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本工作对叉形探测器乏燃料测量系统进行了改进。改进的乏燃料组件测量系统仍包容了总γ、高分辨γ和无源中子3种测量方法。系统的改进涉及以下4个方面。 相似文献
概要综述了用无源和有源非破坏性分析技术测量动力堆乏燃料组件燃耗的基本原理、方法和实验装置。由电离室和裂变室组成的标准叉型探测器具有性能稳定可靠、分析速度快、操作简单、携带方便等优点。当前,它对LWR组件的燃耗测量值和申报值的偏差在±1%以内。用高分辨γ谱方法(HRGS)测量组件的燃耗,也能达到同样的精度。根据测量得到的中子计数或γ放射性,可以确定组件中可裂变物质的含量。 相似文献
文章介绍动力堆燃料燃耗测定中样品的溶解方法,试验不同浓度HNO3-HCl混合液在沸腾温度下溶解UO2冷样品的效果,以萤光光度计测定溶解液的透明度予以判别。用7.5mol.l^-1HNOE-HCl混合液(c(HNO3):c(HCl)=4:1),溶解热样品,溶解液涂片在超显微镜下检查未见不溶颗粒存在。 相似文献
为实现第三代中国燃料组件(CF3)的小批量应用,研究了方家山核电厂2号机组第4循环到第7循环的燃料管理策略。在综合考虑核电厂运行经济性、安全性和CF3小批量应用的辐照考验要求的基础上,完成了CF3小批量辐照的燃料管理方案。为了进一步提高CF3的最大卸料燃耗,进行了燃耗达到55000?MW·d/t(U)的可行性分析。研究表明,CF3小批量辐照的燃料管理方案满足核电厂运行的安全性和经济性,达到了CF3小批量应用的辐照考验要求,如果后续调整该燃料管理方案的第3循环的堆芯装载,可以实现CF3的燃耗达到55000?MW·d/t(U)。 相似文献
AFA3G燃料组件和燃料棒的辐照生长 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
叙述了AFA3G燃料组件和燃料棒在辐照情况下的生长机理,设计准则,计算方法和计算结果,论证了在大亚湾18个月换料情况下,AFA3G燃料棒和燃料组件的辐照生长满足设计准则的要求,并给出了设计的裕量值。 相似文献
<正>There are three different analytical methods used in spent fuel assemblies burnup measurement device.They are high resolution gamma ray spectrometry,total gamma ray counting method and total neutron counting method.The high resolution gamma ray spectrometry used one 相似文献
《Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology》2013,50(12):998-1013
The burnup of fuel pins in the subassemblies irradiated at the range from 0.003 to 13.28%FIMA in the JOYO MK-II core were measured by the isotope dilution analysis. For the measurement, 75 and 51 specimens were taken from the fuel pins of driver fuel and irradiation test subassemblies, respectively. The data of burnup could be obtained within an experimental error of 4%, and were compared with the ones calculated by 3-dimensional neutron diffusion codes MAGI and ESPRIT-J, which are used for JOYO core management system. Both data of burnup almost agree with each other within an error of 5%. For the fuel pins loaded at the outer region of the subassembly in the 4th row, which was adjacent to reflectors, however, some of the calculation results were 15% less at most than the measured values. It is suggested from the calculation by a Monte Carlo code MCNP-4A that this difference between the calculated and the measured data attribute from the softening of neutron flux in the region adjacent to the reflector. 相似文献
A. D. Efanov A. P. Sorokin A. V. Zhukov G. P. Bogoslovskaya G. A. Sorokin 《Atomic Energy》2003,95(3):601-608
The results of thermomechanical and thermohydraulic studies showing the relative effect of the deformation of fuel-element claddings and lattices in fast-reactor fuel assemblies on their temperature regimes are presented. It is shown that the temperature nonuniformities in fuel assemblies largely determine the deformation of fuel assemblies and, in turn, the operating efficiency and, correspondingly, the degree of burnup of nuclear fuel in fast reactors. The increase in the efficiency of the fuel assemblies is largely due to temperature smoothing, including smoothing of local temperature nonuniformities. Various solutions to technical and structural problems can accomplish this. 相似文献
固体径迹法测量水泥反射体中~(252)Cf中子源反射中子 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
叙述了水泥反射体中~(252)Cf中子源反射中子测量实验原理。测量了无反射体、有反射体、本底三种状态下中子引发~(235)U产生的裂变率。并根据裂变率得到实验模型下水泥反射体对中子的反射系数。比较了不同中子源相同实验模型水泥反射体对中子的反射系数,对反射系数随角度变化趋势进行了分析。同时,对固体径迹探测技术进行了研究,探索了最佳蚀刻条件,得到火花放电计数随信号膜质量厚度及蚀刻厚度变化趋势。标定了固体径迹火花自动计数器效率,发展了固体径迹探测技术。 相似文献
用中子活化分析法测定~(238)U/~(235)U同位素丰度比 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
本文论述了用中子活化分析法测定含微量铀的样品中~(238)U/~(235)U同位素丰度比的原理及方法。样品在反应堆中接受短时间照射后,用Ge(Li)探头或高纯锗探头-多道能谱分析仪-计算机系统测量射线的能谱.可以分辨出~(238)U和~(235)U的许多监测峰。利用这两种监测峰计数之比与这两种同位素丰度比成正比的关系,分析铀的同位素丰度比,在~(235)U丰度为0.6%-18%范围时精密度为1%-2%,在贫化铀和18%-60%丰度~(235)U时,精密度为2%-3%。 相似文献
本文通过三维网程序对所选择的高通量工程试验堆参考堆芯作了三维计算,通过已知的实验结果论证了计算结果的准确性。从物理计算分析的角度看,HFETR元件在不超过最大燃耗为67%这个限制值的提前下,盒平均燃耗限值可以由45%和提高到50%,同时元件的安全性能不变。 相似文献
一、前言光谱分析铀同位素的优点是设备简单,操作方便,比常用的质谱分析经济、快速、无记忆效应,直至目前,在核燃料循环中仍用于测定同位素的丰度。考虑到回收料U_3O_8仅需一般中等精度分析其丰度,故开展了铀同位素光谱分析试验。采用ИСП-51型光谱仪,加工了相板记录和光电记录两用暗合,用通常的玻璃感光板 相似文献