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为了提升无线网络的整体性能,通过IEEE 802.11MAC(媒体访问控制)层DCF(分布式协调功能)在基本工作模式下所使用的二进制退避算法和CW(竞争窗口)的大小对网络整体性能的影响进行了分析。采用了增大初始CW、取消信道从忙碌变为空闲后继续退避需要等待的DIFS(分布式帧间间隔)和设置一个中间值作为阀值使得节点发送失败或成功后采用不同的退避算法进行退避这3种措施来优化DCF方式下的退避机制。经OPNET仿真验证,改进算法能够有效地降低网络接入时延并能提高网络吞吐量。 相似文献
IEEE802.11无线局域网,在共享信道中经历碰撞的网络节点需要随机退避一段时间,这段时间是从竞争窗口中均匀选取,竞争窗口大小由BEB机制动态控制,一些文献研究表明,BEB机制在重负载的情况下,突现出公平性问题和低的吞吐量,本文基于MILD退避机制,提出一种适用于分布式协调功能改进算法。该算法通过修改802.11的MAC层中的DCF(DistributedCoordinationFunction)子协议,改善了IEEE802.11无线局域网在拥塞情况下的性能,提高了网络吞吐量。 相似文献
以网络方式获取信息并交流信息,已经成为现代信息社会的一个重要特征.传统网络设计和规划方法主要是靠经验,但随着无线局域网的不断发展,这样的方法已经不能适应网络的发展.通过设计一个无线校园网,采用OPNET Modeler的建模层次和建模方法[1],实现对IEEE802.11协议的模拟及优化,给出了使用OPNET进行网络仿真的步骤,对网络的性能指标进行了有效的测量,为设计及优化本校园无线网络提供了重要的依据. 相似文献
分析了现有IEEE 802.11无线局域网的基本接入机制DCF(Distributed Coordination Function)对QoS(Quality of Service)技术支持的局限性,介绍了未来具有QoS保证的IEEE 802.11e标准采用的一种新的MAC层接入机制EDCF(Enhanced DCF)。对EDCF的性能进行了仿真,并对比原有DCF的性能对仿真结果进行了分析。 相似文献
分布式协调功能DCF是IEEE802.11标准最基本的媒体接入方法,它的核心是载波检测多址接入/冲突避免(CSMA/CA)机制,通过退避算法,减少碰撞的概率。提出了一种新的退避机制改进IEEE802.11DCF饱和吞吐量性能,建立了三维马尔可夫链网络模型详细研究分析,同时利用NS2对所提出的机制进行仿真,比较了改进后的802.11DCF饱和吞吐量与原802.11DCF的饱和吞吐量的大小,仿真结果证明了算法的准确有效。 相似文献
无线局域网是目前无线通信领域中的主要通信网络之一,如何有效的分析IEE802.11无线局域网中的饱和吞吐率和接入时延一直是无线局域网中的研究重点.本文引入了一种新型的分析模型,分析了IEEE802.11DCF协议下Ad Hoc网络的饱和吞吐量,该模型不仅简单而且准确,有效地降低了分析方法的复杂度;同时本文还建立了一种有效的模型,分析了IEEE802.11DCF协议下Ad Hoc网络的接入时延.仿真结果表明所有的分析结果和仿真结果都很吻合,这说明了我们的分析模型是可行的. 相似文献
最大化802.11 DCF的饱和吞吐量对充分利用无线局域网宝贵的带宽资源具有重要意义。该文在分析802.11 DCF的饱和吞吐量与最小竞争窗口、最大回退等级、网络中竞争信道的节点数的关系的基础上,推导了根据网络中竞争信道的节点数,计算最小竞争窗口的最佳值的简单公式。给出了估计竞争信道的节点数并据此动态调整最小竞争窗口的最佳值的自适应算法。同时,该文对估计竞争节点数的算法的准确性和计算最小竞争窗口最佳值的公式的准确性进行了仿真分析,并比较了改进后的802.11 DCF的饱和吞吐量与原802.11 DCF的饱和吞吐量的大小。仿真结果证明了上述公式、算法是准确和有效的。 相似文献
The Probability Distribution of Slot Selection (PDoSS) of IEEE 802.11 DCF is extremely uneven, which makes the packet collision
probability very high. In this paper, we propose a novel RWBO+BEB backoff algorithm for 802.11 DCF to make the PDoSS even
and thus decrease the packet collision probability. A Markov model is built for analyzing RWBO+BEB's PDoSS and saturation
throughput. The model's correctness is validated by simulation. The performance of RWBO+BEB is also evaluated by simulation
in terms of PDoSS, saturation throughput, packet collision probability and packet delay. The simulation results indicate that
RWBO+BEB can decrease the packet collision probability to a large extent, utilize the channel more efficiently, and make the
packet delay jitter much lower comparing to 802.11 DCF. Moreover, we analyze the relation of saturation throughput and packet
collision probability to walking probability (pd) and contention windows (w), respectively. The analysis indicates that RWBO+BEB has a remarkable feature: its saturation throughput keeps high, and
packet collision probability keeps very low (which under 0.1) in a large range of pd and w, this allows us to configure pd and w more flexibly.
Supported by the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University (NCET 2005), the Research Project of Chongqing Municipal
Education Commission of China (KJ050503), the Research Grants by the Science & Tech. Commission of Chongqing (8817) and the
National Science Foundation of China (90304004).
Li Yun was born in 1974. He is currently a Ph.D. candidate in University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. His research
interests are in MAC protocol improvement and QoS in wireless ad hoc networks.
Long Ke-Ping was born in 1968. He received his Ph.D. from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in 1999. He is a professor
Ph.D. supervisor in special research Centre for Optical Internet and Wireless Information Networks (COIWIN) at ChongQing University
of Posts and Telecommunications. He was an IEEE member. He has over 120 research publications and 4 patents application. His
research interests include: Optical Burst switching, modeling of optical networking, IP QoS mechanisms (Diffserv and Intserv,
MPLS), WDM/SDH/ATM networks survivability, TCP/IP enhancements in wireless networks, and Mobile IP.
Zhao Wei-liang was born in 1962 and received his Ph.D. degree from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in 2001. He
is a professor and a post-doctoral fellow in Beijing University of Posts & Telecommunications of China. His current interest
lies in wireless communications. 相似文献
The fundamental access method of IEEE 802.11 is a DCF known as carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) scheme with exponential back-off. RTS_threshold is used to determine whether to deploy RTS/CTS access method. This threshold should vary with the number of contending stations which contend wireless media to get better throughput. The paper proposes an algorithm which estimates the number of contending stations in BSS. The algorithm is shown to be accurate which is verified by elaborate simulations. 相似文献
Throughput Analysis and Admission Control for IEEE 802.11a 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
We propose a new Markov model for the distributed coordination function (DCF) of IEEE 802.11. The model incorporates carrier sense, non-saturated traffic and SNR, for both basic and RTS/CTS access mechanisms. Analysis of the model shows that the throughput first increases, and then decreases with the number of active stations, suggesting the need for an admission control mechanism.We introduce such a mechanism, which tries to maximize the throughput while maintaining a fair allocation. The maximum achievable throughput is tracked by the mechanism as the number of active stations increases. An extensive performance analysis shows that the mechanism provides significant improvements.Mustafa Ergen received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from Middle East Technical University (METU) and was the METU Valedictorian in 2000. He received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering in 2002 and 2004, the MOT certificate of HAAS Business School in 2003, and the M.A. degree in International and Area Studies in 2004 from the University of California, Berkeley.Dr. Ergen has been conducting research in wireless communication networks with an emphasis on sensor networks, wireless LAN and OFDM systems and is the author of many works in the field, including the book (with A.R.S. Bahai and B.R. Saltzberg) Multi-Carrier Digital Communications: Theory and Applications of OFDM (New York: Springer, 2004).He is National Semiconductor Post Doctoral Fellow and was awarded eight times Bulent Kerim Altay Award by department of electrical engineering in METU and received Best Student Paper Award in IEEE ISCC 2003 and has an invited paper in IEEE GLOBECOM CAMAD 200.Pravin Varaiya is Nortel Networks Distinguished Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at the University of California, Berkeley. From 1975 to 1992, he was also Professor of Economics at Berkeley. His research is concerned with communication networks, transportation, and hybrid systems. He has taught at MIT and the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Varaiya has held a Guggenheim Fellowship and a Miller Research Professorship. He received an Honorary Doctorate from L’Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, and the Field Medal of the IEEE Control Systems Society. He is a Fellow of IEEE and a member of the National Academy of Engineering. He is on the editorial board of several journals, including “Discrete Event Dynamical Systems” and “Transportation Research-C.” He has co-authored three books and more than 250 technical papers. The second edition of “High-Performance Communication Networks” (with Jean Walrand) was published by Morgan-Kaufmann in 2000. “Structure and interpretation of signals and systems” (with Edward Lee) was published in 2002 by Addison-Wesley. 相似文献
ADCF:IEEE 802.11 DCF协议的自适应简便算法 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
本文提出了一种自适应型IEEE802.11 DCF协议:ADCF。该协议根据网络规模的变化,动态调节RTS/CTS机制的门限值,优化系统性能。在分析DCF协议的基础上,本文给出了一种估算网络规模的简便算法。仿真结果表明,该算法计算准确快捷。 相似文献
For IEEE 802.11 DCF networks in ad-hoc mode, how to achieve the maximum throughput in a distributed manner draws much attention in previous studies. The problem becomes challenging for partially-saturated heterogeneous networks with multiple groups, as the optimal access parameters not only depend on the group size of saturated groups but also the aggregate input rate of all the unsaturated groups, both of which are hard to obtain without a central controller. In this paper, a novel distributive scheme is proposed for partially-saturated heterogeneous IEEE 802.11 DCF networks to achieve the maximum network throughput. With the proposed scheme, each saturated transmitter can obtain the optimal initial backoff window size distributively by two estimation rounds. In each estimation round, each saturated transmitter only needs to count the number of busy intervals and ACK frames on the channel. For fully-saturated networks, only one estimation round is needed. It is shown by extensive simulations that the proposed scheme can achieve the maximum network throughput in a distributive manner. 相似文献
Distributed Coordination Function (DCF) is the basis of IEEE 802.11 MAC sublayer. To improve energy efficiency, IEEE 802.11 has specified power saving mechanism (PSM) for DCF. However, the performance of PSM degrades seriously when load is heavy. In this paper we first analyze the reason of performance degradation, and then propose two adaptive mechanisms: PSM+ and fairPSM+. Numerous simulation results have shown that these two mechanisms can achieve high performance with heavy load and still get the same performance as PSM when load is light.Shihong Zou was born in 1978. He received his Bacchelor of Engineering degree in Computer Engineering from Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications (Nanjing, China) in 1999, and his Ph.D. degree in communication and information systems from Beijng University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT) in 2004. He is currently a lecturer in BUPT. His research interests include IP QoS, WLAN, mobile ad hoc networks and network security.Haitao Wu was born in 1976. He received his Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) degree in Communication Engineering from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT) in 1998, and his Ph.D. degree in communication and information systems from BUPT in 2003. He is currently a Post-doctor in Microsoft Research Asia (MSRA), wireless and networking group. His research interests include IP QoS, TCP/IP, wireless networks and peer-to-peer networks.Shiduan Cheng graduated in communication engineering at the Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT) in 1963. Since then she has been working at BUPT. From 1984 to 1987 and in 1994 she twice joined Alcatel Bell, Belgium as a visiting scholar, where she was involved in R&D work on ISDN and B-ISDN networks and systems. She became vice dean of the computer department of BUPT in 1987. From 1992 to 1999 she was the director of The National Key Laboratory of Switching Technology and Telecommunication Networks of BUPT. In the same duration she was also the head of The Switching and Networking Expert Group in 863 program, a national high-tech R&D plan organized by The Ministry of Science and Technology of China. She has published more than 100 papers and several books in the field of telecommunications. She is currently the vise director of Standing Committee of Science of BUPT. Her research interests cover ISDN, ATM, TCP/IP, switching software, protocol engineering, traffic engineering, network performance, QoS, security and survivability. Currently she is working on QoS control, measurement and management for the next generation Internet. 相似文献