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In this work, we propose a highly efficient binary tree‐based anti‐collision algorithm for radio frequency identification (RFID) tag identification. The proposed binary splitting modified dynamic tree (BS‐MDT) algorithm employs a binary splitting tree to achieve accurate tag estimation and a modified dynamic tree algorithm for rapid tag identification. We mathematically evaluate the performance of the BS‐MDT algorithm in terms of the system efficiency and the time system efficiency based on the ISO/IEC 18000‐6 Type B standard. The derived mathematical model is validated using computer simulations. Numerical results show that the proposed BS‐MDT algorithm can provide the system efficiency of 46% and time system efficiency of 74%, outperforming all other well‐performed algorithms.  相似文献   

In a radio frequency identification (RFID) system, the backscattered signal is small and prone to interference. The performance of RFID tag identification in interference scenarios is degraded compared to that in error-free scenarios. In this paper, a novel Mahalanobis distance estimate (MDE) method is proposed to jointly estimate the number of tags and packet error rate (PER). The MDE method is error resilient owing to its ability to achieve a stable estimation when interference is impairing the observed information. The proposed method achieves significantly enhanced accuracy over existing methods by taking all the information and correlations among the observed results into account. The MDE method improves the estimate performance based on efficient decorrelation and classification of the observed information. Moreover, the performance of the PER estimate is analyzed both in theory and through simulations. It can be concluded from the analysis that the estimated PER is unbiased and variance-bounded. Simulations show that the proposed estimate outperforms the previous proposals in terms of accuracy and stability, which makes it suitable for application in interference scenarios.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a tree-based backoff (TBB) protocol that reduces the number of iterations implemented in the procedure of tag collision arbitration in radio frequency identification (RFID) systems. This is achieved by employing the following mechanisms: one is send the request command iteratively to all tags in the interrogation zone until a single tag is identified. The other is backward to the parent node instead of root node to obtain the request parameters and send the request command again until all tags are identified. Compared with the traditional tree-based protocol, on average, simulated results show that the TBB protocol reduces the number of the iterations by 72.3% and the identification delay by 58.6% and achieves the goal of fast tag identification.  相似文献   

针对基于天线阵列测角的射频识别(Radio Frequency Identification, RFID)定位系统成本高、无法估计目标姿态的问题,提出了一种基于标签阵列的姿态检索的定位算法。首先,分析了天线方向角、标签阵列姿态角和标签阵列信号到达角之间的关系,建立了标签阵列姿态检索的定位模型;其次,对标签阵列中相位误差来源进行了分析,利用标签间的相位差对标签阵列信号进行重构,降低了读写器收发电路、标签电路及多径效应引入的相位误差对定位精度的影响;同时,分析了标签阵列中的互耦效应对相位的影响,提出了互耦效应相位校正方法,提升了标签阵列的测角精度;最后,提出了一种标签阵列姿态估计算法,使用多个天线的方向角实现对标签阵列姿态角估计和定位。实验结果表明,系统在室内环境下平均定位误差为0.2 m,标签阵列的姿态角估计平均误差为4.35°。  相似文献   

With the introduction of the new generation RFID technology, EPCglobal Class‐1 Generation‐2, there is considerable interest in improving the performance of the framed slotted Aloha (FSA)‐based tag collision arbitration protocol. We suggest a novel time‐optimal anti‐collision algorithm for the FSA protocol. Our performance evaluation demonstrates that our algorithm outperforms other tag collision arbitration schemes.  相似文献   

随着天线技术的发展,时UHF RFID可用于金属物体的标签天线的研究成为了热点和难点.根据当前标签天线的设计特点和设计原则,设计出一种适用于845~960MHz的宽频带可用于金属物体的新型标签天线,并通过仿真分析与计算确定了天线的一些重要参量,实现了标签天线输入阻抗能在较大范围内与更多阻抗不同的标签芯片进行匹配.实测结果与仿真结果基本一致,抗金属性能稳定,天线尺寸较小,通信距离较远.  相似文献   

One of the most interesting radio‐frequency identification applications is the detection of missing tags along with the objects they are attached to. This process must be executed in a fast and efficient way. A monitoring function may need to be periodically executed in order to implement a reliable detection system, therefore raising the need to optimize its performance, in terms of both time and reliability. The contribution of this paper is twofold; on one hand, we provide a protocol taxonomy for the missing‐tag detection problem, which up to our best knowledge is the first of its class, and on the other hand, we propose two novel protocols for a fast detection of the missing tags in a passive radio‐frequency identification system. By increasing the length of the packets exchanged among the reader and the tags, our protocols are able to reduce the time needed to detect the missing tags, by decreasing the number of broadcast messages in the network. Our results show that our proposals outperform the most recent protocols in the literature, obtaining improvements on the execution time going from 25% to 75%. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We propose an RFID tag anti-collision method using adaptive frame length adjustment. Based on the number of tags identified in the first frame, the original tag population can be estimated by solving a non-linear estimating equation. Subsequent frame lengths can be adaptively adjusted according to the number of remaining tags. The simulation results demonstrate the error rate of the proposed method to be less than 5% – superior to that of existing methods. Compared with the widely used dynamic frame slot ALOHA algorithm – adopted by EPC_C1 G2 standard – tag identification throughput performance increased by 50%.  相似文献   

提出了一种应用于2.4 GHz有源RFID(Radio Frequency Identification)标签室内定位探测天线,通过扫描探测和提取标签信号,精确探测RFID标签的位置。仿真结果表明:在中心频率点(2.4 GHz)S11=–14.78 d B,且H面的波束约在12o,达到窄波束的要求。经对该天线实测得:在2.4 GHz其回波损耗为–14.36 d B、H面的波束约在19o,仿真结果与实测结果比较接近,满足2.4 GHz有源RFID标签室内定位的需求。  相似文献   

基于微带天线结构,设计了一款适用于整个UHF RFID系统的新型宽带标签天线。在H型贴片上开H槽,形成了两个相近的谐振点,调整H槽的位置和大小,使两个谐振点靠近耦合,从而拓展了天线带宽。通过改变贴片底部矩形槽深度和微带线长度调整天线的输入阻抗。使用软件HFSS14.0进行仿真分析。结果表明,该天线具有很好的宽频特性(766~989 MHz,回波损耗S11<10 dB),在超高频段(840~960 MHz)内具有良好的阻抗匹配特性。  相似文献   

To realize precise localization for UWB backscattering RFID system, the arrival time of the direct path in the received signal (referred as time of arrival (TOA)) needs to be accurately estimated. The background clutter is one of the major factors that deteriorates the TOA estimation accuracy in backscattering RFID system. To suppress the background clutter while maintain low‐complexity system design, we propose a novel UWB backscattering RFID system with its tag being implemented with dual pulse (DP) modulation. By transforming the mathematical model of received signal into a proper form, we discover the tag's sequence selection criteria which are able to mitigate the background clutter. For the proposed tag coded with dedicated sequences, a two‐stage TOA estimation algorithm able to effectively mitigate clutter is developed. Simulation results show that the proposed RFID system coupled with the algorithm is able to achieve accurate TOA estimation in the environment where the clutter overwhelms the tag response. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文给出了一款基于ISO1800-6B协议的全集成的无源UHF RFID标签,这款芯片由模拟前端、基带处理器和EEPROM 存储器组成。在设计过程中,我们采用了具有高效率的差分驱动CMOS整流器使得通信范围得到扩展。我们采用新颖的高性能的电压限制器为芯片提供稳定的电压,这款限压器的在不同温度和工艺变化下的电压漂移只有172mV。在稳压器的设计中,我们采用动态带宽增强技术提高其稳压能力。对已解调器,我们采用了一款轨到轨的比较器实现在任何通信范围下对输入信号的正确解调。标签芯片采用TSMS 0.18um CMOS 工艺,芯片面积为900×800 um2。测试结果显示,芯片功耗为6.8uW,灵敏度达到-13.5dBm。  相似文献   

本文提出了一种符合ISO18000-6B协议的无源超高频射频识别标签芯片设计。该芯片包括了射频/模拟前端,数字基带和512比特的EEPROM存储器。采用肖特基二极管来提高整流器的功率转换效率。详细阐述了基于峰值电流源的参考电压源的设计,该电路结构简单,并且可以满足低压、低功耗的设计要求。为了降低功耗,模拟模块工作在1v以下电源电压,并采用了一些低功耗的设计方法进一步降低数字基带的功耗。整个标签芯片采用TSMC 0.18um CMOS工艺实现,芯片尺寸为800*800um2。测试结果表明芯片的总功耗为7.4uW,灵敏度达-12dBm。  相似文献   

车文毅  关硕  王肖  熊廷文  奚经天  谈熙  闫娜  闵昊 《半导体学报》2010,31(7):075013-075013-7
The analysis and design of a semi-passive radio frequency identification(RFID) tag is presented.By studying the power transmission link of the backscatter RFID system and exploiting a power conversion efficiency model for a multi-stage AC-DC charge pump,the calculation method for semi-passive tag's read range is proposed.According to different read range limitation factors,an intuitive way to define the specifications of tag's power budget and backscatter modulation index is given.A test chip is implemen...  相似文献   

本文介绍了一款半有源射频识别标签的分析与设计。通过将多级AC-DC电荷泵的能量转换效率模型引入到反向散射射频识别系统的功率传输链路中,本文给出了计算半有源标签最大读写距离的数学方法,以及当读写距离限制因素改变时,制定标签功耗设计指标和反向散射调制系数的方法。在理论分析的指导下,本文设计了一颗半有源标签的测试芯片,芯片采用SMIC 0.18 μm标准CMOS工艺流片实现。主要的功能模块包括了一个采用阈值补偿技术的电荷泵和采用功率唤醒模式的低功耗唤醒电路。本文设计的半有源标签完全兼容EPC C1G2标准,芯片面积为0.54 mm2,支持输出电压在1.2到2.4 V范围内的电池。  相似文献   

针对射频识别标签天线小型化、抗金属环境的实际需求,提出了一种可应用于金属环境的超高频射频识别标签天线.通过在矩形贴片上开槽来实现小型化,天线总尺寸为56 mm×50 mm×1.6 mm.通过改变槽的尺寸调节标签天线的输入阻抗,结合等效电路图分析抗金属标签天线的设计过程,从而方便地实现与标签芯片的共轭匹配.实验结果表明,实测和仿真结果比较吻合,标签阻抗匹配良好,实测最大读取距离达3.1m.与其他标签天线相比,该天线具有结构简单、成本低、易于实现和读取距离远等优势.  相似文献   

针对用于IT设备资产管理的RFID系统存在读取率低、读取范围小、易受干扰的问题,设计了一种具有抗金属、抗移动通信终端干扰、高增益的双频微带天线。HFSS仿真结果显示,标签天线在CDMA800和GSM的UHF频段 S11值大于-10 dB,天线最大增益为7.28 dBi,标签最大读取距离理论估值为17.66 m。设计的RFID标签天线适应IT设备资产管理环境特殊要求。  相似文献   

张巍 《电子设计工程》2011,19(14):181-183
我国东南沿海地区,河流湖泊众多,水网密集,船舶作为内河航运的重要货运载体,具有很大流动性。为了改变现有的管理模式,降低人员成本和监查艇的燃油费、维修费等目的,设计了一种适合于内河船舶管理的主动式RFID电子标签。这种电子标签由MSP430F2012微控制器和nRF24L01射频芯片组成,工作频率为2.4 GHz,体积小...  相似文献   

在标准CMOS工艺下,设计了一种与CMOS工艺兼容的片上集成太阳能电池阵列,通过从外部环境收集光能为UHF射频识别(RFID)标签供电。采用SMIC 0.18μm CMOS工艺制备出太阳能电池阵列,其面积约为0.2mm2;在AM1.5、1 000W/m2、25℃标准测试条件下,测得最大输出功率为10.212μW,短路电流和开路电压分别为28.763μA和0.458V,光电转换效率为5.106%。相对于常规Si太阳能电池复杂的制造工艺,本文太阳能电池阵列与CMOS工艺相兼容,可与电路系统集成从而实现片上供电。  相似文献   

祁士东 《电子测试》2012,(9):28-31,90
针对射频识别技术(RFID)存在多个阅读器同时传输数据容易产生冲突的问题,提出了一种基于图染色理论的防止冲突的算法。该算法利用图的染色算法将可能存在冲突的阅读器染成不同的颜色,使得每种不相同的颜色不能同时获得相同的时隙,降低了多个阅读器同时传输数据产生冲突的可能性。分析表明:采用该算法明显地降低了阅读器之间的冲突率,同时得到最小的时隙数,提高了信道利用率,为RFID防冲突算法提供了一种新的解决方案,同时为基于TDMA的广播调度模式也提供了一种新的时隙分配方式。  相似文献   

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