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Heart disease and cancer, the major causes of mortality and morbidity in Western countries, have common risk factors. Exercise appears to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, but its role with respect to primary prevention of cancer has not been emphasized. Here we evaluate the epidemiological studies dealing with exercise and colon cancer. Despite the fact that different methods of assessing the amount of typical exercise of individuals and the different types of physical activity measured (occupational and recreational), there is remarkably consistent evidence that people who are highly physically active could be at a reduced risk of cancer of the colon. An analysis of case-control and cohort studies suggests that exercise might reduce the risk, at least in men, by up to one-third. We conclude that exercise has been overlooked as a potentially useful, effective, and acceptable method for reducing the risk of colon cancer.  相似文献   

Forty years of epidemiological research have shown that physical activity as well as physical fitness are inversely related to cardiovascular and all-cause mortality in men and women. This association is likely to be causal. The moderate and most active or fit individuals experience mortality rates that are approximately one-third to one half lower than the rates among those least active or fit. Furthermore, moderate or high levels of physical activity or cardiorespiratory fitness seem to protect against the influence of other potential predictors on mortality. There appears to be a dose-response curve. The greatest benefit is registered when the least active become moderately active or fit. In western societies the prevalence of physical inactivity has been found to be as high as 40%. Exercise guidelines, as traditionally prescribed for disease prevention and improvement of aerobic capacity, unfortunately have failed to enhance the level of physical activity. Currently, exercise training is being extended to include broader physical activity. This new paradigm emphasizes the potential effectiveness of moderately intense activities of daily life (lifestyle activity) for achieving health benefit, and aims at improving levels of general energy expenditure throughout the day. This paper analyses the actual epidemiological evidence for these new recommendations and discusses approaches at different levels of physical activity intervention including individual, community, organisational, environmental and policy-level strategies to increase the activity levels of inactive population groups as well as across the population as a whole.  相似文献   

Focuses on the importance of psychosocial and behavioral components of health care in the area of adolescent health care. The authors contend that it will ultimately be as a direct result of psychology's tangible (and visual) successes in areas such as adolescent health that will lead to psychological services becoming fully accepted within the overall health care system. The underlying policy notion is that if psychology addresses society's perceived needs, society (i.e., the nation's public policy/political leadership) will strive to meet the mental health profession's needs. The majority of problems adolescents face, regardless of apparent physical symptomatology, are essentially behavioral (psychosocial) in nature. The symptom distress model provides for a school-based integration of psychological knowledge with clinical and educational expertise. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This paper reviews the epidemiologic data of associations between physical activity and cancer risk, describes potential mechanisms for a physical activity cancer link, and proposes future directions for research. METHODS: We reviewed English-language published papers on physical activity and cancer through Medline searches for epidemiologic studies, and through references on individual reports. We reviewed general texts on effects of exercise on human biology and applied the concepts to the biology of cancer in humans to describe potential mechanisms for a physical activity-cancer association. RESULTS: Considerable epidemiologic evidence has accrued linking increased physical activity with reduced occurrence of cancers of the breast and colon. The association between physical activity and cancers of other sites is unclear. Potential mechanisms for the association between physical activity and reduced risk for breast and colon cancer are varied: they range from bias due to physical activity's strong correlations with other health factors (e.g., diet, smoking, alcohol use, use of medications) to the metabolic effects resulting from increased physical activity and fitness, such as reduced obesity, hormonal and reproductive effects, mechanical effects, and enhancement of the immune system. CONCLUSIONS: The elucidation of biologic mechanisms for an association between physical activity and cancer may provide biological support for the association. It will contribute information to determine the type, frequency, and duration of exercise needed to maximize protection. This information will be needed before large-scale community interventions are begun, in order to choose the correct interventions for the desired effect of reduced incidence of the most common cancers.  相似文献   

Regular physical activity is an important component of a healthy life at all ages, and mounting scientific evidence has linked exercise to a wide array of physical and mental health benefits. This article will highlight some recent advances in knowledge. It will explore common myths that discourage the largely sedentary older population of the UK from changing their exercise habits.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The goal of this study was to provide insight concerning the potential of credentialing public health workers through an exploratory examination of public health leaders' perceptions. METHODS: Qualitative and quantitative procedures were used. Credentialing issues were identified through the literature and through open-ended interviews with leaders and experts. A 74-item Likert-type survey was used to quantify perceptions. Key informants and survey participants were identified through pertinent organizations. RESULTS: The public health leaders leaned toward consensus on some benefits of and concerns about credentialing. There was no consensus related to a specific form of desired credentialing, although national certification was supported by a plurality. State licensing and an emphasis on the master's in public health (MPH) degree were opposed by large margins. Public health leadership survey results were similar to results of a survey of credentialing experts. CONCLUSIONS: The lack of consensus and the vehemence of some opposing positions indicate that movements toward credentialing should proceed cautiously. However, many of the response patterns indicate that the issue merits further exploration.  相似文献   

The Bair Hugger system is a new and highly effective active patient warming system which produces a layer of warm air between the patient and the warming system. We report an instance of marked softening and distortion of a polyvinyl chloride tracheal tube caused by this layer. We also present laboratory data indicating that this is a likely problem under routine theatre conditions, with suggestions for prevention.  相似文献   

Health psychology and public health share many common interests and goals, but frequently define and approach problems differently. Drawing from historical and contemporary examples, this paper examines key elements of the public health approach: identification of a health problem in a population, empirically derived understanding of problems, and use of preventive interventions, often of a regulatory nature. Justification for this approach is based on explication of the public health model, described in comparison to the traditional medical model and several psychological approaches. The example of health promotion is used to explore both challenges and potential pitfalls of collaboration between health psychology and public health. (21 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Cervical cancer is a disease that affects women worldwide. In some countries it is the leading cause of death among women. Although the incidence of cervical cancer has decreased with the advent of the Papanicolaou smear, it remains a problem in adult women. Cervical dysplasia most often affects women in their 20s; carcinoma in situ affects women 30 to 39 years of age; and invasive carcinoma affects women older than 40 years. These age groups fall into the final three of Erickson's eight stages of ego development. However, taking a developmental approach in planning nursing interventions for women with cervical cancer has its drawbacks. Much of developmental theory research has been conducted on nonrepresentative samples, with women being underrepresented. A template for exploring patient problems from a life stage (developmental) perspective has been developed within the context of three different nursing diagnoses (sexual dysfunction, spiritual distress, and alteration in family processes).  相似文献   

Physical activity and the risk of breast cancer   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
BACKGROUND: Because physical activity may affect hormonal concentrations and energy balance, we decided to investigate whether everyday exercise is related to the risk of breast cancer. METHODS: During 1974 to 1978 and 1977 to 1983, a total of 25,624 women, 20 to 54 years of age at entry, enrolled in health surveys and answered questionnaires about leisure-time and work activity. RESULTS: During a median follow-up of 13.7 years, we identified 351 cases of invasive breast cancer among the 25,624 women in the cohort. Greater leisure-time activity was associated with a reduced risk of breast cancer, after adjustments for age, body-mass index (the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters), height, parity, and county of residence (relative risk, 0.63; 95 percent confidence interval, 0.42 to 0.95), among women who exercised regularly, as compared with sedentary women (P for trend=0.04). In regularly exercising women, the reduction in risk was greater in premenopausal women than in postmenopausal women, and greater in younger women (<45 years at study entry) than in older women (> or =45 years) (relative risk, 0.38; 95 percent confidence interval, 0.19 to 0.79). In stratified analyses the risk of breast cancer was lowest in lean women (body-mass index, <22.8) who exercised at least four hours per week (relative risk, 0.28; 95 percent confidence interval, 0.11 to 0.70). The risk was also reduced with higher levels of activity at work, and again there was a more pronounced effect among premenopausal than postmenopausal women. CONCLUSIONS: Physical activity during leisure time and at work is associated with a reduced risk of breast cancer.  相似文献   

Evidence has been accumulating that suggests that physical activity may help reduce the risk of cancer. Physically active people have been shown to have a decreased rate of all-cancer mortality. The incidence of colon, breast, and perhaps prostate cancer are decreased in more active people when compared with their sedentary peers. Chronic physical activity may decrease tumor risk by its effect on natural immunity, antioxidant defenses, improved energy balance, hormonal changes, or by other unknown mechanisms.  相似文献   

Latex sensitivity is becoming epidemic in the health care arena. Providers of health care need to be aware of the signs and symptoms, the treatments, and the consequences of latex sensitive reactions. In this article, I will provide information about latex sensitivities that will enable health care workers and their patients to have a better understanding of the phenomena. Resource information is provided for the latest information pertaining to latex sensitivities to aid in the education of health care providers and their patients.  相似文献   

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