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A chymotrypsin-like proteinase, designated myonase, was successfully purified to homogeneity from X-chromosome linked muscular dystrophic mouse skeletal muscle by affinity chromatography on agarose conjugated with lima bean trypsin inhibitor as ligand. The molecular mass of the purified myonase was determined to be 26 kDa by SDS-PAGE and to be 25,187 Da by mass spectrometry. The native enzyme is a single chain molecule and a monomeric protein without sugar side-chains. The nucleotide sequence of myonase mRNA is similar to mouse mast cell proteinase 4 (MMCP-4) cDNA. This is the first report of a native enzyme whose amino acid sequence closely corresponds to MMCP-4 cDNA. Myonase has chymotrypsin-like activities and hydrolyzes the amide bonds of synthetic substrates having Tyr and Phe residues at the P1 position. Myonase is most active at pH 9 and at high concentration of salts. Myonase preferentially hydrolyzes the Tyr4-Ile5 bond of angiotensin I and the Phe20-Ala21 bond of amyloid beta-protein, and it is less active towards the Phe8-His9 bond of angiotensin I and the Phe4-Ala5 and Tyr10-Glu11 bonds of amyloid beta-protein. Myonase is completely inhibited by such serine proteinase inhibitors as chymostatin, diisopropylfluorophosphate and phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, but not by p-tosyl-L-phenylalanine chloromethyl ketone, p-tosyl-L-lysine chloromethyl ketone, pepstatin, E-64, EDTA, and o-phenanthroline. It is also inhibited by lima bean trypsin inhibitor, soy bean trypsin inhibitor, and human plasma alpha1-antichymotrysin. These properties match those of chymase, but unlike chymase, myonase does not interact with heparin in the regulation of its activity. Myonase was immunohistochemically localized in myocytes, but not in mast cells.  相似文献   

Tablets have been prepared at known compaction force from three types of pellets in different proportions: (1) pellets containing 80% theophylline as a model drug coated with different thicknesses of a polymer film coat, (2) pellets containing glyceryl monostearate as a deformable material, and (3) pellets containing a disintegrant. The breaking load, friability, disintegration and drug release properties were evaluated, the latter as a mean dissolution time (MDT) and its variance (VDT). The mechanism of dissolution was assessed from the value of the relative dispersion (RD) of the mean dissolution time. The possible relationship between the properties of the pellets and those of the tablets was evaluated by canonical analysis followed by multiple regression analysis. It was found that only about 51% of the tablet properties could be predicted from the properties of the pellets. The quantitative relationship between pellet properties and tablet properties was found to vary in type and level of quality. Reduction of breaking load, friability and disintegration was less predictable than that of dissolution represented as the MDT. The values of RD for the different preparations clearly identified those preparations where the film coat still retained control of the dissolution process. Such formulations contained at least 40% of soft pellets and coated pellets with at least a weight gain of 8%.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance imaging allows serial visualization of living muscle. Clinically magnetic resonance imaging would be the first step in selecting a region of interest for assessment of muscle disease state and treatment effects by magnetic resonance spectroscopy. In this study, magnetic resonance imaging was used to follow dystrophy and regeneration in the mdx mouse, a genetic homologue to human Duchenne muscular dystrophy. It was hypothesized that images would distinguish normal control from mdx muscle and that regenerating areas (spontaneous and after an imposed injury) would be evident and evolve over time. T2-weighted images of hind-limb muscles were obtained on anaesthetized mice in a horizontal bore 7.1-T experimental magnet. Magnetic resonance images of mdx muscle appeared heterogeneous in comparison to homogeneous images of control muscle. Foci of high intensity in mdx images corresponded to dystrophic lesions observed in the histologic sections of the same muscles. In addition, it was possible to follow chronologically the extent of injury and repair after an imposed crush injury to mdx muscle. These results should make it possible to obtain meaningful magnetic resonance spectra from particular regions of interest in muscle as viewed in magnetic resonance images (i.e., regenerating, degenerating, normal muscle) acquired during neuromuscular diseases and treatment regimens.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of endurance exercise training on both locomotor skeletal muscle collagen characteristics and passive stiffness properties in the young adult and old rat. Young (3-mo-old) and senescent (23-mo-old) male Fischer 344 rats were randomly assigned to either a control or exercise training group [young control (YC), old control (OC), young trained (YT), old trained (OT)]. Exercise training consisted of treadmill running at approximately 70% of maximal oxygen consumption (45 min/day, 5 days/wk, for 10 wk). Passive stiffness (stress/strain) of the soleus (Sol) muscle from all four groups was subsequently measured in vitro at 26 degreesC. Stiffness was significantly greater for Sol muscles in OC rats compared with YC rats, but in OT rats exercise training resulted in muscles with stiffness characteristics not different from those in YC rats. Sol muscle collagen concentration and the level of the nonreducible collagen cross-link hydroxylysylpyridinoline (HP) significantly increased from young adulthood to senescence. Although training had no effect on Sol muscle collagen concentration in either age group, it resulted in a significant reduction in the level of Sol muscle HP in OT rats. In contrast, exercise had no effect on HP in the YT animals. These findings indicate that 10 wk of endurance exercise significantly alter the passive viscoelastic properties of Sol muscle in old but not in young adult rats. The coincidental reduction in the principal collagen cross-link HP also observed in response to training in OT muscle highlights the potential role of collagen in influencing passive muscle viscoelastic properties.  相似文献   

To determine whether the lack of dystrophin alters the occurrence of calcium leakage activity (CLA) and acetylcholine receptor (AChR) activity, the frequency of each event class was determined from several cell attached patches on nondystrophic and dystrophic (mdx) myotubes. The frequency of CLA observed in the presence of ACh was significantly (P < 0.05) elevated in mdx myotubes, an effect which was partly due to a significant (P < 0.05) increase in the proportion of cell attached patches that exhibited 100% CLA with no AChR activity. Areas of mdx and nondystrophic membrane that exhibited reduced or absent AChR activity had significantly (P < 0.01) and substantially elevated calcium leakage event frequencies. This inverse and discontinuous relationship between CLA and AChR activity provides further evidence that some CLA in dystrophic muscle is produced by clusters of AChRs that form unusual physical associations with the dystrophic cytoskeleton during the processes associated with receptor localization and stabilization.  相似文献   

Cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in the deposition of extracellular matrix components in both normal and fibrotic liver are still poorly understood. We have investigated the influence of cooperation between Ito cells and hepatocytes in matrix deposition in vitro. Immunoprecipitation of radiolabeled proteins from media of 5-day-old Ito cell primary cultures showed that these cells secreted high levels of the major basement membrane components, ie, collagen IV, laminin, and entactin/nidogen. By immunocytochemistry, precursors of basement membrane components were found intracellularly, but only scarce deposits were seen around the cells. When hepatocytes were added to 2-day-old Ito cell primary cultures, they established close contacts with Ito cells in less than 24 hours and expressed ZO-1, a tight junction-associated protein not detectable in standard hepatocyte culture. Cytochemistry analysis revealed an abundant extracellular matrix deposited over hepatocyte cords and between hepatocytes and Ito cells. Immunocytochemistry studies showed that this matrix contained laminin, fibronectin, and collagens proIII and IV. These data indicate that a high level of matrix protein synthesis by liver cells in vitro is not sufficient to induce extracellular matrix deposition, and that cell-cell interactions are strongly involved in this process. Hepatocyte/Ito cell co-culture, which may reflect the actual situation in vivo, represents a useful tool for studying liver fibrogenesis.  相似文献   

A 65-year-old woman developed nephrotic syndrome 7 years after receiving a cadaveric renal allograft. Renal biopsy and clinical laboratory evaluation revealed the underlying disease process to be AL amyloidosis. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of de novo AL amyloid occurring in a renal allograft.  相似文献   

Neurological dysfunction is not uncommon in patients suffering from acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and, when manifested, intimates involvement of the central nervous system. Here, the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infects preferentially microglial cells, which thereby release substances known to interfere with neuronal function. One class of agents set free in this manner are proteases; these degrade certain components within, and thereby undermine the integrity of, the extracellular matrix (ECM) compartment, which plays a vital role in cell-to-cell communication. We wished to ascertain whether the ECM compartment is indeed disrupted in the brains of AIDS victims. We examined the neocortical areas of 27 AIDS autopsy cases, including 9 with diagnosed HIV-encephalopathy (HIVE); 8 HIV-seronegative cases with various types of brain lesion, including viral infections, were also included in this study. HIV-antigens and DNA were identified by use of immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization, and ECM components by lectin staining and immunohistochemistry. Of the 27 AIDS cases examined, each of the 9 with HIVE was completely devoid of labeled ECM components; 8 of the 18 without HIVE had incurred substantial losses, and only 2 manifested a normal complement of constituents within this compartment. With respect to stratal and topographic variations, layers II and III were less affected than layers V to VII, as was the frontal cortex relative to other areas. These findings confirmed our expectations of the brain's ECM undergoing degradation following HIV infection, and these changes may well underlie the neurological disturbances manifested in AIDS patients.  相似文献   

Malignant gliomas are characterized by an extensive invasion of tumor cells into the normal brain parenchyma. A substantial amount of data indicates that cell movement in general is regulated by specific interactions between extracellular matrix components and specific cell-surface receptors. In the present work, multicellular spheroids from 4 human glioma cell lines (U-373Mg, A-172Mg, U-251Mg and HF-66) were confronted with normal rat brain cell aggregates in vitro, which resulted in a progressive invasion of tumor cells into the brain aggregates. The co-cultures were then sectioned and immuno-stained for specific extracellular matrix components (laminin, fibronectin and collagen type IV) and for specific cell-surface receptors which bind to these components (integrins beta1, beta4, alpha3, alpha6). In addition, flow-cytometric measurements and Northern blot analyses showed expression of several different integrins within the cell lines. The alpha3 subunit was expressed strongly in all cell lines. Whereas the beta1 subunit was expressed weakly in exponentially growing monolayer cultures, it showed a pronounced expression in multicellular spheroids, indicating that the integrin expression may vary depending on the micro-environment within a tumor. Furthermore, normal brain tissue was able to produce laminin when confronted with the glioma cells, which also was observed for fibronectin and collagen type IV. The relevance of our observations to the in vivo situation was investigated further by immuno-staining 5 human glioma biopsy samples for laminin. In some areas of the tumors, specific deposits of laminin were observed. In conclusion, we have shown that normal brain tissue has the ability to produce extracellular matrix components, such as laminin, collagen type IV and fibronectin, when confronted with invading glioma cells. Our results show that the glioma cells express specific integrins which can interact with these extracellular matrix components. Such interactions may facilitate tumor cell migration and invasion.  相似文献   

Mesangial cell proliferation, increased deposition of collagen, and expansion of the mesangial extracellular matrix (ECM) are key features in the development of mesangioproliferative diseases. Halofuginone, a low molecular weight anti-coccidial quinoazolinone derivative, inhibits collagen type alpha 1(I) gene expression and synthesis. We investigated the effect of halofuginone on both normal and SV40 transformed mesangial cell proliferation, collagen synthesis, and ECM deposition. Proliferation of both cell types was almost completely inhibited in the presence of 50 ng/ml halofuginone. The cells were arrested in the late G1 phase of the cell cycle and resumed their normal growth rate following removal of the compound from the culture medium. The antiproliferative effect of halofuginone was associated with inhibition of tyrosine phosphorylation of cellular proteins. Similar results were obtained whether the mesangial cells were seeded on regular tissue culture plastic or in close contact with a naturally produced ECM resembling their local environment in vivo. Halofuginone also inhibited synthesis and deposition of ECM by mesangial cells as indicated by a substantial reduction in 14C-glycine and Na2(35)SO4 incorporation into the ECM, and by the inhibition of collagen type I synthesis and gene expression. It is proposed that by inhibiting collagen type I synthesis and matrix deposition, halofuginone exerts a potent antiproliferative effect that may be applied to inhibit mesangial cell proliferation and matrix expansion in a variety of chronic progressive glomerular diseases.  相似文献   

Membrane-mediated excessive intracellular calcium accumulation (EICA) and diminished cellular energy production are the hallmarks of dystrophic pathobiology in Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophies. We reported reversal of respiratory damage and Ca(2+)-overloading in the in vitro cardiac mitochondria from CHF-146 dystrophic hamsters (DH) with hereditary muscular dystrophy (Bhattacharya et al., 1993). Here we studied respiratory dysfunctions in the skeletal muscle mitochondria from young and old DH, and whether these abnormalities can be reversed by reducing [Ca2+] in the isolation medium, thereby lowering intramitochondrial Ca(2+)-overloading. Age- and sex-matched CHF-148 albino normal hamsters (NH) served as controls. As an index of EICA and cellular degeneration, Ca and Mg levels were assayed in the skeletal muscle and mitochondria. Mitochondria from young and old DH, isolated without EDTA (BE medium), revealed poor coupling of oxidative phosphorylation, diminished stimulated oxygen consumption rate, and lower respiratory control ratio and ADP/O ratios, compared to NH. Incorporation of 10 mM EDTA (Bo medium) in the isolation medium restored mitochondrial functions of the dystrophic organelles to a near-normal level, and reduced Ca(2+)-overloading. The mitochondrial Ca level in DH was significantly higher than in NH, irrespective of the medium. However, compared to Bo medium, the dystrophic organelles isolated in BE medium had lower Ca levels and markedly improved oxidative phosphorylation as seen in NH. Muscle Ca contents in the young and old DH were elevated relative to NH, showing a positive correlation with the increased mitochondrial Ca(2+)-sequestration. Dystrophic muscle also revealed Ca deposition with an abundance of Ca(2+)-positive and necrotic myofibers by light microscopy, and intramitochondrial Ca(2+)-overloading by electron microscopy, respectively. However, Mg levels in the muscle and mitochondria did not alter with age or dystrophy. These data parallel our observations in the heart, and suggest that functional impairments and Ca(2+)-overloading also occur in the skeletal muscle mitochondria of DH, and are indeed reversible if EICA is regulated by slow Ca(2+)-channel blocker therapy (Johnson and Bhattacharya, 1993).  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The aortic flap above the facing commissure after removal of the coronary button from the aortic sinus can be utilized for reconstruction in an arterial switch operation. METHODS: The free flap was used to reconstruct the coronary artery in two cases, as a medially based trapdoor. A rotational flap was inserted into the cut-open right pulmonary artery to augment the neopulmonary arterial anastomotic site in another case. RESULTS: All patients are doing well at mid term follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: The indications of each method and reported tricks to avoid coronary artery kinking during an arterial switch operation are discussed.  相似文献   

High-frequency fatigue (HFF), the decline of force during continuous tetanic stimulation (lasting 4-40 s), was studied in isolated bundles of rat skeletal muscle fibers. HFF was slower in slow-twitch soleus fibers than in fast-twitch red or white sternomastoid fibers; denervation accelerated fatigue in soleus. Maximal 200-mmol/L potassium contractures of normal amplitude were induced in fatigued fibers, suggesting that crossbridge cycling and the voltage activation of excitation-contraction coupling could still occur maximally, but that activation by action potentials was impaired. An increase in [Na+]o slowed HFF, while a small increase in [K+]o or reduction in [Cl(-)]o accelerated HFF. Increasing the tetanic stimulation frequency exacerbated fatigue. Recovery from HFF proceeded rapidly since force increased markedly within a few seconds when stimulation ceased. These results support the hypothesis that a redistribution of Na+, K+, and Cl- across the transverse tubular membranes during repeated action potential activity induces fatigue by reducing the amplitude and conduction of action potentials.  相似文献   

To explore further alterations in skeletal muscle in chronic heart failure (CHF), we examined myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms from biopsies of the vastus lateralis in nine male patients with class II-III (CHF) (left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) 26 +/- 11%, peak oxygen consumption (peak VO2) 12.6 +/- 2 mL.kg-1.min-1) and nine age-matched sedentary normal males (NL). The relative content of MHC isoforms I, IIa, and IIx was determined by gel electrophoresis as follows: The normal sedentary group (NL) had a higher percent of MHC type I when compared with the patients (NL 48.4 +/- 7% vs CHF patients 24 +/- 21.6%, P < 0.05, no difference between MCH IIa (NL 45.1 +/- 10.5% vs CHF 56.0 +/- 12.5%), and CHF patients had a higher relative content of MHC type IIx than did the normal group (NL 6.5 +/- 9.6% vs CHF 20.0 +/- 12.9%, P < 0.05. Three of nine patients had no detectable MHC type I. In patients relative expression of MHC type I (%) was related to peak VO2 (r = 0.70, P < 0.05). Our results indicate that major alterations in MHC isoform expression are present in skeletal muscle in CHF. These alterations parallel previously reported changes in fiber typing that may affect contractile function i skeletal muscle and possibly exercise performance. The absence of MHC type I in some CHF patients suggests that skeletal muscle changes in this disorder are not solely a result of deconditioning, buy may reflect a specific skeletal muscle myopathy in this disorder.  相似文献   

In one set of experiments, the effect of sublethal X-irradiation on the 24 h localization of subcutaneously injected immune complexes in the lymph node follicles was studied in mice which were given HRP-anti-HRP complexes into the rear footpad at 1-3 weeks after irradiation and killed 1 day later. The 24 h follicular localization of injected immune complexes in draining popliteal nodes was severely impaired at 7 days after irradiation, at which time residual follicles were markedly depleted of B lymphocytes. In following weeks, residual follicles began to be repopulated, and the 24 h follicular localization of immune complexes became restored. Follicular dendritic cells (FDC), as was detected by the in vitro trapping assay and/or by the immunostaining for complement receptors CR1, were present in lymph nodes at any time after irradiation. Another group of mice were given HRP-anti-HRP complexes at 6 days of X-irradiation and killed from 15 min to 24 h later. Following the injection, complexes localized in residual follicles in draining nodes within 15 min but soon diminished in density and finally disappeared by 24 h after injection. It is obvious that sublethal irradiation affect neither transport of immune complexes to lymph node follicles nor their localization in these follicles. Rather rapid disappearance after temporal localization of immune complexes in residual follicles irradiated mice indicates that persisting FDC were unable effectively to trap immune complexes which were transported and localized in residual follicles. Ineffective trapping by FDC of immune complexes temporally localized in residual follicles is discussed in relation to the depletion of follicular B lymphocytes due to X-irradiation.  相似文献   

Interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) inhibits in vitro the activation of hepatic stellate cells (HSC), the primary extracellular matrix-producing cells in liver fibrosis. This study was undertaken to determine in vivo the effect of IFN-gamma in the rat model of liver fibrosis induced by dimethylnitrosamine (DMN), where HSC activation represents an early response to cell injury. Rats were killed after 1 or 3 weeks of treatment with DMN, IFN-gamma, DMN + IFN-gamma, or saline. Immunohistochemistry was used to identify proliferating (desmin-positive/bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU)-positive cells) and activated (alpha-smooth-muscle actin [alpha-SMA]-positive cells) HSCs. Collagen deposition was determined colorimetrically and by morphometry. The parenchymal extension of desmin- and actin-positive cells and of fibrotic tissue was measured by point-counting technique and expressed as a percentage of area. Western blot was used to determine laminin and fibronectin accumulation. The levels of messenger RNA (mRNA) for procollagen type I, fibronectin, and laminin were evaluated by Northern blot. No differences were observed in rats treated with either saline or IFN-gamma alone. IFN-gamma reduced HSC activation induced by liver injury, as shown by the decreased number of proliferating HSC and the reduction of parenchymal area occupied by alpha-SMA-positive cells observed in DMN + IFN-gamma-treated animals compared with the DMN group. This was associated with reduced collagen, laminin, and fibronectin accumulation and lower levels of mRNA for procollagen type I, fibronectin, and laminin in the DMN + IFN-gamma group. Thus, this study indicates that IFN-gamma reduces extracellular matrix deposition in vivo by inhibition of HSC activation.  相似文献   

1. Experiments have been performed in sheep to determine the contribution of lymph formed within a lymph node to the total protein output in lymph leaving the node. 2. The lymphatic duct leaving the popliteal lymph node was cannulated and the protein and lymphocyte output in efferent lymph determined. The afferent lymph flow to the popliteal node was then diverted and lymph formed only within the lymph node collected from the efferent cannula. It appeared from the results that the popliteal lymph node forms lymph at the rate of approximately 1 ml. per hour and may contribute 30-50% of the protein output observed in efferent lymph. 3. The importance of lymph formation within the lymph node varied between nodes found in different regions of the body. This was due in part to the different protein concentrations in the afferent lymph to the different nodes. 4. A positive correlation was found between the protein and lymphocyte concentrations in efferent lymph from the popliteal lymph node in seven out of eleven sheep and in lymph formed within the popliteal lymph node in two out of three sheep. It is suggested that this relationship may be due to an increased transfer of plasma proteins through the post-capillary venules in the lymph node accompanying the continual traffic of lymphocytes across the wall of these vessels. The results indicated that the protein transfer across the post-capillary venules was not an indiscriminate transfer of plasma per se but a selective transport from the blood plasma compartment based on molecular size.  相似文献   

The causative factors in muscle fatigue are multiple, and vary depending on the intensity and duration of the exercise, the fibre type composition of the muscle, and the individual's degree of fitness. Regardless of the aetiology, fatigue is characterized by the inability to maintain the required power output and the decline in power can be attributed to a reduced force and velocity. Following high-intensity exercise, peak force has been shown to recover biphasically with an initial rapid (2 min) recovery followed by a slower (50 min) return to the pre-fatigued condition. The resting membrane potential depolarizes by 10-15 mV, while the action potential overshoot declines by a similar magnitude. Following high-frequency stimulation of the frog semitendinous muscle, we observed intracellular potassium [K+]1 decrease from 142 +/- 5 to 97 +/- 8 mM, while sodium [Na+]i rose from 16 +/- 1 to 49 +/- 6 mM. The [K+]i loss was similar to that observed in fatigued mouse and human skeletal muscle, which suggests that there may be a limit to which [K+]i can decrease before the associated depolarization begins to limit the action potential frequency. Fibre depolarization to- 60 mV (a value observed in some cells) caused a significant reduction in the t-tubular charge movement, and the extent of the decline was inversely related to the concentration of extracellular Ca2+. A decrease in intracellular pH (pHi) to 6.0 was observed, and it has been suggested by some that low pH may disrupt E-C coupling by directly inhibiting the SR Ca2+ release channel. However, Lamb at al. (1992) observed that low pH had no effect on Ca2+ release, and we found low pHi to have no effect on t-tubular charge movement (Q) or the Q vs. Vm relationship. The Ca2+ released from the SR plays three important roles in the regulation of E-C coupling. As Ca2+ rises, it binds to the inner surface of the t-tubular charge sensor to increase charge (Q gamma) and thus Ca2+ release, it opens SR Ca2+ channels that are not voltage-regulated, and as [Ca2+]i increases further it feeds back to close the same channels. The late stages of fatigue have been shown to be in part caused by a reduced SR Ca2+ release. The exact cause of the reduced release is unknown, but the mechanism appears to involve a direct inhibition of the SR Ca2+ channel.  相似文献   

The possible role of altered extracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]o) in skeletal muscle fatigue was tested on isolated slow-twitch soleus and fast-twitch extensor digitorum longus muscles of the mouse. The following findings were made. 1) A change from the control solution (1.3 mM [Ca2+]o) to 10 mM [Ca2+]o, or to nominally Ca2+-free solutions, had little effect on tetanic force in nonfatigued muscle. 2) Almost complete restoration of tetanic force was induced by 10 mM [Ca2+]o in severely K+-depressed muscle (extracellular K+ concentration of 10-12 mM). This effect was attributed to a 5-mV reversal of the K+-induced depolarization and subsequent restoration of ability to generate action potentials (inferred by using the twitch force-stimulation strength relationship). 3) Tetanic force depressed by lowered extracellular Na+ concentration (40 mM) was further reduced with 10 mM [Ca2+]o. 4) Tetanic force loss at elevated extracellular K+ concentration (8 mM) and lowered extracellular Na+ concentration (100 mM) was partially reversed with 10 mM [Ca2+]o or markedly exacerbated with low [Ca2+]o. 5) Fatigue induced by using repeated tetani in soleus was attenuated at 10 mM [Ca2+]o (due to increased resting and evoked forces) and exacerbated at low [Ca2+]o. These combined results suggest, first, that raised [Ca2+]o protects against fatigue rather than inducing it and, second, that a considerable depletion of [Ca2+]o in the transverse tubules may contribute to fatigue.  相似文献   

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