙  仲增墉 《金属学报》1996,32(10):1044-1048
对多重热处理得来的铸造Ti-46.5Al-2.5V-1.0Cr-0.2Ni(原子分数,%)合金细小全层片(FFL)组织断裂韧性试样侧面和断口形貌及裂纹区位错、孪晶结构进行了观察分析.发现FFL组织具有和FL组织相同的断裂特征,即多重断裂和裂尖区充分形变.但层片团尺寸的大幅度减小使得单个剪切带对应变能的消耗减小较多,且使裂纹扩展中总的变形体积减小,从而减弱了剪切带的韧化作用,使FFL组织具有相对FL组织较低的断裂韧性.  相似文献   

以Ti-48Al-2Cr-2Nb(at%)合金为研究对象,通过热处理获得近片层和全片层两种显微组织,并在800℃空气条件下,进行了100 h的抗氧化性实验。利用OM、SEM、TEM、XRD和EDS对试样的微观结构、相组成及微区成分进行了分析。恒温氧化动力学结果表明:在800℃空气条件下,对于近片层和全片层两种Ti Al合金组织,其恒温氧化动力学曲线符合近抛物线规律,且近片层组织合金的抗氧化性能优于全片层组织。基于氧化动力学曲线、组织结构、氧化膜结构、氧化表面形貌分析,表明Ti Al合金的片层组织结构对其氧化行为具有不可忽视的影响。  相似文献   

研究了稳恒磁场作用下层状Pb-Sn共晶合金的凝固组织.实验发现,稳恒磁场的加入,层状共晶组织的方向性更强,层片长度增加;随着磁场强度的增加,层片结构更加规则,层片的长度随着增长,层片间距有所减小;同时,层片间距沿Z轴分布的差距减少.根据电磁场和凝固理论,对上述现象进行了理论分析,揭示出了稳恒磁场抑制熔体对流,影响了溶质的分布,导致了生长速度的提高.  相似文献   

晶粒尺度和片层厚度对全片层γ—TiAl合金性能的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究了全片层Ti-46.5Al-2Cr-1.5Nb-1V合金的显微组织与宏观力学性能之间的关系,研究表明,通过不同的热处理制度可以得到具有相同片层厚度的4种晶粒尺度,以及晶粒尺度大约为450um,片层厚度分别为150mm和500nm的组织。材料的屈服强度随着合金晶粒尺度和片层厚度的境加而减小,符合Hall-Patch关系,Ky值为1.82。材料的蠕变抗力随片层厚度的境枷而减小,但是对晶粒尺度的变化  相似文献   

通过单轴压缩及TEM原位拉伸研究了全层状TiAl合金(PST晶体)中α2板条的形变和断裂特征。结果表明,全层状TiAl合金中α2相形变和断裂特征与加载方向有关,当片层与加载轴平行时,α2相中的滑移沿柱面进行,微裂纹优先在α2相内(沿柱面)形核;而当片层与加载轴垂直时,形变困难,α2相中的滑移将沿角锥面进行,微裂纹奶容易沿相界面形核、扩展。  相似文献   

采用标准试样,测试了全层片组织Ti33Al3Cr0.5Mo(质量分数,%,下同)合金的室温断裂韧性(以下简称断裂韧性)。在SEM、TEM下原位观察了板状和薄膜状合金试样中裂纹产生及扩展的动态过程。发现试样的断裂韧性因层片板条取向的不同而呈现各向异性,α2相层片板条对裂纹的扩展具有阻碍作用并使裂尖发生钝化。基于以上原因,使得层片板条取向呈现随机性的合金试样具有高的室温断裂韧性。  相似文献   

通过单轴压缩及TEM原位拉伸研究了全层状TiAl合金 (PST晶体 )中α2 板条的形变和断裂特征。结果表明 ,全层状TiAl合金中α2 相形变和断裂特征与加载方向有关。当片层与加载轴平行时 ,α2 相中的滑移沿柱面进行 ,微裂纹优先在α2 相内 (沿柱面 )形核 ;而当片层与加载轴垂直时 ,形变困难 ,α2 相中的滑移将沿角锥面进行 ,微裂纹很容易沿相界面形核、扩展。  相似文献   

全层状TiAl合金室温拉伸性能的影响因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了显微组织和应变速率对全层状Ti-47Al-2Cr(at%)合金室温拉伸性能的影响,结果表明,全层状TiAl基合金的室温拉伸强度和室温延伸率随晶团尺寸和层片间距的减小而提高;其室温拉伸强度随应变速率的加快而提高;而应变速率对其室温延伸率的影响与显微组织相关,低延性全层状TiAl基合金的室温延伸率对应变速率不敏感,而高延性全层状TiAl基合金的室温延伸率对应变速率敏感,并随应变速率的加快而提高。  相似文献   

利用金相显微镜、扫描和透射电镜等仪器表征了TiAl合金的片层组织及结构特征,研究了Ti-48Al at%合金片层组织的形成机制和片层组织细化工艺及其机理。结果表明,Ti-48Al合金单级热处理能够得到全片层组织,平均晶粒尺寸约150μm,片层间距约1.30μm。其形成过程是:γ相在α相晶内(0001)面上通过全位错分解成核,通过不全位错滑移、层错区扩展而长大。循环热处理和双温热处理均能将片层晶粒尺寸细化到30μm,片层间距0.90μm,前者的细化机理为相变重结晶细化了α相晶粒,后者细化片层组织的关键在于低温段(α2+γ)两相区热处理形成细小的双态组织。  相似文献   

通过全片层γ-TiAl基合金SEM原位拉伸实验以及对裂纹前方滑移面及解理面上的应用力进行有限元计算,研究了片层界面在形核中的作用,当原裂纹与片层平行时,裂纹尖端滑移秕的分切应力较小,滑移相对困难,片层面上的正应力比其它解理面上的正应力大,从而解理裂纹优先沿片层界面形核;当裂纹与片层界面垂直时,裂纹尖端很多滑移系上的分切应力较大,滑移相对容易,片层面上的正应力远比其它解理面上的正应力小,从而裂纹优等  相似文献   

High temperature creep of a binary Ti-42mol%Al alloy with fully lamellar structure was studied to examine effects of lamellar spacing on creep strength. Strain hardening is more significant in a finer lamellar material, resulting in higher creep strength at high stresses. Discontinuous coarsening of lamellae takes place during creep, and is more substantial in the finer lamellar material at low stresses. Because of the microstructural degradation, the strengthening by fine lamellae diminishes at low stresses. Some specimens were annealed at high temperatures to finish the discontinuous coarsening prior to creep testing. In these specimens, the strengthening by fine lamellae becomes effective even at low stresses.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONThefullylamellarTiAlbasedalloyhasbeenknowntobeoneofthemostpromisingcandidatesforhightemperaturestructuralapplicationsforitshighfracturetoughnessandcreepresistance[1].Itshowslimitedroomtemperatureductility ,butsomeim provedroomtemperatureduc…  相似文献   

Finer lamellar spacing in the lamellar structure of a Ti–45Al–2Nb–2Mn + 0.8 vol.%TiB2 (45XD) alloy does improve the primary creep resistance. However, the unstable nature of the fine plate contributes largely to the degradation of the lamellar structure and a rapid increase in the tertiary creep rate, indicating that a fine lamellar structure has a detrimental effect on the long-term creep.  相似文献   

研究了Ti 48Al合金全片层组织在 115 0℃时效时的组织稳定性。结果表明 ,140 0℃ ,1h固溶处理后炉冷获得的粗片层组织的稳定性远远优于空冷获得的细片层组织。细片层组织首先在晶界处发生不连续粗化 ,而后粗化片层组织中的α2 相发生溶解并球化 ,从而转变为近γ组织 ;空冷组织中魏氏片层的存在降低了片层组织的稳定性 ,魏氏片层 /基体界面与晶界一同成为片层组织发生分解的起始部位。Ti 48Al 0 .8%B(摩尔分数 )合金的细片层组织因晶界TiB2 相的存在有效抑制了晶界不连续粗化 ,但γ相从TiB2 /基体界面和晶界重新形核生长使片层组织转变为均匀的细晶近γ组织  相似文献   

在Ti-47.5Al-3.7(Cr,V,Zr)合金中添加0.05%~0.2%C(原子分数,下同),采用冷坩埚悬浮熔炼方法制备出了层片组织TiAl合金铸棒,通过组织观察、室温拉伸和蠕变性能测试研究了C含量对TiAl合金组织和力学性能的影响。结果表明,添加0.05%~0.2%C后,合金仍可获得择优取向层片组织。随C含量增加α2层片体积分数略有增加,层片间距呈细化趋势。当C含量超过0.1%时,在α2和γ层片内和层片界面上有细小的Ti2AlC型碳化物析出,碳化物析出相的尺寸和数量随C含量增加有所增加。添加0.05%~0.2%C后提高了合金室温的抗拉强度和屈服强度,且随C含量增加提升幅度逐渐增大,当C含量为0.2%时,分别将抗拉强度和屈服强度提升了101和123 MPa。添加C元素后显著改善了合金的蠕变性能,当C含量为0.1%时蠕变性能最佳,与不含C的合金相比,其塑性蠕变应变降低了一半、相同应变时的蠕变速率降低了1个数量级以上。添加0.1%C提升合金蠕变抗力的机制主要是通过抑制合金在蠕变初期的位错萌生和增殖过程;在γ层片中形成割阶和位错碎片阻碍位错继续运动,使得合金在蠕变第一阶段的应变硬化程度迅速增加;此外,析出的Ti2AlC型碳化物进一步强化层片界面和基体,与层片间距细化共同提高了穿层片滑移位错的运动阻力。  相似文献   

Crystal growth of TiAl alloys   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The growth of TiAl alloys over a range of Al concentrations has been considered for ingots processed by the floating zone technique. For Al-rich alloys, single crystals of γ-TiAl cannot be grown for compositions below Ti-54 at% Al since a banded microstructure forms due to the limitations imposed by the L + → γ peritectic reaction. However, near stoichemetric TiAl crystals can be grown by the traveling solvent method when using a TiAl---Co flux, although optimum processing conditions have not yet been realized. For Ti-rich alloys, evidence of a growth morphology consisting of β-phase dendrites embedded within a continuous matrix of the peritectic -phase is found for ingots processed up to 200 mm h−1. The final lamellar orientation of the ingot is then determined by the orientation of the peritectic -phase and not by that of the leading β dendrites.  相似文献   

Cyclic-oxidation behavior of TiAl and of TiAl alloys   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The cyclic-oxidation behavior of (in w/o) Ti-36Al, Ti-35Al-0.1C, Ti-35Al-1.4V-0.1C and Ti-35Al-5Nb-0.1C was studied between 800 and 1000° C in air. A few experiments were also performed in oxygen. Scale spallation after oxidation in air occurs during cooling on TiAl, TiAl-C, and TiAl-V at or close to the metal/scale interface when a critical scale thickness has been achieved. This process repeats and can lead to a stratified scale. These three materials form scales composed of an inward-growing fine-grain mixture of TiO2-Al2O3 and an outward-growing coarse-grain TiO2 layer or TiO2+Al2O3 mixture. The TiAl-Nb alloy had a significantly different behavior. The scale on this material grew very slowly because a protective Al2O3 layer formed at the metal/scale interface. This behavior resulted in much better resistance to spallation because the critical scale thickness was reached only after a much longer time, and is different from the behavior of the other three alloys. Oxidation in air leads to slight nitridation of the subsurface zone beneath the scale. In comparison to oxidation in air, oxidation in oxygen improves the cyclicoxidation behavior. Whereas the scale formed in air was uniformly thick over the entire surface, the scale grown in oxygen varied locally in structure and thickness. A large fraction of the surface was covered with a thin Al2O3 layer, while the remaining part formed a two-layer scale similar to that formed in air. The results are discussed briefly in the light of a recently published model for scale spallation under compressive stress, however, quantitative estimations are not possible due to a lack of relevant data.  相似文献   

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