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文章从移动核心网角度详细分析了BSC寻呼负荷超限告警的原因,并给出了规避短信群发业务对网络冲击的几种办法,希望能对移动核心网日常维护给予参考。  相似文献   

CDMA短信寻呼成功率是总部必须考核的指标之一,其得分直接影响到其他众多考核指标。以某市CDMA网络为例,统计分析寻呼成功率低的原因,提出了CDMA短信寻呼成功率的提升策略。测试验证结果表明:短信寻呼成功率上升明显。  相似文献   

在CDMA系统中,寻呼信道承载短信业务,单个消息体包含信息量的大小对寻呼信道的调度工作有一定影响。通过对寻呼信道的负荷计算和分析短信业务在寻呼信道上发送机制2个方面来阐述信道负荷与短信业务的发送之间的关系,从中找到短信业务发送的最佳长度与寻呼信道负荷之间的结合点,确定短信业务的单个消息体在寻呼信道上传送时的最佳信息量。  相似文献   

为了缓解数据业务集中区域CCCH信道资源不足,根据CS和PS业务需求的特点的不同,提出了改变使用CCCH信道的优先级的解决方案.即CS寻呼消息在遇到明显拥塞时可以优先于PS业务的立即指派消息发送,从而解决CS寻呼拥塞的问题.  相似文献   

介绍了长短信的定义及实现原理,长短信头结构的格式和设置方法,分析了长短信发送和接收的业务流程,根据业务流程及相关网元特点,提出了长短信发送成功率和时延的优化建议。  相似文献   

关于TMSI寻呼与IMSI寻呼性能分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
张月 《通信技术》2010,43(4):198-200
随着移动用户的持续增长和手机新业务的不断推广,移动通信系统的寻呼负荷日益加重。以移动用户漫游被叫时的呼叫流程为例,分析IMSI寻呼和TMSI寻呼的原理,对比两种寻呼方式对网络性能影响,提出一种评估寻呼方式的量化计算方法。通过对寻呼容量较为紧张网元的试验证明,该方法可以科学指导寻呼方式的优化工作,提高移动通信网络的系统寻呼容量,改善移动通信系统寻呼性能。  相似文献   

安志昆 《移动通信》1998,22(4):11-14
无线寻呼新技术主要集中在高速寻呼和双向寻呼方面。本文论述了高速寻呼的三种编码和双向寻呼的特点、结构、通信原理等。  相似文献   

LTE寻呼优化方案研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了LTE网络中的寻呼优化需求,针对固定位置或低移动性终端,提出2种解决方案,分别是基于网络侧的寻呼优化方案和基于终端的寻呼优化方案,并分析了对现有网元功能的影响,从而在保证一定的寻呼成功率的基础上,通过减小寻呼区域的方式来降低寻呼的信令负荷。  相似文献   

解飞 《电信技术》2015,(3):64-66
1优化背景端到端时延是影响客户感知的重要指标之一,伴随着系统关联的复杂性,网元节点的多样性,时延环节不断增加,甚至导致部分用户投诉。如行业短信下发较慢,短信营业厅10086查询短信下发较慢等,而这些问题往往集中在长短信下发过程中。当发送字节超过140或70个汉字时,终端会将短信拆分成多条短信后下发。终端在组装长短信的时候会根据长  相似文献   

GSM网络寻呼承载能力及突发应对策略分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
着重分析了GSM网络Um接口和Abis接口的寻呼承载能力,阐述了寻呼容量对位置区承载话务量的限制,以实例说明了寻呼量突发的特点,并提出了多种应对寻呼量突发的策略。  相似文献   

数据分页是Web应用程序开发中经常使用的一种技术,也是提高Web数据访问性能的主要手段。介绍了在ASP.NET 4.0中常用的GridView控件,深入研究了它的两种分页显示方法,并给出了相关的基本概念及相应的核心代码。  相似文献   

简要介绍了一种基于级联编解码方式实现的超强前向纠错(SFEC)设备技术,针对设备的硬件实现方案及原理作了重要论述,并对设备所使用的(RS,BCH)级联编码原理作了简要说明,最后列出了设备研制的经验总结.  相似文献   

本文对移动转售业务引入后对基础电信企业垃圾短信治理的影响进行了分析,基于现网实际情况提出了几种可行的移动转售业务垃圾短信治理方案并进行了比较分析。  相似文献   

移动通信的网络质量越来越受到关注,运营商对网络性能指标的稳定性要求越来越高,尤其是涉及到用户感知的指标,例如寻呼成功率、接通率、掉话率等,都提出了很高的要求。文章对影响用户感知的重要指标寻呼成功率进行了分析。从分析影响GSM网络寻呼成功率的原因人手,找到寻呼成功率的参数优化方法。通过无线寻呼参数的优化,使寻呼成功率明显提高,达到预期的目的,提高用户感知。  相似文献   

TD-LTE系统是纯IP网络,话音解决方案有单卡双待和话音回落两种,话音回落方案对终端电池的续航能力有较大提升。本文重点介绍TD-LTE系统话音回落的寻呼优化,针对寻呼过程中影响成功率的末端原因进行逐一分析定位,对失败占比较大的寻呼无响应、TAU、干扰进行了详细的分析并给出优化建议。  相似文献   

基于LDPC码,提出一种新颖的随机交织型级联码(RICC,random interleaved concatenatedcode)方案。在编码阶段,根据LDPC码中不同度数的变量节点采用不同纠错能力的BCH外码,分别进行保护的思想进行集分割编码;在译码阶段,采用硬判决辅助软判决的联合迭代译码。不同于传统的单极型和交织型级联方式,它是一种根据LDPC码变量节点(VN)度数来决定交织深度,因而交织方式是随机的。仿真结果分析表明,在误比特率(BER)为10-8时,四集合分割的RICC-4P的净编码增益(NCG)比无分割的单级型级联码提高了0.15dB,比ITU-T G.709和G.975.1标准中的RS(255,239)、RS(255,239)+CSOC(n/k=7/6,J=8)级联码和开销为25%的正交级联BCH码的NCG分别提高了3.0、1.5和0.4dB,其纠错性能的提升得益于采用集分割保护和硬判决辅助软判决的联合迭代译码。  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate and compare the asymptotic performance of concatenated convolutional coding schemes over GF(4) over additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channels. Both parallel concatenated codes (PCC) and serial concatenated codes (SCC) are considered. We construct such codes using optimal non‐binary convolutional codes where optimality is in the sense of achieving the largest minimum distance for a fixed number of encoder states. Code rates of the form k0/(k0 + 1) for k0=1, 8, and 64 are considered, which suite a wide spectrum of communications applications. For all of these code rates, we find the minimum distance and the corresponding multiplicity for both concatenated code systems. This is accomplished by feeding the encoder with all possible weight‐two and weight‐three input information patterns and monitoring, at the output of the encoder, the weight of the corresponding codewords and their multiplicity. Our analytical results indicate that the SCC codes considerably outperform their counterpart PCC codes at a much lower complexity. Inspired by the superiority of SCC codes, we also discuss a mathematical approach for analysing such codes, leading to a more comprehensive analysis and allowing for further improvement in performance by giving insights on designing a proper interleaver that is capable of eliminating the dominant error patterns. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In future mobile telecommunications, due to the huge number of users and the specific functions that support mobility, a significant amount of signaling load will have to be carried by the finite capacity of the radio link. Hence, methods aiming at radio link signaling load reduction are welcome. In this paper we propose and analyze a method that saves paging signaling load by exploiting information related to the terminal location during the most recent interaction between the terminal and the network. The penalty paid is extra processing power and extra paging delays. An analytical model is developed so as to describe the performance versus traffic intensity and mobility conditions. The performance of the proposed paging scheme is investigated, and it is shown that the method operates well even in the worst case, which is the high user mobility conditions. Possible extensions of the method, which exploit information related to the mobility degree of each individual user or information characterizing the mobility conditions in a certain location area, are also proposed.This paper has been partially funded by CEC through the RACE 2066 Mobile Network (MONET) project. The paper does not present the views of the project as a whole, but those of the authors.  相似文献   


Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is a widely used technique for wireless communications. But uncoded OFDM is not sufficient by itself, that is why channel coding is included to increase the system performance. In this study, concatenated Bose Chaudhuri Hocquenghem (BCH) and Convolutional Coded (CC) OFDM system is investigated for multipath fading channel with Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN). The simulation results show that the proposed concatenated code needs lower Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) when compared with single BCH code, single convolutional code and even with other concatenated systems. Throughout the simulations BCH coding is performed with 128, 256, 512 Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) lengths; whereas convolutional coding is performed with 1/2, 1/3 coding rates. Furthermore, interleavers are added to the system to prevent the burst errors that occur over the channel. With the proposed system, the best result is obtained by using BCH(511,340) and CC(3,1,7) concatenation which is 8.2 dB SNR value for 10?3 Bit Error Rate (BER). This result is very close to ideal AWGN channel value, which is 8 dB for 10?3 BER.  相似文献   

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