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Based on large eddy simulation, a series of long tunnel fire experiments with different heat release rates (HRRs) and altitudes were carried out. The vertical temperature and thickness of fire smoke are studied. The simulation results show that the higher the altitude, the lower the flame temperature rise, while the change of smoke plume temperature rise is opposite. The movement of smoke in the tunnel can be divided into four regions, and the smoke layer thickness in the longitudinal direction of the tunnel corresponds to the latter three regions. The thickness in Region II increases along the longitudinal direction, the thickness in Region III is a constant value, and the thickness in Region IV increases along the longitudinal direction. Besides, the change of altitude only has an effect on the smoke layer thickness in Region IV. Then, by considering the altitude, HRR, and smoke layer thickness, and using dimensional analysis, an empirical formula for predicting the smoke layer thickness under the influence of altitude in Region IV was established.  相似文献   

This paper has analyzed the longitudinal ventilation on the effect of the efficiency of the smoke evolution mechanism in a metro tunnel of multi-window carriage fires. These were simulated by Large Eddy Simulation (LES) with Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS). In the past, analyses of smoke temperature under the tunnel ceiling and smoke overflow characteristics have been conducted. However, longitudinal ventilation has a different impact on temperature than natural ventilation, especially in a subway tunnel with a multi-door carriage fire. Consequently, several simulations were run in a subway tunnel (360-m long, 6.0-m wide, and 4.8-m high). The longitudinal ventilation velocity is set by 0–10 m/s with the heat release rate of 1–10 MW. The results show that there is a linear relationship between the maximum temperature and the longitudinal ventilation velocity. An empirical model considering various longitudinal ventilation velocities was developed to predict the maximum smoke temperature underneath the subway tunnel ceiling. The effects of the longitudinal ventilation velocity, the heat release rate, and the distance of the fire source on the characteristics of longitudinal temperature distribution were analyzed. What's more, smoke overflow characteristics under different longitudinal ventilation velocities have been described. The findings and results can also provide a reference for the fire risk assessment of a metro tunnel of multi-window carriage fires.  相似文献   

Yan Wang  Fan Wu  Peihong Wu 《火与材料》2020,44(2):283-295
This paper investigates the effects of passenger blockage on smoke flow properties in longitudinally ventilated tunnel fires. A series of numerical simulations were conducted in a 1/5 small-scale tunnel with the different heat release rates (50-100 kW), longitudinal ventilation velocities (0.5-1 m/s), passenger blockage lengths (2-6 m), and ratios (0.17-0.267). The typical smoke flow properties in different tunnel fire scenarios are analyzed, and the results show that under the same heat release rate and longitudinal ventilation velocity, the smoke back-layering length, maximum smoke temperature, and downstream smoke layer height decrease with increasing passenger blockage length or ratio. The Li correlations can well predict the smoke back-layering length and maximum smoke temperature in tunnel fire scenarios without the passenger blockage. When the passenger blockage exists, the modified local ventilation velocity that takes the blockage length and ratio into account has been proposed to correct the Li correlations. The smoke back-layering length and maximum smoke temperature with the different blockage lengths and ratios can be predicted by the modified correlations, which are shown to well reproduce the simulation results.  相似文献   

This study investigated the influence of the longitudinal airflow on the smoke propagation in a tunnel by large-eddy simulation, which is now widely applied to study the turbulent flow. The smoke movement characteristics were studied in detail, with varying the longitudinal airflow in the tunnel. Six fire scenarios have been simulated with Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) and the results of the longitudinal distribution of CO concentration, temperature distribution, interface height, stratification, and the efficiency of smoke extraction in the tunnel have been analyzed to evaluate the different fire cases. FDS predicted a CO concentration distribution compared to calculated values using the Hu model. Furthermore, the predicted maximum smoke temperatures are compared to those given by the Kurioka model. A reasonably good agreement has been obtained for both models. The obtained results showed that the increase of the forced airflow velocity has for results a loss of stratification and significant decrease in the efficiency of extraction.  相似文献   

A series of experiments were carried out in a model‐scale tunnel with dimension of 6.0 m × 1.0 m × 0.7 m to investigate the smoke spread behaviors and the typical smoke layer height. Alcohol was employed as fuel, and the heat release rate was set to be 9.5, 18.4, 30.1, and 63.5 kW, respectively. The temperature profile in the tunnel was measured, and the buoyant flow stratification conditions were visualized by a laser sheet. The experiment results show that the N percentage rule would greatly influence by subjective factors. As the N (10, 20, 30) value increases, the smoke layer height also increases. The results calculated by the buoyancy frequency method were more accurate. Fan's prediction method (Fan WC, Wang QG, Jiang FH. Concise Guide of Fire Science. He Fei: University of Science and Technology of China Press; 1995.161 p.) does not accurately evaluate the smoke layer thickness in tunnel fire. An enhanced empirical formula for predicting the smoke layer thickness in the one‐dimensional horizontal spread stage was proposed. It is shown that the empirical formula could well predict the smoke layer thickness by comparing with the experimental data of previous studies.  相似文献   

为了研究反压压力对成型厚壁光学透镜的影响,利用自行开发的分层反压注射成型厚壁光学透镜的实验方案,通过正交实验优化设计开展了工艺参数优化实验,研究了在不同分层方式下内外层反压压力对对厚壁光学透镜光学性能的影响,从而根据正交优化参数组合成型具有优异光学性能的理想厚壁光学透镜。正交实验研究结果表明,使用聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(PMMA)为厚壁光学透镜的原材料进行分层反压注射成型,能够有效减少厚壁光学透镜收缩率,同时随着内外层反压压力的提高,厚壁光学透镜的透光率和折射率均不同程度的得到提高,透镜光学性能优异。  相似文献   

The hazards for passengers during vehicle fires result from the increasing temperature and the emitted smoke gases. A fire was set on a car to investigate the development of temperature and of gaseous fire products in the passenger compartment. The study was based on a full‐scale test with a reconstructed scene of a serious car fire. The aim of this work was to identify the conditions for self‐rescuing of passengers during a car fire. A dummy, equipped with several thermocouples, was placed on the driver's seat. Also, the smoke gases were continuously collected through a removable probe sensor corresponding to the nose of the dummy in the passenger compartment and analyzed using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Additionally, several car components were investigated in the smoke density chamber (smoke emission and smoke gas composition). It was found that the toxic gases already reached hazardous levels by 5 min, while the temperatures at the dummy were at that time less than 80 °C. The toxicity of smoke gases was assessed using the fractional effective dose concept. The various experimentally parameters (temperature and smoke gas composition) were implemented into numerical simulations with fire dynamics simulator. Both the experimental data and the numerical simulations are presented and discussed. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

浅谈化工区稳高压消防水系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张锐  王子瑜 《广州化工》2010,38(4):170-171,177
文章结合工程设计实例针对大庆石化公司化工区消防水现状,论证了增设稳高压消防水系的必要性和紧迫性。在通过对比稳高压与临时高压消防水系统的基础上,提出将现有装置的临时高压改造为稳高压系统的设计思路,在装置改造量最小的情况下,完善整个化工区的稳高压消防水系统,不但满足安全生产的要求同时也满足了现行规范的要求。同时针对现有消防水系统存在的腐蚀和冻涨的问题提出了解决措施以保证改造后稳高压消防水系统的正常运行。  相似文献   

The critical ventilation velocity is almost the most well‐investigated fire phenomenon in the tunnel fire research field whereas previous studies have always investigated it when the fire source is distant from the downstream tunnel exit. Fortunately, a recent study provided a set of data on the critical ventilation velocity for tunnel fires occurring near tunnel exits by small‐scaled experiments, nevertheless, with a lack of further analysis. To demonstrate the relationship of the critical ventilation velocity and the distance between the fire and tunnel exit more explicitly and detailedly, a quantitative and graphical study was carried out and a correlation was presented in this paper. Inspired by this, a set of small‐scaled experiments were carried out to investigate the influence of different longitudinal fire locations on maximum smoke temperature under the tunnel ceiling. Results show that unlike the critical ventilation velocity, the maximum smoke temperature was not obviously affected by longitudinal fire location. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In a longitudinally ventilated tunnel fire, the backlayering flow propagated in the opposite direction to the air current is the most fatal contaminations to users which are blocked upstream of the fire. In the present paper, numerical simulations were conducted using Fire Dynamic Simulator, which is based on large eddy simulations to estimate the backlayering arrival time in a longitudinally ventilated tunnel fire. The effect of a vehicle obstruction on the backlayering arrival time will be also investigated. For this, a vehicle model occupying about 31% of the tunnel cross section is simulated upstream of the fire source with its location relative to the tunnel floor is varied. The numerical investigation shows that the inertia and the buoyancy forces produced by ventilation and fire, respectively, affect the backlayering spread. The backlayering arrival time increases with the longitudinal ventilation velocity while it decreases with the fire heat release rate. When a vehicle obstruction existed within the tunnel, the numerical results show an increase of backlayering arrival time. This increase is significantly more important with the fire distance when the vehicle obstruction approaches the tunnel floor. Two correlations are developed, with and without obstruction in the tunnel, to predict the backlayering arrival time against the distance to fire. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To investigate the influence of low pressure on pool fire behaviors, liquid n‐heptane pool fires with the diameters of 6, 8, and 10 cm were tested in a low‐pressure altitude chamber. The tests were conducted under different static chamber pressures, ranging from 40 to 60 to 80 to 101 kPa. Fuel mass loss and high‐speed flame video were recorded during the whole burning process of each test. The mass burning intensity is determined by the convective and radiative heat feedback to the fuel, and analysis shows that the convective part is the major contributor to fuel evaporation. Video recordings show that flame height increases with the reduction of pressure, as supported by the dimensionless analysis. The flame puffing amplitude increases under low pressure, resulting in a portion of the flame being quenched. A special phenomenon was observed from the flame videos in that flame rotation emerged at the ending burning stage, which was attributed to the Coriolis force effect. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

根据实践经验,总结出若干建筑工程防排烟系统设计中容易忽视的问题,提出值得借鉴的经验和需要吸取的教训,以便引起广大审核人员特别是初学者的注意,防止类似的错误发生。  相似文献   

To solve the limitation of the fire test in high‐altitude areas only detecting a limited number of low‐pressure environments, in this paper, appropriate modifications of the FDS source codes were made to generate a new simulator program for low‐pressure applications. Standard fire experiments with different counts (1, 2, 18, and 27) of cardboard boxes were numerically simulated under different pressure levels (101, 90, 75, and 64 kPa). The computation data show consistent trends with the experimental results obtained in the low‐pressure tank at Lang Fang. Furthermore, the simulation results have been examined to show typical quantitative relationships: (a) The peak mass burning rate divided by the fire base dimension is correlated with the product of the pressure squared and the combustible characteristic length cubed. The exponential indices for the 1‐box fire, 18‐box fire, and 27‐box fire are 0.31, 0.29, and 0.29, respectively. (b) The heat release rate and mass burning rate show a good linearity at each fixed environmental pressure. In conclusion, the modified FDS is validated to work well under low‐pressure conditions, which can provide a receivable means to conduct low‐pressure fire simulation and analysis.  相似文献   

Real scale experimentations have been conducted in order to investigate interactions that may occur in a compartment where sprinklers and Smoke and Heat Exhaust Vent Systems coexist. Fuel oil spray was used as fire source with steady heat release rate of 400 and 800 kW. Both sprinkler system and natural Smoke and Heat Exhaust Vent Systems were designed according to the French standards. Effect of vent on sprinkler activation time was studied. An analysis of the temperature field inside the compartment was conducted while vent was opened prior or after sprinkler activation. Simulations of the experiments were also carried out with Fire Dynamics Simulator v.6 for validation purpose and also to provide supplementary data regarding soot flow rate and energy extracted at the vent.  相似文献   

Understanding smoke temperature distributions and transport characteristics is of great importance to control and exhaust thermal-driven smoke. However, previous studies have focused on this problem in plain areas, whereas ambient pressure decreases as elevation increases. This study investigates the influence of ambient pressure on the hot gas temperature distribution and movement characteristics in a tunnel fire. A series of numerical simulations are carried out in a vehicle tunnel with various heat release rates (HRRs) and ambient pressures. The results show that the maximum temperature and longitudinal temperature distribution under the tunnel ceiling increase with decreasing ambient pressure due to less heat loss caused by lower air density. In addition, the vertical temperatures of the smoke are slightly higher under lower ambient pressure, and this phenomenon makes the smoke spread slightly faster while the smoke layer thickness remains nearly the same under different ambient pressures. The results can provide a reference for tunnel lining design and ventilation arrangements in high-altitude areas.  相似文献   

Estimation of the time available for escape (ASET) in the event of a fire is a principal component in fire hazard or risk assessment. Valid data on the yields of toxic smoke components from bench‐scale apparatus is essential to accurate ASET calculations. This paper presents a methodology for obtaining pre‐flashover and post‐flashover toxicant yields from room‐scale fire tests. The data are to be used for comparison with bench‐scale data for the same combustibles: a sofa, bookcases, and electric power cable. Each was burned in a room with a long adjacent corridor. The yields of CO2, CO, HCl, HCN, and soot were determined. Other toxicants (NO2, formaldehyde, and acrolein), whose concentrations were below the detection limits, were of limited importance relative to the detected toxicants. The uncertainty values were comparable to those estimated for calculations used to determine ASET and were sufficiently small to determine whether a bench‐scale apparatus is producing results that are similar to the real‐scale results here. The use of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy was useful for obtaining toxicant concentration data; however, its operation and interpretation are not routine. The losses of CO, HCN, and HCl along the corridor were dependent on the combustible. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In coal mining, smoke flow from tunnel fires can easily cause a large number of deaths in the ventilation network. But the optimal smoke flow path control methods and automatic control system were lacked. In order to improve the efficiency of fire emergency rescue, the control mechanism and regional linkage control system for fire induced smoke flow in ventilation network was studied. Based on a ventilation system in coal mines, different fire scenarios for smoke flow were analysed using ventilation simulation software (VSS). Smoke flow control methods were simulated under different ventilation modes, a contrastive analysis was conducted for the respective effects and the optimal smoke flow path control methods were confirmed in different fire scenarios. A new type of ventilation facility, regional monitoring sub-stations and remote linkage control platforms were developed for smoke control. A reliability evaluation model for the control system was established by Bayesian network. The failure of the linkage control is 98.9%, the monitoring sub-station is 64.4%, the sub-station communication is 43.9%; thus, a double insurance of the control process must be realised. Since its application, the proposed regional linkage control system has been repeatedly tested through fire drills, and good results have been obtained.  相似文献   

The same configured calorimeters were built in Hefei (99.8 kPa) and Lhasa (66.5 kPa), respectively. Four sizes of round pans with diameters of 10, 15, 20, and 25 cm were adopted to study the effect of high altitude on the burning behavior of liquid pool fires. Analysis on the burning rate obtained in this study and in the literature at different altitudes indicates that pressure fire modeling performs better than radiation fire modeling in correlating the burning intensity (burning rate per unit area) with pressure and pool diameter for cases under low ambient pressure. The study also shows that heat release rate and combustion efficiency decrease at higher altitude. For medium pool fires, the burning intensity and heat release rate are proportional to D5/2, thus the combustion efficiency being independent on pool sizes but decreases at higher altitude by a factor approximate to the pressure ratio. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The science of understanding how fires burn and how heat smoke and gases are generated and affect people has progressed substantially in the last half century. The principles of facility design for life safety in fires have reached a degree of maturity. Standards and code provisions for fire detection, suppression and control have become the norm. Real‐scale (or nearly real‐scale) test methods for the flammability of furnishings and interior finish have been established. In addition, some tests have been developed that measure the results of the burning of a small sample from the finished product. Yet, while there have been numerous small‐scale apparatuses developed for assessing the generation of heat, toxic gases, and visible or corrosive smoke, these facets of life and property safety have not found widespread inclusion in building and fire codes. There has been an invigorated effort in ISO TC92 SC3, Fire Threat to People and the Environment, to develop a coherent and comprehensive set of fire safety standards and guidance documents for life safety. Smaller efforts are ongoing within some national and regional standards bodies. In November 2008, experts in this field gathered at The Royal Society in London to hear papers that captured the state of the art and to discuss where we might go from here. This paper summarizes the papers and the discussion from that meeting. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Fires in enclosures equipped with mechanical ventilation remain one of the key issues for fire safety assessment in multifamily homes and industries. Therefore, a wide variation of methods for preventing smoke spread through the ventilation system exist and are applied, in performance‐based designs. Through the use of the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) model in the fire dynamics simulator, several different common and less common methods for preventing smoke spread in the ventilation system were tested. The effects on smoke spread with changing building leakage and fire growth rates were also investigated. The results were evaluated by determining the total soot spread from the fire room to other compartments connected to the ventilation system, as well as soot/thermal load on the fans and system in general. The maximum and average heat release rate was also of interest and hence compared between systems. It was found that, while many methods perform similar, a few proven methods, such as fire and smoke dampers, performed very well with very little smoke spread to the rest of the system. The study should be considered as an introduction to implementing a similar methodology in specific cases because different ventilations systems will present very different challenges and weaknesses. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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